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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

well they moved back on to the hospital so evacuation was the only way to keep patience safe. did they not know the head of religion was there !!!!!

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no excuse

If the red shirts would want to harm the patients, don't you think they would find them wherever they moved them to anyways? And nobody was hurt by the red shirts, so I don't see why they had to be moved, I'm sorry.

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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

Patients need to be treated in a safe environment. Moving them seems like a good call now Sae Daeng has had the barricade put back. After the rteds went in there was no choice anyway. They hospital couldnt take the risk of it not happening again Some of the hardest reds on here have apologised and admitted it was wrong, cant you?

Sure it was wrong. But nobody was hurt, so I don't see how that justifies the move.

If any red shirts wanted to hurt the patients, I'm sure they will find them wherever they moved them to anyways.

So what's the point of moving them?

Safe environemtn where workers and patients dont have to worry about teams of lunatics running around and also visitors dfont have to run the gauntlet of illegal searches and other such abuses of their human rights. Would you suggest leaving them in a hospital when th eentrances are controlled by an increasingly paranoid armed violent group that the authorites have trouble controlling?

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Does that satisfy your curiosity about the change in conditions

How did that patient shrink so much? :)

Do you really think this is a joke?

Just wondering why the guy in the bed above clearly has a VIP room, for Thai standards, and the baby below has a rusty fluids machine.

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positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Now, why does it suit his needs fella?

A photofit is issued by the police of a man involved in the grenade attack. That photofit is an extreme likeness, uncanny in fact, of a red guard who searched the hospital last night. The resemblance is so close and the two events so interconnected, why is the statement above jumping to conclusions. At the least the man in the photo, now on stage needs taking in for questioning, and if he is I will bet a pound to a pinch of rocking horse sh*t that they are one and the same guy.

It's an exact likeness of a very distictive face. I don't think there's any question it's the same guy. The question that remains is, was the sketch created to target a known UDD operative or was the person describing the assailant for the sketch artist totally unaware and giving an honest account of the attackers.

i gotta admit it is near exactly likeness,,

maybe to much soo?

and of coarse you have to ask is it a frame up?

would he be a front line red guard and also be riding around lobbing grenades around????

you'd think ppl who lobbed grenades around in the middle of the night would try and keep a low profile

but you never know

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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

well they moved back on to the hospital so evacuation was the only way to keep patience safe. did they not know the head of religion was there !!!!!

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no excuse

If the red shirts would want to harm the patients, don't you think they would find them wherever they moved them to anyways? And nobody was hurt by the red shirts, so I don't see why they had to be moved, I'm sorry.

one more time because they kidnapped two people

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

by the fruits we know and not by their words now. They're all liars and hardened criminals.


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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

the people don't elect the PM in thailand. read up thai constitution doh

BBC should know better. Gordon Broon wasn't elected PM, either - he took over the post from Tony Blur. The only voting was done by members of the Labour Party. CNN you can understand - they see everything through the US prism. "Jeez, you mean Queen Elizabeth wasn't elected?? Wow."

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

The administration and medical staff seems to have decided that it was less risky to move them than to leave them that close to an illegal Red mob that had raided the hospital twice. THEY decided that there was an overwhelming medical neccesity to move them that outweighed the risks inherent in moving them. That neccesity was created by the two red shirt raids into a HOSPITAL where two hospital employees were taken captive. One of the patients at Chula was the Supreme Patriarch. (and they possibly considered the red shirt raid in the past where they stole bodies)

No rational and sane Medical Doctor adhering to his oaths would risk injury to move ANY patient for a publicity stunt.

That seems to safely leave Dr Weng out. The Reds were threatening to come back yet again.

The risks of deadly or damaging stress to patients, and unforeseen random acts of stupidity by the invaders,

far outweighed the risk in most case, and could be seen as prophylactic care.

Public relations demanded not an anti red move but a pro-Patient Care move.

As to staining, well a series of atypical moves like this could easily cause 'staining issues'.

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

The newest kiosk in Redville should do very well with their new fashion line:


Comes in Red too.

