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Businesses Affected In Silom


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not interested in political opinions, just would want to know which businesses have been affected by the stand off at silom.

schools, hospitals, retail, banks ... which ones have closed temporarily over the past few days?

thanks for any input :)

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those that rely on japanese tourist are hurting badly.

the sex joints to be specific :):D

the nana bars that usually have 60%-40% japanese - farang mix have now majority farang clientele. ive heard the bargirls are gonna start an anti red shirt campaign. their motto -NO SHIRTS_ :D:D

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I am there on a daily basis. During the day businesses are open as usual and the streets are still filled workers. The street vendors are still out and the restaurants and shops are open. One has to dodge some barb wire in spots and there are plenty of soldiers and lot of Thai flags. One thing stands out for me: the amount of gifts the Thais are giving the soldiers. Things like snacks, soft drinks, water and so on. I have noticed a couple of spots set up with coolers to handle all these donations. I didn't notice anyone crossing Rama IV to hand over gifts to the red shirts. I have not been there at night. The pedestrian overhead walk from Rama IV to the Sala Daeng station is closed to the public.

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My business premises about 4oo metres from Rama 4 intersection. Our building manager cam yesterday afternoon and asked us to close at 3pm as they feared 'something was about to happen'. Well apparently the rock throwing didn't start until about 9pm but our staff were pretty happy to get out of here. As I sit here writing this post there is a deafening noise coming from the rally of 'neutral' shirts across the road. They seem mostly comprised of office workers, street vendors etc. and a man on top of a truck with a very loud sound system. Lots of ranting and ravinf and the occassional patriotic song.......singing just started now - much nicer than the ranting and raving.

We are closing our office at lunchtime as clients have indicated they are fearful to come to the office. We will set up something temporary for the next few days and hope that things settle down or are resolved. (Not that I am very optimisitc about that). If the 'We Love Silom' group and the Red Shirts are allowed to clash and the army and/or police get involved there is no telling how it could end.

Back to the topic - who is being affected? Well everybody one way or the other. Ordinary folks just trying to get to and from work, suppliers, distributers, courier guys, street vendors............ I can't imagine how those poor folks over at Rachaprasong are getting on. There must be a lot of people pondering how to pay the rent (on business premises and at home).

Just my observation.

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