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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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they would then have reds to the front AND to the back of them. Army and police stuck in the middle.

Dont outnumber the reds. There just a couple of thousands of them, frankly speaking (and the rest will be fled by themselves once the SERIOUS crackdown is started).

Piece of cake for the army&police, IF THEY REALLY GONNA DO THIS.

You nailed it there, "if they are really going to do this."

However, numbers don't count for much if it's done correctly. I witnessed 300 Spartans fight against... wait... oh, never mind, that was a movie.

Whatever happens, you can count on them messing it up and doing it 1/2 way. Doesn't matter what side does it, IF THEY DO IT, it will be botched. You can take that to the bank.

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As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement

And for which reason, may I ask? For well-doing his job while the capital is on emergency? :D

REASON. For being one of the Yellow Shirt Leaders that held Thailand to ransom when those "Yellow-Terrorists" took over the Airports, They are still free to roam the streets. Talk about double standards or what. :)

I am not pro-red , i disagree on many things some of their leader said

but am not an anti-red fanatic either .

And my point was that it is not as simple as you think it is

You are pro-red. Nearly everything you post is pro-red.

Facts are constantly put in front of you disproving your pro-red statements, and you don't believe any of it.

You don't post a counter argument, you just flat out dis-believe it and continue on with your pro-red statements.

You must be pro-yellow then hahaha

How can i be anti-Thaksin and pro red ?

Is that not the first prerequisite to be a red ? According to everybody here .

I just dont belong to the category of ppl that follows blindly the majority (in TV that is)

That makes us somewhat different

As for the rogue soldiers shooting from the roof at reds , even the PM himself

hinted at the possibility

As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement

And for which reason, may I ask? For well-doing his job while the capital is on emergency? :D

REASON. For being one of the Yellow Shirt Leaders that held Thailand to ransom when those "Yellow-Terrorists" took over the Airports, They are still free to roam the streets. Talk about double standards or what. :)

That wasn't Suthep. That was Kasit, the Foreign Minister.

We want Suthep arrested! We want charges against us to be dropped!!! Are these guys freakin serious???? How the hel_l can ANY Govt with straight spine put up with this????

The thai gov can do anything if it is to there benefit, what happened to the PAD people, nothing they walk free after bailout

Rember all the corruptions among the ruling class and courts.

Have a nice day


The governement must tae responibilty for dragging there feet for so long

The government have already allowed water and generators into the area

Does the Government have plans to remove these articles they know are in the area

Or is it the intention of the government to only make the Thai public pay the penalty

Put out the word on the grapevine

Any Thai who delivers to the army a truck with water or generators on board will be payed 100,000 baht on the spot

Turn Red shirts by the very thing they want most



You do realise that it is normal (legal) and accepted that Police carry firearms? Heard a rumor that it's pretty normal for the military to do so as well.

Not the forces facing protesters . And if you ever see police in UK , germany , or France firing in the air automatic burst of

live ammos in front of the crowd , point me to your web link

i have been at some protests in France , never saw police firing live ammos , even in the air

They do fire tear gas container however ... in the air . and that really hurt

On this point we agree - for two reasons. First, police do not have automatic weapons in those countries. Second, because even if they had them, they would not use bursts, they would use single shots.

Just like the troops did in Bangkok on April 10th, April 13, and so on.

Read my post that your friend declined to answer. All the Youtube videos' evidence is single shots. Even the link you posted, as well. Oh, well...there's just no pleasing some people.

As for Suthep , i think , that once the protest is over , he should leave the governement

And for which reason, may I ask? For well-doing his job while the capital is on emergency? :D

REASON. For being one of the Yellow Shirt Leaders that held Thailand to ransom when those "Yellow-Terrorists" took over the Airports, They are still free to roam the streets. Talk about double standards or what. :)

That wasn't Suthep. That was Kasit, the Foreign Minister.

Suthep was there also and now he is the mouth piece for Abhisit.

What's the best way to treat an obstinate woman? That's right, ignore her. That takes away all the power she ever had. The reds are the same

VAT collection for April didn't show a drop, or was it the slightest of drops. Yes, it's costing a bit but it is not costing the government as much as we think it does.

Just ignore them there, let them sit there and get wet, let them sit until August or longer if they (really) want. The Thais have adopted well and don't care about them really, there are other department stores...

Indeedy. Sucks to be an employee or shareholder at Paragon, but business is booming at Emporium. Now we understand the thinking behind building all these shopping centers - redundancy!

That wasn't Suthep. That was Kasit, the Foreign Minister.

