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US, UK Closes Embassies In Thailand, 'Very Concerned' About Violence


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This protest isn't about the poor. It's about Thaksin.


You would get that impression on Thai Visa though because there are so many vocal Thaksin obsessives.

It's what one of the red leaders said: "Arisman announced openly to bring back the 1997 Constitution and Thaksin."

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The Topic is Thailand.

Given the locations of the two embassies, one has to be an idiot to critizize the two for closing them down.

They are located in a war zone now.

A general shot and likely killed now.

Retaliation is extremely likely and the targets will be others in the Thai army.

Brother against brother

Civil war if it goes too far.

Farangs need to find an out plan fast because the party in Thailand is so so OVER!

I believe if the Puea Thai Party - Thaksin's old party from Thai Rak Thai to People Power Party - wins election and voted in their PM, they will raise all taxes on Farangs, everything having to do with Visas will go up & farangs will have less time in Thailand, etc. Remember the words coming from the mouths of the leaders (the women & children or simply paid to be there and because of lack of education are simply like sheep, followers) they hate the "elites' which to them is anyone who has a college/university degree and rail against their success. You know that all Thais think Westerners (farangs) are rich so we will also be classified as "elites" and they will come after us. If I was a farang living in North or Northeast Thailand I would be hoping the Democrat Party & Abhisit wins.

As far as all the hatred on here for the U.S. all I can say is people are people and there is no sense to hate Americans so much. Most Americans are against the U.S. using taxpayer dollars to invade foreign countries. If one took all the eligible voters, the percentage that voted for president was about 30%. Most Americans are sick of their government. Too bad this story had to turn into fiery words of hate toward the U.S. The common people are much friendlier than any European as a whole. We are all individuals. I will say that when there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world, the U.S. Government, the American people give more than any other country in the world. Our helicopters & Navy are there to pass out food and water. Regardless of what many on Thai Visa think - how bad you hate the U.S. - the people are very friendly once you get out of the cities especially sewers like NYC, L.A. - about all most Europeans know of the U.S.

One down and a few to go.

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It's what one of the red leaders said: "Arisman announced openly to bring back the 1997 Constitution and Thaksin.

Seh Daeng said that just before he was shot and he is close to Thaksin.

But you'd be a complete fool to believe that is the main goal of the red-shirt movement.

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It's what one of the red leaders said: "Arisman announced openly to bring back the 1997 Constitution and Thaksin.

Seh Daeng said that just before he was shot and he is close to Thaksin.

But you'd be a complete fool to believe that is the main goal of the red-shirt movement.

IMO, you'd be a complete fool to believe otherwise.

The reds have been offered solutions to their other "goals" and haven't taken them. That shows how serious they are about them.

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This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

The 250+ year period did have a little issue between about 1865 and 1869 called the "American Civil War", due to the northern states,with the governmental center, over-controlling the southern, rural/agricultural states. (Monetarily, of course. Which is what it always comes down to. "Slavery" was not the actual big reason. And, of course, after the north won, with GIGANTIC loss of life on both sides, it ground the south into the dirt with it's heal. Hence the term "Carpetbaggers", where representatives of the north came to the south, stuffed illicit war reparations into a carpet-bag (figuratively speaking), and went back north.) Here also could be a lesson from a distinguished democracy. Which is: "Civil War=BAD, Peaceful Discussions=GOOD!"

I definitely agree!

I agree 100%

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As far as all the hatred on here for the U.S. all I can say is people are people and there is no sense to hate Americans so much. Most Americans are against the U.S. using taxpayer dollars to invade foreign countries. If one took all the eligible voters, the percentage that voted for president was about 30%. Most Americans are sick of their government. Too bad this story had to turn into fiery words of hate toward the U.S. The common people are much friendlier than any European as a whole. We are all individuals. I will say that when there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world, the U.S. Government, the American people give more than any other country in the world. Our helicopters & Navy are there to pass out food and water. Regardless of what many on Thai Visa think - how bad you hate the U.S. - the people are very friendly once you get out of the cities especially sewers like NYC, L.A. - about all most Europeans know of the U.S.

One down and a few to go.

