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I Want To Be Taller


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Hi you guys, don't laugh ok this is serious. YOu don't know how I feel so don't say anything unless you in my position and could help me.

Im thinking about ordering those growth pills but I'm not sure if it work. I try the www.ExtraHeight.com shoe insert and I really like it because is really comfortable and I can see myself 1.5inch taller. But when I take off my shoes Im short again. I really like the way I look with the shoe insert and now I want to try the drug to be tall for real or go to thailand and have surgery! Have anyone try it before please give me some advice. Thanks.

Is not easy being short in America!

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Hi you guys, don't laugh ok this is serious. YOu don't know how I feel so don't say anything unless you in my position and could help me.

Im thinking about ordering those growth pills but I'm not sure if it work. I try the www.ExtraHeight.com shoe insert and I really like it because is really comfortable and I can see myself 1.5inch taller. But when I take off my shoes Im short again. I really like the way I look with the shoe insert and now I want to try the drug to be tall for real or go to thailand and have surgery!  Have anyone try it before please give me some advice. Thanks.

Is not easy being short in America!

Just a little problem, Don't worry about it :D Pour yourself a drink (maybe a short)and forget about growth pills, They're a big waste of money. :D:o

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Y'all recall that Randy Newman song "Short people got..." :o

Sorry, perfectdream, couldn't help myself but as been said, stay away from all those so-called "growth" pills. You mess up testostrone levels too bad, it'll come back to haunt you in later years.

Be happy as a "short" guy! :D

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Just find yourself a short little woman. There are loads of them in Thailand. You'll

be like two little peas in a pod. :o

I noticed that there aren't any 'Get Taller' links at the top of the post. Does that mean that his dream is impossible? Just hotel and travel links. See, I was right; he needs to travel to Thailand, find a little woman and a nice hotel.

Edited by mbkudu
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Being tall in Thailand has it's drawbacks.

You can never do anything surreptitiously. Virtually everyone sees you and recognises you.

Headaches are normal (even without the booze). Door frames in Thailand are much lower than in the West.

Toilets are invariably located under stairs requiring a lean back stance or a stoop, both of which result in wet shoes.

Falling down hurts.

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Pills don't work at all, they are just a fraud .................

There is a surgery (which is banned in many western hospitals) but not in Asia, which consists in sewing your leg bones and stratching your legs, you have to stay in bed for 6-8 months (without walking).

The bones will rebuilt "closing the gap created by the surgeon).

Then you have to start reabilitation like after a big crash, .......

In China they pratcise this operation, but it will be a huge problem once you get older because the bones remain weak and they won't support anymore ur weight.

In most of the western countries this surgery is not allowed by the surgeon association (not the law), if ur problem is just 3-4 cm (1.5 inches) then forget it.

There are no solutions yet both for hair growth and short people, the first one who will find a cure, will be the richest man on this planet!!


The cheapest solution to grow 7-8 inches????

Come to Thailand and enjoy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you could ask Jayenram, but if he won't tell Lampard then..... :o

You're right he won't tell me. But I don't care; he told Betty, so it obviously doesn't work :D

I do recall a device in England long ago for making you taller. It was called 'The Rack' :D

Edited by lampard10
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There are no solutions yet both for hair growth and short people.

must admit that particular part of your post amused me, no solutions for short people :D:D:D:o:D:D

Actually, when I joined the Royal Air Force in 1965 I was a mere 4'11" tall. After 6 weeks of intensive basic training, I shot up to 5' 6" I had to send my 1250 back for them to change. I have been growing ever since, and now stand a lofty 5'9"

( unfortunately it's in a different area I have been growing ever since) :D

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Platform shoes, those with built up soles are coming back in fashion. If you wear your pants long, almost to the floor, it will cover up most of the raised sole.

My Thai has disco shoes that have soles easily six inches or more in height. When long pants are worn to the floor, which is the fashion, the height is increased accordinly.

The shoes are not as comfortable as regular shoes, but after all, if you want the added height, it is a small price to pay. Women raise their height by four inch spikes and do have foot pain as a result.

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Platform shoes, those with built up soles are coming back in fashion.  If you wear your pants long, almost to the floor, it will cover up most of the raised sole.

My Thai has disco shoes that have soles easily six inches or more in height.  When long pants are worn to the floor, which is the fashion, the height is increased accordinly.

The shoes are not as comfortable as regular shoes, but after all, if you want the added height, it is a small price to pay.  Women raise their height by four inch spikes and do have foot pain as a result.

