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PM Abhisit Names Khattiya Chief Terrorist Trying To Undermine Peace Process

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Abhisit is giving the main red leaders a chance to get out, to put blame on the more radical reds. Let's hope it works.

There have been two groups of Reds, Jatuporn et. al. and the more violent group that comprises Khattiya and his boss(es). On the hospital invasion, while Jatuporn et. al. were apologizing, Khattiya and his group were putting back the barricades that the other Reds had removed. The violence on Friday evening that left two police dead are thought to have been committed by the more violent, hard corps group of Reds.

In any event, the DSI will take care of this more covert group of assassins who are now upcountry trying to recruit more assassins. The road map is just one part of all this, but there is still a war going on.


Over at Asian Times Online, Shawn Crispin has some quite incendiary news on the current situation.

Well worth a look.

Quite disturbing really.


Nothing in Thailand is as it first appears, underneath the game of drafts you see going on there is a more complicated strategic chess game going on. Abhisit played one of the few cards open to him when he offered the roadmap to reconciliation. Khattiya does seem to have developed some co-dependency with Thaksin and has definitely burnt his bridges. The rest of the red leaders, it is hard to say whether they have negotiated an exit from their current predicament or not.

The arrival of more redshirts yesterday is not a good sign at all and flies in the face of any conciliatory noises the red leaders make to the media. The crux of the matter is that since the deaths of 10th April it became quite clear to me that Abhisit was actually dealing with a hostage situation. The black shirts are almost certainly there not to 'protect' the red shirts, but to use them as shields preventing the army from dispersing the protest. They have no doubt been given the brief of fomenting a violent insurrection and were imho likely responsible for the shooting of a policeman yesterday as they were various attacks on the BTS etc.

The roadmap and any dissolution dates are a red herring, quite useless for Thaksin and Seh Daeng, who is a dead man walking if the current government presides over the army succession.

Now look at the kerosine soaked tyres, bamboo staves and razor wire, is this to keep the army out, or perhaps equally to keep reds in? The hate filled propaganda and promise of gold at the end of Thaksin's mystical rainbow has probably led to a mass incidence of Stockholm syndrome, where the rank and file reds wont' realize they have been used until it ends in a Waco style conflagration.

I hope I'm wrong, but unless the red leaders cut Thaksin loose and bargain with the government I see a terrible end to this. So please, yellow shirts keep out of this and let Abhisit play divide and rule or else I dread to think how this may end.

The PM looks to have a handle on it and has not given in to Thaksin's demands via the Red rabble. The Maj Gen in question seems to certainly be a terrorist and should be accountable as the three stooges on stage.

Good comments and I would only expand it by adding that which follows as there are certainly more than three to be held accountable

I suspect he has that pretty much right however it still doesn't absolve the other leaders who have encouraged if not ordered the General to do his thing, or at the very least tolerated him and his thugs as some sort of an insurance against the Govt coming and getting them.

All the leaders are equally as guilty for the destruction and loss of life they have caused and must be brought to justice and made to pay.

Correct. As their have been warrants issued for 20+ "leaders", the above is more precise. In addition to Veera, Jatuporn, and Nattawut, the likes of Arisman, Supong (Issan Rambo), former TRT MP Payap who led the hospital incursion, Love Udon Thani's Kwanchai, and Love Chiang Mai 51 group leader are amongst the 20+ that need to be taken down.

This was Sae Daeng yesterday:


His most sinister aspect is that he has been able to hoodwink so many presumably otherwise decent people who actually admire this terrorist. I'm sure he can thank his boss in Dubai, who was a master of it, for some helpful pointers on how to deceive people to the point of idolatry of a megalomaniac.

Abhisit is giving the main red leaders a chance to get out, to put blame on the more radical reds. Let's hope it works.

There have been two groups of Reds, Jatuporn et. al. and the more violent group that comprises Khattiya and his boss(es). On the hospital invasion, while Jatuporn et. al. were apologizing, Khattiya and his group were putting back the barricades that the other Reds had removed. The violence on Friday evening that left two police dead are thought to have been committed by the more violent, hard corps group of Reds.

In any event, the DSI will take care of this more covert group of assassins who are now upcountry trying to recruit more assassins. The road map is just one part of all this, but there is still a war going on.

