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It often gets stronger after an election- but such an indecisive election result may have the opposite effect. The effect of the election is a lesser factor than the Greek problem which will undermine all european currencies. This, combined with light at the end of the tunnel in Thailand, will probably mean even cheaper pounds.

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The pound is going to be low against the Baht for quite a long time,probably forever,never thought it would,but bad news just keeps rolling in.Life change needs thinking about,Spain gets more and more attractive,cheap housing,free medical,good wine and food and the pound up by almost 20% against the Euro,and eventually the OAP not frozen

Edited by jori
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Simple answer - the pound is doomed for the forseeable future. The exchange rate is dropping and if there IS serious socio economic changes in Thailand, then inflation will soar. Double whammy.

The life of many UK expats who rely on an income in GBP are going to have to make some serious decisions, including me.

Edited by Maverell
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Just be glad you government (or really the people) had the sense to stay out of the Euro zone!!! Look for the Euro - Dollar rate to go to parity within 6 months.

But I really pitty the German expats and visitors to TL...hoodwinked by the French and their own politicians a decade ago to give up their Deusch Marks for the Euro, and link their economic future with a bunch of speed-thrift nations like Greece and Spain (and Italy for that matter). There could easily be a trillon-euro bailout of the southern European countries coming in a few months time...financed by the only ones with any money...the Germans!

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It all started when we got involved wiht a bunch of Donkey whacking peasants and joined up with the "Europeans". The EEC has been a cash cow for nations that 20 years ago had currencies so bad that it was cheaper to use than toilet paper was to buy in the shops....

The EEC was always doomed to failure. hand out after handout to countries that could never pay it back.

Now the countries that have been handing it out, Germany the UK and the other "industrial" nations are going to get royaly stuffed as more and more debt crisis news leaks out.

Any one depending on pounds to bahts had better get a reality check on their funds and pensions because shortly they will all be sitting begging by the road side.

Bangkok airport will be lined with tear stained Thai women bidding farewell to their own "cash cows/buffalo" as they head off into the sunset back to b**gered up Europe to get jobs filling shelves and having to scrimp and save until the day they die......

Severe Austerity is looming on the horizon...

You read it here first folks.

Edited by lonewolf99
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I don't think the Tories will have anything, looks like Lab and Libs. Fortunately I live in Australia. Unfortunately we have a clown called Rudd, who seems determined to see our economy go the same way as yours :)

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I believe the currency crisis will hit most currencies besides the Thai Baht of course. Thailand is close to a civil war with the economy in dire straights but the stock market is booming and the Baht is very strong. WHY

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The £ wil increase to approx 55-58 within 6 weeks and then slowly strengthen throughout the year hitting mid 60s at year end. The uncertainty of the £ has been shoring up the Euro the past few weeks, expect that to plummet to 35 within a forthnight.

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The £ wil increase to approx 55-58 within 6 weeks and then slowly strengthen throughout the year hitting mid 60s at year end. The uncertainty of the £ has been shoring up the Euro the past few weeks, expect that to plummet to 35 within a forthnight.


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The £ wil increase to approx 55-58 within 6 weeks and then slowly strengthen throughout the year hitting mid 60s at year end. The uncertainty of the £ has been shoring up the Euro the past few weeks, expect that to plummet to 35 within a forthnight.


A few months ago someone did the same when I said the Euro would hit 40...... :D ...currencies are anyones guess, the full extent of the election hasnt born fruits yet, word in the city is good already :D

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The £ wil increase to approx 55-58 within 6 weeks and then slowly strengthen throughout the year hitting mid 60s at year end. The uncertainty of the £ has been shoring up the Euro the past few weeks, expect that to plummet to 35 within a forthnight.


A few months ago someone did the same when I said the Euro would hit 40...... :D ...currencies are anyones guess, the full extent of the election hasnt born fruits yet, word in the city is good already :D

The chances of the Pound hitting 55-58 against THB are about as remote as winning the the jackpot in the lottery, if you wanted to be ambitous and sensible you might have said 50 since that's slightly more believable, but not by much.