You make a fair point but the fact is that US bullies ( the big corporations) steamroller countries for their own ends and then insist its for the public benefit. For one example the banks in league with their government. US aid and foreign policy is to suck profit out of anyone whether or not they present a threat to America. They promote discord and revolution they change political leaders.................but they are not in Thailand..........are they.........?

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IMO, you'd be a complete fool to believe otherwise.

It's all about Thaksin is the TV obsessive's mantra. It's boring, factually inaccurate and rather insulting to anyone that understands Thai society, culture and economics. He's a figurehead for a revolutionary movement. How could he not be, the way he has been ostracised by the military since the coup in 2006.

However it does serve a useful purpose to deflect away from the real issues at hand to focus on one man rather than concentrate on the serious problems within Thai society.

The genie is out of the bottle now though.

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And the value of the baht continues to rise ???????

Not undestand why someone have nothing else in their mind, to use the "advantage" of violence, to squize a few extrabaht from their pensionmoney. How many peaple lost their business and jobs in the red zone? What they should say?

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Why does any thread mentioning the US, UK or Europe always descend into a pissing match about who won what wars?

I agree 100%. It took the Americans, French, British, Russians, Australians & many other small countries to defeat Germany in both big wars - WWI & WWII. None could have done it alone. We are individuals and we shouldn't be faulted because of where we were born. There are such harsh remarks on TV b/c, like any forum, you get so many of the meanest

hating people on earth. It is the nature of an open forum for hate speech.

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IMO, you'd be a complete fool to believe otherwise.

It's all about Thaksin is the TV obsessive's mantra. It's boring, factually inaccurate and rather insulting to anyone that understands Thai society, culture and economics. He's a figurehead for a revolutionary movement. How could he not be, the way he has been ostracised by the military since the coup in 2006.

However it does serve a useful purpose to deflect away from the real issues at hand to focus on one man rather than concentrate on the serious problems within Thai society.

The genie is out of the bottle now though.

You are saying its not about Thaksin but you dont elaborate.

The media ( Bangkok post specifically) said Thaksin is embarrassed by this escalation. He is being shunned by thinking men and that includes recent allies in cambodia etc. I think the red dragon has outgrown Thaksin and he is distancing himself from it. Logically how could anyone hope to win the love of the thai people by action leading to the deaths of Thai people.........? No, there is a new agenda here and new money.

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The Topic is Thailand.

Given the locations of the two embassies, one has to be an idiot to critizize the two for closing them down.

They are located in a war zone now.

A general shot and likely killed now.

Retaliation is extremely likely and the targets will be others in the Thai army.

Brother against brother

Civil war if it goes too far.

Farangs need to find an out plan fast because the party in Thailand is so so OVER!

I believe if the Puea Thai Party - Thaksin's old party from Thai Rak Thai to People Power Party - wins election and voted in their PM, they will raise all taxes on Farangs, everything having to do with Visas will go up & farangs will have less time in Thailand, etc. Remember the words coming from the mouths of the leaders (the women & children or simply paid to be there and because of lack of education are simply like sheep, followers) they hate the "elites' which to them is anyone who has a college/university degree and rail against their success. You know that all Thais think Westerners (farangs) are rich so we will also be classified as "elites" and they will come after us. If I was a farang living in North or Northeast Thailand I would be hoping the Democrat Party & Abhisit wins.

As far as all the hatred on here for the U.S. all I can say is people are people and there is no sense to hate Americans so much. Most Americans are against the U.S. using taxpayer dollars to invade foreign countries. If one took all the eligible voters, the percentage that voted for president was about 30%. Most Americans are sick of their government. Too bad this story had to turn into fiery words of hate toward the U.S. The common people are much friendlier than any European as a whole. We are all individuals. I will say that when there is a natural disaster anywhere in the world, the U.S. Government, the American people give more than any other country in the world. Our helicopters & Navy are there to pass out food and water. Regardless of what many on Thai Visa think - how bad you hate the U.S. - the people are very friendly once you get out of the cities especially sewers like NYC, L.A. - about all most Europeans know of the U.S.

One down and a few to go.

Actually, i'm 100% agree with that!

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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

maybe you also if you didnt come running...anyway yous like a good fight.

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IMO, you'd be a complete fool to believe otherwise.

It's all about Thaksin is the TV obsessive's mantra. It's boring, factually inaccurate and rather insulting to anyone that understands Thai society, culture and economics. He's a figurehead for a revolutionary movement. How could he not be, the way he has been ostracised by the military since the coup in 2006.

