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Noise Pollution.


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So I have moved into a lovely condo in Pinklao, Bangkok. Very happy with the place and the facilites etc etc. BUT... it is very noisy. Now its right next to a road but that is really not a problem. When viewing the place I was aware that would be the case and I'm a heavy sleeper anyway so I am not too bothered.

What I didn't know on viewing the place was that there was some kind of dancing cum karaoke cum girly bar three dours down which, as you would expect, blares incessantly repetitive music of truly the most awful variety seven days a week until the wee hours.

Went down last night to check it out and the neighbours advised me to call 191 for the post office (I'm assuming that they meant police :) ).

I'd appreciate some advice from anyone who has experienced similar or knows anything about whether I am likely to get joy down this route. I'm reluctant to call the police or anything like that as I prefer to just get on with life and resolve differences amicably, so if you have any advice on the best way to go about that it would be much appreciated...

For the record, also, I'm not adverse to loud music and if it was just Friday and Saturday nights Iwouldn't be bothered by this but all week long its kinda getting a bit painful...

If I have to just put up and shut up feel free to say so!


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Get a Thai to call the police on your behalf but seeing as they likely get a 'management fee' monthly, I wouldn't expect any "Satisfaction".

Lesson learned (and I did the same a few years ago), I never view apartments during the day during the week - I want to know what it's like when I am home (nights, weekends).

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I live in Pinklao...

Do you mean the big disco Kung Pao is making the noise?

You have no chance of stopping this place its huge and popular and has been there a long time...the racket goes onto till 3 or 4am most nights..

I am not affected as i live a little way away from it...but i have friends who are plagued by the noise.

Can your condo fit extra glass for sound proofing? i know some rooms have in my condo...

I can recommend a nice quiet new condo which is in pinklao but down a soi and all you can hear at night are birds and those buzzing crickets.....its amazing as its only 1 km from my new condo which is all noise from the over head motorway...

B.Live condo down the soi next to the big Ford dealership in Pinklao...very clean, new and quiet !!! but no swimming pool / gym etc

good luck....

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Here are a few things you could try:

0: Have a close look at the karaoke to evaluate the size of the business ($$$). Get to know your new friend or enemy.

1: Get to know your neighbors, and check what they think about the noise.

2: Check if the karaoke do have a license and if they are located in any specific zone for this type of business

3: Contact the Town Hall (Tesaban) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

4: Contact Police (better with a Thai person) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

5: Escalate this to the Pollution Control Department (http://www.pcd.go.th/). If you have done 3 and 4, they will assist by escalating the matter to higher authority, however, they will not resolve it directly.

6: Check who might be helpful around your location ... you can't be the only one who don't like Karaoke music at 3.00 am

7: Ask Grammy, if they are licensed ... might be nasty.

8: Contact your owner (if you are renting), he might be able to help.

9: Prepare to move

This will take some time, but you might be able to make progress overtime.

If you are only renting, and you really can't sleep, go directly to point 9.

10: Recently someone got shot by its neighbor in Pattaya for making too much noise (recent article) ... print a copy ...

Let us know how it goes and good luck.

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Here are a few things you could try:

0: Have a close look at the karaoke to evaluate the size of the business ($$$). Get to know your new friend or enemy.

1: Get to know your neighbors, and check what they think about the noise.

2: Check if the karaoke do have a license and if they are located in any specific zone for this type of business

3: Contact the Town Hall (Tesaban) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

4: Contact Police (better with a Thai person) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

5: Escalate this to the Pollution Control Department (http://www.pcd.go.th/). If you have done 3 and 4, they will assist by escalating the matter to higher authority, however, they will not resolve it directly.

6: Check who might be helpful around your location ... you can't be the only one who don't like Karaoke music at 3.00 am

7: Ask Grammy, if they are licensed ... might be nasty.

8: Contact your owner (if you are renting), he might be able to help.

9: Prepare to move

This will take some time, but you might be able to make progress overtime.

If you are only renting, and you really can't sleep, go directly to point 9.

10: Recently someone got shot by its neighbor in Pattaya for making too much noise (recent article) ... print a copy ...

Let us know how it goes and good luck.

11. ignore the above and buy some earplugs, you will live longer. :)

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11. ignore the above and buy some earplugs, you will live longer. :)

Every year, hundreds of people make such complain ... they usually don't disappear :D

Personally, I have done all the above, and I'm still alive.

BTW, Earplugs won't protect you properly against low frequency.

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11. ignore the above and buy some earplugs, you will live longer. :)

Every year, hundreds of people make such complain ... they usually don't disappear :D

Personally, I have done all the above, and I'm still alive.

BTW, Earplugs won't protect you properly against low frequency.

Really, what hundreds would that be? Usually, sorry, I don't like those odds. :D

Anyways, he can take your advice and open up a can of worms, move, or get some noise canceling headphones.

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Thanks for the advice. I will give the 9 point plan a go but moving is pretty much off the card as I'll lose a large deposit..

As for earplugs, I have some already and I can still here the beat very clearly with them on...maybe I need some better ones! Trouble is its just pure bass...

I don't know what the place is called because the name and signs etc are in thai script which have no knowledge of unfortuately. It is right on Pinklao road (thanon somdet phra pinklao) quite near to Pata. Its a grubby grimey kinda place in which the soundsystem is no doubt the most expensive thing...

Anyways I'll try to get them to restrict the decibels a bit through the nine point plan...but I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks very much to all of you!

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Thanks for the advice. I will give the 9 point plan a go but moving is pretty much off the card as I'll lose a large deposit..

As for earplugs, I have some already and I can still here the beat very clearly with them on...maybe I need some better ones! Trouble is its just pure bass...

I don't know what the place is called because the name and signs etc are in thai script which have no knowledge of unfortuately. It is right on Pinklao road (thanon somdet phra pinklao) quite near to Pata. Its a grubby grimey kinda place in which the soundsystem is no doubt the most expensive thing...

Anyways I'll try to get them to restrict the decibels a bit through the nine point plan...but I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks very much to all of you!

Please let us know how you make out! Good luck.

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I don't know what the place is called because the name and signs etc are in thai script which have no knowledge of unfortuately. It is right on Pinklao road (thanon somdet phra pinklao) quite near to Pata. Its a grubby grimey kinda place in which the soundsystem is no doubt the most expensive thing...

That's a good sign ... they don't have the money to hire a contract killer :) ... and they can't be paying the cops that much.

Start by giving a call to your landlord. He should not be very happy to know that due to noise pollution you are considering moving.

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