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Going Home. My 3 Year Stay Is Comming To An End.

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When I first started to live here I thought my dreams had come true. Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice.

But, after three years i have to say i am tired of the nonsence here.

I am buying the high end products from my home country because the prices here are crazy.

I have talked to many farang here and most that live, and stay, are people that have sold there home and have no other place to live. Or they have very little money.

I am kinda of puzzled about why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country.

I have had my fun now i will go home. I will sell my car, motorcycle. I did not fall into the trap about buying a home and everything in the womans name. Personally i find this to very bad move as an investment. Very bad investment indeed.

Anyone reading this that is new to Thailand please do not fall into the trap of the Thai women. In a few years the statistics are you will be back home and in bad financiial shape. Come as i did and research the subject and stay at least two or three years before you make a hasty desision.

Don't listen to the guys here that post and live here. They are the minority by a long way. Most have no means to leave and have invested heavily in thailand.

This is a very poor investment move and the few that get away with it are the lucky ones. They are the minority for sure.

Let me know if you want to live here and why?????? Is it because of a woman. If it is then, stay a few years get it out of your system and go home and live the good life.

If you really love it here and do not invest in Thailand. Then you are the smart one ,and staying here is a personals decision that you have made wisely.

I am still amazed at the men that come here and spend 30 years of retirement in 1-3 years. think of Thailand as a extended vacation. And keep your head and do not spend any serious money here.

That is my thought on Thailand.

Good Luck,

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Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia.

Dayum you must live like a King, my salary is a decent OZ salary and I do allright, can only imagine what it would be like if it was doubled.


Don't be so negative, you married in Europe and devorce cost you half of your investments, so don't complain if stay with a girl half the age off your daughter and loosing your 200k baht house in the middle of the jungle.

I love it here, why

Electricity, cheaper

Water, cheaper

Tax on property, cheaper

Propert, cheaper

Traveling, cheaper

Oil, gas, fuel, Cheaper

Food, cheaper

Health care, cheaper and better and quicker service

Dental care, cheaper and better and quicker service

Woman, lovely

Golf, cheaper

Many of my mates don't do f#$ck all, so when i am in Thailand they always have time for me :)

This is enough for me to stay here.

Wish you all the best and there is a good change that you will be back here within 2 years :D .


he OP said: "When I first started to live here I thought my dreams had come true. Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice.

But, after three years i have to say i am tired of the nonsence here.


I have talked to many farang here and most that live, and stay, are people that have sold there home and have no other place to live. Or they have very little money.

I am kinda of puzzled about why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country.

I have had my fun now i will go home. I will sell my car, motorcycle. I did not fall into the trap about buying a home and everything in the womans name. Personally i find this to very bad move as an investment. Very bad investment indeed.


Don't listen to the guys here that post and live here. They are the minority by a long way. Most have no means to leave and have invested heavily in thailand.

This is a very poor investment move and the few that get away with it are the lucky ones. They are the minority for sure.


If you really love it here and do not invest in Thailand. Then you are the smart one ,and staying here is a personals decision that you have made wisely.

I am still amazed at the men that come here and spend 30 years of retirement in 1-3 years. think of Thailand as a extended vacation. And keep your head and do not spend any serious money here.


I had it in my mind since around 1990 to come and retire here, and finally in 2009 I did so. To be perfectly honest, the first year I came here to visit I was 50% tourist and 50% sex tourist; in short I was a moron. I returned the following year and settled down quite a bit. By the third visit I was pretty much a normal tourist...yes, some would say the boring type who actually loves visiting temples, and so forth. You said, "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice." What I learned very early on was that women might be cheap, but those women were also cheap women. Or men, or whatever you're into. :) Sexual satisfaction is always short term. Emotional satisfaction is long term. The former anyone can get in Thailand at any time. The latter, as with wherever one lives, is more difficult to attain.

In terms of why isn't an industrialized country the better choice? I think it depends on why you come here. For me, at age 60, the idea is that I've spent 60 years living in America, an industrialized nation. So for this last chapter in life, do something really different. There are lots of things I miss about America, but, at least at this point, it is more than balanced here. I've learned to enjoy different things. And on those days when I think that maybe I'd be better off moving back, I find it quite easy to think and balance and decide -- at least for now -- to stay here.

I think you're correct, that in some senses, many who are here are sort of stuck. Often it's part of a poorly planned life. Or dam_n bad luck. In that sense, I'm one of the lucky ones. I have burned no bridges. Almost all of money is in a secure account back home, and barring a complete financial meltdown, should be safe. My pensions are healthy and, again, barring a meltdown, should stay that way. If I had to move back tomorrow, I'd be very sad, because I am in a very positive relationship here. But aside from that, the moving back would be more an inconvenience than anything.

