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US, UK Closes Embassies In Thailand, 'Very Concerned' About Violence


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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Keep talking about the great abuses committed by the US...Do you recall the manner in which the British treated the Indian people? Thankfully for you that you are not speaking German today.

Nothing wrong with speaking German. I believe only one vote decided which language the USA would adopt as its national language and the language which missed out was German.Anyway I suggest you learn Spanish as it will the USA's language of the majority in the near future.As always "GOD" bless America.

The only reason we're 'not speaking German' is that America arrived on the scene a few years after we had provided stiff opposition and America was scared of the next generation of V rockets which could cross the Atlantic and hit American cities.

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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ha! Ha! 250+ years of democracy?? Can I remind you that it was a mere 130 years ago that Custer had his last stand and there were multiple fights going on between ethnic indians and the various other populations. Not to mention the North versus the South and good old Davy Crockett.

Whatever happens in Thailand they are better off without the interference of the USA.

:) I agree but the problem is that Americans think it is there God given right to interfere in any country it pleases and if the countries don't bow to the yanks then it's time to put your head between your legs because it is all over. If the yanks want to come into Thailand and overthrow it then they will. Thailand 53rd state of the USA.

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And you did not join in until Dec 1941 when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbour.

Mr Winston Churchill was very happy. You also made a lot of money out of it.

The American solution would be very simple and quick. Simply carpet bomb the country destroy everything and if people get in the way that is thier problem. Two days problem solved. The yanks would then wander around patting themselves on the back saying how they saved another country from ruins. I don't think Thaialand is ready for the brutality of the USA.

If you want to understand America's view of the world ,have a look at this:


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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Thank you for the Hollywood version of history. The real story actually tells of the Russians winning the war in Europe with the Yanks playing a small bit part as a diversion. Yes, the Yanks won the war in Asia - not by fighting soldiers but by dumping nuclear bombs on civilians. Since then what have you done? Ran away from Vietnam, ran away from Somalia, ran away from Saudi Arabia... oh, sorry, a great American victory invading Panama. George Bush will go down in history as the man who handed Iraq to Iran on a platter... and how long before that great American battle tactic of running away will happen in Afghanistan?

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To close the UK embassy sends the wrong signals. Dont see Red Shirt bashing down the walls so why panic? Did they close embassies down in the UK when they had the poll tax riots? Dont think so. It is just an over-reaction. Keep it open, operate as normal and if lives get threatened, (Westerners) then maybe react. Bangkok is huge and the riots / trouble is limited to a small section of the city. My wife and I walked through the Red Shirt camp. Spoke to loads of peaceful thai red shirts. I suggest round up the trouble makers, hold elections and settle down. Trouble is absolute power corrupts absolutely. Old saying but fits the politicians world wide. Regards John

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Thank you for the Hollywood version of history. The real story actually tells of the Russians winning the war in Europe with the Yanks playing a small bit part as a diversion. Yes, the Yanks won the war in Asia - not by fighting soldiers but by dumping nuclear bombs on civilians. Since then what have you done? Ran away from Vietnam, ran away from Somalia, ran away from Saudi Arabia... oh, sorry, a great American victory invading Panama. George Bush will go down in history as the man who handed Iraq to Iran on a platter... and how long before that great American battle tactic of running away will happen in Afghanistan?

Try to think of one war which America has won on it's own:

Vietnam - a total disaster

Iraq - as part of a 'coalition'

Invasion of Grenada - OK that was a success

Battle of the Pacific - won because the Japs were tied down in Asia by the Allies.


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Who gives a rats ass as to what the Americans and the British Embassies are doing!!

They like all embassies in town fail to assist their citizens at at anytime.

A lot of farangs on this forum seem to think along with their Goverments, that Thai people are in desperate need.

The postings on the forum of the people who are shit scared (mostly Farang) amazes me. Go back to your country and enjoy.

This is not the case. The case is that most Thai's do not care what is going on in the centre of Bangkok. It is a small issue that has been blown up by the International media for want of a story.

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USA is the most hated country in the world

It is hated by a bunch of losers and dimwits who really do not matter very much. :)

The bunch of losers will be the septics on Saturday June the 12th. I will be sipping my cold beer laughing at full time when you walk off with your heads dropped in shame and disgrace.

