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Chiang Mai Farang Tourist Police


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I called the volunteers who were sacked for misusing their uniform and authority garbage.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Loaded,

This response is in no way intended to impugn your integrity and honesty !

After you called them up ... well ... what happened ? Did they hang up on you ? You didn't call them collect, did you ?

Two can well imagine that, whatever the reality, TV CM members who happened to be on the FOTP (Friends of Tourist Police ?) program would be reluctant to comment publicly out of that reasonable paranoia concerning remarks about officialdom here, and their desire for personal privacy.

In the absence of definitive information, and confirmation, we have to treat this report as rumor. We were once handed a card in a Mac store in Bangkok by a man we helped select a Macintosh for his daughter : the card described him as a "Police Lieutenant General" : he commented : this card was only for "show."

We know of at least two farangs in CM who have multiple business cards, each one bearing the name of a different "fictional" company.

Caveat auditor ?

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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I called the volunteers who were sacked for misusing their uniform and authority garbage.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Loaded,

This response is in no way intended to impugn your integrity and honesty !

After you called them up ... well ... what happened ? Did they hang up on you ? You didn't call them collect, did you ?

Two can well imagine that, whatever the reality, TV CM members who happened to be on the FOTP (Friends of Tourist Police ?) program would be reluctant to comment publicly out of that reasonable paranoia concerning remarks about officialdom here, and their desire for personal privacy.

In the absence of definitive information, and confirmation, we have to treat this report as rumor. We were once handed a card in a Mac store in Bangkok by a man we helped select a Macintosh for his daughter : the card described him as a "Police Lieutenant General" : he commented : this card was only for "show."

We know of at least two farangs in CM who have multiple business cards, each one bearing the name of a different "fictional" company.

Caveat auditor ?

best, ~o:37;

I was told to my face by the Thai policeman responsible for farang volunteer policemen in Chiang Mai. He was speaking to an associate of mine (Thai) who had been asked to act as a translator and I was invited to join the conversation.

I couldn't care less whether you believe me.

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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

I am probably being slow, but can you give me a clue as to what 'cr***' may be? Tried Google, got nothing.


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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

I am probably being slow, but can you give me a clue as to what 'cr***' may be? Tried Google, got nothing.


Had me baffled for a while, & I like to do crosswords  :)

Possibly "crook" but didn't want to be accused of libel?

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... snip ... This response is in no way intended to impugn your integrity and honesty !

I couldn't care less whether you believe me ... snip ...

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Loaded,

We apologize, and we do care, if you interpreted our comments (in spite of our disclaimer quoted above) as indicating we "don't believe you." And we believe : you do care; else why would you bother to respond ?

Let me assure you we do believe that you had a conversation, that you believed you were speaking to a senior Thai somebody or other, and that your Thai friend interpreted that conversation to you, and that you reported what was interpreted to you. The mystery of why you would be present in such a situation, or why you would be invited to join such a conversation : of course you may want to be discreet about that, but that is, to us, rather anomalous.

Further, on the basis of everything on this thread, we do believe something has taken place with some number of current FOTP volunteers.

And we believe we may never know what really happened unless, by chance, we can encounter two or more ex or current FOTP's and hear their versions; and even then, we may have "competing" realities.

So, please don't take our skepticism on a personal level. We don't believe ourselves more than half the time, and often catch one or both of us lying to each other, or, to make that sound more sweet, "telling stories."

best, ~o:37;

"trust nothing, question everything" attributed to Kabbala

Edited by orang37
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Was at tourist police station today. At least 7 farang volunteers there on duty. So either the alleged Tourist police commander does not know what is going on with his own department, he is not really tourist police, or none of this ever happened. The point to me here is not just about tourist police, as I personally do not care about this, but that once again people spread false and malicious gossip about someone on forum without having any facts or evidence. All the time farangs complain about Thais and their malicious gossip, and for good reason as I have witnessed much of this myself. But some people on forum are no better. In fact I know some volunteer guys and some maybe are wannabe cops but mostly they are decent average guys just trying to keep busy and do something worthwhile, and none of them had electrodes coming out of their heads. I believe you will find a greater percentage of misfits and losers in bars in CM than at tourist police.

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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

Invex, why don't you give us the 5th letter at least, then we can work it out :)

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Like, the real Thai police never misused their ID (to extract tea money)


I didn't know the farang VP were also extracting tea money but thanks for the update.

