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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law


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Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

My friend, there are thousands of people in the streets, including women, children, and old people. Can any sane person believe the Thais would stoop to the level of Burma?

A recent quote from General Prem should lay this cruel rumor to rest:

Privy Council chairman Gen Prem Tinsulanonda yesterday likened the government to a jockey and soldiers to horses, saying the jockeys come and go, but the owner of the horses stays the same. In a special lecture to around 950 cadets at the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA) in Khao Cha-ngoke, Nakhon Nayok, Gen Prem said the soldiers belonged to His Majesty the King, not a government.

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What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?


They just want to ensure that yellow/other shirts don't come into their camp carrying weapons. Most of the supposed red shirt violence is actually caused by trouble making yellows who smuggle weapons into the red camp to discredit the reds...

And you Know this HOW?????

Can you prove this.. or are you quoting another Rumor monger?


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I just heard that there have been several cases of H1N1 in the Red Shirt enclave! Could it be that this once feared disease is the answer to the whole problem! Could they all be sent home because of fear of an epidemic there!?

Would be an amazing end to an tricky situation (even if only a temporary one).

Source: Channel 3 news

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What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?


They just want to ensure that yellow/other shirts don't come into their camp carrying weapons. Most of the supposed red shirt violence is actually caused by trouble making yellows who smuggle weapons into the red camp to discredit the reds...

I'm not even talking about the protest sites. Reds are setting up roadblocks along public highways, outside of the downtown. These are to prevent police from doing their jobs, and to harass ordinary people, not yellows. These people have no authority to do this. It's a very dangerous precedent to set. It leads to local militias controlling towns and neighborhoods.

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I just heard that there have been several cases of H1N1 in the Red Shirt enclave! Could it be that this once feared disease is the answer to the whole problem! Could they all be sent home because of fear of an epidemic there!?

Would be an amazing end to an tricky situation (even if only a temporary one).

Source: Channel 3 news

Thousands of people living in close quarters without proper sanitation. They'll be lucky if the flu is the worst thing that spreads.

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Maybe Mark can call in the French foreign legion to sort the BKK mess out.

They for one won't be taken hostage by untrained reddies.

You are right. They won't be taken hostage cuz they'll raise the white flag and call the U.S. to get them out of the shit as usual.

LOL! I had a good laugh!!

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What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?


They just want to ensure that yellow/other shirts don't come into their camp carrying weapons. Most of the supposed red shirt violence is actually caused by trouble making yellows who smuggle weapons into the red camp to discredit the reds...

University lecturer complain red shirts try to search students' test papers

I have been searching through student exam papers for years and I can assure them that they will not find anything seditious or dangerous there- just fashion accessories, my holiday to Hua Hin, Korean boy bands and other such drivel

Right ON!!!! I can attest to this also.

There can never be any creative thought in a Thai student's paper as long as they are prohibited from learning how to think or to have open discussion about comparative politics, religion or Thai Culture/History, and the current political situation. When you are prohibited from expressing any critical political opinion, you end up with exactly the situation we have here now!!!

Besides.. They hardly ever write papers, when a Multiple Choice test is so much easier to cheat/guess on.

Why think about a subject and then have to actually explain your reasoning?

Accepting someone elses spoon-fed answers is so much easier.. even when 4 out of 4 choices are all wrong!

Sound Familiar?


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It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are . the unity of purpose and vision?

Where is the Hope?


God, it sounds like you're describing the US.

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The whole concept of the Red shirts being a democratic majority seems to be in question after a Khon Kaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents support the reds, and 50% do not want a house dissolution. This seems to defeat any claim of majority, if they can't achieve it in their heartland, how can they claim it for the country as a whole? This supports evidence given by myself and others, that there is a lack of overt support for the reds in the area.

As this protest continues, tourism figures will continue to drop, leading to a reduction in both income and taxes collected. If the UDD's policies are real, and not a facade for the return of Thaksin, they are self-defeating. Less taxes directly affects the money that can be spent to improve the infrastructure of Isaan. As most of the tax collected comes from the cities anyway, it is churlish to expect an even larger proportion when you are the one reducing the funds available.

Many people in BKK must be angry that their lives are being disrupted; I certainly would be. What if they decide to boycott Isaan produce? It doesn't have to be a total boycott, just a preferential purchasing of southern products when they are available. And it wouldn't take a large percentage of BKK residents to make a noticeable difference. A non-violent way of saying "F.U. very much!"