Predicted score - 4.0

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Why does any thread mentioning the US, UK or Europe always descend into a pissing match about who won what wars?

The next person to post in such manner will have plenty of time to watch the history channel because I'm getting sick of this silly and childish fighting. Stay on topic or else. No further warnings.

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All the more reason why Farrang should not invest diddly squat in this country..unlike so many fools...Visit enjoy pay n go home.

What's wrong with buying a house, a car, a motorbike and a bit of land for your Thai wife and your 4 mixed race/Thai kids. Not all Thais want to go and live in a european or western paradise and I'd much rather my kids grow up here so they don't grow up spoilt winging brats like so many Ferrang kids I know and see. You make civil war sound like a good option as at least it'll keep people in your mind set from coming here! The fools are on the otherside of the water mate, not here!

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And the Thais would be speaking Japanese :D

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

And the Thais would be speaking Japanese :D

Oh is that right? I suppose you didn't come running to us for help in Iraq and Afghanistan which are 2 of your wars far from our doorstep. Maybe we should just leave you ingrates to it and get out as it's you they want! If you think you won WW2 singlehandedly try starting another one and see how well you do on your own.

Edited by Jirapa
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My Thai daughter-in-law and I worked hard for her visa to join my son in UK. She arrived here 6 months ago, thank goodness. Her entire family remains in Bangkok, and I do not appreciate the facetious comments made about this frightening situation.

They are lovely people who welcomed us to the wedding of my son and daughter-in-law in Bangkok. We stayed on Silom, took our children to play in Lumpini Park, had our wedding clothes made by a charming tailor on Silom, bought silk scarves from a lady nearby, and the wedding was held in a hotel just off Silom. Every time there are pictures of the barricades set up by the Red faction, I recognise places we enjoyed.

All these small businesses that welcomed us must be devastated by the Red blockades.

The family stayed with us in UK in February to celebrate the reunion of their daughter/sister with my son. I think all the time of the dangers they must be now facing.

Please respond seriously to the situation and keep us informed about what is happening.

If you have ever lived in Thailand for awhile 'facetious' is totally appropriate. Sorry to hear your son married a thai woman. You'll see what i mean when they have financial or marital problems. Generally,Their smiles mean they want your money(Farang=ATM) or they want to hide their true feelings from you.

yes there are good Thais, however,(sad to say) they really seem to be the minority.

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Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now

At least learn English, there is a reason it's called English and not Yanky doodle - without us you'd all be strung high with arrows through your balls, ohh or still digging potatoes... and thanks for saving us; guilt and freaked out got the better of you again after err, was it a couple of your ships shipping the arms you sold to us got sunk by U-boats, or was it some poxy unprepared place off the west coast got bombed by the Japs? Anyway, 3 years too late. And they thing the Thai's are brainwashed...

Begging, yeah, just like the Vietnamese, Afgans, Iraqis etc etc - probably got made Texas on the red shirt labels, it's about at the level of US military "intelligence" or should I say interference

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Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now

At least learn English, there is a reason it's called English and not Yanky doodle - without us you'd all be strung high with arrows through your balls, ohh or still digging potatoes... and thanks for saving us; guilt and freaked out got the better of you again after err, was it a couple of your ships shipping the arms you sold to us got sunk by U-boats, or was it some poxy unprepared place off the west coast got bombed by the Japs? Anyway, 3 years too late. And they thing the Thai's are brainwashed...

Begging, yeah, just like the Vietnamese, Afgans, Iraqis etc etc - probably got made Texas on the red shirt labels, it's about at the level of US military "intelligence" or should I say interference

USA= Failed State. All talk Americans...

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"The government has to continue to have a dialogue with the demonstrators and they need to reach an agreement on a path forward," Crowley said. Another idiotic statement from US Embassy. The government had a deal with the "demonstrators" and the "demonstrators" backed out. To call a paramilitary group with an armed redoubt in the middle of Bangkok for 40 days demonstrators is absurd. I applaud the Prime Minister for his patience in trying to resolve the situation but it is now beyond doubt that the red shirts are people who can not be trusted and it is time for the "demonstration" to end.

