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In ผู้แพ้, the opening story of this excellent little collection of shorts entitled 'ทางชนะ' (only 70 baht!), there's a couple of lines causing me trouble:

ไม่ต้องร้อง ตีให้จำ ไม่ได้ตีให้ร้อง

/mai dtong rong dtee hai jam mai dai dtee hai rong/

[no need cry hit to remember not do hit to cry]

I'm trying to make sure I've caught both the intended meaning and tone of the 'explanation' as to why the child shouldn't cry, something like

'Don't cry. I hit you so you'd remember, not so you'd cry.'

Q1. Does this meaning sound about right, and would this sound harsh in a sarcastic way, or gentle in a concilliatory way? (there is no clue from the context, other than the kid continues crying as he leaves the room).

The second piece I'm totally lost on. The kid jumps in the canal to wash away his tears and get cleaned up, then this phrase starts the next clause:


/dam put dam wai yoo ben narn jeung.../

[........swimming for a while then.....]

Q2. What does ดำผุดดำ mean please; I'm guessing its some kind of idiom?

From earlier on the same page, there is also this sentence


/luuk-chai nang sa-euan yoo mum krua lang jark dohn mai kat mor huad gohn bai meua kruu/

[the son sat crying in the corner of the kitchen after (being hit?) ........................................................]

Q3. I'm having a lot of trouble with this on. Any offers for the missing explanation for the boys tears?

Thanks in advance for any help.


- About your first question:

I think you're correct.

Many Thai people believe that that hitting their children to help them remember (and not to hurt them) is a good thing. I heard this expression (or something similar) before. This sentence is used in a gentle way.

- About your second question:

This is just a guess but:


makes me think about a playful way of swimming (playing in the water).

(ดำน้ำ is diving, ผุด is popping up (out of the water) )

-about your third question


Is the tool/stick that is used to clean the rice pot. It's used for scraping of the rice that sticks to to bottom of the pot.


just mean being hit (by your mother or father or guardian).



can you give me more context of *1 question , or perhaps whole paragraph.

that tone can be both use, but too, up to context

thais have a idiom "รักวัวให้ผู็ก รักลูกให้ตี" (equal to spare the rod , spoil the child)

and most of this action come with scold. so the kids may remember, but before that, does this kid done something wrong that make his parent angry or he do something that bring shame to the family but by innocence , if it's a former , then a tone should be sarcastic - scold him to fear and not do that again , but if it's the latter ,his parents would said in a sad and gentle way

other question is answer by mr.kriswillem is absolutely right.

(ดำผุดดำว่าย is like a dive up and down in a water)

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