I would also like to comment on the idea that the PAD has little respect for the voters of Isaan. When Isaanites allow their vote to be bought by the highest bidder, how much respect are they showing for their vote and their country? Where is democracy when candidates are afraid to campaign?

Edited by OzMick
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post='3541475' date='2010-04-26 17:26:13']

Perhaps a bit of Constitutional Law would also help.

Oh and even if I don't agree with you, I would always uphold your right to speak.

You are getting warmer. Then see who wrote the constitution and banned criticism of it and campaigning against it and a TV black out of any dissent. And banned the main opposition to the Democrats.... AND still didn't get enough votes to form a government.

Next google some of the top people at CRES. Find out who they are first

We'll make a political commentater out of you yet.

Well, nothing is perfect and certainly not in politics, especially in Thai politics. But going back to Adam and Eve doesn't help here.

Of course the present constitution was drafted by a group of people nominated by the military (and they made sure they can't get held responsible for anything they did), but a majority of people voted in favor of it. Shouldn't we respect that?

As Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst political form, except for all the others" or something to this effect.

BTW, did you know Veera used to be a Democrat, and Sondhi a friend of Thaskin, and Thaksin paid for the education of Anupong's children?

Nothing good can come from hatred, blackmail, violence and refusal to negotiate and compromise, at least nothing democratic.

You mentioned the constitution law first. It is absolutely the crux of the matter. You have all the information at your disposal but you don't seem aware of how it fits together.

I agree with your last sentence 100% though. But this has come from both sides and if the candidates of the poor are continually remove, it is a recipe for trouble.

Vote, accept it and try to win next time round. But what happend here was vote, Thaksin in, riot, army in, constitution in, rigged elections, Samaak in, Elite organisted outser, Somchai in, ouster organised and even, courtesy of Newin, an army of blue clad thugs roaming the streets of pattaya until they were routed.

That was four groups overturning three valid PM appointments. Newins Blue mob, The PAD, Courts and Army. AND still they keep coming back, these pesky reds causing trouble just because you overthrew three PMs and organised Coup.This time, the Army realise that they perhaps should be evenhanded and this is why they are getting the flak.

What is PAD response now? They know they cannot physically move the reds or they would have tried already. So they bleat and whine for another Coup. Democracy in action? At least the reds are calling for an election here.

So if there's an election in the next 60-90 days, under the current constitution, and PTP do not win an absolute majority and Newin and friends get bought off again leading to a Democrat led administration, will that then be a legitimate government in the eyes of PTP, the Reds and yourself? I seriously doubt that.

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Abhisit looks weaker by the day. He knows the bulk of the Army consists of men and women from the North East and North West of Thailand - are these troops really going to turn on their own people? They could be attacking their own brothers and sisters. The army commanders must realize that there's a real threat of mutiny if the troops are ordered to go in hard.

The bulk of the police similarly are from rural Thailand - red shirt country.

Abhisits announcements look increasingly hollow and desperate.

The will of the people will prevail.


Abhisits got to swallow his pride and do the right thing and dissolve the house before he does any more damage.

red herring.

This has never been about Abhisits pride.

He is most likely the Thai least bothered by issues of face in the whole country.

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It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are . the unity of purpose and vision?

Where is the Hope?


God, it sounds like you're describing the US.

Nope... I'm not... There is NO WAY that the US Democrats are as corrupt as the US Republicans... But In the US the whole system is being corrupted by Partisan politics that is fed on Money/Power and the desire to retain their cushy jobs... However, When It comes to lieing deceitful corrupt politicians, The Republican party wrote the Book!


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The whole concept of the Red shirts being a democratic majority seems to be in question after a Khon Kaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents support the reds, and 50% do not want a house dissolution. This seems to defeat any claim of majority, if they can't achieve it in their heartland, how can they claim it for the country s a whole? This supports evidence given by myself and others, that their is a lack of overt support for the reds in the area.

As this protest continues, tourism figures will continue to drop, leading to a reduction in both income and taxes collected. If the UDD's policies are real, and not a facade for the return of Thaksin, they are self-defeating. Less taxes directly affects the money that can be spent to improve the infrastructure of Isaan. As most of the tax collected comes from the cities anyway, it is churlish to expect an even larger proportion when you are the one reducing the funds available.

