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I don't know what the big surprise is here - Just look around you.

As someone pointed out Thailand can't be accused of draining the west of the cream of the crop.

The evidence is in the myriad posts guys make about Thai women, something along the lines of how here in Thailand they have a wife/girlfriend who is young, beautiful x number of grades up the ladder from what they might have at home. Of course these beauties are attracted by the charm, good looks and personality of the Farangs they are with.

On another front, back in my single days our office administrator had a habit of recommending "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" - This was a regular thing and only came to an halt when I suggested that she might recommend a few "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" who had not recently been dumped by their Thai husband/boyfriend with the offspring of that relationship needing a father.

Nothing wrong with taking on such a responsibility, in truth doing so is something to be admired - But nevertheless, the Farang as a Welfare Option is a real reality that drives many Thai women to seek a foreign husband.

It's the money stupid. Which if nothing else is good reason to hang on to it.

Good post, guesthouse. I liked your reply to the administrator.

I also enjoy the OP's topic, and he has some valid points. Sitting in an internet shop and listening to Thais discuss the business of milking farangs from their money is enlightening. Lots of funny things happen in the internet cafes if you take the time to look around and listen. It is entertaining and I do it occasionally even though I have internet in my room.

I once sat next to a young Thai man who was surfing through all the porn sites. Then, all of a sudden his wife or girl friend came in and he was in a panic to close the pictures. It was rather amusing.

I see nothing wrong with poor Thai women using whatever methods they can in acquiring added wealth. The internet dating sites are the new playground and the gals are using it. If us farangs are too stupid, and fall for all the games being played then that is OUR problem, not theirs.

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if you are Thai, I understand...if not...wake up and smell the coffee!!! and...what was the point of your thread?


GuestHouse is not Thai, he didn't start the thread and I agree with you regarding 'what is the point of the thread?

Girl in the pizza shop spok very good english to me the other day. I asked her where she learned today when paying my bill. She was Squirming with embarassment until she finally confessed she had lived in Australia. Why so ashamed? I mean, maybe she got a scholarship to read for her PHD at a university there. Why should I automatically assume she shagged her way there and came back with enough cash for the cheeky little Vios she drives around in.

ANother "woman" there has just got a new (red plate) mazda 2. One doesn't have to guess too hard as to how she paid for it. Obviously it was from serving pizza. in our quiet little village.

Big assumptions, and not very nice ones.

If you see a black man driving a Benz, do you assume he's a drug dealer? - some people do.

If he wears a golden watch yes


I tend to think if you were privy to what girls say when hunting :) ....anywhere in the world...It would not be so different.

The main difference is it is whispered elsewhere & spoken freely in the cafe you were at.

Yes of course as others also say there is an abundance of younger girls looking to trade their life for monetary gain for themselves & their families. Robin Hooding.... with older guys

But also I think things in general are just more out front in LOS

Example.....I was at a dentist well known & probably considered the best in Chinag Mai.

Was having a tricky root canal done under a cap. So the oral surgeon ( lady ) is doing the deed & all the while saying things like...Uh- Oh...I need a little luck here...Oh boy...maybe I cannot find this other root & need the microscope but somebody else is using it etc.

Now this would NEVER happen in the Western world. Of course the western dentist could be thinking it & I am sure they do think exactly the same. But they would never voice it out loud. I did not know whether to laugh or run. But in the end she did a fine job & showing me the x-rays I see why she had a hard time.

IMHO things are just more up front in LOS. Girls the world over look for a sugar daddy...Girls the world over look for a provider....


This thread illustrates a generational divide. For people under the age of 35 and especially the 20 somethings, internet socializing is just a normal part of their lives. These people have been on messenger, AIM, and text messaging etc. for at least the past decade and this is how they do it. Unlike you old folks, they also move fast and have an almost checklist type approach to sorting through prospective partners. There are all sorts of reliable websites that actually work and I'm not talking about the matchmaker, love links or ladyboy4U type websites. I knew I was an old fart when some of the younger guys at the office were talking about one website that they use to find girls to have sex with. They use Facebook to check out the girls and to see if she has hot friends. One of the girls that I think is pretty smart says she can look at a farang's facebook page and determine if he's gay or has the potential for "fun". They have a system far more advanced and efficient than we realize.

self ranked endowment status.... hmmm sounds like a recipe of honest answers :)

I raised this because I live in a little village near Korat and this out of the way little shop seems like a hot bed for the kind of goings on "SOME" members would have you beleive only happens in the big tourist areas.

