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Thailand's Tourism Plunges Drastically


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thailand always seems to just bounce straight back when there is any problem.

no matter what, the tourisits still keep coming.

while all the locals and papers declare that thai tourism is ruined, its usually not too long before people start to come back again.

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Sad about the slow down of the tourist industry (and other service type of jobs). Many of the workers connected to restaurants, tours, and hotels are from the North and Isaan areas. I wonder if their relatives (that work in the rural areas) will see the connection? Also, I wonder if the Isaan taxi drivers will understand the connection why they are not making as much money due to the Red protesters.

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If anyone thinks that regular tourists are coming because there is no danger here then think again..what i mean is ok there are dangers here but if you have been here before then you know where to go and not to go but that is not the case now and even hardened tourists who have been many times to the LOS are not coming....Grenades thrown at banks into crowds anything can happen anywhere.......Not just Bangkok. My son has been over here about 8 times and twice in the last 18 months with his girlfriend.They were coming in July this year but now because of the RED problems here they will not now come...They just think at this time its just not worth the risk....I for one understand and I do not believe tourism is only down one third more like 80%...But thats just me seeing who's walking the streets in the north.Its just us locals...Would'nt be so bad but the pound is still weak against the pound.....

Just a little off subject the housing estate I'am on is putting the rents up by 1000 baht a month for tenants when they renew leases...You think not a lot well in real terms I'am paying 25% to 30% more because of the exchange rate...Well my neighbour has moved out and the house has now been empty for 3 months so even if they got some one in now it would take 18 months to regain their looses...Thai logic yes! Other houses are empty and there are no new perspective tenants at the moment but they have put them up as well! Som Nam Na yes!

if my math is correct...that means you pay 3-4000 baht a month for rent?????? the loss you would incur due to a poor exchange rate on 1000 baht would be what?....30baht??? eegad you must be on a tight budget.

YOU HAVE JUST FAILED YOUR MATHS EXAM. If the rent increase is B1000/m, and the bungalow has been empty for 3 months, and it will take 18 months to recover the loss if re-rented now, then the rent must be B6000/m. Any losses due to exchange rate would have to be calculated in the source currency, not in THB.

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Why would tourists, who save up their money all year for their one special relaxing holiday, even want a free visa or want extra health insurance to come to be ripped off or worse in a war-zone?

I despair at the lack of foresight in Thailand.

It seems a lot of Thais are concentrating on the bruise instead of the fist. :)

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I just tried to book a flight with EVA Airways from L.A. to Bangkok in the middle of July and the price was up 30%. You also have to use 12,000 air miles to get the "Special" deal. I just flew a few months ago during high season and the price was way less. I see this trend all the time with EVA. Expensive during low season and cheapest during high season. You would think that with whats going on in Thailand and it is entering the hot season soon and the Baht as strong as it is, all airlines would be lowering fares to Thailand. I checked other airlines as well. Same thing. What gives?

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I think a drop in tourist arrival numbers is to be expected, given the international awareness of the ongoing politiclal unrest here in Taiiland. However, I wouldn't count the Thais out yet; they have an uncanny nack for bouncing back.

Over the long term though I forsee a decline in the Thai tourist industry.

My best guess -and no one knows for sure how this will play out- is that Thailand will slowly give up signigicant tourist market share to competitors.

Remember General Motors? GM was the world's largest auto manufacturer and dominated the US auto market. Slowly ever so slowly, first the germans and then the japanese began to nibble away and even die hard GM customers began to buy "foreign" cars. Look at GM now, its a shadow of its former self.

Thailand does a lot of things right: 30 day visa waver on incomming flights, creating the "Amazing Thailand" brand name and successfully promoting the "Land of Smiles" image. But the ongoing and seemingly never ending political unrest (not to mention death toll), difficulty in arriving or departing Bangkok by air (yeah, the Thais are not responsible for Iceland's volcano erruption but they did close the airport) and the increasing awareness of the petty scams that the Thai authorities seem unable or indifferent to resolve will eventually take its toll.

For the record, I hope I'm wrong because the drop in tourist arrivals hurts the poor Thais the most. Yes, tourisim is only 7% of Thai GDP, but it employes 10% of Thai workers and is the biggest earner of foreign currency.

Time will tell :)

Clearly the difference here is that, unlike GM, the Thai product is every bit as good as, or better than, it's competitors.

