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ok, i can see your point with the copper on silom... If this was in bangkok i would probably argue that it was not my fault if I was not 100% sure it was...

But I would also wait until my insurance agent arrived before I did anything...

Lucky for me that this happened in nakhonsrithammarat/ thung song (filled with gangsters) so I think it was clear what would happen...

I think that people that lives out in the sticks has a better view of the BIB (they really dont want anything to with us)!

I have yet to meet a bad copper here, they might act mean and angry but in the end all they want is to be left alone with their little envelope...

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What an excellent thread for me to learn from! And well played Snowflake, I like your principles and style :)


Just be warned that this might not work in a tourist place... But as long as you have your papers, license, insurance in order... you should be covered for the most... (accident, not drunken accident)....

Drive safely, and enjoy the country...


I have first class insurance but it has a 5000 baht deductable. Is that for any accident or just if i need repairs. Or do i have to pay it on any accident. I do not know. But I would check with your insurence company if there is a deductable.

I really do not know. Did you have to pay a deductable or not?


i have not paid anything yet... Nothing to my insurance company, no fine, nothing... Just waiting for the doctors note, the i can pay my 400b fine...


So, today i got a phone call from my insurance company...

They will not give the old man more than 20000b even when they signed the paper to begin with that they will pay 35000b... So he wanted me to cover the remaining 15000b...

Told him to go where the snow will never come...

Told him that he have to deal with the family (the woman, not the man i hit), and I will not pay anything...

He got angry but when my friend the Nayok went on the phone he was weak and meager...

I have the paper stating that they will pay 35000b and hospital...

If the family does not like what the insurance company offers they can sue... Dont care...

Guess this case is not over yet!

not going to be nice anymore to the lazy insurance company... (MITSUi) free by toyota (check yours)... Will post more later when i know more...

So, today i got a phone call from my insurance company...

They will not give the old man more than 20000b even when they signed the paper to begin with that they will pay 35000b... So he wanted me to cover the remaining 15000b...

Told him to go where the snow will never come...

Told him that he have to deal with the family (the woman, not the man i hit), and I will not pay anything...

He got angry but when my friend the Nayok went on the phone he was weak and meager...

I have the paper stating that they will pay 35000b and hospital...

If the family does not like what the insurance company offers they can sue... Dont care...

Guess this case is not over yet!

not going to be nice anymore to the lazy insurance company... (MITSUi) free by toyota (check yours)... Will post more later when i know more...

Don't worry, the case is over. There will be no suing against you, because the other partie has to spend first, maybe 50'k to hire a Lawyer. Another thing is, Police never confiscated your Passport. Normally it they woud go to court, they would take your passport, to make sure, you not go out of country. But they didn't. I think the insurance company try to get some money back from you (maybe in someones pocket), but i think nothing more will happen.

So, today i got a phone call from my insurance company...

They will not give the old man more than 20000b even when they signed the paper to begin with that they will pay 35000b... So he wanted me to cover the remaining 15000b...

Told him to go where the snow will never come...

Told him that he have to deal with the family (the woman, not the man i hit), and I will not pay anything...

He got angry but when my friend the Nayok went on the phone he was weak and meager...

I have the paper stating that they will pay 35000b and hospital...

If the family does not like what the insurance company offers they can sue... Dont care...

Guess this case is not over yet!

not going to be nice anymore to the lazy insurance company... (MITSUi) free by toyota (check yours)... Will post more later when i know more...

This happened to my pal, they said he couldn't have the truck back from repair (No.1 ins) unless he paid another 30k. Foolishly he paid the 30k meeting the rep in a car park. Totall <deleted>, every body is at it.

In this case you can't do anything exept paying. They know noone will go to court for 30'k, therefore they play around, because they have your car. Not worth to use first class insurance overhere. Pay only thirth or second partie. Enounght an no headaches! Tirth partie can get for 3 grand per year!


I have my pick up and they will never get that...

The problem for them is that my friends are very high up in positions down here... Good luck for them... They have told me to not pay anything...

It is up to the insurance company to pay, not me... if the injured man want to sue me, ok, still the insurance company that will pay...

Going down to the police station on Tuesday for a new meeting... Will be fun to see what is happening...

I agree that this case is over, 50000 for legal fees to get 15000B more, seems stupid... but hey, they might try...