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Chulalongkorn Hospital despite what some ignorant people might be thinking is a modern hospital with all the equipment you would expect to find. Thai hospitals provide excellent care to their patients. The doctors and nurses there deserve a lot of credit for continuing to work under intolerable conditions due to the red's protests. The patients deserve our sympathy for being put through this ordeal when they are already incapacitated.

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If the red shirts would want to harm the patients, don't you think they would find them wherever they moved them to anyways? And nobody was hurt by the red shirts, so I don't see why they had to be moved, I'm sorry.

Why were they moved? Because the Red Shirt leaders have little to no control over their "followers". They agreed to take 5 people inside, and 200 rushed in. There is not guarantee of orderly conduct among this group. Their leadership are, at their core, liars and scoundrels. Of course they moved them.

You guys are missing one salient point - the hospital asked patients if they wanted to be moved, and they had to consent first. It wasn't a forced relocation. But making it seem forced, is just another red revision of history.

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The people here who think patients are being moved as a political stunt obviously do not know any medical professionals at Chula. It is a fine hospital with fine doctors, surgeons and nurses where they spend quite a bit of time and effort treating people as well as sending their professionals abroad for further training so that they can come back and give better treatment. The doctors and surgeons in charge of these patients are not <deleted>@#ing around, they are legitimately concerned for the health of patients who are being kept next to booming loudspeakers 24 hours a day and who are now being startled in some cases by armed searches of the hospital. As well, the professionals themselves cannot do their jobs effectively if at any moment they may be hectored and seized by some angry group of vigilantes. They can't come to work in safety either if they happen to be known political supporters of the other side - it's possible, whether the warped believe it, for a professional to hold personal political opinions and still have a vital, apolitical role in society. That's the case here.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but you do not screw with hospitals from either side or you can expect to see this kind of thing. The reds say this thing happened before or that thing happened before, so it's okay that we invaded the hospital. Unacceptable and with the propaganda coming from their side I have no reason to believe any of their moral equivalence arguments. I also have no reason to believe any of the moral equivalence arguments put forth by the other factions either. The yellows and the government both have their record of untrustworthy propaganda. Still, they did not do this particular thing and they are not the issue in this particular case and nothing the reds say changes that. There's nothing I've seen that justifies this kind of behavior and moving the patients is not a propaganda move, it's what you do when you think their standard of care may be compromised and you have a safer alternative - and you believe the patient can be moved safely. The people making diagnoses over pictures on a forum are a bunch of armchair expert morons. You have no idea what each individual patient's status is from a photo and only demonstrate this further with any attempt to express that you do.

If you're defending this you're defeating your own side's argument. There are legitimate arguments on the red side, none of them are helped by this event and one's credibility is only destroyed by attempting to rationalize it.

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

by the fruits we know and not by their words now. They're all liars and hardened criminals.


So they moved to a non-kidnappable place? I understand what you're saying, but they're not any safer at any new location. If the red shirts would want to harm patients, they would simply go to their new location. So from there, in my opinion, the red shirts entering the hospital was stupid ..and also the move was stupid. Just my opinion, I'm not asking you to share it.

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

Where is the ignore feature on this forum?

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...

<a href="http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9192681/A9192681.html" target="_blank">http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/top...1/A9192681.html</a>

Sad. There are lots of sad stories coming out about this now, but dont worry Jatuporn said it is justified to do all this as did Nattawut and belatedly after apologising Weng, so at least the red leadeship are now agreed that whatever happened at Chula and whatever the patients have to put up with it is justified.

Anybody who has had abdominal or spinal surgery before knows how painful any type of movement is. Even getting on to a wheelchair can take one's breath away due to the pain. Then you feel every little bump during the ride. I can recall being wheeled into an elevator and wincing just upon going over the entry part. Add to it the corner which is occasionally accidentally clipped and you see stars again. Some of these patients surely suffered severe, needless pain. For what?

If you were seriously ill, and there was loudspeakers, firecrackers, M79 grenades, 'bang fai', shouting, sharpened spears, gas-soaked barricades etc all right outside your window for a several weeks, then a couple of hundred of the people responsible for this had marched round the wards last night calling out for soldiers acting in a threatening and intimidating way...don't you think this might not be good for your condition?

