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PM Ahbisit - Has The Government Lost Control


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So yes I have lost a lot of respect for him as a leader but as a person he is a decent human being.

Forgive me if i'm mistaking you for another red sympathiser, but was it not you who said that Abhisit had blood on his hands? And now you are calling him a decent human being right?

Everybody makes mistakes, yes he has blood on his hands and yes he must deal with the bad karma when it returns.

I never said he was mother theresa.

The most relevant thing is that he has been compromised and can no longer help Thailand in this crisis.

Edited by RussellHantz
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By what criteria could anyone consider Abhisit to be a decent person or good guy?

If you were here in May 1992, you would not have to ask.

Most leaders take these things personally and try to crush the opposition. Abhisit has done everything possible to avoid using a heavy hand despite pressure from his own people.

I understand the frustration of the reds, but Abhisit is trying to keep things from spinning out of control and really damaging the country.

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

i am surprised to hear you say a nice thing about Abhisit, Russell, after slandering him so many times before

especially after you seem to be the head of the self appointed TV hypocrisy police

I had a fair bit of respect for Abhisit before he came to power. Like a lot of people, I have become very disappointed, angry and even heartbroken at the way he has handled things. So yes I have lost a lot of respect for him as a leader but as a person he is a decent human being.

There is no hypocrisy there if you see the distinction.

really?, looking back at your posts and within one day of waking up on April 12th 2010 and deciding to join the discussion group here at TV and at post #9 of your entire TV posting career you said:

''I for one am glad to see the end of Abhisit and his smug defiance''

you have compounded that with many disrespectful statements since then

to now say that ''Abhisit is a very decent person'' is hypocrisy personified and contrasts with your usual childish name calling

just so you know heres a few dictionary definitions of one your most used words:

Noun1.hypocrisy - an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction

2.hypocrisy - insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have

hypocrisy the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour,

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By what criteria could anyone consider Abhisit to be a decent person or good guy?

If you were here in May 1992, you would not have to ask.

Most leaders take these things personally and try to crush the opposition. Abhisit has done everything possible to avoid using a heavy hand despite pressure from his own people.

I understand the frustration of the reds, but Abhisit is trying to keep things from spinning out of control and really damaging the country.

Ulysses, i almost never agree with anything you say but credit where its due........

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

i am surprised to hear you say a nice thing about Abhisit, Russell, after slandering him so many times before

especially after you seem to be the head of the self appointed TV hypocrisy police

I had a fair bit of respect for Abhisit before he came to power. Like a lot of people, I have become very disappointed, angry and even heartbroken at the way he has handled things. So yes I have lost a lot of respect for him as a leader but as a person he is a decent human being.

There is no hypocrisy there if you see the distinction.

really?, looking back at your posts and within one day of waking up on April 12th 2010 and deciding to join the discussion group here at TV and at post #9 of your entire TV posting career you said:

''I for one am glad to see the end of Abhisit and his smug defiance''

you have compounded that with many disrespectful statements since then

to now say that ''Abhisit is a very decent person'' is hypocrisy personified and contrasts with your usual childish name calling

just so you know heres a few dictionary definitions of one your most used words:

Noun1.hypocrisy - an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction

2.hypocrisy - insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have

hypocrisy the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour,

So in other words, you can not distinguish between the qualities of a person and the qualities of a leader ! :)

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I find it interesting that at the start of all this many red supporters were saying that Abhisit was a puppet of the army and the elite and that he didn't make any decisions anyway.

Now, all of them are saying it's ALL Abhisit's fault and he has blood on HIS hands.

So, which way is it?

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I find it interesting that at the start of all this many red supporters were saying that Abhisit was a puppet of the army and the elite and that he didn't make any decisions anyway.

Now, all of them are saying it's ALL Abhisit's fault and he has blood on HIS hands.

So, which way is it?

I go for born with a silver spoon in his mouth Ammart puppet, no idea of the life poor people in Thailand have to suffer and probably no interest, interested at staying in power while the nation goes down the pan. Self centred, incompetent and like most toffs highly unpleasant. :) and smug, don't forget smug.

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Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

Wow! What a well thought out, inormative and fact filled reply. Or maybe I'm too retarded to understand your keen insights. I guess simply because you say something is so, I should accept it, right? How about some supporting links or information or is that all on websites that your messaiah has blocked already?

Go ask your mommy to get the dictionary down for you again so you can reply.

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Abhisit may be out of control with the red protestors being able to cause the havoc that they are.

But, the people that the red supporters on here want to replace him with can't even control their own people.

One red leader organizes a disgaceful search of a hospital, and all the other leaders can do is "express their disapproval".