It may be a flawed argument to suggest a disconnect between Sae Daeng and the rest of the leadership of the reds.

Over at Asian Times Online, Shawn Crispin has some quite incendiary news on the current situation.

Well worth a look.

Quite disturbing really.

Crispin's articles are always the most intriguing, but I get the impression Abhisit was denying today any negotiated "deal" between Thaksin and the government took place - which is contrary to what Crispin is insinuating.

I guess time will tell on that front.

/edit - what level of confidence to people have of Seh Daeng being arrested in the near future? Personally mine is somewhere around 0% (sorry to say).


"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation."

Did I miss something? The PM names him as a terrorist but list no specific acts of terrorism. What is he referring too? The attacks on the police? The bombs on Silom?

I have no idea Khattiya committed terrorism, maybe he did, but if he did, why not indite him on those acts? Seems a bit backwards to me just to call someone a terrorist without specifically charging him or at least saying exactly what he did.

Like I asked, did i miss something??????

Abhisit is giving the main red leaders a chance to get out, to put blame on the more radical reds. Let's hope it works.

He has been doing this all along by publicly separating the black shirts and violence from the red shirts as a whole.

Looks like there's a fair amount of separating amongst the Reds themselves as Sae Daeng may be going rogue to the Reds as he went rogue against the Army:

PM: Those against proposed road map behind 8 May violence

BANGKOK, 9 May 2010 (NNT) - The recent 8 May violence was aimed at blockading the government's road map for national and political reconciliation, according to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Speaking on his weekly talk show" Confidence in Thailand with Prime Minister Abhisit", the Prime Minister stated that those in connection with the latest grenade and shooting attacks disagreed with the proposed five-step reconciliation plan. He insisted that the government would consistently tighten security measures after the announcement of the road map. He also insisted that legal actions must definitely be taken against the perpetrators.

PM Abhisit remarked that the pro-Thaksin army specialist, Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, widely known as Seh Daeng was the key opponent to the reconciliation plan as he was reportedly coordinating with anti-government leaders from up-country provinces in opposing the de facto core leaders' resolutions.

The anti-government leaders were initially willing to take part in the reconciliatory process but noted that the current rally would not yet disperse. The UDD has made a tentative decision to end its protracted mass demonstration at Ratchaprasong Intersection on 15 May 2010.

PM Abhisit reaffirmed that the government will go ahead with the proposed road map without the UDD's participation. He has urged the anti-government UDD to stop their mass demonstration before 15 May or sooner if they wish to join the reconciliation effort.

The recent shooting attack broke out on Friday night at Krung Thai Bank on Silom Road and M79 grenade blasts later erupted near Lumpini Park the following day. A total of two police officers on duty were killed and 13 people were injured.


Over at Asian Times Online, Shawn Crispin has some quite incendiary news on the current situation.

Well worth a look.

Quite disturbing really.

Crispin's articles are always the most intriguing, but I get the impression Abhisit was denying today any negotiated "deal" between Thaksin and the government took place - which is contrary to what Crispin is insinuating.

I guess time will tell on that front.

/edit - what level of confidence to people have of Seh Daeng being arrested in the near future? Personally mine is somewhere around 0% (sorry to say).

more on the Ying and Yang of "Thaksin talks" or the lack thereof:

Korbsak: No confidential talks with Thaksin’s sister about reconciliation roadmap

BANGKOK, 8 May 2010 (NNT) - Secretary-General to the Prime Minister, Korbsak Sabhavasu has dismissed the rumor that he had made confidential negotiations with Ms Yinglak Shinnawatra, ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s sister, before the road map for national reconciliation had publicly been announced by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Mr Korbsak insisted that Mr Abhisit had not assigned him to open confidential dialogue with Ms Yinglak or other aides of the ex-PM to discuss about the road map aiming to reconcile the nation and the in-depth details of the new general elections, set to be held on 14 November 2010, adding that such an issue was definitely a rumor.

Mr Korbsak continued to state the truth that his core responsibility, as ordered by the PM, was to coordinate with all key leaders of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorships (UDD) to wrap up the rally situation in order to avoid the escalation of violence.


Police to Arrest Seh Daeng

The Metropolitan Police chief has ordered the immediate arrest of Army Specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol or Seh Daeng if he is sighted as he is believed to be involved in the various bombings over the last month.