Of course, the political unrest here is worrisome. If it follows historical patterns, things will sort themselves out to some extent and relative normalcy will return in a reasonable time. If not, well I can always go home, and I guess it's a little reassuring that in a true crisis the American government would help its citizens to some extent to get back home.

But right now I'm relatively calm about the situation, at least as it applies to me, and I am that way because I can compare this crisis to another I live through -- 9/11 living just 7 miles from the Capitol of Washington. I remember many nights and even weeks of nervously wondering if living where I did I might become a victim of terrorism or be required to evacuate or.... I was a school principal, and following 9/11, and due to our proximity to the capital and the CIA (which was about 1 mile away), I was trained on how our school would "survive" a chemical, gas, or biologic attack. For my particular school, due to its physical plant, I would be the one to decide which employee would be sent outside in such an attack, walk to the back of the building to enter the electrical room (exterior access only) and shut down the air exchangers to prevent anything from the outside air being sucked into the building. Yeah, right.

So, while I'm feeling a little stress here, it's less stress than I felt living near Washington! But it's nice knowing that if it really got bad, moving home would be more of an inconvenience than anything.

Good luck in your return home.


So the OP has done a deep research at the Expat community all over Thailand in his 3 years from all perspectives to let us know his shocking result? :)

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :D

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap

I don't agree with his sentiments at all, but at least he is honest about why he came in the first place. In that regard, he does not have a lot of company. :)

Don't be so negative, you married in Europe and devorce cost you half of your investments, so don't complain if stay with a girl half the age off your daughter and loosing your 200k baht house in the middle of the jungle.

I love it here, why

Electricity, cheaper

Water, cheaper

Tax on property, cheaper

Propert, cheaper

Traveling, cheaper

Oil, gas, fuel, Cheaper

Food, cheaper

Health care, cheaper and better and quicker service

Dental care, cheaper and better and quicker service

Woman, lovely

Golf, cheaper

Many of my mates don't do f#$ck all, so when i am in Thailand they always have time for me :)

This is enough for me to stay here.

Wish you all the best and there is a good change that you will be back here within 2 years :D .

You should really have a look around! 8 of the 11 examples you give are arguable, I would agree that the dental and health care is cheaper (unless you have appropriate insurance). If by tax on property you mean council/local authority tax then yes that at the moment is cheaper however it can be argued that you do actually get something for your money in the West, i.e libraries, decent roads, drainage, sewerage, emergency services etc.

My electric is per unit cheaper than I was paying here, my water free (other than the cost of pumping up from the well) I sold up here and brought a better bigger quality home (although without a pool) for less than I paid here.

Gas is cheaper, food is of a superior quality and about the same price as falang food here. Of course if you are drawn towards females half your age then that would be extremely expensive in the West so I guess that is a Thailand plus?

And why did you come here? Let me guess for cultural enlightenment? Studying Wats? Culinary delights? Or was it for the same reasons the OP stated?

At least he is honest! Like you have never paid for a whore? Have a look in the mirror before you slag off others and get a real life you sanctimonious <deleted>.

what brought you to Thailand Tommy ???

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap

I don't agree with his sentiments at all, but at least he is honest about why he came in the first place. In that regard, he does not have a lot of company. :D

And why did you come here? Let me guess for cultural enlightenment? Studying Wats? Culinary delights? Or was it for the same reasons the OP stated?

At least he is honest! Like you have never paid for a whore? Have a look in the mirror before you slag off others and get a real life you sanctimonious <deleted>.

You should learn to read before you start throwing stones. You have proven that there is more than one "sanctimonious <deleted>" around here. :)

By the way, I was saying that I don't agree with his sentiments about not wanting to stay in Thailand. His reasons for coming in the first place are his business and are pretty widespread wouldn't you say?

Electricity, cheaper

Water, cheaper

Tax on property, cheaper

Propert, cheaper

Traveling, cheaper

Oil, gas, fuel, Cheaper

Food, cheaper

Health care, cheaper

Dental care, cheaper

Golf, cheaper

I prefer the term "less expensive." Cheap tends to be associated with "kem" or "gra jaawk."

No sour grapes for me in Thailand either. Love of my life, her adorable daughter who calls me Papa. Two rai and beautiful home bought and paid for (costing one-third what it would in any western country). It hasn't been easy at times. But it's better than anything else I've ever known.


Bold first post. Bound to upset the fantasists who have a wildly different deffinition of "Love" than the man on the clapham omnibus.