However it does serve a useful purpose to deflect away from the real issues at hand to focus on one man rather than concentrate on the serious problems within Thai society.

The genie is out of the bottle now though.

And as I said above, which you failed to quote: "The reds have been offered solutions to their other "goals" and haven't taken them. That shows how serious they are about them."

I agree, there are plenty of issues to be dealt with. But the reds haven't suggested solutions to those, except for getting into power and bringing Thaksin back, so that he can continue handing money out, particularly to the rich village leaders, and continue his corrupt ways.

The government are doing things to help the poor - free health, free education - but the reds are only interested in a violent overthrow of the government, rather than working in a democratic way to fix problems.

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"The government has to continue to have a dialogue with the demonstrators and they need to reach an agreement on a path forward," Crowley said. Another idiotic statement from US Embassy. The government had a deal with the "demonstrators" and the "demonstrators" backed out. To call a paramilitary group with an armed redoubt in the middle of Bangkok for 40 days demonstrators is absurd. I applaud the Prime Minister for his patience in trying to resolve the situation but it is now beyond doubt that the red shirts are people who can not be trusted and it is time for the "demonstration" to end.

The PM has to step down, he is the one who cannot be trusted.

The so calles Red shirts are only trying to their rights.

Their right to incite violence.

Their right to intimidate the judiciary.

Their right to stockpile weapons.

Their right to kidnap the CEO of CAT, soldiers, police and builders in hospitals.

Their right to an illegal armed militia.

Their right to publish hate and call for armed revolution.

Their right to destroy public property.

Their right to restrict people's freedom to travel.

Their right to intimidate and attack those who don't agree with them.

Their right to threaten to kill the PM and his family.

Their right to dictate who should be arrested, charged and bailed.

Their right to stall the trial of the Yellow shirts and blame it on the government's double standards.

Their right to attack soldiers.

Their right to storm hospitals.

Their right to preach one-sided, untruthful propoganda.

Their right to go unpunished for breaking mulitple laws.

Their right to take money for their vote.

Their right to attack ambulances carrying injured people.

Their right to fire homemade rockets at helicopters in an attempt to bring them down.

Their right to threaten to ransack shopping centres.

Their right to launch grenade attacks on people who portest against them.

Their right to bring down a government appointed by the King and whose MPs represent a majority of voters.

Their right to negotiate a deal then repeatedly change the terms of the deal.

Their right to seize military vehicles, fire engines and vandalize them.

Their right to police the streets of Bangkok under their laws.

Their right to create traffic jams by barricading and blocking bangkok's streets.

Their right to inflict massive economic problems on people who work in the protest area and those who are invloved in the tourism industry.

Their right to threaten the whole population's safety by repeatedly threatening civil war.

Their right to insult our intelligence by claiming they are protestors for democracy and use only their bare hands when nothing they do is democratic and we can see for ourselves that they are armed with all manner of weapons.

I am against the reds having their rights. I am for them being locked up so that the vast majority of the population who are not radicalised and are trying to get on with their lives peacefully can do so.

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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Keep talking about the great abuses committed by the US...Do you recall the manner in which the British treated the Indian people? Thankfully for you that you are not speaking German today.

And with your countrys intervention we gave it all back so these days to say thank you to the Us, they are setting offf car bombs.

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As far as all the hatred on here for the U.S. all I can say is people are people and there is no sense to hate Americans so much. Most Americans are against the U.S. using taxpayer dollars to invade foreign countries. If one took all the eligible voters, the percentage that voted for president was about 30%. Most Americans are sick of their government. Too bad this story had to turn into fiery words of hate toward the U.S.

You make a fair point but the fact is that US bullies ( the big corporations) steamroller countries for their own ends and then insist its for the public benefit. For one example the banks in league with their government. US aid and foreign policy is to suck profit out of anyone whether or not they present a threat to America. They promote discord and revolution they change political leaders.................but they are not in Thailand..........are they.........?

These big corporations rule and control the world and do what ever they want, so many ignorant people still believe they have a say in how their governments run, it's all non sense. Secret societies of billionaires run the world and governments, the USA is just their war machine puppet of the new world order. All these ignorant USA bashers are just unenlightened fools that think they know what they're talking about, but really have their heads in a dark place.