Red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn said the group will not try to obstruct Seh Daeng's arrest.

:) Now ---- will it happen? (again?) Isn't he out on bail?

quote from the closed rally thread

"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation."

Did I miss something? The PM names him as a terrorist but list no specific acts of terrorism. What is he referring too? The attacks on the police? The bombs on Silom?

I have no idea Khattiya committed terrorism, maybe he did, but if he did, why not indite him on those acts? Seems a bit backwards to me just to call someone a terrorist without specifically charging him or at least saying exactly what he did.

Like I asked, did i miss something??????

yeah, like the fact that this is Thailand, and what is a lie at 8 o'clock in the morning might well be the truth by noon.

Abhisit is giving the main red leaders a chance to get out, to put blame on the more radical reds. Let's hope it works.

Anybody who tries to impede the peace plan deserves the worst. The reds have made their point. The PM has been patient. It is time to end this thing and heal the nation.

The problem is that there are people trying to impede the peace plan. So what shall we do? Does the prime minister STILL have to be patient? I mean the guy has been telling everyone to be patient, be patient, be patient.... then he puts together five platitudes with no specifics to sugar coat the REAL ISSUE, which is timing of dissolution.

What in God's name are we being patient for now??!!


Let's play it straight.... no conspiracy theories, rumors, innuendos, etc....

So the Prime Minister has a five point plan. Everyone agrees, because it is like an oath to a nation, written by a fifth grader... no one will dispute the "spirit" of the plan.

So we are just waiting for the red shirts response, which should be upcoming. The PM has told them they have to reply by Monday...

If they agree, great, then the protest is over. If they do not, then we know that we have to disperse them because they have been breaking the law since the State of Emergency.

Anything else relevant we have to consider?

Note the total lack of info or evidence given by the PM linking Khattiya to any actual wrongdoing. But that's not important as he is against Abhisit's roadmap, wants the demonstrations to continue and is in contact with Thaksin. So he is now Thailand's 'Chief Terrorist'.

But as Abhisit's definition of terrorist also includes anyone who tries to undermine the road map. Surely, the PAD given their reaction and objection to the roadmap, are also terrorists.


If you read the article carefully, none of abhisit's quote actually named anyone terrorist, he said there were terrorist in the groups and he wouldnt allow them to use the reds as human sheilds. The article didnt show any quote/evidence to show that he actually named someone a terrorist. Ohh btw, when he "named names" he only said "did not agree to the road map" and never said the word "terrorist" in the sentence

About this i dont know if its faulty reporting or reporting something that is opposite from the truth


So now they have issued an arrest warrant for Khattiya, and Weng another fugitive has said the the red shirts, all fugitives, will not harbor him...

What's wrong with this picture?! lols

Note the total lack of info or evidence given by the PM linking Khattiya to any actual wrongdoing. But that's not important as he is against Abhisit's roadmap, wants the demonstrations to continue and is in contact with Thaksin. So he is now Thailand's 'Chief Terrorist'.

But as Abhisit's definition of terrorist also includes anyone who tries to undermine the road map. Surely, the PAD given their reaction and objection to the roadmap, are also terrorists.


If you read the article carefully, none of abhisit's quote actually named anyone terrorist, he said there were terrorist in the groups and he wouldnt allow them to use the reds as human sheilds. The article didnt show any quote/evidence to show that he actually named someone a terrorist. Ohh btw, when he "named names" he only said "did not agree to the road map" and never said the word "terrorist" in the sentence

"Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation." - from: PM names Khattiya mastermind against peace road map, Nation today

Have you heard the rhetoric from redshirt stages? Even last night the speakers were belligerent and caustic. They have made it clear, despite what they say in media interviews, that they have no interest in reconciliation. The redshirts are stalling and delaying.

Yes I was watching red tv this morning. Ai Weng was shouting "We phrai are very happy to stay here forever. We phrai are not afraid of the sun, we are not afraid of the rain. We phrai don't mind sleeping by the side of the road.

Of course he along with the other demagogues shouting night and day on stage are staying in air-con hotels. They own businesses that cut deals that leave the 'phrai' with the lowest possible margins for their labour. You want to laugh, seeing him stand there on a sheltered stage while a thousand or so red huddle under umbrellas against the sun and rain.


