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Going Home. My 3 Year Stay Is Comming To An End.

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Women were easy and cheap?

I am sorry I had to stop reading after that.

It is nice you have such a high praise of the girls/ladies here.

Don't trip over your tongue on the way home.

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For some reason when I read this thread I just picture all these voices in my head of kindergarteners fighting over if they want to stay in kindergarten or go back home, this is the best laugh I’ve had today.

Thanks guys :)

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :)

I personally think there is truth in this statement, if you took the "Cheap and easy women" out of the equation, would half the expats living here be living here ?....think not.....I am of the opinion that the driver for a vast number of male farangs settling here is one reason and one reason only....Women....... and cheap booze may be an added bonus

Climate, temples and Thai culture are not reasons... :D

I got a question for you; how many older western women do you see retiring in Thailand? LOL.

It appears that older western women don't care for temples and Thai culture as much as older western men?


First of all I'd like point out that I am genuinely interested in finding out where golf in this country is cheap…!!!!?? Where!!!?? :)

I guess a common misperception of who are actually living here is biased by habits and friends. But for us who didn't actually sell everything we owned in order to come here and hang out in a bar 24/7 and hump cheap hookers, life isn't that bad. In fact, I can't see anything changing for me, and I can't see any reason why it would change in a near future.

If the advice of yours is directed to those who came to Thailand under conditions likely to be described as organized, then I'm sorry to tell you that they are probably not in minority and they are not likely to listen to your advice.

I believe there are a large number of people living in LOS for all sorts of dodgy reasons – they simply can not return to their home country for economical or legal reasons. I also believe there are a number of people here that ended up I LOS after a holiday trip with friends, during which they fell in love with the easy going life of hanging out in bars and get shagged by a fit 18-year old every night. Living in LOS is not a holiday, you have to earn your place and living, and that's probably where a majority of them got it all wrong and came here under the conception it would be a lifelong vacation.

Women were easy and cheap?

Several years back one of those why "farang marry Thai ladies" articles in the BP.

Titled:- Women of Mass Attraction - Thailand's best export

Cannot agree on the comments on cheap booze, unless your on the Lao Kaow

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :)

I personally think there is truth in this statement, if you took the "Cheap and easy women" out of the equation, would half the expats living here be living here ?....think not.....I am of the opinion that the driver for a vast number of male farangs settling here is one reason and one reason only....Women....... and cheap booze may be an added bonus

Climate, temples and Thai culture are not reasons... :D

I got a question for you; how many older western women do you see retiring in Thailand? LOL.

It appears that older western women don't care for temples and Thai culture as much as older western men?

Not many for sure, but there are a lot of older western women going to East Africa for some reason..... :D

gasoline is cheaper? no, it's not.

You must be American then? Fuel here is certainly cheaper here than in the UK.

With regards to the OP going back home I wonder how long before he returns here? I have seen a few people in the last 11 years go back to their home country and find that their rose tinted view wasn't like the reality. They soon come back.


I really don't like you guys who take a broad swipe at Bar Girls!

Bar Girls are made of of many types and personalities..some are good and some are bad but if you just write off a girl just because they work in a bar you are making a BIG mistake!

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.


I feel exactly the same way I have been here 5 years with a beautiful generous young lady and my life has never been better!

Thailand is my home and The USA is a memory!

I came to Thailand in 1991 because of a good job offer. When the economy crashed here I remember very well sitting in the big bird at Don Muang. My thoughts were that I was getting out of this backward little country and was NEVER coming back.

After two weeks in the PC and expensive Kalifornia kingdom, I began to think of ways to come back to this backward little country. I don't intend to leave again. My rare visits back to the US make me absolutely positive that I made the right decision. Thailand is my home.

I can tell you that the grass always looks greener on the other side. I actually believed that and found it wasn't true.


When you are retired here..it really is a lifelong vacation..thank you Thailand! I love it here!