I have my pick up and they will never get that...

The problem for them is that my friends are very high up in positions down here... Good luck for them... They have told me to not pay anything...

It is up to the insurance company to pay, not me... if the injured man want to sue me, ok, still the insurance company that will pay...

Going down to the police station on Tuesday for a new meeting... Will be fun to see what is happening...

I agree that this case is over, 50000 for legal fees to get 15000B more, seems stupid... but hey, they might try...

Shold not even go to police station anymore. Remember: in a police station you have no rights, the police can do what they want. Outside policestation it's over. If you not go to police, they really have to get a lawyer first, and they will not do, i'm quite sure. Police will not come and take you to their staton, because it's not a crimial matter, it's just only a civil case.


So I went down there about 30 minutes late yesterday, everyone else is usually late so now it was my turn.

I stepped into the policemans office and took my seat. I sat quietly for about 30 minutes listening to the insurance guy and the sister arguing about how much money they should have...

I told my friend to tell them that I wanted this finished today, I have no time to drive 120Km each time just to argue, petrol and time cost...

In the end the insurance guy stood his ground on 20000B... she refused that...

I got pissed for the first time and spoke Thai (Yes, I do know some, when I have to).. I told her that if her brother the guy that I did hit was there I might be inclined to help him (Now everyone was quiet- mostly in chock for me speaking Thai)... She ran out of the room to get him...

My mate told the insurace guy to raise his offer to 25000B and I would hand over 5000B but that the whole case was concluded then and there, never again... He agreed...

The woman came back with her brother, wais and all, then she was told I will help him out with 5000B and the insurance guy would give him 25000B... she said ok, I handed the man I hit 5000B cash and the police man wrote down what happend...

Everyone signed the police report, I paid my 400B fine... and we left...

All in all, a good deal, I got tired of the no aircon police office, don't want to travel down there every two weeks... I could had said stuff it and let it go to court, but that would mean even more traveling...

BTW, it is also in the police report that he is not allowed to ride a bicycle in town anymore!!! HAHA...

Case closed- FINISHED...

post-36728-081966500 1276054056_thumb.jp


Case closed- FINISHED...

At last.

A perfect example, from start to finish, of exactly how not to go about settling any sort of accident in Thailand or anywhere else - ignoring advice from the police and from the insurance company, doing the opposite to what they said, admitting guilt when it was neither known nor proven, and finally remaining involved in the case long after it was strictly between the insurers and the third party. Unbelievable.


Hi JohnLeech,

Could you please explain to me why I should not do what I did?

Maybe I did not explain myself clearly... I could have skipped the meeting, I could have told the insurance company to move along and deal with it themselves, BUT I DID HIT HIM!!! and I want this case to be finished...

I work everyday, I don't have the time to drive for 1 hour each way twice a month just to sign a few papers...

I am more interested in the fact that everyone is happy and the case is out of this world... Was I happy to fork out 5000B myself? NO, but am I happy the case is over? YES...

Please explain to us from your greater knowledge what I should have done... from the get go... and it is important that the insurance company pays for the hospital and some compensation (I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT, do not doubt about that)...



I'm glad it worked out for you in the end.

i admire yr honesty in admitting u were at fault even though u didn't have to..........but if a similar incident happened, would you do so again? just curious



Hi JohnLeech,

Could you please explain to me why I should not do what I did?

Maybe I did not explain myself clearly... I could have skipped the meeting, I could have told the insurance company to move along and deal with it themselves, BUT I DID HIT HIM!!! and I want this case to be finished...

I work everyday, I don't have the time to drive for 1 hour each way twice a month just to sign a few papers...

I am more interested in the fact that everyone is happy and the case is out of this world... Was I happy to fork out 5000B myself? NO, but am I happy the case is over? YES...

Please explain to us from your greater knowledge what I should have done... from the get go... and it is important that the insurance company pays for the hospital and some compensation (I KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT, do not doubt about that)...


I can see litle point explaining it to you, as you seem determined to make a martyr of yourself whatever the cost - at least to your insurance company.