The Obama administration along with CNN & the New York Times have taken the side of the demonstrators. They don't know beans about Thailand. This Crowley is an idiot. So much for our business at the American Embassy on Mon. We hav been putting it off for two weeks hoping the Red Shirts would get out of Bangkok and go home. PM Abhisit has tried to have a dialogue with them. They want no dialogue, no peace treaty. Their goal all along was to overthrown the government. No country in the world would allow demonstrators to shut down part of a city. Personally, I would have done what I think the leaders of every government in the world would do, arrest the leaders, give the Reds a warning and then move in with shields, bayonets on the rifles and clear them out by force. The leaders want blood since they have the international media behind them. The longer they stay the more Thaksin pays them. Finally one of their leaders was taken out. The Reds want a street battle, give it to them. Surely there are a few thousand in the military that will follow orders and take out the terrorist Red Shirts and not run like so many of them have. Worst Army I have ever seen or heard of in my life. Court martials are in order. So much for our business - with time running out - at the U.S. Embassy. Man are we P*****d off!

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Sorry this might be off topic but I'm not sure where to post this. Just walked past the Lumpini end of Wireless and the Red shirts appear to building a barricade. No police or army anywhere to be seen.

Taxis and motorbike appear to be driving up Wireless unhinded but I'm not sure how long that will last.

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"The government has to continue to have a dialogue with the demonstrators and they need to reach an agreement on a path forward," Crowley said. Another idiotic statement from US Embassy. The government had a deal with the "demonstrators" and the "demonstrators" backed out. To call a paramilitary group with an armed redoubt in the middle of Bangkok for 40 days demonstrators is absurd. I applaud the Prime Minister for his patience in trying to resolve the situation but it is now beyond doubt that the red shirts are people who can not be trusted and it is time for the "demonstration" to end.

The Obama administration along with CNN & the New York Times have taken the side of the demonstrators. They don't know beans about Thailand. This Crowley is an idiot. So much for our business at the American Embassy on Mon. We hav been putting it off for two weeks hoping the Red Shirts would get out of Bangkok and go home. PM Abhisit has tried to have a dialogue with them. They want no dialogue, no peace treaty. Their goal all along was to overthrown the government. No country in the world would allow demonstrators to shut down part of a city. Personally, I would have done what I think the leaders of every government in the world would do, arrest the leaders, give the Reds a warning and then move in with shields, bayonets on the rifles and clear them out by force. The leaders want blood since they have the international media behind them. The longer they stay the more Thaksin pays them. Finally one of their leaders was taken out. The Reds want a street battle, give it to them. Surely there are a few thousand in the military that will follow orders and take out the terrorist Red Shirts and not run like so many of them have. Worst Army I have ever seen or heard of in my life. Court martials are in order. So much for our business - with time running out - at the U.S. Embassy. Man are we P*****d off!

As the world media and other Nations of the world are behind the red shirts why can't the yellows just see that they have been defeated and simply give up and return Thailand to the people.

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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Democracy in US?

How you spell it? "Obamacracy" or "Obamawrecovery"? BTW i tought US was cashrich, when Clinton left the House. But now? Sad to see my dream country goes down.

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As the world media and other Nations of the world are behind the red shirts why can't the yellows just see that they have been defeated and simply give up and return Thailand to the people.

I haven't seen anything showing ANY world media or ANY other nations being behind the red shirts.

All I have seen is calls for a peaceful resolution. Abhisit tried that with negotiations, but the reds rejected that. He tried again with the road map, but the reds also rejected that.

The reds don't want a peaceful resolution. They want RED DEMOCRACY where a minority group of thugs gets to tell the majority what they can or can not do.

From Sae Daeng, moments before he was shot:

No one will give up. They are ready for a revolution. The hawks are ready to do it since Wednesday night. Arisman announced openly to bring back the 1997 Constitution and Thaksin.

This protest isn't about the poor. It's about Thaksin.

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I do think this would be very very bad for any democratic nation.

This simply wouldn't happen in the US and UK. The people there are not irresponsible children.

Look at the recent British elections, a complete world away from the petulant and childish actions of the Thais over the last 4 years.

That's how you do it folks.

There's no-one to lead by example anymore in Thailand unfortunately.

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