Some infos about your idol :)

Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients .Unrepentant, Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in their hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions


In world war II the british where able to smuggle people into Nazi occupied countries to search out and destroy things that kept them there

Many countries have secret police that mingle with the other side waiting to strilke from with in

Maybe the Present Thai Government need to take advice from history and other government

Telling the Raid shirt what will happen some times days before you do it, is a receipt for disastor

and Thai food was always so tasty

I am not pro-red , i disagree on many things some of their leader said

but am not an anti-red fanatic either .

And my point was that it is not as simple as you think it is

You are pro-red. Nearly everything you post is pro-red.

Facts are constantly put in front of you disproving your pro-red statements, and you don't believe any of it.

You don't post a counter argument, you just flat out dis-believe it and continue on with your pro-red statements.

You must be pro-yellow then hahaha

How can i be anti-Thaksin and pro red ?

Is that not the first prerequisite to be a red ? According to everybody here .

I just dont belong to the category of ppl that follows blindly the majority (in TV that is)

That makes us somewhat different

As for the rogue soldiers shooting from the roof at reds , even the PM himself

hinted at the possibility

If you are pro-red, you must be pro-Thaksin, because that's all the reds are about. If the reds succeed, then Thaksin succeeds.

"Rogue" meaning not part of the army.

The PM and the army would have gained nothing from the deaths of protesters. The reds would have gained sympathy for "the army killing civilians". It back fired with the "men in black" roaming freely amongst the reds (therefore part of the reds), with soldiers being killed by grenades (a Sae Daeng specialty), and with video showing protesters firing at the army (once again, amongst the reds, therefore part of the reds).

The government have already allowed water and generators into the area

Does the Government have plans to remove these articles they know are in the area

The government did not allow generators etc. into Redtown. The police did.

The authorities do not have plans on immediately moving water and generators out of Red town. Instead, they have immediate plans on moving the Red Shirts out of Red town.

That wasn't Suthep. That was Kasit, the Foreign Minister.

Some infos about your idol :)

Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients .Unrepentant, Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in their hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions

Idol? All I did was point out that it was Kasit, not Suthep, up on the yellow stage. Am I not allowed to correct someone's mistake?

edit: and it looks like I have been corrected ... I'll need to do some research.

re-edit: research done (post further down) ... I believe the person correcting me has the wrong Suthep.

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :)

Believe what you want . Many soldiers are from the North and Isaan in general .

Even my brother in law from cental thailand is a soldier .

Do you think they would shoot at their own mothers , brothers and sisters ?

They are not crazy unlike some arm chair warrior here .. you maybe ?

That report is perfectly credible

Pornsasi, Its quite clear you are pro-red. Just admit it. Its clear you are defending the reds from every possible corner and even quoted a website that is clearly pro red and a propaganda in almost every way. Its even got a red design and images of the movie 300 (Everyone has surely seen the movie and that the creators of the website were surely trying to make them look like the Spartans, battling against a much larger force) If that website is NOT red, then Jesus Christ was a Hindu...

Anyone with a little bit of time and knowledge can create a website, write a load of crap on it saying that the reds fired first and that there were eye witnesses... Its rubbish...

Sadly for you, the majority of Thais and spectators to the Thai political crisis are anti red shirts. I don't need statistical evidence to prove that. Its as clear as the light of day and if you don't realize that you are just as delusional as those red shirt leaders and Thaksin who TRULY believe that they will ever win this fight in the way they are going about it. Abhisit give them a good opportunity with his roadmap, he gave them the opportunity to wipe their slates clean, but they clearly refused with their new set idiotic demands.

The Red shirts are outnumbered, outgunned, and outfunded in every possible way. The only thing they have a little more of now is determination, but the more stupid mistakes they make such as Thaicom, Chula hospital, etc and as soon as the government starts severing their connection from the outside world, their determination will fade.

I hope that the government will take action swiftly and without discrimination. All those who stand in their way should be dealt with properly.

Welcome them all to the Bangkok Hilton and let them rot for all I care...

If you are pro-red, you must be pro-Thaksin, because that's all the reds are about. If the reds succeed, then Thaksin succeeds.

"Rogue" meaning not part of the army.

The PM and the army would have gained nothing from the deaths of protesters. The reds would have gained sympathy for "the army killing civilians". It back fired with the "men in black" roaming freely amongst the reds (therefore part of the reds), with soldiers being killed by grenades (a Sae Daeng specialty), and with video showing protesters firing at the army (once again, amongst the reds, therefore part of the reds).