To explain it for the benefit of anyone else tempted to follow your example:

Your insurance company was under no obligation to pay, even after you admitted liability. As you made clear in your first post on 23 April you don't know what happened ("I started slowly (usually I am bolting out of those light like a bat out of hel_l) and I managed to drive about 1 meter before I felt something with the car... Then I saw this bicycle tire up in the air and an old man going down infront of my car... "). That doesn't necessarily make you responsible, particularly when it appears clear that the police think they are con artists ("The policeman in charge asked me into his office (air con) while we waited. He started to complain about the lady and told us she had been there every day asking for money, and that she had lots of problems with all the police officers there.")

Your idea that "It is up to the insurance company to pay, not me... if the injured man want to sue me, ok, still the insurance company that will pay... " is simply and totally wrong. No insurance company covers you whatever the circumstances for whatever you decide to admit to.

You admitted liability before your insurance agent was there ("He then decided to begin without my isurance agent... Maps where drawn and lots of translationswhere done He asked ifitwas my fault or the okd guy i hit. I told him it was my fault (the police wanted it to be his fault but i refused"). If, once he arrived, they had not agreed to pay compensation which the others agreed to, you would have been liable personally. Your insurance company could have immediately refused any involvement solely on the grounds that your pick up was illegally modified due to the dark tint on you windscreen ("i got a dark tint too. No one can se into my pick up..."). Had the others not agreed to whatever you offered then the vehcles involved could have been impounded pending the court case, which could take up to a year - his bicycle and your Vigo.

Your "mate"'s behaviour, whom you took along for support, was simply stupid beyond belief: "my mate stood up and asked if they wanted more problems and that he had no problems shooting them".

Having re-read what you wrote (something you should probaby do) you seem to have no idea what the legal situation was, no idea just how lucky you were, no idea how easily things could have turned out very differently or of what your liabilities could have been, and a mis-placed idea of your own (and your friends') importance ("The problem for them is that my friends are very high up in positions down here...").

If you are happy with what you did, and you would do the same thing again under similar circumstances, fine - I'm happy for you that you are so proud of how you behaved. My point is that anyone who follows your example and ignores the advice of the police and the written instructions of their insurance company does so at their own risk and they should be aware of the risk they are taking. I am not saying by any means that you or anyone else should say anything more or less than the truth but that does not include admitting you are at fault when you don't know and were not in a position to see what happened just because you feel sorry for the other person involved and you have assumed that it won't matter much to you anyway as your insurance company will pay.

There is a fine line between niavety and downright stupidity, but the cost of either can be high.


If I hit a guy on a bicycle again, there are a few things I would have done different... I would still tell the truth, even if the police wanted me to change the story to someting negative for the injured party...

John, I can see what you mean and I agree that I might be a bit naive and hope for the best, but all in all, did it work out for me? I think so, and along the path I have learned a bit more about this country...

I am sure that whilst many people would start to run around and get all excited if they had an accident, I am not one of them... It has happened, now it is time to let the insurance company pay (That is why we have them)...

I do know that if we were dragged to court, the insurance company would not have to pay for everything, hence I forked out 5000B to finish the case then and there- no there are no problems...

Being kind is not usualy the best plan of action, but at the end of the day, I can stand up straight and say that I did what I thought at the time to be the best thing, others might have done something different and ended up paying nothing, others might have paid more...

I am just happy that the guy is ok, he gets a new bike, my car is ok, and we are settled...

What could have been is another discussion which I would be happy to discuss in another thread...

Just as a side question John, how long have you been in Thailand? I can see that you have not been a member too long...

Just as a side question John, how long have you been in Thailand? I can see that you have not been a member too long...

I retired here 17 years ago - that doesn't make me senile (at least not necessarily!) as I retired in my mid 30's. I was a member for a while several years ago under a different name (doghouse, if I recall correctly), but I got bored with the cynics and gave up posting for so long I have forgotten my original password. I have already got bored with most of the "political" (red/yellow/green/pink/rainbow/colour-blind) posters on the main Thailand Forum, so I have given up making any posts there.

I am not criticising you for "standing up straight" or saying that you are any more likely to be scammed here than anywhere else, but it is just that there does seem to be a pretty good chance you were scammed and anyone following your example and taking it for granted that the insurance company will always pay should be aware that they may not and that they are taking an unnecessary risk.

Time to move on!


Lets say I got lucky in your eyes and I did the right thing in my eyes...

Each for his own and as we know, everything depends on the mood of the police and your helpers in this country...

Let us move on and hope I will never hit anything again...

PS. Thanks for your input John... and everyone else...

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