I can't help but think that Abhisit should shut up with this nonsensical naming of people he doesn't like as being responsible for whatever crime du jour...it isn't at all helpful...if he suspects someone of a crime, he should have him arrested and prosecuted...

This stupid putting names on a piece of paper and calling it a conspiracy against the monarchy without a shred of evidene, or this senseless naming of Seh Daeng, it's worse than pointless, it's counter productive....show us the beef Abhisit, show us the beef...

"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation."

Did I miss something? The PM names him as a terrorist but list no specific acts of terrorism. What is he referring too? The attacks on the police? The bombs on Silom?

I have no idea Khattiya committed terrorism, maybe he did, but if he did, why not indite him on those acts? Seems a bit backwards to me just to call someone a terrorist without specifically charging him or at least saying exactly what he did.

Like I asked, did i miss something??????

Yes, you did. That would be playing their hand too early and too obviously for the situation.

It was an official branding and he is now no longer officially army personnel.

Dr PM Abhisit

The people of Thailand for the past two months have suffered under an intolerable situation. When the ruling was issued by the courts regarding the seizure of part of former PM Thaksin's frozen fortune people expected his followers to protest. Within weeks they managed to mobilize their foot soldiers and we watched as they handed out cash and sent them off to Bangkok. They arrived and at once set about their plan to wreak havoc on the streets of Bangkok. We suffered through their traffic jams as they organized mobile rallies to disrupt the lives of the people here. With their arrival came the grenade attacks that occurred during the nights targeting businesses, politicians, and government buildings. Yet they were allowed to continue their protests. Seeking to do greater damage they occupied Rajasaprong intersection forcing the closing of many malls and businesses and putting tens of thousands of Thais out of work. The Red shirts continued to seek confrontation, they found it in Pathum Thani and the police meekly backed off. On April 10 the Red protesters turned the city streets into a battlefield, but that would not be the end of the killing. In other grenade attacks and clashes innocent bystanders and police have been killed or injured. Still the protests raged on. Despite a date for a new election the protests in recent days have only increased.

We have seen many crimes committed, we have seen violence, terrorism, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, and so much more. But there has been no justice. Millions of people live in this city and strive everyday to live productive lives within the law only to watch these people flaunt their contempt for that law. We have waited for a peaceful resolution, we have backed negotiations as a way to end these protests. New elections have been proposed to placate terrorists and even that is not enough for them. The people given the task of enforcing the law have repeatedly shirked that responsibility. Decent people have been harassed, attacked and had their rights violated by the Red protesters. No one protects them. It is my fear that even more innocent bystanders will be harmed by these protests before they are over.

We have trusted you as Prime Minister to handle this crisis. The choices you make are very important and the lives of more people hang in the balance. The roadmap to reconciliation is a positive step, but without the full cooperation of the Red protesters it is not enough. We have put our confidence in you, now is the time to show that confidence is deserved. The people of Thailand deserve a return to order and peace. Give us hope that you do indeed have a plan that will achieve this goal shortly. If however you do not, and if this crisis is beyond your ability to solve then I ask you to consider all the alternatives. If the decisions that must be made are to heavy for you we will understand if you must remove yourself and pass the job of Prime Minister to someone else within your party. It is the job of the Prime Minister to steer the nation in a direction that benefits all it's people. For the past 2 months it has been adrift at it is time to get back on course.

Lazarus, I don't think that it is fair to say that the "people of Thailand' are suffering...it's totally quiet and peaceful in the provinces and apart from a the relatively few who live or work in the better off parts of Bangkok, no one is even being inconvenienced to any great extent....I will accept that the rich folk who want to shop in those fancy shops around Rajprasong have been inconvenienced and may even have had to shop somewhere else, or delay their purchases...indeed what is so effective about the protest is its targeting, it has left 95% of the population totally untouched, but has hurt the privileged classes....

"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation."

Did I miss something? The PM names him as a terrorist but list no specific acts of terrorism. What is he referring too? The attacks on the police? The bombs on Silom?

I have no idea Khattiya committed terrorism, maybe he did, but if he did, why not indite him on those acts? Seems a bit backwards to me just to call someone a terrorist without specifically charging him or at least saying exactly what he did.