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The £ wil increase to approx 55-58 within 6 weeks and then slowly strengthen throughout the year hitting mid 60s at year end. The uncertainty of the £ has been shoring up the Euro the past few weeks, expect that to plummet to 35 within a forthnight.


A few months ago someone did the same when I said the Euro would hit 40...... :D ...currencies are anyones guess, the full extent of the election hasnt born fruits yet, word in the city is good already :D

The chances of the Pound hitting 55-58 against THB are about as remote as winning the the jackpot in the lottery, if you wanted to be ambitous and sensible you might have said 50 since that's slightly more believable, but not by much.

Maybe 5 years :D

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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

Why not, he led us into it! Come to think of it, that's a really bad move given that the only people who vote for him are the recipients of his policies, those on benefits, immigrants etc.

Edited by chiang mai
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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

Why not, he led us into it! Come to think of it, that's a really bad move given that the only people who vote for him are the recipients of his policies, those on benefits, immigrants etc.

I'm not convinced Brown's to blame for the financial crisis, I think he should of done more sooner. I think Brown is the best to deal with it as he's more experienced than cameron. The Tories policies just don't add up. I voted for Labour for that reason, I'm not on benefits and never have been and the last time I checked I wasn't an immigrant.

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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

Why not, he led us into it! Come to think of it, that's a really bad move given that the only people who vote for him are the recipients of his policies, those on benefits, immigrants etc.

I'm not convinced Brown's to blame for the financial crisis, I think he should of done more sooner. I think Brown is the best to deal with it as he's more experienced than cameron. The Tories policies just don't add up. I voted for Labour for that reason, I'm not on benefits and never have been and the last time I checked I wasn't an immigrant.

Sold the country's gold supply at the very bottom of the market, didn't see the UK housing bubble comming, created an environment whereby a whole geration of Brits have remained unemployed and on benefits, allowed, indeed sponsored immigration to its highest level ever, and so on. I personally don't care for Cameron either but since Labour has a proven track record of damaging the economy and the Conservatives a record of bailing the country out, the choice for me is easy.

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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

Why not, he led us into it! Come to think of it, that's a really bad move given that the only people who vote for him are the recipients of his policies, those on benefits, immigrants etc.

I'm not convinced Brown's to blame for the financial crisis, I think he should of done more sooner. I think Brown is the best to deal with it as he's more experienced than cameron. The Tories policies just don't add up. I voted for Labour for that reason, I'm not on benefits and never have been and the last time I checked I wasn't an immigrant.

Apparently if you live in the UK and you don't like immigrants you're a bigot.

The reason the UK has so much debt is because Brown and co were spending everything they could lay their hands on, wait until the new government come in and raise taxes to pay for Labour's mess. Wasn't Brown the Chancellor before he became Prime Minister?

Anyway, you live in England and the English voted overwhelmingly for Cameron, if it wasn't for the Jocks the Tories would be forming government today.

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The tories have not got a minority gov' yet, it's looking like labour, libs and SNP will join to continue leading the UK. This has got to be a better option than Cameron. The big financial F' up hasn't hit yet, but it will do in the next few months. Brown's got to be the best to lead us out of it.

Why not, he led us into it! Come to think of it, that's a really bad move given that the only people who vote for him are the recipients of his policies, those on benefits, immigrants etc.

I'm not convinced Brown's to blame for the financial crisis, I think he should of done more sooner. I think Brown is the best to deal with it as he's more experienced than cameron. The Tories policies just don't add up. I voted for Labour for that reason, I'm not on benefits and never have been and the last time I checked I wasn't an immigrant.

Sold the country's gold supply at the very bottom of the market, didn't see the UK housing bubble comming, created an environment whereby a whole geration of Brits have remained unemployed and on benefits, allowed, indeed sponsored immigration to its highest level ever, and so on. I personally don't care for Cameron either but since Labour has a proven track record of damaging the economy and the Conservatives a record of bailing the country out, the choice for me is easy.

Valid points, I'm in know way loyal to Labour or the Tories I just think better the devil you know. Myself and my business haven't done too bad out of Labour and this so called recession hasn't damaged us too much. Under the Tories my business would be worse off.

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