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Texts And Talk

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Hi guys.

I am an ESL and FSL (French as Second Language) teacher for the past two years in Thailand.

Next semester I may have to change of job and work with Texts and Talk Academy. I know that some teachers here spent a lot of time and lot of bath in some promised work permits that they finally never obtained.

Despite of the little lies my company says to the teacher to make them sign for the next semester, they are very good and reliable about the work permits and visas. I would like to know if some of you have already worked or still work for Texts and Talk and how are they (how about their policy) with this very sensitive questions that concern all the teachers in Thailand. Of course any messages from your personal experience with T&T will be very welcome too :D (We always know what we leave but we never know what we get :) chai mai?).\

Waiting to read your answers

Thanks guys :D

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This will be my second semester with Text-And-Talk. At first, they promised a work permit for me and eventually followed through after me badgering them for months about it. I think the problem may have resulted from the school I was at being reluctant to issue a work permit because they knew they weren't going to renew the contract with T&T anyways, but like I said, I eventually got it. I'm at a different school with T&T now and they waived the work permit fee for me or are paying for it themselves because they know I dished out the money already and didn't really get any use out of it the first go around. So all in all, I would say they are fair and will do everything they can for ya.

Edited by kwestroc
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From what I've seen at other schools. People placed by Text & Talk Academy are good quality as compared to other agencies. But, they are very selective, very selective.

You must be talking about a different branch to the one in Bangkok, because in the 3 years I worked for them they employed anyone with a white face.

But this was 2 and a half years ago so maybe it has changed in its ways. :)

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In answer to your question.

I worked for them for 3 years and didn't really have any problems.

Always payed on-time.

Very helpful assisting with visas as I took my T.E.F.L with them. I received 2 multiple entry NON-B visas whilst working for them. (but had to fly back to the UK in between)

All in all goodish place to work.

Certainly much worse in Bangkok.

Any specific questions I can help with just send me a message.

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In answer to your question.

I worked for them for 3 years and didn't really have any problems.

Always payed on-time.

Very helpful assisting with visas as I took my T.E.F.L with them. I received 2 multiple entry NON-B visas whilst working for them. (but had to fly back to the UK in between)

All in all goodish place to work.

Certainly much worse in Bangkok.

Any specific questions I can help with just send me a message.

I have one specific question....you profess to be an "English" teacher ??

payed ????, you mean paid ?..... :)

Goodish ???...... :D ....no such word

One could suggest to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp on the subject being taught

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One could suggest to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp on the subject being taught

One could suggest that to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp of the subject being taught

Ooh.. an English grammar face-off. I love these. :)

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One could suggest to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp on the subject being taught

One could suggest that to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp of the subject being taught

Ooh.. an English grammar face-off. I love these. :D

Won't be a grammer face-off wth me... :) ....English grammer was my worst subject, more into the sciences.

I am not claiming to be an "English" teacher....I am a dumb-ar*ed engineering type.. :D

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Text and Talk acts as a teacher agency and like most they will be as picky as they can be. That being said, if they have a school contact them 3 days before classes they will fill with almost any warm body.

As a TEFL program they have at least one exceptional teacher, but it seems as if like Thai schools they will pass anyone that shows up, even if they cannot conjugate the verb 'to see'.

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In answer to your question.

I worked for them for 3 years and didn't really have any problems.

Always payed on-time.

Very helpful assisting with visas as I took my T.E.F.L with them. I received 2 multiple entry NON-B visas whilst working for them. (but had to fly back to the UK in between)

All in all goodish place to work.

Certainly much worse in Bangkok.

Any specific questions I can help with just send me a message.

I have one specific question....you profess to be an "English" teacher ??

payed ????, you mean paid ?..... :)

Goodish ???...... :D ....no such word

One could suggest to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp on the subject being taught

First of all: "payed" is an alternate spelling to "paid". No used as much today, but none the less still a word.


Secondly: "goodish" isn't a word!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL? Try picking up a dictionary mate.

Even if this wasn't in the dictionary, so bloody what!, You can add the suffix "ish" onto any word(adjective) you please.

When asked something "like "Are you hungry?" Have you never answered "hungry ..... ish".

Now, "hungryish" certainly isn't a "real word", but is still said by a number of people worldwide.


Thirdly: Who even said that I teach the subject English. I think next time you need to read posts more carefully as well as writing them judging from the abomination above, and try not to be so critical to someone who slapped up a quick reply to help a fellow educator.

Lastly: As my mother used to say to me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all you gobby little s hit.

Good day sir. :D

Edited by thelinguist
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Lastly: As my mother used to say to me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all you gobby little s hit.

Good day sir. :D

I personally prefer the term gob-sh*te... or Mr Gob-Sh*te to you... :)

Such foal language, hope mummy washes your mouth out with soap..

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Lastly: As my mother used to say to me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all you gobby little s hit.

Good day sir. :D

I personally prefer the term gob-sh*te... or Mr Gob-Sh*te to you... :)

Such foal language, hope mummy washes your mouth out with soap..

Apologies, yours definitely has more of a ring to it.

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Text and Talk acts as a teacher agency and like most they will be as picky as they can be. That being said, if they have a school contact them 3 days before classes they will fill with almost any warm body.

As a TEFL program they have at least one exceptional teacher, but it seems as if like Thai schools they will pass anyone that shows up, even if they cannot conjugate the verb 'to see'.

There is no such verb. There is, however, the verb 'see'.

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