Like I asked, did i miss something??????

I imagine everyone (Thais) have known Seh Daeng's role from the outset, it wasn't very secretive. The recent public statements about arresting him suggest that DSI now has enough evidence to do so. Of course, DSI is not obligated to tell us the details but the following public info is enough to suggest the violence is origanzied by someone like SD.

Attempted demolition of the power pylons feeding Bangkok exactly at the time the shooting started on April 10th.

Targeting and killing of the commanding Army officers on the night of April 10th.

Mysterious militia responsible for much of the shooting on same evening.

Attempted sabotage of Thailand's main jet fuel depots with an RPG rocket.

Stolen arms found in Seh Daeng's home and the home of his adviser, a few months ago.

A grenade attack on Anupong's office the day after Seh Daeng was relieved of duties.

And of course Seh Daeng's own comments about his military prowess and ability to defeat the Army.

His refusal to teach dancing class as ordered by Anupong?


Apisit also named Thaksin as being aganst the roadmap as he gains nothing personally from it and said Thaksin supports Seh Daeng. Indeed he's never disclaimed him, in fact Sae Daeng says he only takes orders from Thaksin, not the 3 stooges.

Importantly, Apisit reiterated the election date is dependent on MPs of all parties being able to rally peacefully anywhere in the country over the next few months. Any violence to prevent people speaking will see the election date cancelled and it's no use claiming violent protestors are fake reds he said.

"BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Sunday named suspended Army specialist Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol as the mastermind and chief terrorist who tried to undermine the road map to bring about political reconciliation."

Did I miss something? The PM names him as a terrorist but list no specific acts of terrorism. What is he referring too? The attacks on the police? The bombs on Silom?

I have no idea Khattiya committed terrorism, maybe he did, but if he did, why not indite him on those acts? Seems a bit backwards to me just to call someone a terrorist without specifically charging him or at least saying exactly what he did.

Like I asked, did i miss something??????

I imagine everyone (Thais) have known Seh Daeng's role from the outset, it wasn't very secretive. The recent public statements about arresting him suggest that DSI now has enough evidence to do so. Of course, DSI is not obligated to tell us the details but the following public info is enough to suggest the violence is origanzied by someone like SD.

Attempted demolition of the power pylons feeding Bangkok exactly at the time the shooting started on April 10th.

Targeting and killing of the commanding Army officers on the night of April 10th.

Mysterious militia responsible for much of the shooting on same evening.

Attempted sabotage of Thailand's main jet fuel depots with an RPG rocket.

Stolen arms found in Seh Daeng's home and the home of his adviser, a few months ago.

A grenade attack on Anupong's office the day after Seh Daeng was relieved of duties.

And of course Seh Daeng's own comments about his military prowess and ability to defeat the Army.

His refusal to teach dancing class as ordered by Anupong?

The grenade attacks of 2008 that all just happened to start after Sae Daeng spoke about them being about to begin.....

The grenade attacks across BKK and even CNX just AFTER Sae Daeng spoke about grenade attacks that were about to begin in 2010 .....

Have you heard the rhetoric from redshirt stages? Even last night the speakers were belligerent and caustic. They have made it clear, despite what they say in media interviews, that they have no interest in reconciliation. The redshirts are stalling and delaying.

Yes I was watching red tv this morning. Ai Weng was shouting "We phrai are very happy to stay here forever. We phrai are not afraid of the sun, we are not afraid of the rain. We phrai don't mind sleeping by the side of the road.

Of course he along with the other demagogues shouting night and day on stage are staying in air-con hotels. They own businesses that cut deals that leave the 'phrai' with the lowest possible margins for their labour. You want to laugh, seeing him stand there on a sheltered stage while a thousand or so red huddle under umbrellas against the sun and rain.

well stated, isn't that often the case?! I made the same observation when I saw the screamin' bitter leaders this morning. If you follow those guys, you're not dealing with a full deck of cards.