You want these people to run the country?

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I find it interesting that at the start of all this many red supporters were saying that Abhisit was a puppet of the army and the elite and that he didn't make any decisions anyway.

Now, all of them are saying it's ALL Abhisit's fault and he has blood on HIS hands.

So, which way is it?

I go for born with a silver spoon in his mouth Ammart puppet, no idea of the life poor people in Thailand have to suffer and probably no interest, interested at staying in power while the nation goes down the pan. Self centred, incompetent and like most toffs highly unpleasant. :) and smug, don't forget smug.

Amen. For a leader people should have someone who gets what it's like being poor. Know any billionaires that might want the job?

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If one wants to work, one needs tools, right? What are Abhisit’s tools?

-The police; we have witnessed so many examples last month of how Thai police is. Worth nothing at all; they are good only to be involved in so many bad things but not in doing their duty. Everybody who lives in Thailand for some time will know this. If you not live here, google around on the Thai police. Furthermore, one policeman defends the other one for 100% as they all do the same disgusting things. In most western countries, every Thai police man in the job for + 5 years, would be in jail. Corruption and lack of duty.

-The military: same same but different. Corruption and lack of duty.

-The Government; still 50 % + of the MP’s eat out of Thaksin’s hands. Corruption and lack of duty.

Now tell me, what can he do with this “tools”?

Abhisit is the best Thailand ever got but the Thai’s (and many "falang") don’t know yet. May be in 50 years from now when they (hopefully) understand what real “Democracy” is all about.

This is also for the "falangs" who pretend it is now between the rural poor and the elite..... hahaha, start to understand what I said before, and look around in your village or moobahn. Same same but different: Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the pujabahn, kamman, go have a drink with him. Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the police, go have a drink with them. Corruption and lack of duty... all the time, all of them. It is with Thais for ages and most agree with it. There is the root of the problem.

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I find it interesting that at the start of all this many red supporters were saying that Abhisit was a puppet of the army and the elite and that he didn't make any decisions anyway.

Now, all of them are saying it's ALL Abhisit's fault and he has blood on HIS hands.

So, which way is it?

I go for born with a silver spoon in his mouth Ammart puppet, no idea of the life poor people in Thailand have to suffer and probably no interest, interested at staying in power while the nation goes down the pan. Self centred, incompetent and like most toffs highly unpleasant. :) and smug, don't forget smug.

so in your opinion (to which you are entitled in this micro democracy on TV and currently in the democratic led democracy in Thailand but would not be allowed in the red version of democracy) you say that Abhisit is an Ammart puppet, he has no interest in the poor people, he is self centred, incompetent, highly unpleasant and smug

maybe he has a right to be smug when he has done all this for the ''poor'' people although if i had done all that and the red encampment was my thanks, i would be pretty pissed off.........

he made the outdated Thaksin 30 baht health scheme entirely free of charge and saved millions in the process , sent 1,000,000 baht to every village for use in the community, (1100 villages received it), billions were given out in stimulus payments, free education, free books, free uniforms, free dental care, free further education, low interest student loans for further education, free computer labs for schools, access to low interest loans to get families out of the grip of loan sharks and only two days ago another 420 billion baht to help the poor red farmers ............

The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives plans to provide loans totalling Bt420 billion to the rural sector this year, BAAC president, Luck Wajananawat said.

The Bt420 billion in loans will be allocated as follows - Bt44.5 billion for livestocks and fisheries, Bt140 billion to support growing of economic crops, Bt45.5 billion for producing alternative energy sources, Bt68 billion for jobs creation in rural areas, Bt30 billion for creating economic communities, Bt52 billion to support the agricultural institute and Bt40 billion to support the government's agricultural policy, according to the BAAC president said.

The Nation

i wish someone would show that little interest in me and my finances.......

Edited by timekeeper
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คอรัปชั่น, do you know this Thai word. Kor-rap-chan. What does it say about Thailand that they don't even have their own word for corruption, they just use the English word. Makes you realize that they don't think about corruption in the same way westerners do. Until Thais see corruption as a fundamental problem nothing will be done to root it out.

Edited by lazurus
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oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy[/font]

not forget...

Thaksin always said - if he works in office:

democracy is not my goal

now his supporters fight for democracy - I don´t believe. He want only come back in power to transfer his money abroad.

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Abhisit is the best Thailand ever got but the Thai's (and many "falang") don't know yet. May be in 50 years from now when they (hopefully) understand what real "Democracy" is all about.