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It seems totally pointless to keep seeking money for "stimuation" of tourists. The images and news stories that foriegners see (for free) on the evening news will have far more impact that any money spent on a stimulous. Until the situation unfolds and stability returns these various stimulous packages are almost a waste of time.

Pointless for who? May not be pointless for the bureaucrats that get to hold the purse strings.

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I'm off to the UK for four weeks from tomorrow. Are the posters here saying that the British Government is banning its citizens from going to Thailand? Heck! I live here and just going back to UK to visit family.

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Agree with the qutejute, amazing to see even 20,000 a day coming in.

I guess nothing can keep the mongers away.

Thanks for your post.

I am impelled to inquire whether or not you, yourself or 'gutejute' regard all 'falang' as "mongers?"

Perhaps you should recalibrate your OWN standards before you paint everyone with the same brush.

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People aren't coming here, simply because of all the wank embassies here are advising not to, thus insurance companies wont cover. People aren't scared to Thailand, but they IS better to have insurance while they're here, not incase of being injured or killed by ARMY!! but more by traffic, or shitty walkways.

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It seems totally pointless to keep seeking money for "stimuation" of tourists. The images and news stories that foriegners see (for free) on the evening news will have far more impact that any money spent on a stimulous. Until the situation unfolds and stability returns these various stimulous packages are almost a waste of time.

Spot on.

The only people that will come to Thailand for a holiday right now are the regulars, though I suppose as hotel and airline prices plummet there could be a few bargain hunters taking the risk.

Fortunately it's low season (for those of us in tourist related businesses).

Any budget for the TAT should be withheld until after the troubles are over and things are back to normal, whenever hat may be.

Fair to say that if the tourists are stopped from coming by their governments it reduces the cost and enormous task of repatriating them in a hurry when this becomes necessary, as it surely will based on what's going on right now. Not wishing to be alarmist but it hasn't started yet!

I believe that you are sounding unnecessarily alarmist. Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya and all destinations South are completely unaffected by the present political fiasco.

On the other hand I believe the stimulus package would be better targeted at telling the World that these destinations, relative to Bangkok, are safe and that you can fly into most of them without even touching Bangkok, although there is nothing to indicate that there are problems at Bangkok Airport if you are transiting through - but that of course is only today's story.

And the person who suggested that the Red Shirts might head South do not understand the political geography of Thailand. The Red shirts did go to Phuket to disrupt the ASEAN Meeting, but I do not believe they would be comfortable operating for any length of time in the South. I am sure this would be a receipt for civil war, which the Red Shirts would be hard pressed to win.

I am convinced we will have a solution to the present crises within the next 28 days and it will quickly become yesterday's story. Look at Phuket and the tsunami. People stayed away for a year, after which they came flocking back. The public has a short memory and when you consider the geographical fault remains........ even more amazing! :)

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There are some very stupid people posting on this thread, threat of danger is not the real problem.

How many tourists do you know will go on a holiday without travel insurance?

I certainly wouldn't and only know one person who would.

You know only one? You do live a sheltered life. Thousands of punters on budget travelling go without insurance. Infact I have met people who have lived in Thailand for years with no Insurance

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So typically Thai to focus on the symptoms rather than resolving the problem.

Will lower air fares, extra insurance or free visas be incentive enough to attract

tourists to enjoy the dangers of Bangkok? Will one more jolly press release

convince the world that Thailand is a traveler's paradise? The chaos, killings and

public disorder has gone on long enough. It's time for rule of law to be taken


You're absolutely right Paul. They are so convinced by their own propaganda that they can't conceive westeners would not also believe.

There will of course be one or two that will still come here regardless because they don't perceive the danger, are fool hardy or can't stay away fro the cheap sex market.

You know as this blows over some where down the track, we weteners will be blamed for the downturn in the Thai economy for not continuing to support Thailand through tourism during this insecure time.

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That the tourisme plunges drastically is one thing.

By the artificial strengthen Thai Bath many expat will get in serious trouble to show the 65'000 THB (for same exchange we got in january near 70'000) and punishment for this no married with Thai with a must of 45'000 THB only.

Hope Immigrations consider this point if the tolerance is less 5 - 10% at the moment.

