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You Might Be Pad If...

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With today's announcement by the People's Alliance for Democracy that they object to the prime minister's reconciliation proposal has come a wave of anti-PAD sentiment. On Twitter, folks have taken to publishing a "hastag" list called "You Might Be PAD If..."

The results are extremely funny. Follow it yourself on Twitter at #youmightbepad. Here's a few of the best funnies to give you a sample.

You Might Be PAD...

· … If you think the best way to get cheap promo air fares first is to take over the entire airport.

· … if your maid's computer was heisted from Government House.

· … if you think anyone who disagrees with you is "uneducate".

· … if you start a months-long street crusade because you couldn't follow the PM's cooking show recipe.

· … if a foreign minister helped you seize an international airport

· … if you have to go all the way to Pheah Villar to make merit at the temple.

· … if you think Issan is brand of the 3 sports-utility vehicles in your garage.

· … if you've got the LM hotline on speed dial.

· … if you can accuse the citizens of Cambodia of using black magic while keeping a straight face

· … if you don't eat nam prik kapi unless someone labels it "fusion"

· … if you think Cambodia and Laos really belong to Thailand,

· … if you think your Thai ancestors built Angkor Wat.

· … if your mom's hair resembles an aircraft carrier.

· … if you think Democracy Monument resembles the fountain in your front lawn.

· … if you thought Apple brought out the iPAD just for you

· … Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin, Thaksin,



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