I have already told my parents my children and my friends if they want to see me "Get on a JET Plane!..Even though I came here by train!

First of all I'd like point out that I am genuinely interested in finding out where golf in this country is cheap…!!!!?? Where!!!?? :)

I guess a common misperception of who are actually living here is biased by habits and friends. But for us who didn't actually sell everything we owned in order to come here and hang out in a bar 24/7 and hump cheap hookers, life isn't that bad. In fact, I can't see anything changing for me, and I can't see any reason why it would change in a near future.

If the advice of yours is directed to those who came to Thailand under conditions likely to be described as organized, then I'm sorry to tell you that they are probably not in minority and they are not likely to listen to your advice.

I believe there are a large number of people living in LOS for all sorts of dodgy reasons – they simply can not return to their home country for economical or legal reasons. I also believe there are a number of people here that ended up I LOS after a holiday trip with friends, during which they fell in love with the easy going life of hanging out in bars and get shagged by a fit 18-year old every night. Living in LOS is not a holiday, you have to earn your place and living, and that's probably where a majority of them got it all wrong and came here under the conception it would be a lifelong vacation.

electricity is cheaper here? no way.

water is cheaper? no.

gasoline is cheaper? no, it's not.

Compared to where, exactly?

Exactly my thoughts. Where are you talking about anothertorres? Let us in on your secret? Do they have political stability and cheap beer in this land you talk about? :)

I really don't like you guys who take a broad swipe at Bar Girls!

Bar Girls are made of of many types and personalities..some are good and some are bad but if you just write off a girl just because they work in a bar you are making a BIG mistake!

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

Yes bar girls are people. Yes they need to be treated as human beings, and yes I'm sure lots of them aren't bad girls.

But, they are PROSTITUTES. Anybody who is discussing Thailand with no more knowledge than a few years in girlie bars, is not in a position to have their opinion taken seriously.

OP you are a moron. You weren't able to make a happy, successful life here, so you have the arrogance to assume no one else will either. Nothing more than sour grapes, and plenty of them.

I think you will find 'Kurnells' advice is pretty good. I would change it slightly. If you want to get involved with a bar girl, go ahead. If and when it goes tits up, just have the decency to slope off quietly, and not bore the rest of us with your self inflicted troubles.


Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

Its always the case with these threads. I say, good on the OP, different things make different people happy, thats why we are not all the same - THANKFULLY!

Of course the OP could always consider going somewhere else, rather than to his home country, he might find happiness in Spain or Fiji or something.

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

Because his ignorance is tedious. If he had said this is what happened to me, this is why I can't live here any more, then fair enough. Telling other people that they shouldn't live or come here, as if, because he couldn't make it work then how could any body else possibly make it work, is arrogance of the highest order.

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

Because his ignorance is tedious. If he had said this is what happened to me, this is why I can't live here any more, then fair enough. Telling other people that they shouldn't live or come here, as if, because he couldn't make it work then how could any body else possibly make it work, is arrogance of the highest order.

I can see that the OP seems to have only upset people that have done what he suggested not to do, ie: invest in Thailand. Of course, everyone is entitled to an opinion, i didnt find his opinion arrogant. He only created a thread and voiced his ideas before leaving, if you don't like it, don't eat it :)

i didnt find his opinion arrogant. He only created a thread and voiced his ideas before leaving, if you don't like it, don't eat it :D

Then I would suggest that you don't understand people very well!

Happy people, who are just about to make themselves even happier by going somewhere they really want to go, don't normally think, "I know, I'll make a really negative post on the internet before I go"

In his own words, he came here to sleep with bar girls. After three years that got old, :) who would have thought it! now he's moving on. I don't really think anybody else needs advice from him, do you.

If his sub heading "Why live in Thailand" isn't suggesting we should all be on the next plane with him, then I don't know what is.

I really don't like you guys who take a broad swipe at Bar Girls!

Bar Girls are made of of many types and personalities..some are good and some are bad but if you just write off a girl just because they work in a bar you are making a BIG mistake!