Anyway, It was just a sad moment. It passed. Atleast thai women know what they are good for and play to their strengths, be it short term (more honest in my view) or long term.

Girl in the pizza shop spok very good english to me the other day. I asked her where she learned today when paying my bill. She was Squirming with embarassment until she finally confessed she had lived in Australia. Why so ashamed? I mean, maybe she got a scholarship to read for her PHD at a university there. Why should I automatically assume she shagged her way there and came back with enough cash for the cheeky little Vios she drives around in.

ANother "woman" there has just got a new (red plate) mazda 2. One doesn't have to guess too hard as to how she paid for it. Obviously it was from serving pizza. in our quiet little village.

I can vouch for that. It is not only the tourist areas that have this problem. Word spreads fast that some Farang are idiots and will give the Thai women sh*tloads of money / houses / cars / payments for sick buffalo. i too have been sat in internet cafes and heard and watched them in their attempts to fleece money from unsuspecting Farang. All in the game. And the more idiots that cough up, the more the women will try it on.

Save us from these idiots but also from the idiots who live in these "tourist" areas who give the women large amounts of cash per month for month on month for "exclusivity". The sooner they realise we are not money trees the better.


Workable line in Thailand (English version): You would like to discuss money??... Sure we can discuss money... After you are in bed with your clothes off.

Girl in the pizza shop spok very good english to me the other day. I asked her where she learned today when paying my bill. She was Squirming with embarassment until she finally confessed she had lived in Australia. Why so ashamed? I mean, maybe she got a scholarship to read for her PHD at a university there. Why should I automatically assume she shagged her way there and came back with enough cash for the cheeky little Vios she drives around in.

ANother "woman" there has just got a new (red plate) mazda 2. One doesn't have to guess too hard as to how she paid for it. Obviously it was from serving pizza. in our quiet little village.

Big assumptions, and not very nice ones.

If you see a black man driving a Benz, do you assume he's a drug dealer? - some people do.

Didn't you used to drive a Benz Loz :):D :D


Would you expect to see a Thai woman on a dating site saying come live with me in Thailand and I will support you?


I have no problem to give the little darlings REASONABLE money, if I have some relationship with them and am getting something in return (U boys know what I mean). What is "off the map" are those which ask for money, before I even met them, or have no personal interaction with them. I just had one yesterday, who I had met twice, very casually. I had not seen her in probably 3 months. She asked me for 3,000 bht. She said her family was going to Phuket. Of course, the answer was no. Guys, who are living overseas, and sending money to these women, often who they have never met, are nuts.

Completely true, 100% of my encounters thru the internet ended with money request. So warning to all farang who meet gals on internet, be very careful and change name, phone email, etc as soon as the internet mate asks for money, is just the beginning and will never end

Completely untrue all my internet games ended in no requests for money from any of the 3 girls I met, one owned a Subway shop down in Phuket the other two had jobs.

You see not everyone has the same experience as you.

Oh I married one of them 4 years ago too.

This thread illustrates a generational divide. For people under the age of 35 and especially the 20 somethings, internet socializing is just a normal part of their lives. These people have been on messenger, AIM, and text messaging etc. for at least the past decade and this is how they do it. Unlike you old folks, they also move fast and have an almost checklist type approach to sorting through prospective partners. There are all sorts of reliable websites that actually work and I'm not talking about the matchmaker, love links or ladyboy4U type websites. I knew I was an old fart when some of the younger guys at the office were talking about one website that they use to find girls to have sex with. They use Facebook to check out the girls and to see if she has hot friends. One of the girls that I think is pretty smart says she can look at a farang's facebook page and determine if he's gay or has the potential for "fun". They have a system far more advanced and efficient than we realize.

Hey speak for yourself ole fart hahaha I didnt start using the net until I was about 36, 10 years ago :) I never understand this fear of it, no different to going into the pub except a bigger worldwide audience.

In fact only a small proportion of Thai women see farang-men as a kind of "Social Security". But of course this is the most "visible" proportion of Thai women because of all the bars, reputation, etc... Most farang (especially tourists) don't get an inside view from other parts of the Thai population.

I think you're correct.