That's it aperfectdream,aperfectanswer; wear stillettos

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watching channel 3 on tv, some sort of talk show and guess what, they did a segment on gaining height, it included the operation and also some sort of stretching machine (or rack for the soapies)

In the medioeval age the stretching machine was used for torture ....

seriusly, there is only the surgery:

1) sewing a letting bones regrowth

2) bone implant

I just checked the plastic surgery hospitals in Bangkok, no one does this kind of surgery, so only China or Russia, and if something goes wrong you will be used to feed the vorms....

come to BKK and you will be tall

I remenber the song from Al;phaville: BIG IN JAPAN!

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Being tall in Thailand has it's drawbacks.

You can never do anything surreptitiously. Virtually everyone sees you and recognises you.

Headaches are normal (even without the booze). Door frames in Thailand are much lower than in the West.

Toilets are invariably located under stairs requiring a lean back stance or a stoop, both of which result in wet shoes.

Falling down hurts.

I can agree with this. Also when you need to take a dump in a thai toilet i tell you what it is a long way down to the pan even in the ski jump position, an awful lot of splashback :o

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I am 166 Cms and 64 kgs.

My gf is 150cms and 39Kgs.

Do I want to be taller ? No way, why would I wanna be taller, smaller people live longer, we do not have all that bulk to carry round. We do not have bent backs at 65 years of age, and we are cute.

I did not start shaving till I was 22 and was married with kids and still used to get asked in the pub if I was over 18. :o

How many Big old men and Big old ladies do you know ? I know plenty of little old men and little old ladies though. :D

Plus I can have a very small gf, and it don't look silly. :D

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How about consulting endocrinologist and ask for growth hormone shot if you are still in your 20's ? You have to do this repeatedly over years for this to start to show effect and it can be very expensive, I heard.

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Instead of spending all that money on pills or operations, just put all your money in a wallet and stand on it. This is what gets most people noticed in Thailand not how tall they are. :o

So ................ dragonman, you're destroying my selfconfidence, I always tough to be "...........handsome man ..........." :D

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Just find yourself a short little woman. There are loads of them in Thailand. You'll

be like two little peas in a pod.  :o

I noticed that there aren't any 'Get Taller' links at the top of the post. Does that mean that his dream is impossible? Just hotel and travel links. See, I was right; he needs to travel to Thailand, find a little woman and a nice hotel.

This is the best answer. (see above)

Here's another suggestion:

Inversion Products <---click here

Inversion boots or inversion tables will strectch out your body and improve your posture. That should naturaly give you another inch. Check out the website. Make sure your health is good before you start hanging upside down. No one wants to find you dead and looking like you're about to be dressed for the spit.


Edited by aughie
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Also when you need to take a dump in a thai toilet i tell you what it is a long way down to the pan even in the ski jump position, an awful lot of splashback :o

This is known as "the kiss of Neptune".

Seriously though, it's easier to change your attidude towards being vertically challenged (just come from the PC thread), than to actually increase your height.

Learn to accept it.

Also, if your height is affecting your interaction with other people, then these people are not worth knowing. People (including yourself) should accept you for what you are.

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Being tall in Thailand has it's drawbacks.

You can never do anything surreptitiously. Virtually everyone sees you and recognises you.

Headaches are normal (even without the booze). Door frames in Thailand are much lower than in the West.

Toilets are invariably located under stairs requiring a lean back stance or a stoop, both of which result in wet shoes.

Falling down hurts.

I can agree with this. Also when you need to take a dump in a thai toilet i tell you what it is a long way down to the pan even in the ski jump position, an awful lot of splashback :o

Talking about toilets why do the Thais like to make the entances lower. I'm always banging my head on the frame. One advantage of being shorter.

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Fine outcome for penalised Melbourne dwarf

07.06.05 4.20pm

You could call it a victory for the little guy.

A Melbourne dwarf has succeeded in appealing a fine for tram fare evasion because he proved he could not reach an onboard ticket machine.

Bruce "Giant" Chaplin who stands just 1.28m tall, was fined A$150 ($163) in March despite not being able to reach to buy a ticket for the city's tram network.

Victorian transport minister Peter Bachelor said the Department of Infrastructure would withdraw Mr Chaplin's fine after reviewing the case and added inspectors should have offered to help him buy a ticket rather than issue a fine.

"Authorised officers have an obligation under their code of conduct to help people with special needs purchase tickets, common sense should have prevailed," he said.

"This is justice," Mr Chaplin, 45, told the Herald Sun newspaper.

Since the incident he had not had any trouble getting tickets.

"Yesterday somebody jumped up three seats away to help me," he said.

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