Many people in BKK must be angry that their lives are being disrupted; I certainly would be. What if they decide to boycott Isaan produce? It doesn't have to be a total boycott, just a preferential purchasing of southern products when they are available. And it wouldn't take a large percentage of BKK residents to make a noticeable difference. A non-violent way of saying "F.U. very much!"

I would also like to comment on the idea that the PAD has little respect for the voters of Isaan. When Isaanites allow their vote to be bought by the highest bidder, how much respect are they showing for their vote and their country? Where is democracy when candidates are afraid to campaign?

The whole concept of the Red shirts being a democratic majority seems to be in question after a Khon Kaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents support the reds, and 50% do not want a house dissolution.

Not so sure about that. I support the Reds, but I do not support a dissolution of the house now and nor do I support the current protest,its tactics, its violence and its blackmail.

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Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Where is the Hope?

Che was a mass murderer. Why on earth would you hold him up as someone to be admired? :)

And talking of 14-year-old kids brings to mind Mr. San Martin who was a reluctant guest in early days of Castro’s Gulag. Recounted that on one occasion Guevara’s thugs dragged a 14-year-old boy out his cell and into the prison court yard where the heroic Guevara was waiting for him. He bellowed at the boy to kneel in front of him.

Showing vastly more courage than most journalists are capable of, the lad eye-balled Guevara and shouted in his face: “If you're going to kill me you’ll have to do it while I'm standing! Men die standing!” Guevara then put his pistol to the boy’s head and blew out his brains.

Showing vastly more courage than most journalists are capable of, the lad eye-balled Guevara and shouted in his face: “If you're going to kill me you’ll have to do it while I'm standing! Men die standing!” Guevara then put his pistol to the boy’s head and blew out his brains. Compare this boy’s courage with Guevara’s last few seconds on this earth. When he was cornered by Bolivian troops this swaggering sadist blubbered and begged for his life. Demonstrating that there really is such a thing as justice, his captors did humanity an enormous favour and gave this child-killing thug a well-deserved lead injection.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Where is the Hope?

Che was a mass murderer. Why on earth would you hold him up as someone to be admired? :)

And talking of 14-year-old kids brings to mind Mr. San Martin who was a reluctant guest in early days of Castro’s Gulag. Recounted that on one occasion Guevara’s thugs dragged a 14-year-old boy out his cell and into the prison court yard where the heroic Guevara was waiting for him. He bellowed at the boy to kneel in front of him.

Showing vastly more courage than most journalists are capable of, the lad eye-balled Guevara and shouted in his face: “If you're going to kill me you’ll have to do it while I'm standing! Men die standing!” Guevara then put his pistol to the boy’s head and blew out his brains. Compare this boy’s courage with Guevara’s last few seconds on this earth. When he was cornered by Bolivian troops this swaggering sadist blubbered and begged for his life. Demonstrating that there really is such a thing as justice, his captors did humanity an enormous favour and gave this child-killing thug a well-deserved lead injection.

The reds seem to love Che. Maybe you are in the wrong camp on this one?

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I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

I totally disagree with that statement. The Yellow Shirts are backed by the general population suffering from this protest. If any confrontation were to happen between the two groups, the Yellow Shirts would indeed gain support from the multi-coloured shirts along with the angry citizens that have had enough of this fiasco. In the end, the Red Shirts would be greatly outnumbered.

Sorry, have to disagree with YOUR statement. You need to ammend it to: The Yellows are backed by the general population of BANGKOK suffering from this protest. If there were "war" between red & yellow, I'm putting my money on Red To Win. There may be "thousands" of Yellows, but there are MILLIONS of Red, and the way things now stand, there are no guarantees that the military would back the Yellows, as many of them (about 60% of all conscripts) come from Issan and the North. Look how easily the Reds have stopped police and military from other provinces from going to BKK to "rotate" those already there.

Get out of BKK and go to Issan. Go to Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, as well as north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces. Red tee shirts, red scarves around necks, red ribbons around arms, on motorbikes, car and truck antenna are EVERYWHERE. And Yellow? Hummm, not to be seen anywhere.

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If all, multi/yellow act instead of just talk they can easily kick the peasants back to the paddies.

You're a dick! Since the days of Siam, the "peasants of the paddies" have fought for this country. You just carry on soaking up the drivel that your girl spills out aye!

