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Presciption From Doctor Pattaya


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i have been buying a medication on the net for years, never needed a prescription now the company saythey have to have a presciption before they can process. the drug is imovane quite harmless but not available in Thailand. i went to Bangkok hospital and the doctor said he was not allowed to give prescriptions for medicine outside of the hospital, he did offer ryhpnol as an alterntive which i thought was odd.

does anybody know a doctor in Pattaya who can give me a prescription to send to the UK for the meds i need. i will obviously pay for the consultation. nothing illegal doctors give scipts all the time for meds ordered on the net, just need one in Pattaya

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I would try to get a prescription from Dr Belan (down the road at the side the Bangkok bank opposite Soi 6) or as Syd says a good pharmecy might be able to come up with a generic version, maybe try the one on the road between the corner walking St and 2nd road

(the one that downsized and opened a massage place next door) they speak excellent English and have a computer so they can check the availability

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thanks for the info will give them a try, prity well known as Imovane, doctors here know it but do not use it. will try out all suggestions just need one prescrption, and thats it. cant get Imovane but happily give ryhpnol. TIT,

once again thanks

any excuse to get down soi 6

Edited by NALAK
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just to say tried all of the above, Dr Belan said he could not write a prescription as he was not licensed for that kind of drug, Fascino put it in the computer then looked in horrer and said no no no. looks like back to trawling net again, although i will try a few more hospitals. tried the pharmacy at soi sabai (near walking street), no joy but thanks for PM

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John, is Dr. Belan a farang, is there a sign in front of his office, I can't quit place where that location is, 'opposite Soi 6?'

Dr Belan is a Filipino woman and speaks perfect English, if you stand in front of the bkk bank opposite soi 6 the Soi is on the right, there is a sign at the end next to the bank and her clinic is about 100 meters into the soi on the right hand side

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Also known as rhovane. Dished out like sweets by many BKK pharmasists and it is a short-acting sleeping pill with no after effects.

Thus it is suitable for long-haul sleeping.

It is a newish kind of sleeping drug, considered safer than both barbiturates or benzodiazepams.

Zolpidem is its' sister drug, so ask for this if you cannot get Zopiclone.

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Thanks John, I too am looking for a Dr. to write a prescription for Xanax (alprazolam). I 'm sure Rhovane (Zopiclone) falls in this catagory also as a sleeping pill.

True, pharmacys sell these w/o a script, but that can be trouble if the BIB in decide to hassle if found on your person.

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I'm still trying to understand how the prescription system works in Thailand. AFAIK it doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard about any being written. If you need something not legally allowed over the counter I think the only legal way is to go to a hospital who can provide it through one of their doctors and their own pharmacy. Would like to know the real story from someone in the know (and not just hearsay).

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John, is Dr. Belan a farang, is there a sign in front of his office, I can't quit place where that location is, 'opposite Soi 6?'

Dr Belan is a Filipino woman and speaks perfect English, if you stand in front of the bkk bank opposite soi 6 the Soi is on the right, there is a sign at the end next to the bank and her clinic is about 100 meters into the soi on the right hand side

sorry i assumed a guy, i went in and asked receptionist, she took the box and said i will go and ask Dr Belan. sexist i just thought it was a guy, good spot drove past it a few times before i notied road down side of BKK bank and sign on main road. easy to park.

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I'm still trying to understand how the prescription system works in Thailand. AFAIK it doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard about any being written. If you need something not legally allowed over the counter I think the only legal way is to go to a hospital who can provide it through one of their doctors and their own pharmacy. Would like to know the real story from someone in the know (and not just hearsay).

me to, i just need prescription to buy on the net, doctors here have heard of it but dont use it, it is quite mild but i have been using it for years. it seems hospitals give a presciption but only for drugs in there own hospital. apparanty differnt licences for differnt doctors pharmacy etc, in Samui Xanex freely available but here i am stuggling to find a pharmasist thats liciensed to sell it. its a job to know whats legal and not. i asked doctor in Bangkok Hospital if ryhipnol was addictive, he just laughed and said i can cure heroin addiction dont worry, but i did and declined the ryhpnol.

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  • 1 month later...

So, the upshot is (I gather) that imovane is not available anywhere in Pattaya. I notice that some online pharmacies are advertising imovane without requiring a prescription. The prices are not cheap, ranging from just under $2 a pill to $3 a pill, depending on quantity. Has anyone had a good experience with one of these online pharmacies?

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So, the upshot is (I gather) that imovane is not available anywhere in Pattaya. I notice that some online pharmacies are advertising imovane without requiring a prescription. The prices are not cheap, ranging from just under $2 a pill to $3 a pill, depending on quantity. Has anyone had a good experience with one of these online pharmacies?

I wouldn't try to import any drugs into Thailand if I were you. It's just asking for trouble.