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I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

Yeah mate, Pattaya is real safe :) , if you don't get raped, beaten, robbed, mugged by ladyboys, ur hotel safe robbed, killed on a motorbike, beaten up by the baht bus driver or ur throat cut or launch yourself of a high rise hotel balcony, OR ANY COMBINATION of these, pattaya is completely safe.

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Agree with the qutejute, amazing to see even 20,000 a day coming in.

I guess nothing can keep the mongers away.

What's the sense in comparing Feb - Mar this year to April this year because there's seasonal fluctuations which need to be taken into consideration. Surely a comparison with the same time last year would make more sense.

A 10% drop seems small considering what's going on and the international panic it's causing.

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Tourism authority wants Bt1.6 BILLION. They can spend all they want but they can't pull the wool over people's eyes any longer. These demonstrations will echo for years to come for the tourism industry. TAT may be able to sweep all the tourist scams and increasing criminal targeting of foreigners, but when you have zealots taking part of a city hostage, bloodshed and now frisking by red shirts of passers by, the only people who come will be bypassing the Big Mango and heading straight to the beaches or to the Rose of the North.

First of all they have to train the immigration to smile teach them how to say "Welcome to the Kingdom of Thailand"

Instead of their attitude do not bother me? Has any one here on this forum ever been welcome that way?

I was welcome that way to my latest trip to China and Vietnam! Communist countries can welcome me that way.

What happen to the Land of Smiles? :)

Do you seriously think that's why people are not coming to Thailand? If thats the case then why do so many people go to the USA? Try dealing with with their immigration! I guarantee they are head and shoulders above the Thai's in the 'attitude' stakes.

And i recently returned to Thailand from KL during Songkran. All of the immigration staff were wearing the garish Songkran shirts and the guy who stamped my passport was very happy, very smily and told me to have a lovely holiday in Thailand, even tough i was on a business visa!

Wow...you're so important!

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It seems totally pointless to keep seeking money for "stimuation" of tourists. The images and news stories that foriegners see (for free) on the evening news will have far more impact that any money spent on a stimulous. Until the situation unfolds and stability returns these various stimulous packages are almost a waste of time.

Well im in the UK at the moment and there seems to be a blackout of any news from Thailand the last was the clash between the reds and the army before silom - nothing has been reported about the bomb in silom though ? Nor the kings T.V. address.. so its left down to the travel agents to feed the public the situation, as far as insurance goes people are still coverd for BKK however if they put themselves in any risk ie: march through Patpong with a yellow Tshirt on , then the travel insurance wont cover them. I hear though a lot of tour companies are dropping Bangkok off the programme all together because of these protests. I dont think these people know anything about what they are doing to Thailands image around the world.

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Tourism authority wants Bt1.6 BILLION. They can spend all they want but they can't pull the wool over people's eyes any longer. These demonstrations will echo for years to come for the tourism industry. TAT may be able to sweep all the tourist scams and increasing criminal targeting of foreigners, but when you have zealots taking part of a city hostage, bloodshed and now frisking by red shirts of passers by, the only people who come will be bypassing the Big Mango and heading straight to the beaches or to the Rose of the North.

First of all they have to train the immigration to smile teach them how to say "Welcome to the Kingdom of Thailand"

Instead of their attitude do not bother me? Has any one here on this forum ever been welcome that way?

I was welcome that way to my latest trip to China and Vietnam! Communist countries can welcome me that way.

What happen to the Land of Smiles? :)

Do you seriously think that's why people are not coming to Thailand? If thats the case then why do so many people go to the USA? Try dealing with with their immigration! I guarantee they are head and shoulders above the Thai's in the 'attitude' stakes.

And i recently returned to Thailand from KL during Songkran. All of the immigration staff were wearing the garish Songkran shirts and the guy who stamped my passport was very happy, very smily and told me to have a lovely holiday in Thailand, even tough i was on a business visa!

Wow...you're so important!

Why be rude? I was merely stating that the immigration officers at Swampy were very welcoming, unlike the orginal poster stated. It has absolutely nothing to do with who I am.

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It seems totally pointless to keep seeking money for "stimuation" of tourists. The images and news stories that foriegners see (for free) on the evening news will have far more impact that any money spent on a stimulous. Until the situation unfolds and stability returns these various stimulous packages are almost a waste of time.

Spot on.

The only people that will come to Thailand for a holiday right now are the regulars, though I suppose as hotel and airline prices plummet there could be a few bargain hunters taking the risk.

