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Are Thai's Getting Fatter


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Do you think Thai's are getting fatter? I do. I first came here in the late 80's and you would occasionally see a Chinese shop owner’s son, who was over weight and was generally referred to as lovely. There seems to be a lot more of these lovely girls and boys these days. Is Thailand going the same way as Europe and the states?

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The women in the north are getting fatter...no doubt. You would find it hard to believe though since they are already really fat. If you like slimmer women its better to go to the south....nicer, slimmer women in the south....not the north definitely not the north...definitely....

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The women in the north are getting fatter...no doubt.  You would find it hard to believe though since they are already really fat.  If you like slimmer women its better to go to the south....nicer, slimmer women in the south....not the north definitely not the north...definitely....

I just went to Chiang Rai, and even the bar girls looked appealing...not that I could pursue as I was with my mia. I didn't notice that much blubber up there..Speaking of the north, I'm unconvinced that the other regions can compete as far as girls.

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[On Topic:  Yes, Thais are getting fatter.  Maybe due to all the imported crap from America.  Soda Pop, McDonlads, Kentucky Fried etc... :o

I don't think importing junk food will cause Thais to get fat...I think eating it is necessary for this to happen. I could be wrong on this and I'm sure that someone will straighten me out.

Oh!!.....wait a minute....I get it......fat people should not be held responsible for their eating habbits!!!!.....people who offer food for sale should be held responsible!!!....makes perfect sense now!!!

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On Topic:  Yes, Thais are getting fatter.  Maybe due to all the imported crap from America.  Soda Pop, McDonlads, Kentucky Fried etc... :o

I agree 100%! Although the younger (20 or less) farm girls in Issarn haven't yet succumed to temptation.

yep agree with that

when last in bkk the wife and i were in a pizza shop, for my benifit and when she saw a thai girl no bigger than herself 50kg devour a whole pizza she was gobsmacked wondering wher it all went, time will show i told her.

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[On Topic:  Yes, Thais are getting fatter.  Maybe due to all the imported crap from America.  Soda Pop, McDonlads, Kentucky Fried etc... :D

I don't think importing junk food will cause Thais to get fat...I think eating it is necessary for this to happen. I could be wrong on this and I'm sure that someone will straighten me out.

Oh!!.....wait a minute....I get it......fat people should not be held responsible for their eating habbits!!!!.....people who offer food for sale should be held responsible!!!....makes perfect sense now!!!

who called you slow :o oh wait a minute that was supposed to be a joke, thanks Mr personality :D:D:D

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There are definitely more fat Thais around these days than in the past. When I first came here six years ago, I couldn't get over how slim the average Thai was...even the cops were slim! The cops in Florida where I come from are overweight, donut eating machines who must have slimmed down just to make it through the police academy.

Imported junk food from the US and other western nations has certainly made a lot of Thais fat, but I don't think it's only western food. A lot of these artificial snacks/drinks produced here in Thailand are no better than the stuff you get from the US. All these new milk products which are designed to make your kids "smarter" are loaded with tons of chemicals. Thai kids today are fatter and crazier than they were in the past. As with American kids, many of today's younger Thais get little or no exercise and that certainly plays a role in their weight gain. Many of the kindergarten children I teach are overweight....and they're only five years old. This is the time when eating habits are established so if they're this heavy now, just imagine when they get to be adults.

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Was waiting for a cab the other day on soi 23

lots of schoolkids on the soi.

The missus who is 40 kilos was saying how pom pui they all were.

Same as the asian kids back in aus,many are starting to resemble sumo wrestlers at 12 yrs old

Definitely the inactivity and falang junk food doing the damage.

There are definitely more fat Thais around these days than in the past. When I first came here six years ago, I couldn't get over how slim the average Thai was...even the cops were slim! The cops in Florida where I come from are overweight, donut eating machines who must have slimmed down just to make it through the police academy.