I really fail to understand what you &lt;deleted&gt; don't get about this. 'cept you're &lt;deleted&gt;, I guess. :)

Edited by dobadoy
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terryfrd twitter: Complete PR disaster for reds from pantip.com. Then linkls to the piucs we have seen. Neutral journo gets it and this started to be seen after Nattawut and then Weng jusitifed the invasion last night and while Jatuporn was actually jusitfying it live on TV

pretty exciting isn't it? you celebrate the bad PR almost as a victory.

the whole stunt is nothing more than a battle for the public opinion. a media war.

will be forgotten for the international press tomorrow, they will continue to focus on the bigger picture and the main issue. and abhisit don't have many plus points there.

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:):D :D :D

It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

The newest kiosk in Redville should do very well with their new fashion line:


Comes in Red too.

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

What do they think Abhisit nipped out of the 11th infantry in a rubber Payap suit while Suthep tore down the nearest wanted poster and turned it into a mask and nipped through red lines to do a balck op on the reds in Chula with Anupong was searching the bins for soldiers gone awol while sporting a nice little red bandana?

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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

well they moved back on to the hospital so evacuation was the only way to keep patience safe. did they not know the head of religion was there !!!!!

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no excuse

If the red shirts would want to harm the patients, don't you think they would find them wherever they moved them to anyways? And nobody was hurt by the red shirts, so I don't see why they had to be moved, I'm sorry.

Dont be sorry, as I doubt you can help yourself!

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It's completely absurd how every time a "farang" has an opinion then someone has to counter that he/she doesn't have the right. I have been living in Thailand for nearly 15 years now, I have Thai children and run a business that employs 10+ Thais. Over the past 15 years I have probably paid more tax than some of these $#$ redshirts have in their whole life and I have helped support many Thais by creating jobs and opportunities. This morning we had to let go 6 Thai staff because the business has slowed down so much that we cannot pay their salaries. It's completely absurd and a stain on Thailand and especially The North. As a matter of fact my wife's family is from Udon Thani and she has always prided herself in being from Isaan, but not anymore.

It's also completely absurd how the western media is portraying this whole debacle. Had this taken place anywhere in Europe, the riot police would have been much more heavy handed than the Thai authorities. I am 100% certain that any MOB trying to block a European government using the means of the red shirt mob would have been dealt with quickly and decisively.

The way the police force is conducting themselves here is also outrageous. They are not paid to have an opinion, they are paid to uphold the law and if they can't they should be replaced.

The latest hospital stunt is the last drop and I fervently hope the army will find their balls and nuke these ass holes.

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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

the people don't elect the PM in thailand. read up thai constitution doh

BBC should know better. Gordon Broon wasn't elected PM, either - he took over the post from Tony Blur. The only voting was done by members of the Labour Party. CNN you can understand - they see everything through the US prism. "Jeez, you mean Queen Elizabeth wasn't elected?? Wow."

Well the question really was

'But, The Red Shirts say you were never elected by the people.'

Not at all a statement of fact accusation,

but a question to respond to a 3rd party accusation.

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Sure it was wrong. But nobody was hurt, so I don't see how that justifies the move.

If any red shirts wanted to hurt the patients, I'm sure they will find them wherever they moved them to anyways.

So what's the point of moving them?

They moved many of them to Sirirat (Sirirraj). I doubt that even the reds could be so stupid as to attack there!

Your excuse that ~If reds wanted to hurt patients they could track them down~ paraphrased

is disgusting.

Since you have asked so many questions ---- Who are you to determine the medical and security necessity in moving patients? Don't you think that the medical and administrative staff are in a FAR better position to gauge if this is needed than you are?

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terryfrd twitter: Complete PR disaster for reds from pantip.com. Then linkls to the piucs we have seen. Neutral journo gets it and this started to be seen after Nattawut and then Weng jusitifed the invasion last night and while Jatuporn was actually jusitfying it live on TV

pretty exciting isn't it? you celebrate the bad PR almost as a victory.

the whole stunt is nothing more than a battle for the public opinion. a media war.

will be forgotten for the international press tomorrow, they will continue to focus on the bigger picture and the main issue. and abhisit don't have many plus points there.