Dr PM Abhisit

The people of Thailand for the past two months have suffered under an intolerable situation. When the ruling was issued by the courts regarding the seizure of part of former PM Thaksin's frozen fortune people expected his followers to protest. Within weeks they managed to mobilize their foot soldiers and we watched as they handed out cash and sent them off to Bangkok. They arrived and at once set about their plan to wreak havoc on the streets of Bangkok. We suffered through their traffic jams as they organized mobile rallies to disrupt the lives of the people here. With their arrival came the grenade attacks that occurred during the nights targeting businesses, politicians, and government buildings. Yet they were allowed to continue their protests. Seeking to do greater damage they occupied Rajasaprong intersection forcing the closing of many malls and businesses and putting tens of thousands of Thais out of work. The Red shirts continued to seek confrontation, they found it in Pathum Thani and the police meekly backed off. On April 10 the Red protesters turned the city streets into a battlefield, but that would not be the end of the killing. In other grenade attacks and clashes innocent bystanders and police have been killed or injured. Still the protests raged on. Despite a date for a new election the protests in recent days have only increased.

We have seen many crimes committed, we have seen violence, terrorism, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, and so much more. But there has been no justice. Millions of people live in this city and strive everyday to live productive lives within the law only to watch these people flaunt their contempt for that law. We have waited for a peaceful resolution, we have backed negotiations as a way to end these protests. New elections have been proposed to placate terrorists and even that is not enough for them. The people given the task of enforcing the law have repeatedly shirked that responsibility. Decent people have been harassed, attacked and had their rights violated by the Red protesters. No one protects them. It is my fear that even more innocent bystanders will be harmed by these protests before they are over.

We have trusted you as Prime Minister to handle this crisis. The choices you make are very important and the lives of more people hang in the balance. The roadmap to reconciliation is a positive step, but without the full cooperation of the Red protesters it is not enough. We have put our confidence in you, now is the time to show that confidence is deserved. The people of Thailand deserve a return to order and peace. Give us hope that you do indeed have a plan that will achieve this goal shortly. If however you do not, and if this crisis is beyond your ability to solve then I ask you to consider all the alternatives. If the decisions that must be made are to heavy for you we will understand if you must remove yourself and pass the job of Prime Minister to someone else within your party. It is the job of the Prime Minister to steer the nation in a direction that benefits all it's people. For the past 2 months it has been adrift at it is time to get back on course.

Lazarus, I don't think that it is fair to say that the "people of Thailand' are suffering...it's totally quiet and peaceful in the provinces and apart from a the relatively few who live or work in the better off parts of Bangkok, no one is even being inconvenienced to any great extent....I will accept that the rich folk who want to shop in those fancy shops around Rajprasong have been inconvenienced and may even have had to shop somewhere else, or delay their purchases...indeed what is so effective about the protest is its targeting, it has left 95% of the population totally untouched, but has hurt the privileged classes....

LOL ... more red posturing ....

The tax base is being affected. That affects money for ALL Thai people in the form of government services.

Tourism is being affected and that affects people all over Thailand, from the business people to the tax base to the employees that send money home from Phuket to other parts of the country. It affects Chiang Mai. It affects Pattaya. It affects Koh Chang. It affects Phuket. It affects Had Yai. It affects EVERY region of Thailand.

1000's of people in BKK have been unemployed by this. They come from all over Thailand. it affects ALL of Thailand. People will REMEMBER the reds and their violence for years! This will affect ALL of Thailand and not just until they go home but for YEARS!

Note the total lack of info or evidence given by the PM linking Khattiya to any actual wrongdoing. But that's not important as he is against Abhisit's roadmap, wants the demonstrations to continue and is in contact with Thaksin. So he is now Thailand's 'Chief Terrorist'.

But as Abhisit's definition of terrorist also includes anyone who tries to undermine the road map. Surely, the PAD given their reaction and objection to the roadmap, are also terrorists.


It wasn't a court of law. He isn't out to prove that Khattiya is a terrorist, although there is plenty of evidence available pointing to that fact.

There is a big difference between the yellows objecting to the road map, and Khattiya doing things to stop the road map from proceeding.

IMO, the yellows should be saying "We object to violent mobs forcing the government into elections, but we accept that the road map is a way forward".

(And before you come back with what the yellows did, the yellows did not cause the PPP/PTP government to fall, neither did the courts. It was the smaller parties no longer supporting an incompentent government that put Abhisit into power.)

If he's not out to prove that Khattiya is a terrorist, what is he doing then calling him a terrorist in front of the entire media? Either he backs this up with some clear evidence or I smell a lawsuit coming soon Abhisit's way.

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