So acccording to you the reds arranged for the black shirts to shoot at them so that they can claim soldiers did it ?

Thats interesting ... :)

The gov gained nothing ? Of course not . Gained the red to be scarred , leave and go back home . But that did not work , did it ?

and here we are

Edit : Rogue in my description mean part of the army but not obeying orders .

Like von Stauffenberg when he tried to kill Hitler , but he was still part of the army

Granted to you my definition of rogue may be wrong , mutiniers would be a better one


When the Rallye is off (Maybe next year...), I suggest to keep 20 meters of barricades in Front of Central or Siam Paragon, for tourism attraction.

Also some souvenirs can be sold: 10cm of Razor wire, Bamboos sticks, Red T-Shirts,...

(I suggest some free boots for those who are screaming they loose a lot of money like Way2muchcoffee in order they recover faster).

Also a wax museum should be organised with wax statues of people like Saeh Deng, Arisman, Kwanchai, Abhisit, Suthep

A boot with Issan food and papaya pot-pot for western ladies who want to look slimmer...

As I said in another thread

What a joke....Not only they advertise 12 hours what they gonna do, just to make sure that reds can prepare themselves in case they forgot such a major detail....

But, anyway, reds have shown already that they planned almost everything, and I am pretty sure that they have loads of generators and fuel to run them, as well as water tanks. They surely thought that this situation might happen, and have already made necessary arrangements. The ones who are going to suffer are AGAIN the people living in the area, the same that have already seen their life disrupted by these terrorists....

So, what next ???

were you with them before this ? you seemed to know their plans very well.


I've noticed the Red Shirts stocking up on supplies for the last two days - they could survive many days of 'seige'. Our office is within the barricaded areas - so assuming we can get to work tomorrow we'll need to visit the Red Shirts for lunch!

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :)

BS propaganda again

and I have Immodium, thanks

Sponsored in part by, Thaksinlive, ThaksinTweets, UDD and PT.

Total rubbish

When the Rallye is off (Maybe next year...), I suggest to keep 20 meters of barricades in Front of Central or Siam Paragon, for tourism attraction.

Also some souvenirs can be sold: 10cm of Razor wire, Bamboos sticks, Red T-Shirts,...

(I suggest some free boots for those who are screaming they loose a lot of money like Way2muchcoffee in order they recover faster).

Also a wax museum should be organised with wax statues of people like Saeh Deng, Arisman, Kwanchai, Abhisit, Suthep

A boot with Issan food and papaya pot-pot for western ladies who want to look slimmer...

Excellente idee . Great Idea :)

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :)

BS propaganda again

and I have Immodium, thanks

Sponsored in part by, Thaksinlive, ThaksinTweets, UDD and PT.

Total rubbish

doesnt go your way , does it ? :D


That wasn't Suthep. That was Kasit, the Foreign Minister.

Suthep was there also and now he is the mouth piece for Abhisit.

wikipedia has a statement re: 2009 Pattaya protest

The PAD issued a statement demanding that Abhisit dismiss Deputy Prime Minister in charge of security Suthep Thaugsuban

Wiki also talks about a "Doctor Suthep Kolcharnwit of the Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine".

This is also on an "antithaksin" site.

Suthep reiterated the summons for the PAD core leaders and supporters for the forced closure of Suvarnabhumi Airport last year are not a ploy to discredit the group's New Politics Party.

I couldn't find any other references anywhere linking DPM Suthep and the PAD.

I think you have the Suthep's mixed up.


I just strolled through red shirt central in my best dandy outfit and it was about as calm as ever. Speakers playing of course, but the vast majority of people were sleeping through the heat of the day. The stalls were pretty empty, but that's probably because they don't set up until after dark. Folks were friendly as usual and there didn't seem to be a Jonestown air or anything. even the blackshirt guards were joking around and generally lazing about under umbrellas and coverings.

Someone may want to empty the portable toilets, they're pretty rank, heh. Other than the general feeling that the area could use better sanitation it wasn't off-putting to be around and people were pretty relaxed. Could all change in an instant.

You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

April 11, 2010

http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :)

Believe what you want . Many soldiers are from the North and Isaan in general .

Even my brother in law from cental thailand is a soldier .

Do you think they would shoot at their own mothers , brothers and sisters ?

They are not crazy unlike some arm chair warrior here .. you maybe ?

That report is perfectly credible

We're in central Issan, and have friends with several families whose sons were in the army, stationed in BKK. They have now been rotated out, and soldiers from the South are taking their places.

Another piece of the jig-saw puzzle that may soon be the crackdown...

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