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Sharing An Internet Connection ?


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2 notebooks; A & B

Notebook A connects to the Internet via wired LAN (provided by owner of building);

Notebook A connects to Notebook B via WiFi (local network) ;

How to enable Notebook B to use Notebook A LAN's connection to the Internet ?

Unable to enable Internet sharing for Notebook A

File sharing is not enabled


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I had a similar question, though about dial-up Here

There are a few helpful replies which solved my problem, but I'm not sure if this applies to your situation.

One thing appears to be sure is that you will have to make some changes to your settings on Notebook A.


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  • 1 month later...

What operating system are you using?

Here is a guide for Windows XP that matches your setup (Internet Connection coming in on LAN port, share internet via wifi to another computer)

How To Share Internet Connection in XP Without Wireless Router » Raymond.CC Blog

(Once it is working you should enable a strong encryption better than WEP)

You state that you cannot enable Internet Connection Sharing on Notebook A. What exactly is not working.

I agree that a wireless Access Point (prices start at just below 1000 THB, 'better' brands from 1500 THB) might be the better solution. You just connect the AP to the LAN cable and you can then connect both notebooks via WLAN to the AP.

EDIT: Just noticed that the linked Access Point is actually a wireless router. Prices don't differ much between bare Access Points and wireless routers, since hardware production costs are the same. Most wireless routers should have an option to run as bare AccessPoint. It is recommended to disable the router part to avoid creating cascaded network/router setup.

However, if the owner limits you to one IP address then you will actually be required to setup a router.


Edited by welo
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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the link

will try it at leisure

a faster and cheaper solution is to subscribe to 3BB connection at 100 Baht / per month for unlimited wifi access although the connection frequently lags

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Setup as per instructions;

Notebook A connected via LAN;

Notebook A connect via WiFi with Notebook B

Notebook B cannot access the Internet

Spoonman and Welo has a point :rolleyes:

Get a router or access-point

But ... this is fun so

Can you post the ip adresses and masks and gateway of both wifi and LAN on both computers?


Edited by siamect
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I'm afraid setting up internet sharing requires a bit of interaction from your side to get it working.

We need to figure out what is going wrong and need to have more information on your setup.

To answer siamect's questions you will need to run 'ipconfig /all' on both computers and copy the results here.

See here:

How to find IP address in windows xp


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This video explains the process for Windows XP and Vista, and Mac OSX.


Using WEP, however, is not a good choice in terms of security.

Windows XP is doable but inconvenient

Windows Vista is OK, but somehow not really straight forward

OSX is straight forward and offers best control as well

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