I came here a year ago on a "retirement visa" to be with a Thai person with whom I've had a relationship (long distance/on-and-off) for roughly 15 years. In those 15 years I've been asked for money once that I recall, and that was for a verified health emergency, and I'm talking life and death, and even then, the amount asked for was very modest. In the year since I have lived here, I've not been asked for as much as a single baht. I've met pretty much all of the family in Issan, seem to be well thought of, and never asked for a single baht.

The one other family I have been very close to, up in Chiang Mai, were very similar...I would describe them as "extended family friends". They always took me to nice restaurants when I visited and have even paid a week's hotel bill for me in advance. Never asked for a single baht.

Now, I'm not naive...any more. I had a relationship with another Thai person back in the 1988-1990 time frame who -- while would not outright ask for funds -- made it clear that funds were assumed. Well, that didn't last long. I may get played, but I don't get played for long.

In my experiences, the difference is the "class" of people involved. Any by class I'm not talking about, for example, the hi-society types versus the poor types. I'm talking class as in the values different people live by. Now I am well aware that there are good and bad people in every group, but don't anticipate finding a true gem down on Patpong or Soi Cowboy. In that case you literally get what you pay for.


Our Chinese village on the rice paddy and other small villages nearby have some Thai women looking for farang partners. Some had bad luck with Thai men. You can't blame a woman for seeking a man with good income. Note that they prefer non-drinkers, men who don't beat their wives, or cheat on them. Divorced women try not to repeat their mistakes. Western women are often similar. So also for gay Thai men.

why single-out out Thai girls???

Because this is a 'Thailand' related forum.... Hello!

Bitter...twisted?...look around my friend, you're telling me that EVERYTHING on this forum is related to Thailand we are Weserners and we are comparing to what we have already experienced in our homelands, if you are Thai, I understand...if not...wake up and smell the coffee!!! and...what was the point of your thread?

Of course the bitter and twisted bit might just be the urge to get all defensive over a discussion about Thai people on a Thailand forum. I look around, all I see is Thailand. This is a Thailand related forum - Shock Horror people discuss the good, bad and the indiferrent aspects of Thailand and Thai people.

I don't know what the big surprise is here - Just look around you.

As someone pointed out Thailand can't be accused of draining the west of the cream of the crop.

The evidence is in the myriad posts guys make about Thai women, something along the lines of how here in Thailand they have a wife/girlfriend who is young, beautiful x number of grades up the ladder from what they might have at home. Of course these beauties are attracted by the charm, good looks and personality of the Farangs they are with.

On another front, back in my single days our office administrator had a habit of recommending "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" - This was a regular thing and only came to an halt when I suggested that she might recommend a few "lovely, reliable, honest, trustworthy, all round good Thai woman" who had not recently been dumped by their Thai husband/boyfriend with the offspring of that relationship needing a father.

Nothing wrong with taking on such a responsibility, in truth doing so is something to be admired - But nevertheless, the Farang as a Welfare Option is a real reality that drives many Thai women to seek a foreign husband.

It's the money stupid. Which if nothing else is good reason to hang on to it.

Good post, guesthouse. I liked your reply to the administrator.

I also enjoy the OP's topic, and he has some valid points. Sitting in an internet shop and listening to Thais discuss the business of milking farangs from their money is enlightening. Lots of funny things happen in the internet cafes if you take the time to look around and listen. It is entertaining and I do it occasionally even though I have internet in my room.

I once sat next to a young Thai man who was surfing through all the porn sites. Then, all of a sudden his wife or girl friend came in and he was in a panic to close the pictures. It was rather amusing.

I see nothing wrong with poor Thai women using whatever methods they can in acquiring added wealth. The internet dating sites are the new playground and the gals are using it. If us farangs are too stupid, and fall for all the games being played then that is OUR problem, not theirs.

Tend to agree with these in general, however, there are many exceptions and other aspects.

I tend to believe that the lower class (generally poorer/lower educated) people are more obvious about their perception of westeners. In the main they see westeners as an ATM, as a meal ticket for the whole family and maybe a ticket out of the country, not to mention the step up in the social ladder to have captured a "rich" westener.

Almost all Thai women, regardless of their social/financial background or education, in the market for a western husband/bf, have had bad experiences with irresponsible, lazy, untrustworthy Thai men. I have never seen any Thai/Western union as being the Thai woman's first ever relationship with a male.

