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Regretting Your Investments / Financial Commitments In Thailand ?


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I seem to be bucking the trend here.

My self and my partners are investing over 200 million here in the next year. We have already started. Thailand has always been unstable but it keeps going. This situation will not change anything.

I am confident we will do fine

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Jimmy without the personal detail, I'd like to know where you went wrong or where you have been ripped off

Have not been ripped off , I am regretting the approximately 10 million baht I have invested into such an unstable country.

Wonder is there are any others who feel the same way.

10 mil is nuthin

To some people 10 million may be nothing - to others it can be everything. We should respect that.

An investment portfolio should have expsoure to Thai assets but these have rarely justified more than 3-4% of the whole although the strength of the Baht does mean that a portfolio of global assets should be hedged into Baht (at least substantially) if Baht is one's base currency.

Residential accomodation should be seen in utility terms - some where that you live is somewhere that you live rather than an investment but if you're not sure that you'll stay here indefinitely then renting may make more sense than owning.....

Personally I rented for the first 8 years and then bought here

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I have spent much money here and I never considered it an investment for financial return only an investment in my happiness.

It is the best investment I have ever made in whole life!

5 years and could not be happier!

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Not a shadow of a doubt. Financially I've done very well out of investments in Thailand. Some of the best I have in fact. That's based on adapting and applying what I know.

Emotionally I'm less sure that the investment in Thailand is worth it - though on balance I'd say I'm still in profit :)

To clarify that one before the wise cracks: I mean Thailand as a country not my family. Wife and kids - I feel like a billionaire - country I'm not so sure :D

Edited by fletchsmile
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