Fortunately it's low season (for those of us in tourist related businesses).

Any budget for the TAT should be withheld until after the troubles are over and things are back to normal, whenever hat may be.

Fair to say that if the tourists are stopped from coming by their governments it reduces the cost and enormous task of repatriating them in a hurry when this becomes necessary, as it surely will based on what's going on right now. Not wishing to be alarmist but it hasn't started yet!

I believe that you are sounding unnecessarily alarmist. Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya and all destinations South are completely unaffected by the present political fiasco.

On the other hand I believe the stimulus package would be better targeted at telling the World that these destinations, relative to Bangkok, are safe and that you can fly into most of them without even touching Bangkok, although there is nothing to indicate that there are problems at Bangkok Airport if you are transiting through - but that of course is only today's story.

And the person who suggested that the Red Shirts might head South do not understand the political geography of Thailand. The Red shirts did go to Phuket to disrupt the ASEAN Meeting, but I do not believe they would be comfortable operating for any length of time in the South. I am sure this would be a receipt for civil war, which the Red Shirts would be hard pressed to win.

I am convinced we will have a solution to the present crises within the next 28 days and it will quickly become yesterday's story. Look at Phuket and the tsunami. People stayed away for a year, after which they came flocking back. The public has a short memory and when you consider the geographical fault remains........ even more amazing! :)

"We advise against all but essential travel to the whole of Thailand due to the increasingly volatile and tense political situation. Violent incidents of an unpredictable nature are occurring in many parts of Thailand. "

Extract from the information at -

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"We advise against all but essential travel to the whole of Thailand due to the increasingly volatile and tense political situation. Violent incidents of an unpredictable nature are occurring in many parts of Thailand. "

Extract from the information at -

Sorry, extract from the inforamtion at - http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living...ceania/thailand

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You know only one? You do live a sheltered life. Thousands of punters on budget travelling go without insurance. Infact I have met people who have lived in Thailand for years with no Insurance

I'm not a tourist, I live here. I think tourists are more likely to need insurance as they have a set return date and a job to go back to.

I'm not insured with an out of country firm so it doesn't affect me.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Thank you red shirts for destroying Thai tourism. Your Thai brothers and sisters will be grateful that you took food off their table, yet again.

...Unless, of course, the drop is attributable to their home govenments' warnings, which may be based on the failure of officials to handle the situation. If the government were perceived as handling things, there would not be warnings. Travel warnings have not to my knowledge blamed the protesters, who may--if CNN and BBC are to be believed--appear to some in the world as freedom fighters. Not championing any position, but the brothers and sisters seem to be doing the protesting.

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Why be rude? I was merely stating that the immigration officers at Swampy were very welcoming, unlike the orginal poster stated. It has absolutely nothing to do with who I am.

Sorry...a moment of mis-reading your post!

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That the tourisme plunges drastically is one thing.

By the artificial strengthen Thai Bath many expat will get in serious trouble to show the 65'000 THB (for same exchange we got in january near 70'000) and punishment for this no married with Thai with a must of 45'000 THB only.

Hope Immigrations consider this point if the tolerance is less 5 - 10% at the moment.

I'm sure they might consider it if they could understand what the bloody hel_l you're talking about

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People aren't coming here, simply because of all the wank embassies here are advising not to, thus insurance companies wont cover. People aren't scared to Thailand, but they IS better to have insurance while they're here, not incase of being injured or killed by ARMY!! but more by traffic, or shitty walkways.

I think that you are correct - now that the, eg, UK's government warning is so severe it's not posible (I believe) to get insurance. But, if you left UK before that severe warning, your insurance will remain valid (except for motorcycles & pre-existing illnesses). My insurer (travelinsurance.co.uk) confirmed this before I left UK 2.5 weeks ago.

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That the tourisme plunges drastically is one thing.

By the artificial strengthen Thai Bath many expat will get in serious trouble to show the 65'000 THB (for same exchange we got in january near 70'000) and punishment for this no married with Thai with a must of 45'000 THB only.

Hope Immigrations consider this point if the tolerance is less 5 - 10% at the moment.

I'm sure they might consider it if they could understand what the bloody hel_l you're talking about

I get paid in THB so I guess it's easier for me to not understand what the hel_l he is on about.

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