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

Fair call. I stand corrected.

Right. My salary here is more than double what I would get in Australia. The house I bought here would cost triple in Australia.

***Handy tip: Don't get involved with a bar girl. That's a free one.

I'm with you mate...


What's wrong with bar girls?

I find them to be very pleasant and friendly, but I do tend to avoid the more obvious "Pattaya bar" type place.

Climate and cheap girls ....... it's true

Thai culture ..... non-existant.

Wats ....... tedious after the first six.

Climate and girls does it for me ...... apart from that same as UK but at half the price.

Oh and the police don't trail me around out here, so that's a big bonus.

i didnt find his opinion arrogant. He only created a thread and voiced his ideas before leaving, if you don't like it, don't eat it :D

Then I would suggest that you don't understand people very well!

In his own words, he came here to sleep with bar girls. After three years that got old, :) who would have thought it! now he's moving on. I don't really think anybody else needs advice from him, do you.

If his sub heading "Why live in Thailand" isn't suggesting we should all be on the next plane with him, then I don't know what is.

I would suggest you cant read....nowhere in the OP's post did he say he came to sleep with bar girls...he said "girls where cheap and easy".....sleeping with bar girls/prostitutes was YOUR interpretation of what he meant.

He wasnt giving advise as such he was giving opinions and observations of his time here and basically saying dont beleive everything that is written by long term expats (which is very true) and dont get caught out.

Not many for sure, but there are a lot of older western women going to East Africa for some reason..... :D
You've got a point there..! :)

Too bad my ex doesn't go!!!!! I would give her a free ticket.

Life is what you make it. There are things that drive me crazy about Thailand but nowhere is perfect so you have to make a judgement based on the pro's and cons.

I came here married and now I am single. I set up a business and, through working extremely hard, have seen it grow and become the most successful of it's kind in Asia. Even though I started it at the beginning of the worst recession in living memory and with all the current political turbulence it is still going strong.

I am investing millions back into the economy which everyone tells me is madness. Just like everyone back in the Uk told me it was madness to start a business in Thailand.

In two years I have created a life and lifestyle which would be the envy of many (except the working hours!!).

ANyone moving to any country and expecting to live like a tourist is going to be disappointed. A holiday is just that; a break from reality. It is never the same when you live full time somewhere.

For all its faults Thailand can be a great place to live. As long as you accept that there will be things you don't like.

Advice to others: Learn Thai, roll with it, get a job or interest, have fun. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

nice post... Always nice to hear someones opinion that doesn't resort to abusing someone else's... well done with the company etc by the way too...


Op you have your right to your opinion and you obviously struck a raw cord with too many people on here because they fall into that unfortunate category and have to brag about their wealth, it reeks of insecurities. Good luck to you and your future back home or any other place you wish to venture. You did it for three years in Thailand what a great experience. Maybe circumstances change for you, mature ( grow older and fatter), your eyesight changes, you can endure more bs in the everyday strungle, you hate the cold, or whatever welcome back my friend. I personnally did not read your comments as judging those that decide to stay in LOS as being less fortunate or of lesser intelligence ( although that is arguable).

Ok let me hear I been in for 40 years, I am rich as hel_l, it is my choice, I don't drink or chase bar girls. I love the country in my hut or my high rise condo which cost me 100mm baht. Oh yeah I like the I am a Phd in BS from online Unni lol. The war is coming to your neighborhood soon gents. Be prepared. A dark cloud of chaos is about to befallen Thailand. Get out while you can OP. And for those retires in LOS your are too old to be saying better to burnout than fade away....you are already fading.

Best to all

So the OP has done a deep research at the Expat community all over Thailand in his 3 years from all perspectives to let us know his shocking result? :)

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :D

was thinking that myself.He must be hanging round with the wrong people for 3 years lol.

I could say more but i think you just about summed him up without being nasty lol.

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