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What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?


They just want to ensure that yellow/other shirts don't come into their camp carrying weapons. Most of the supposed red shirt violence is actually caused by trouble making yellows who smuggle weapons into the red camp to discredit the reds...

So they stop the guy, search his bag, find nothing, and then kick the crap out of him, because he might be a yellow shirt who forgot his weapon. The whole scenario that you describe is ludicrous, but what else can you offer when you are prepared to defend the indefensible?

Edited by OzMick
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I have been an expat resident here for the last 20 years. I have seen 2 military coups in that time. In my opinion this would be the worst case scenario if the PAD take to the streeets in opposition to the Reds who are going to take their shirts off anyway.

Mr Taksin I have been upcountry many times in the past and have seen the good work you have done there, I know the people there love you but please please use your influence to diffuse this terrible situation. There are some stupid and irrelevent comments on this blog, if you can't keep your comments sane please keep them to yourself.

I think I am typical of the expats who love this country and have our "Luk keun," families here.

That’s it…..that wifey of mine is in for a good hiding tonight…she never sees a thing ... going to start to call he Blind Nellie... Every year for the last 15 years we make 2 treks to Isaan to visit her Mama and family…Songkraan and Mama’s birthday in November…usually spend 3 or 4 weeks at a time there…I keep telling the wife to point out to me all the good things Khun Thaksin has done….just more debt she replies or the Phu Yai Baan has purchased the latest Mercedes or BMW etc…

Do you remember during Thaksin’s drug war when the police accompanied by the then Interior Minister travelled to Isaan at night and shot up the poor old couples new house with hundreds of shells ..it had been reported to the powers that be that the couple had appeared to have become unusually rich. The couples son had won the lottery while he was working in Bkk and being a good son had built his parents a house but had not told anyone else that he won the lottery for obvious reasons…the poor old couple took refuge behind the fridge and fortunately their lives were saved…I believe the Interior Minister gained a new nickname that night…you guessed it he was called The Fridge

Yeah Thaksin did a lot of good….gave them all 20 baht but took back 60 baht in return

Do u also remember the cow scam ???

MAybe you could enlighten me and post a map where all this good work has taken place

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What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?

Very good questions! But the Thai police are paid 8,000 Baht and up a month, so I guess you get what you pay for... Also there is all the corruption on all levels of the government from the poo yai baan up to generals. But then there are so many generals, that no one seems to be in charge! Ah, "demockracy." He who pays the most money wins! :)

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Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? Where is the Hope?

Che was a mass murderer. Why on earth would you hold him up as someone to be admired? :)

And talking of 14-year-old kids brings to mind Mr. San Martin who was a reluctant guest in early days of Castro's Gulag. Recounted that on one occasion Guevara's thugs dragged a 14-year-old boy out his cell and into the prison court yard where the heroic Guevara was waiting for him. He bellowed at the boy to kneel in front of him.

Showing vastly more courage than most journalists are capable of, the lad eye-balled Guevara and shouted in his face: "If you're going to kill me you'll have to do it while I'm standing! Men die standing!" Guevara then put his pistol to the boy's head and blew out his brains. Compare this boy's courage with Guevara's last few seconds on this earth. When he was cornered by Bolivian troops this swaggering sadist blubbered and begged for his life. Demonstrating that there really is such a thing as justice, his captors did humanity an enormous favour and gave this child-killing thug a well-deserved lead injection.

The reds seem to love Che. Maybe you are in the wrong camp on this one?

It sounds more like YOU are in the wrong camp! :D

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I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

I totally disagree with that statement. The Yellow Shirts are backed by the general population suffering from this protest. If any confrontation were to happen between the two groups, the Yellow Shirts would indeed gain support from the multi-coloured shirts along with the angry citizens that have had enough of this fiasco. In the end, the Red Shirts would be greatly outnumbered.

Sorry, have to disagree with YOUR statement. You need to ammend it to: The Yellows are backed by the general population of BANGKOK suffering from this protest. If there were "war" between red & yellow, I'm putting my money on Red To Win. There may be "thousands" of Yellows, but there are MILLIONS of Red, and the way things now stand, there are no guarantees that the military would back the Yellows, as many of them (about 60% of all conscripts) come from Issan and the North. Look how easily the Reds have stopped police and military from other provinces from going to BKK to "rotate" those already there.

