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How To Find Qualified Staff In Thailand?

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hi, i'm trying to hire an office/sales manager and a brewery manager for our start-up business in Cha-am. i'm not looking for a lot of experience, just someone smart and willing to learn. i can teach them everything they need to know.

i've posted job ads in the local universities and on some public notice boards around Hua-hin but haven't have one answer yet.

how do Thai employers find staff i wonder? internet, news papers? i guess its just word of mouth mostly but that doesn't help me much since we've already exhausted all out local contacts.

any ideas where to look next?

thx steve

Edited by stevehaigh
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I agree with Gigabyte on this one. I've had good results with them. Please keep in mind it is very difficult to find Qualified staff. I've come to realize this about finding staff

1. Patience is definity the key. I say this because it took me 3 months to find staff. The hardest area I had was just simply trying to find staff who could actually speak or understand english even if it was basic english

2. Amount your willing to pay for salary.

3. From lots of resumes I've recieved most people I saw where in usually in 1 of 2 areas mostly. Bangkok or Phuket

4. I don't know if Cha am or the area has a local tv channel but you might check into that. We do here on samui and I posted in there which actually helped

5. You did exactly what I did with flier posting I posted them in Big C and Tesco as well. Keep in mind I posted the salary as well.

6. I'm not sure if you did this or not but considering the thai language I posted all my job postings in thai.

i wish you good luck

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I agree with Gigabyte on this one. I've had good results with them. Please keep in mind it is very difficult to find Qualified staff. I've come to realize this about finding staff

1. Patience is definity the key. I say this because it took me 3 months to find staff. The hardest area I had was just simply trying to find staff who could actually speak or understand english even if it was basic english

2. Amount your willing to pay for salary.

3. From lots of resumes I've recieved most people I saw where in usually in 1 of 2 areas mostly. Bangkok or Phuket

4. I don't know if Cha am or the area has a local tv channel but you might check into that. We do here on samui and I posted in there which actually helped

5. You did exactly what I did with flier posting I posted them in Big C and Tesco as well. Keep in mind I posted the salary as well.

6. I'm not sure if you did this or not but considering the thai language I posted all my job postings in thai.

i wish you good luck

You should probably heir some Farang staff as well as Thai. I think Farang are more responsible ad a mix may create more proficiently and professional work environments

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F.B.A.T. (food and beverage association of Thailand)

I always found motivated and talented people through them.

P.M. if you want more details... and if you have a facebook account, you are able to check directly by joining their group.

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thanks for all the great advice. i did look at jobsdb already but not signed up yet, i should do that

i'm also very interested in F.B.A.T. (food and beverage association of Thailand). i'll look them up, maybe good group to be a part of anyhow.


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Just thought I'd post this as a general recommendation, too: there is NO school in Thailand at which results cannot somehow be paid for. TEST your prospective staff, regardless of what they say their experience or education is, for any basic educational skills you expect them to have- especially in language, science, and mathematics.

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We have a lot of problems finding professional Thai staff that can speak English.

I'm not talking about your basic Thaiglish that most can speak but Thai staff that are able to communicate on a technical level with native English speaking managers!

And when you do find one they ask for very high renumeration.

Some may say "Oh they are only asking this much because you are Farang company!" but this is not true. Thai employees of this calibre are in high demand and are NOT open to negotiation.

One of the problems Farang start-up companies have is they come here thinking proffessional staff are very cheap, I'm afraid those days are long gone. Are you offering a decent salary package for the position vacant?

It's a big problem here in Thailand. Good luck

Edited by Livinginexile
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^Exactly. Most Thais cannot function at a high technical level in English, and the ones who can are in high demand and should be treated well. Not quite as well as the costs if employing an expat, but somewhere as a happy medium.

I would say that if you expect someone to be good enough at English to negotiate contracts on regional business trips, for example, you should be looking at paying him/her at least 30-40K a month.

Even very good salesperson's English should command 15K+ (depending on requirements) in BKK.

OP, since you are expecting this staff member to manage your business and maybe learn a lot about the science involved in brewing, I would say you should be looking at 20-25K as a salary offering!

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