This is also for the "falangs" who pretend it is now between the rural poor and the elite..... hahaha, start to understand what I said before, and look around in your village or moobahn. Same same but different: Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the pujabahn, kamman, go have a drink with him. Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the police, go have a drink with them. Corruption and lack of duty... all the time, all of them. It is with Thais for ages and most agree with it. There is the root of the problem.

( so it seems)

Not sure you have the slightest understanding of what democracy is all about. Shutting down websites and TV and radio stations because they don't parrot what you say is not my idea of democracy.

Yes, corruption and lack of duty is a serious problem and rampant in Thai (so it seems), but excluding and ignoring a large part of the country doesn't seem like any sort of solution. It's the feeling that they have no say and their vote doesn't count that has driven the redshirts to take action.

Please elaborate on why it is not about the elite vs. the rural poor. I would like to understand your viewpoint.

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he [Abhisit] made the outdated Thaksin 30 baht health scheme entirely free of charge and saved millions in the process , sent 1,000,000 baht to every village for use in the community, (1100 villages received it), billions were given out in stimulus payments, free education, free books, free uniforms, free dental care, free further education, low interest student loans for further education, free computer labs for schools, access to low interest loans to get families out of the grip of loan sharks and only two days ago another 420 billion baht to help the poor red farmers ............

The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives plans to provide loans totalling Bt420 billion to the rural sector this year, BAAC president, Luck Wajananawat said.

The Bt420 billion in loans will be allocated as follows - Bt44.5 billion for livestocks and fisheries, Bt140 billion to support growing of economic crops, Bt45.5 billion for producing alternative energy sources, Bt68 billion for jobs creation in rural areas, Bt30 billion for creating economic communities, Bt52 billion to support the agricultural institute and Bt40 billion to support the government's agricultural policy, according to the BAAC president said.

The Nation

i wish someone would show that little interest in me and my finances.......


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Abhisit declares to the world that he will step down if his presence were a threat to the security of the Thailand.

In hanging on, he still clings on to the belief that he is part of the solution, when in fact he is part of the problem.

Sorry you realy dont know what you are talking about

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

100% agree with you, and it upsets me when I see so many people trying to distroy this very decent man. What wrong with these reds cant they see Abhisit is a very good PM. "What a shame for Thailand"

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

100% agree with you, and it upsets me when I see so many people trying to distroy this very decent man. What wrong with these reds cant they see Abhisit is a very good PM. "What a shame for Thailand"

A good PM spends his time doubling his personal fortune. That's what earns the respect of the Red Faced protesters.

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

100% agree with you, and it upsets me when I see so many people trying to distroy this very decent man. What wrong with these reds cant they see Abhisit is a very good PM. "What a shame for Thailand"

Why doesn't anyone find the systematic suppression of free speech and thought to be contrary to the concept of democracy and a very scary thing to boot? Can't anyone actually form a counter argument to explain why that is ok?

They can't see that he is "a very good PM" because he isn't! He is egomaniacal and without any ordinary moral framework, and perfectly willing to destroy Thailand if it saves face for himself. How is it that Thailand under this "very good PM" is in worse shambles than it has been for decades and on the verge of civil war?

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Abhisit declares to the world that he will step down if his presence were a threat to the security of the Thailand.

In hanging on, he still clings on to the belief that he is part of the solution, when in fact he is part of the problem.

Sorry you realy dont know what you are talking about

Another well thought out rebuttal. Your own ignorance and inability to form a rational argument are stunning to behold!

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Abhisit declares to the world that he will step down if his presence were a threat to the security of the Thailand.

In hanging on, he still clings on to the belief that he is part of the solution, when in fact he is part of the problem.

And your solution? Get rid of one of the best PMs Thailand has had in a long time and replace him with a stand in for one of the most corrupt PMs ever?

Squareface wants rid of him before he has a proper chance to prove how well a decent, honest Thai politician can run the country in the interests of ALL it's citizens, not just for a criminal gang controlled by Thaksin.

The woman quizzing Abhisit on the BBC kept nagging him about not being 'democratically elected' and I was pleased he came back with the retort that he HAD been democratically elected 7 times, more than Thaksin.

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

So do you think it's ok for a Red Shirt channel to broadcast a doctored tape of Abhisit? You think it's ok for them to whip up hatred with their inflaming rhetoric, just like the Hutus in Rwanda before the mass killings there? You think that's permissible 'freedom of speech'?

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By what criteria could anyone consider Abhisit to be a decent person or good guy?

If you were here in May 1992, you would not have to ask.

Most leaders take these things personally and try to crush the opposition. Abhisit has done everything possible to avoid using a heavy hand despite pressure from his own people.

I understand the frustration of the reds, but Abhisit is trying to keep things from spinning out of control and really damaging the country.

Nice post UG.

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