Your obviously a bit of an idiot Loaded your post was to incite and nothing more as your subsequent postings show.

Your information is absolutely WRONG

FYI a tourist police sticker on a car gets you no slack i know multiple peole who have been clamped with stickers on cars both thai and farang. As for misusing ID again your just trying to incite.

I will post what I know if an new reply which will be true and not LOADEDS B.S

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A TROLL post if ever I saw one

Come on MODs issue him a warning for spreading absolute B.S

I'm more than happy to introduce a mod to the policeman I spoke with. If a mod is interested, please pm so that I can arrange a convenient time and location for everyone.

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Here is my Personal experinence of what happening with the TPV I was a TPV for close to 2 years and I guess you could say i was fired if you want but this was 5 months ago.

When we got a new Pol lt Col to run the TPD he suggested putting together a commitee of current TPD farang volunteers to oversee interviews for new volunteers, diciplinary hearings and the like.

prior to this we were pretty much left to sign in and sign out and do our patrols and things were running fine but not really being overseen too much.

Once the commitee was formed in my opinion by power hungry farangs things started to turn bad in our eyes (i speak for another TPD V that left of his own accord) all of a sudden we started to be disrespected by the new commitee both myself and another stayed away and decided just to do our patrols and lay low.

I then got into a bad motorbike accident and was hospitalized and received an email from one of the committee members chastizing me for not doing the required 20 hours voluntered time per month, I explained that I did not really count the hours each month but I must be close to the required number and other months I did more, i also explained i had had a bad accident and was in hospital and would not be able to work for at least 12 weeks but would be sure to make sure my hours were up there when I get back.

I received a reply back again very condecending and even implying that i was lying about being in the hospital I bit my tongue (not like me) and sent a nice reply back saying I would be a good boy and ensure I would, when i get back do the 20 hours each month.

I received another reply saying that he had talked with the commitee and that was ok then and when I was better they look forward to seeing me then and to get better soon.

About a week goes by I am still in the hospital and I get another email from another commitee member (the one who thinks he is the boss) asking me again why I did not do the required 20 hours a month and also why i did not do the social activities with the other volunteers.

i amswered that the last social meeting was mountain biking through the mountains and that was not my cup of tea being 250 pound plus at the time, I also explained about the hours and I had already emailed with the other comitee member.

I then get a very blunt rude email from the same guy that i was no longer a member of the TPD due to not doing the required monthly hours.

I sent him copies of all the mails with the previous commitee member about it all being cleared up and he just blew me off

in a very rude manner

So I was no longer in the TPV and obviously a bit shocked over the whole thing as we had been the more active ones in the past 2 years

and there was absolutely no reason for him to of treated me that way.

So at that point i am out of the loop however just before Songkran I got another email from another Volunteer saying all X volunteers please come back let bygones be bygones seems like a lot of volunteers had walked out due to, based on the emails problems between the commitee and the TPD co ordinators

I then get another email from the same clan that tossed me out for no reason that the other guy was not authorized to send the previous mail even though it was on behalf of the Pol lt col

So basically it sounds like a total cluster fk thay should of left it like it was without a commitee trying to act all high and mighty treating us like children and talking down to us. We were volunteering our time were not there to be chastized and that why my buddy told them where to stick it.

So nobody was misusing ID cards or taking tea money although I could beleive that one of them kicked off with one of those commitee members as i would of too based on the way i was treated.

I might even go back once I am healed and meet with the Lt Col and explain everything and show him the emails as it just dont make sense.

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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

The Tourists police does not, as far as I know, have any police authority. They have no right to tell you where to go or what to do. If you took this person seriously, why did you not report him to his superior? Why would you take crap from a clown just because he is wearing some sort of uniform?

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During my 10 year stay in Chiang Mai, I crossed paths 3 times with those volunteers. Not one time I was happy with it. On the contrary; every time a very sad and bad feeling. Especially from a 35/40 year old French volunteer; he is no less than a cr***. Twice I was with a friend, the other time with my wife. Every time a real shock for all of us.

The Tourists police does not, as far as I know, have any police authority. They have no right to tell you where to go or what to do. If you took this person seriously, why did you not report him to his superior? Why would you take crap from a clown just because he is wearing some sort of uniform?