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So, the upshot is (I gather) that imovane is not available anywhere in Pattaya. I notice that some online pharmacies are advertising imovane without requiring a prescription. The prices are not cheap, ranging from just under $2 a pill to $3 a pill, depending on quantity. Has anyone had a good experience with one of these online pharmacies?

I wouldn't try to import any drugs into Thailand if I were you. It's just asking for trouble.

Why do you say that? Is it illegal to import prescription drugs into Thailand? I come from a country where it is perfectly legal to import medicines for one's personal use.

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I'm still trying to understand how the prescription system works in Thailand. AFAIK it doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard about any being written. If you need something not legally allowed over the counter I think the only legal way is to go to a hospital who can provide it through one of their doctors and their own pharmacy. Would like to know the real story from someone in the know (and not just hearsay).

I have got a prescription from a doctor at the small hospital next to the naval base in Sattahip. It wasn't for me but for my girls son. Reason was so that we shouldn't have to go back to the hospital again for a refill.

I tried to buy his medicine at Fashino on Pattaya Nua and first time I got it no problem. Second time I was told I could not buy it without a prescription, so I went to get the one I had laying around in my car.

Went back in with the prescription and they filled it for me without problems.

So yes, there is prescription system here in Thailand. I'm surprised that the OP has not been able to get a doctor here to write one for him, but it could be that you need to find the right doctor that are allowed to write prescriptions for the specific drug.

However one would assume that any major hospital should have at least one physician on staff that can write the appropriate prescription... :)

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I'm still trying to understand how the prescription system works in Thailand. AFAIK it doesn't exist, I've never seen or heard about any being written. If you need something not legally allowed over the counter I think the only legal way is to go to a hospital who can provide it through one of their doctors and their own pharmacy. Would like to know the real story from someone in the know (and not just hearsay).

I have got a prescription from a doctor at the small hospital next to the naval base in Sattahip. It wasn't for me but for my girls son. Reason was so that we shouldn't have to go back to the hospital again for a refill.

I tried to buy his medicine at Fashino on Pattaya Nua and first time I got it no problem. Second time I was told I could not buy it without a prescription, so I went to get the one I had laying around in my car.

Went back in with the prescription and they filled it for me without problems.

So yes, there is prescription system here in Thailand. I'm surprised that the OP has not been able to get a doctor here to write one for him, but it could be that you need to find the right doctor that are allowed to write prescriptions for the specific drug.

However one would assume that any major hospital should have at least one physician on staff that can write the appropriate prescription... :)

they will only write them for meds issued in there own pharmacy as in hospital, then they will only give a prescription for 2 weeks meds then you have to go back to see doc and pay OP fees again, doctor told me that was Thai law but i am sure its not,. they wont give a prescription to take away from the hospitals. you found one thats great. only certain doctors are liecenced to issue certain kinds of meds as you say, i found 3 but had to have meds issued by their pharmacy. i wanted it to buy online meds,the company excepted a photo of the med box issued by the hospital. they also gave me 100% free meds on top as gesture of good will. i tried 4 doctors then gave up as i found a solution. if i need one again i will try the hospital in Sattahip. yes the hospitals have the staff but you cannot take the prescription away, hospital rules according to the doctors. more cash for the hospital i suppose.

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True that these meds where available at the local hospitals pharmacy. And you are pretty correct about the time frame, we actually got an initialed supply of about 60 days, so a bit more then the 2 weeks. But that's not the point.

However talking to the doc about future usage he didn't hesitate on writing us a prescription for more meds that could be picked up at any local pharmacy.

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"Zopiclone, (brand name Imovane in Canada, and Zimovane in the UK) is a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic agent used in the treatment of insomnia. In the United States, zopiclone is not commercially available[1], although its active stereoisomer, eszopiclone, is sold under the names Lunesta (see History). Zopiclone is a controlled substance in the United States, Canada, Japan, Brazil and some European countries, and may be illegal to possess without a prescription.

Zopiclone is known colloquially as a "Z-drug". Other Z-drugs include zaleplon (Sonata) and zolpidem (Ambien and AmbienCR) and were initially thought to be less addictive and/or habit-forming than benzodiazepines. However, this appraisal has shifted somewhat in the last few years as cases of addiction and habituation have been presented. It is recommended that zopiclone be taken on an "as needed" basis. Daily or continuous use of the drug is not usually advised.[2] While it acts on the same benzodiazepine receptors as the benzodiazepine family of drugs it is not classed as a benzodiazepine (with which it shares a number of characteristics and effects) due to its differing molecular structure." source wiki

Stilnox/ambien is a good sleeping med, however no sleeping med should be used long term. Rohypnol is also known in the US as the date rape drug for its sedative main effect and amnesiac side effects.

Not to sound preachy, but sleeping meds can hide problems that should be addressed. Unless I missed that you are using this drug for long haul flights and therefor not regularly, then just be aware that bizarre sleep walking behavior is sometimes seen with Ambien and similar "new" sleeping meds.


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