I have learned a lot in four years here and while I might leave and try somewhere else at some point I would be fairly confident that I will come here long term again in the future. Why?

I've learned a decent amount of the Language

I've learned to understand (if not always accept) the way of the people around me.

I've grown up in my views about relationships and accept that local ones here won't suit me, and am still happy here.

I love the subject of EFL and would probably want to do more to help it (research/teaching/training) as I find it rewarding.

While I didn't know about the sex tourism here before I came, I understand it now. While I don't like it, it doesn't really impact me here.

It is well within my means in terms of living off residual income (when I am old enough for a retirement visa)

Its a gateway to more explorations around a continent I had never previously been interested in.

Lots of pretty things to see (even if one prefers not to touch).

Thats it, in a nutshell.

electricity is cheaper here? no way.

water is cheaper? no.

gasoline is cheaper? no, it's not.

Compared to where, exactly?

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

Agreed there are many many farangs here with expat packages earning more than they would back home 300-800,000 Baht per month US dollar equivalent plus car, housing allowance etc etc - but i have noticed that teachers, retirees, work from home website owners type expats with lowish salaries live completely separate lives from the expat package crowd and probably are not aware that there are so many expat package people around around in Bkk. From my experience I can say that this expat package crowd are pretty dam_n pleased to be posted in Thailand:)


Life is what you make it. There are things that drive me crazy about Thailand but nowhere is perfect so you have to make a judgement based on the pro's and cons.

I came here married and now I am single. I set up a business and, through working extremely hard, have seen it grow and become the most successful of it's kind in Asia. Even though I started it at the beginning of the worst recession in living memory and with all the current political turbulence it is still going strong.

I am investing millions back into the economy which everyone tells me is madness. Just like everyone back in the Uk told me it was madness to start a business in Thailand.

In two years I have created a life and lifestyle which would be the envy of many (except the working hours!!).

ANyone moving to any country and expecting to live like a tourist is going to be disappointed. A holiday is just that; a break from reality. It is never the same when you live full time somewhere.

For all its faults Thailand can be a great place to live. As long as you accept that there will be things you don't like.

Advice to others: Learn Thai, roll with it, get a job or interest, have fun. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

electricity is cheaper here? no way.

water is cheaper? no.

gasoline is cheaper? no, it's not.

I don't know where you comming from but all European countries longer then 4 years in the European union ar more expensive than Thailand on this points.


I came to Thailand in 1991 because of a good job offer. When the economy crashed here I remember very well sitting in the big bird at Don Muang. My thoughts were that I was getting out of this backward little country and was NEVER coming back.

After two weeks in the PC and expensive Kalifornia kingdom, I began to think of ways to come back to this backward little country. I don't intend to leave again. My rare visits back to the US make me absolutely positive that I made the right decision. Thailand is my home.

I can tell you that the grass always looks greener on the other side. I actually believed that and found it wasn't true.

When I first started to live here I thought my dreams had come true. Women were easy and cheap.

I stopped reading right there.

OP find out within 3 years that he was wrong on this one :D and leaving us here alone :) with all this difficult and expensive woman.

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :)

I personally think there is truth in this statement, if you took the "Cheap and easy women" out of the equation, would half the expats living here be living here ?....think not.....I am of the opinion that the driver for a vast number of male farangs settling here is one reason and one reason only....Women....... and cheap booze may be an added bonus

Climate, temples and Thai culture are not reasons... :D

you're right .

thailand sux .

no one should consider moving here

and all those already here should probably go back to where they came from .

Good post on this topic mate, well done.

If you have any advice how to write down crapp like this let me know.


Well...certainly some insight to the products of the "superior" Western education system....."If you dont like it you can leave" ....Is this this the best you lot can do after a minimum of 12 years Western Education ??

The OP is entitled to his opinion.

Here's my opinion after living here and working here for 9 years....When it comes time for retirement, both myself and Mrs Soutpeel both agree that Thailand will not be the place, even Mrs Soutpeel who has travelled with me extensively and seen other places says, "Thailand has changed and is no good these days" and this from a Thai national.

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

Agreed there are many many farangs here with expat packages earning more than they would back home 300-800,000 Baht per month US dollar equivalent plus car, housing allowance etc etc - but i have noticed that teachers, retirees, work from home website owners type expats with lowish salaries live completely separate lives from the expat package crowd and probably are not aware that there are so many expat package people around around in Bkk. From my experience I can say that this expat package crowd are pretty dam_n pleased to be posted in Thailand:)

I am a local hire, no housing etc

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