In my 2 years in the TPV i never met anyone that i though was up to no good in the TPV if I did I would of done something about it not sure who invex is reffering but its not illegal to be a creep does not sound like he actually did anything to them just made them feel uneasy and he metions he was french which just happens to be the nationality of the guy that kicked me out.


Let me tell you something dude over the 2 years i was in i helped so many farang out of trouble you would not beleive it young guys trying to buy coke guys about to get a kicking by loads of thais, Bars being hussled for music money etc the list really goes on and on the fact that many people diss the TPV thats ok there are many many out there that have been helped by (i have to say them now LOL) and you just might need them one day.

You hear a lot of people slaggin them off but the business community actual accepted us very well and if they had a problem they called on us to help them out for advice

I guess each is different but I simply put guys in the right direction

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Quite a few members of this Forum were real cops in their previous lives (yours truly was too but a long time ago).

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a pretend police person, particularly in a country where they have absolutely no authority.

Some folks just like to wear uniforms and think they are a little more important than what they really are. There will always be some individuals who will abuse what little rank they have over others.

Maybe the RTPD will one day permit these FOTP to carry weapons so they can all get pissed and have a shoot out with each other.

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Quite a few members of this Forum were real cops in their previous lives (yours truly was too but a long time ago).

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a pretend police person, particularly in a country where they have absolutely no authority.

Some folks just like to wear uniforms and think they are a little more important than what they really are. There will always be some individuals who will abuse what little rank they have over others.

Maybe the RTPD will one day permit these FOTP to carry weapons so they can all get pissed and have a shoot out with each other.

I have seen your post before BB regarding the TPV and you have nothing postive to say so sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut when theres nothing positive coming out of it

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Quite a few members of this Forum were real cops in their previous lives (yours truly was too but a long time ago).

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a pretend police person, particularly in a country where they have absolutely no authority.

Some folks just like to wear uniforms and think they are a little more important than what they really are. There will always be some individuals who will abuse what little rank they have over others.

Maybe the RTPD will one day permit these FOTP to carry weapons so they can all get pissed and have a shoot out with each other.

I have seen your post before BB regarding the TPV and you have nothing postive to say so sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut when theres nothing positive coming out of it


This is an open forum, FC. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have stated mine. Obviously you don't like my opinion and that's your perogative, but I will continue to say what I want whether you like it or not.

Make sure you iron some nice creases on your little blue overalls when/if they let you back in. :)

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Heres an ad from a newsletter I received today - make of it what you will....but they wouldn't say the vacancies are due to termination would they?

The Chiang Mai Tourist Police are well equipped to deal with problems involving foreigners. Many officers speak other languages and they are supported by about 30 overseas volunteers from a number of different countries. Many foreigners are visiting and residing in Chaing Mai. Hence, Tourist Police Division needs more volunteers to assist and serve the foreigners. If you would like to join the team, kindly bring 2 passport size photos and passport for personal registration at the office: Chiangmai Tourist Police Division, Rimping Plaza, 608 Chaleraj Road, Faham, Muang, Chiangmai, Thailand. Thank you.

Is the work permit waivered in this case or do they short circuit one for candidates?

Do they give some kind of long term visa or vouchers for Dunkin Donuts?

Not for me - I give them a wide berth :)

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Quite a few members of this Forum were real cops in their previous lives (yours truly was too but a long time ago).

I can't understand why anyone would want to be a pretend police person, particularly in a country where they have absolutely no authority.

Some folks just like to wear uniforms and think they are a little more important than what they really are. There will always be some individuals who will abuse what little rank they have over others.

Maybe the RTPD will one day permit these FOTP to carry weapons so they can all get pissed and have a shoot out with each other.

I have seen your post before BB regarding the TPV and you have nothing postive to say so sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut when theres nothing positive coming out of it


This is an open forum, FC. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have stated mine. Obviously you don't like my opinion and that's your perogative, but I will continue to say what I want whether you like it or not.

Make sure you iron some nice creases on your little blue overalls when/if they let you back in. :)

Took you that long to think something up confirms your not that bright

but I knew that already :D

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A bit off topic, I think he volunteers should be "tourist information volunteers" in a non police type uni., something like a special t-shirt or polo shirt wjth distinctive logo. They would be able to interface with police but that would be only one part of the job. I think if that were the case everybody would respect them and that would also attract a different sort of person to the "job".

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