If a TV member says their Thai wife/gf had never had a Thai husband/bf before them, I would call them a lier.

Moreover, I believe that in the main, all Thais have a cultural (mis)perception that westeners are wealthy (or at least have more money than Thais).

Futhermore, I firmly believe that a large majority of Thais believe that weteners are "fair game" and can be ripped-off, over-charged, hoodwincked at will. This aspect seems to be a national sport and condoned (even if not practiced) across the social/financial spectrum.

self ranked endowment status.... hmmm sounds like a recipe of honest answers :)

I raised this because I live in a little village near Korat and this out of the way little shop seems like a hot bed for the kind of goings on "SOME" members would have you beleive only happens in the big tourist areas.

Anyway, It was just a sad moment. It passed. Atleast thai women know what they are good for and play to their strengths, be it short term (more honest in my view) or long term.

Girl in the pizza shop spok very good english to me the other day. I asked her where she learned today when paying my bill. She was Squirming with embarassment until she finally confessed she had lived in Australia. Why so ashamed? I mean, maybe she got a scholarship to read for her PHD at a university there. Why should I automatically assume she shagged her way there and came back with enough cash for the cheeky little Vios she drives around in.

ANother "woman" there has just got a new (red plate) mazda 2. One doesn't have to guess too hard as to how she paid for it. Obviously it was from serving pizza. in our quiet little village.

Just thought that was funny mate.

Thai girls don't take money.........how many times do you need to be told??

They only ask

If men choose to give that is entirely up to them...........so men choose to give.......I don't see the problem.... :D

Congrats for putting things in perspective so efficiently and neatly :D

I guess its one thing to spread your bread around when on holiday, when your in..errr.."good" company, but this idea of continually paying women around the globe when your not even there??..and you have no idea whats going on in regards their situation..Thai boyfriends and such??? :)

Surely not many forieners would fall for this?...do they?

I suppose the bigger question is WHY? :D:D


There are young Thai women around who do not speak English and have never met a foreigner who are quite capable of earning a corporate exec's income strictly by hustling Thai men... the notion than a farang male always has more money than a Thai is ridiculous...

the notion than a farang male always has more money than a Thai is ridiculous...

Maybe not...there are a lot of "two week millionaires" who come to Thailand on holiday and splash the cash around, therefore based on this limited exposure to Farang males you could understand where the perception comes from that all Farang males are rich


"I live in a little village near Korat"

"Sitting here in an Internet café"

"Girl in the pizza shop spoke very good English to me the other day"

"I was popping in after my dinner (out at the Italian restaurant)"

Loz, please, what's the name of this little village, near Korat, with an Internet café, a pizza shop and Italian restaurant.


Maybe so, Kuhn S. There are Thai women here in the NE who have no problem generating their monthly incomes strictly from sticking it to wealthy Thai males; and they have never even met nor any desire to meet a farang.

"I live in a little village near Korat"

"Sitting here in an Internet café"

"Girl in the pizza shop spoke very good English to me the other day"

"I was popping in after my dinner (out at the Italian restaurant)"

Loz, please, what's the name of this little village, near Korat, with an Internet café, a pizza shop and Italian restaurant.


I don't know but it must have a lot of Italians there?

Maybe so, Kuhn S. There are Thai women here in the NE who have no problem generating their monthly incomes strictly from sticking it to wealthy Thai males; and they have never even met nor any desire to meet a farang.

Pretty sure it would be similar in BKK...a certain stretch of Rachadapiseck comes to mind.. :)


I makes you wonder out loud if certain farang personality types are more prone to getting into these situations, where they end up thinking they are the "only one", when in fact they are just one of many on the "list".

I think women like you describe are in the vast minority of total Thai women, and this "lowest common denominator" paints many of the good ones with a negative brush/stigma.

Perhaps some thai girls that have worked in bars ( mostly starting off to help their family) get jaded by years of dealing with the lowest common denominator of farang sex tourist, and they want to "get even".

Just go to Pattaya, on Walking Street for example, and observe some of the pieces of work ( farang). It is pretty disheartening that so many eminate there, followed by the women to service their needs.

Where does the blame start? I say it starts with the sex tourists.

.. I wish more of these types would start treating women with more respect, not like pieces of meat.

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