Im not celebrating anything. It is just disgusting and shows the depths to which the whole Thai circus has plummeted. There is nobody who isnt utterly discredited now. Nobody has any plus points. Try finding many Thai people who have time for any of these clowns. It is getting harder.

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positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Now, why does it suit his needs fella?

A photofit is issued by the police of a man involved in the grenade attack. That photofit is an extreme likeness, uncanny in fact, of a red guard who searched the hospital last night. The resemblance is so close and the two events so interconnected, why is the statement above jumping to conclusions. At the least the man in the photo, now on stage needs taking in for questioning, and if he is I will bet a pound to a pinch of rocking horse sh*t that they are one and the same guy.

It's an exact likeness of a very distictive face. I don't think there's any question it's the same guy. The question that remains is, was the sketch created to target a known UDD operative or was the person describing the assailant for the sketch artist totally unaware and giving an honest account of the attackers.

i gotta admit it is near exactly likeness,,

maybe to much soo?

and of coarse you have to ask is it a frame up?

would he be a front line red guard and also be riding around lobbing grenades around????

you'd think ppl who lobbed grenades around in the middle of the night would try and keep a low profile

but you never know

Only the best and the brightest need apply!

Both for front line Red Duties and Propaganda 101 circumlocutions.

Seems they are hardly getting suitable candidates for either role.

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The people here who think patients are being moved as a political stunt obviously do not know any medical professionals at Chula. It is a fine hospital with fine doctors, surgeons and nurses where they spend quite a bit of time and effort treating people as well as sending their professionals abroad for further training so that they can come back and give better treatment. The doctors and surgeons in charge of these patients are not &lt;deleted&gt;@#ing around, they are legitimately concerned for the health of patients who are being kept next to booming loudspeakers 24 hours a day and who are now being startled in some cases by armed searches of the hospital. As well, the professionals themselves cannot do their jobs effectively if at any moment they may be hectored and seized by some angry group of vigilantes. They can't come to work in safety either if they happen to be known political supporters of the other side - it's possible, whether the warped believe it, for a professional to hold personal political opinions and still have a vital, apolitical role in society. That's the case here.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but you do not screw with hospitals from either side or you can expect to see this kind of thing. The reds say this thing happened before or that thing happened before, so it's okay that we invaded the hospital. Unacceptable and with the propaganda coming from their side I have no reason to believe any of their moral equivalence arguments. I also have no reason to believe any of the moral equivalence arguments put forth by the other factions either. The yellows and the government both have their record of untrustworthy propaganda. Still, they did not do this particular thing and they are not the issue in this particular case and nothing the reds say changes that. There's nothing I've seen that justifies this kind of behavior and moving the patients is not a propaganda move, it's what you do when you think their standard of care may be compromised and you have a safer alternative - and you believe the patient can be moved safely. The people making diagnoses over pictures on a forum are a bunch of armchair expert morons. You have no idea what each individual patient's status is from a photo and only demonstrate this further with any attempt to express that you do.

If you're defending this you're defeating your own side's argument. There are legitimate arguments on the red side, none of them are helped by this event and one's credibility is only destroyed by attempting to rationalize it.

WELL SAID. Thank you.

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

What do they think Abhisit nipped out of the 11th infantry in a rubber Payap suit while Suthep tore down the nearest wanted poster and turned it into a mask and nipped through red lines to do a balck op on the reds in Chula with Anupong was searching the bins for soldiers gone awol while sporting a nice little red bandana?

This new Red Lie is a cake topper for sure!

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Does that satisfy your curiosity about the change in conditions

How did that patient shrink so much? :)

Do you really think this is a joke?

Just wondering why the guy in the bed above clearly has a VIP room, for Thai standards, and the baby below has a rusty fluids machine.

Well I don't think the baby is getting rusty fluids, and it isn't the normal room that he would have been in if the Red's had kept their distance. The IV stand may have seen better days but the machinery seems fine. The man in the upper picture is Sondhi Limthongkul after his attempted assassination he was treated at Chulalongkorn Hospital. My wife was in a private room at another hospital which was at least as nice as this one and it wasn't the VIP room. Maybe you haven't been to many Thai hospitals but they have very good standards here in Bangkok.

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