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Student Credit Card-no Credit History Credit Card?

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Well, the way it works in most countries you need to start in one of a few ways...

1. You get a different type of loan (i.e. Car loan is most common) with your parents co-signing for you. Once you start making payments on-time you will develope a credit histtory and can qualify for a credit card

2. You apply for a securred credit card and then use and pay on time and eventually you will build a credit history and then you can either change your securred card to an unsecurred card or as your credit improves you can apply with a different credit card issuer.

3. Some credit card companies actually specialize in issuing cards to "high risk"comsumers, their interest rates are higher and many have other "fees" but it is a way to get your foot in the door.

4. If you are a univerisyt student in the US, many credit card companies will hang out around campus trying to get students to apply for cards. In many cases they will tell you to add the ammount of school tuition to your salary along with any other part time income you may have. This inflates your income and makes it easier to be approved. I asked them isn't this dishinest and they all usually advised the same thing... no this is what everyoine does...

5. Get a good job... I high income that is provable will also make it easier to get a credit card...

*If this is in Thailand and you are a foreigner, then forget all of the above as the only thing that will help is if you have a well paying job provable with payslips and a work permit

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On this same subject I would like to ask a question:

If I have good enough credit in USA can I apply for a credit card from mastercharge and use my thailand address and have the card sent here instead of having to go through a USA address?

Any suggestions about the best company to apply from?

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