Get out of BKK and go to Issan. Go to Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, as well as north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces. Red tee shirts, red scarves around necks, red ribbons around arms, on motorbikes, car and truck antenna are EVERYWHERE. And Yellow? Hummm, not to be seen anywhere.

Get out of Bangkok and go south. You might find there is more to Thailand then you know.

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I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

I totally disagree with that statement. The Yellow Shirts are backed by the general population suffering from this protest. If any confrontation were to happen between the two groups, the Yellow Shirts would indeed gain support from the multi-coloured shirts along with the angry citizens that have had enough of this fiasco. In the end, the Red Shirts would be greatly outnumbered.

Sorry, have to disagree with YOUR statement. You need to ammend it to: The Yellows are backed by the general population of BANGKOK suffering from this protest. If there were "war" between red & yellow, I'm putting my money on Red To Win. There may be "thousands" of Yellows, but there are MILLIONS of Red, and the way things now stand, there are no guarantees that the military would back the Yellows, as many of them (about 60% of all conscripts) come from Issan and the North. Look how easily the Reds have stopped police and military from other provinces from going to BKK to "rotate" those already there.

Get out of BKK and go to Issan. Go to Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, as well as north to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces. Red tee shirts, red scarves around necks, red ribbons around arms, on motorbikes, car and truck antenna are EVERYWHERE. And Yellow? Hummm, not to be seen anywhere.

Maybe the reason is that they live in fear of their lives if they do so, threats from the "democracy for us not for you" reds... The use of violence to intimidate political opponents of the rd has been long-standing. A Thai friend of mine in Ubon Ratchathani who supports the redshirts told me if I come there and say a like the dems I would not leave alive. Hmmm, wonder why you don't see nay yellows. By the same token I have a few friends from Chiangmai, and they don't support the reds eweither but again fear of attacks keep them from expressing their views. Redshirt democracy "us not you."

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The whole concept of the Red shirts being a democratic majority seems to be in question after a Khon Kaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents support the reds, and 50% do not want a house dissolution. This seems to defeat any claim of majority, if they can't achieve it in their heartland, how can they claim it for the country s a whole? This supports evidence given by myself and others, that their is a lack of overt support for the reds in the area.

As this protest continues, tourism figures will continue to drop, leading to a reduction in both income and taxes collected. If the UDD's policies are real, and not a facade for the return of Thaksin, they are self-defeating. Less taxes directly affects the money that can be spent to improve the infrastructure of Isaan. As most of the tax collected comes from the cities anyway, it is churlish to expect an even larger proportion when you are the one reducing the funds available.

Many people in BKK must be angry that their lives are being disrupted; I certainly would be. What if they decide to boycott Isaan produce? It doesn't have to be a total boycott, just a preferential purchasing of southern products when they are available. And it wouldn't take a large percentage of BKK residents to make a noticeable difference. A non-violent way of saying "F.U. very much!"

I would also like to comment on the idea that the PAD has little respect for the voters of Isaan. When Isaanites allow their vote to be bought by the highest bidder, how much respect are they showing for their vote and their country? Where is democracy when candidates are afraid to campaign?

The whole concept of the Red shirts being a democratic majority seems to be in question after a Khon Kaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents support the reds, and 50% do not want a house dissolution.

Not so sure about that. I support the Reds, but I do not support a dissolution of the house now and nor do I support the current protest,its tactics, its violence and its blackmail.

Well, geez Louise, what's left? The re-instatement of T, or their sartorial elegance?

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The red occupaion of bangkok has to stop. All it has done is brought is death to the streets . If they get into power nothing will change but the name on the desk, the poor will still get shafted like always.

I think it will change but for the worse. The redshirts remind me so much of what I have read about the SA in Germany and Mussolini's blackshirts, same style, same tactics, same bullying attitude.... Thugs and murderers, as they have shown themselves to be...

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The whole conutry is now rule and run by mobs, the police and army are all useless. They allow the Red mobs to stop and search their vehicles and hold them as hostage, its a real joke. Now, the PAD is asking the govt to impose martial law, PAD has forgotten what they done 2 years ago, they set an example for the Reds to follow now. Why crying foul now? Its sad to see that Thailand has come to this pathetic stage, where by the police and army are not performing thier duties and the mobs are taking law on their own. :)

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