Imported junk food from the US and other western nations has certainly made a lot of Thais fat, but I don't think it's only western food. A lot of these artificial snacks/drinks produced here in Thailand are no better than the stuff you get from the US. All these new milk products which are designed to make your kids "smarter" are loaded with tons of chemicals. Thai kids today are fatter and crazier than they were in the past. As with American kids, many of today's younger Thais get little or no exercise and that certainly plays a role in their weight gain. Many of the kindergarten children I teach are overweight....and they're only five years old. This is the time when eating habits are established so if they're this heavy now, just imagine when they get to be adults.

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Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture. This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

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I just think its more noticable with the asians.

You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.  This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

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I just think its more noticable with the asians.

You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.   This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

The three teenage kids that live next door to me never leave the house accept to go to school. They just Watch TV etc. Strange. I used to out in the morning and came back home at night when it got dark. Skipped lunch and climbed trees.

I'm eating lunch now, but still climbing trees. Now I go out at night and come back in the morning....

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I just think its more noticable with the asians.

You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.   This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

After reading your reply I wasn't sure if you were considering tv, playstn, and computers being allowed in unlimited quantity to be indulgence just as unlimited junk food is indulgence.

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Not indulgence perse.

More expedience,....give them what they say they want rather than supporting them in sport,outdoor hobbies etc.

Especialy where today both parents work and lavish the indulgences as salves to the guilt trip etc.

I just think its more noticable with the asians.

You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.   This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

After reading your reply I wasn't sure if you were considering tv, playstn, and computers being allowed in unlimited quantity to be indulgence just as unlimited junk food is indulgence.

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Yes, Thai middle class kids are getting fatter, and yes, part of the reason why is junk food.

Other reasons: Many Thais are of the attitude that obesity represents wealth and status (and think fat kids are cute). 'Yuu dee kin dee' as the Thais say (lives well, eats well - 'well' in this case not meaning 'healthy').

Yet another one: Why walk to the market 200 meters away if you have a car? The car is more comfortable. More and more Thais have a motorcycle or car, and use it at every opportunity.

Another one: The cities are not built for walkers or bicyclists. The footpaths are non-existent or full of street vendors, there are no dedicated bicycle lanes as in other countries, etc. etc. Bicycles are seen as transport for the less fortunate, or, in the case of mountain bikes, as expensive adult toys.

The recent fitness trend may help to change this, but I somehow doubt it - despite the impact of fitness and health hysteria in the West since the 1980's, people there still get fatter in these societies as well.

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I used to out in the morning and came back home at night when it got dark. Skipped lunch and climbed trees.

I'm eating lunch now, but still climbing trees. Now I go out at night and come back in the morning....

:o LOL!

I disagree with most here tho, Thai's are not fatter on the whole imho. Sure, some of the rich kids tend to be rolley polley but maybe there's just a few more around compared to the past? Mcdonalds? Have you seen what the avg thai eats pre-fast food? There's always been alot of deep fried or fried foods in the Thai diet. They must have a gene that prevents heart disease and obesity :D and I always admire how Thai people are impeccably presented, not a single crease, ultra fresh laundry and nary a bead of sweat on hot humid days. Amazing, yes. Fat, no. :D

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I think that there certainly are more fat Thai’s now than ever before.

Same thing happens pretty much all over the world as countries become more industrialized. As countries become more affluent an increasing percentage of the population have computers, TV’s, and other forms of sit on your bum and do nothing physical entertainment. Combine that with processed foods in general (not only junk food and fast food but all kinds of prepackaged, precooked, tons of additives and preservatives (read tones of sugar)) and you end up with fatter people.

Many/most Thai people still eat freshly prepared food in most meals. But an increasing portion of the population has the money to by and consume the prepackaged processed foods. The use of this type of food gives them more time to sit their bums in front of the TV and less time cooking the meals.

While we in the west are decades ahead there is certainly an increasing portion of the Thai population that is giving it a go.

Couple the above with some Thai tendencies to sleep 20 hours a day, or take a taxi or motorsi taxi for a two block trip and it is no wonder that those skinny Issan girls turn into pom pui bar girls after a year or so after the move to the City of Angles.

Same all over the world: less and less physical exercise and loss of reasonable eating habits equals fat people.

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