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My wife has a Nissan Neo Auto 1.6GL 2004/5 and the car has developed what must be a minor problem which is turning expensive! Originally, the car started to run very lump at idle speed and after taking it to a Nissan Dealer here in Korat they advised it was a computer box problem which would cost 23,000 bht to replace. This she did and the problem seemed to have been solved until we installed LPG. The same problem started to occur but worse than before (this was about 6 months later). She then took it to a different Nissan dealer who of course blamed the conversion (easy way out as per most garages). Anyway, after they had connected up the Nissan diagnostics computer and with the help of 10 grease monkeys scratching their heads, they announced that they don't know whats wrong so suggested a full service. Told them not to be daft and find the problem which they said they would continue doing. However, a week later and many phone calls it turned out that they had taken the engine out and were still non the wiser. At this stage my wife lost the rag and announced she would not pay them for taking the engine out as they did not consult her and they still had no answer. They agreed but after still not finding the problem the blame shifted to the computer box (brand new and replaced by Nissan Dealer) saying it was a repaired card, the LPG was wired into the control box as well and of course the back to basics of LPG burns at higher temp than petrol...... the valves must be knacked and they need to be sent to BKK to be hardened. Apart from the word BULLS**T which came to mind, my wife agreed for them to do this. 9 weeks later she was eventually given the car back at some ridiculous cost and it seemed to work OK but lacked power. The garage told her not to use the LPG as that was the cause of the computer card going wrong. We then changed the LPG system to one which has its own computer control which apart from economy had no apparent detrimental effect, that is of course till 6 months later!!!! Same problem!!!!! this time took the car to a friend who specializes with Honda's but basically have a similar system. Gobsmacked, surprized, astounded come to mind when he shows us the card which....... has been REPAIRED!!!!! He found us another card which was not repaired but now the engine started to overheat!!! The cooling fans were not cutting in and out when they should and the engine was running erratically and misfiring. Virtually every sensor has been replaced, a new radiator fitted and guess what?? The car is now misfiring big style and after replacing the HT coils the problem seemed to be cured. That was until we went over a pothole in the road and the sudden jarring set off the misfiring again to a stage when the engine lost all power and stopped. I forgot to add that in BKK we had to have the fans shorted to keep them on permanently to avoid overheating.

Has anyone had similar problems or any ideas to point the mechanics in the right direction? My thoughts are possible one of an electrical short or faulty connection somewhere especially after hitting that pothole !!!! :)


Does sound very much like an intermittent faulty connection. Quite possibly at least one of the causes of the problems all along.

Did it start again after stopping or did you have to get it towed in? Intermittent problems are great to find once they give out altogether.

However, you would think that said connection would quite possibly have been unplugged & replugged when the engine was removed.

What the heck did they do that for ???? Wife was definately right to refuse to pay for that.

As soon as the 1st dealer proved to be a waste of time/want big money, why did you not remove it from there & take it to Honda friend at that point?

Does sound very much like an intermittent faulty connection. Quite possibly at least one of the causes of the problems all along.

Did it start again after stopping or did you have to get it towed in? Intermittent problems are great to find once they give out altogether.

However, you would think that said connection would quite possibly have been unplugged & replugged when the engine was removed.

What the heck did they do that for ???? Wife was definately right to refuse to pay for that.

As soon as the 1st dealer proved to be a waste of time/want big money, why did you not remove it from there & take it to Honda friend at that point?

Does sound very much like an intermittent faulty connection. Quite possibly at least one of the causes of the problems all along.

Did it start again after stopping or did you have to get it towed in? Intermittent problems are great to find once they give out altogether.

However, you would think that said connection would quite possibly have been unplugged & replugged when the engine was removed.

What the heck did they do that for ???? Wife was definately right to refuse to pay for that.

As soon as the 1st dealer proved to be a waste of time/want big money, why did you not remove it from there & take it to Honda friend at that point?

Latest news by another nissan dealer is that its the computer box!!! They now say its for a 1.5 model not 1.6 but bearing in mind its the same part number as the one nissan put in I can only assume that an arsehol*e is for taking photos with!!!!!!

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