I hope this clears everything up... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8-ai8Q9js0

Edited by Rainmon
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Their right to incite violence.

Their right to intimidate the judiciary.

Their right to stockpile weapons.

Their right to kidnap the CEO of CAT, soldiers, police and builders in hospitals.

Their right to an illegal armed militia.

Their right to publish hate and call for armed revolution.

Their right to destroy public property.

Their right to restrict people's freedom to travel.

Their right to intimidate and attack those who don't agree with them.

Their right to threaten to kill the PM and his family.

Their right to dictate who should be arrested, charged and bailed.

Their right to stall the trial of the Yellow shirts and blame it on the government's double standards.

Their right to attack soldiers.

Their right to storm hospitals.

Their right to preach one-sided, untruthful propoganda.

Their right to go unpunished for breaking mulitple laws.

Their right to take money for their vote.

Their right to attack ambulances carrying injured people.

Their right to fire homemade rockets at helicopters in an attempt to bring them down.

Their right to threaten to ransack shopping centres.

Their right to launch grenade attacks on people who portest against them.

Their right to bring down a government appointed by the King and whose MPs represent a majority of voters.

Their right to negotiate a deal then repeatedly change the terms of the deal.

Their right to seize military vehicles, fire engines and vandalize them.

Their right to police the streets of Bangkok under their laws.

Their right to create traffic jams by barricading and blocking bangkok's streets.

Their right to inflict massive economic problems on people who work in the protest area and those who are invloved in the tourism industry.

Their right to threaten the whole population's safety by repeatedly threatening civil war.

Their right to insult our intelligence by claiming they are protestors for democracy and use only their bare hands when nothing they do is democratic and we can see for ourselves that they are armed with all manner of weapons.

I am against the reds having their rights. I am for them being locked up so that the vast majority of the population who are not radicalised and are trying to get on with their lives peacefully can do so.

That's the reds "Bill of Rights".


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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Actually he would probably be speaking Japanese.

Nothing wrong with speaking German. I believe only one vote decided which language the USA would adopt as its national language and the language which missed out was German.

You believe wrong. The USA actually doesn't have an official national language.

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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Clinton set down with the IRA for a week and it worked for you.

I thought you septics were taking the piss, but <deleted> you actually believe that Clinton dealt with the IRA, and that the USA saved Europe in WWII. :)Would you like to buy London Bridge? :D

Had forgot about London bridge Ha ha

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I said this before, and I can say it again. This is not the end of story.

Thailand needs a real change. In internal policies. The upper classes naturally want to retain control, but can not. The lower classes can not afford to continue putting up with social injustice. The gap between the tiny minority and vast majority is too big, too obvious and can not be masked by traditional methods used in the past.

Calls for Democracy are futile. This country is not ready for it.

Calls for hard line are futile. A lot of blood will be spilt. But this will not bring the change.

Calls for yet another military coup are futile. Thais had too many, with no change in sight.

I am neither 'red', nor 'yellow'.

I do not have the solution. It is up to Thais.

But I hope not to see another Revolution in any country. They are too costly. And everybody loses. Big way!

Does your list of failed revolutions include the American revolution?

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It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

Ah, democracy US-style...

Do you mean like George W, got into power the first time having lost both the electoral and the popular vote?

Or are you referring to the fact that they threw out the British?

Or the conflict between North and South?

Or to the fact that they wiped out as many of the Indian tribes?

Or to the use of slaves?

Wouldn't think Thailand needs that kind of solution. The USA has many great qualities, and I have close family who are American, but your suggestion is not a good one.

Throwing out the British? They were defeated by people who no longer lived by rules across the Atlantic. The greedy monarchy attempted to bully their way into the U.S. and demand taxes. Guess they messed with the wrong folks. George W. Bush did win the electoral college and by the laws written in the Constitution, that gives him the job. Happy or not, that's the way it is. What people seem to forget is that the Federal Gov't of the U.S. has 3 equally divided branches; the executive, legislative, and judicial. This provides checks and balences that give no branch more power than another. This does not even include the state and local govt's. No one branch should be able to trump the other. If Thailand could understand this, maybe the citizens can start developing a new and improved style of Democracy. All the examples you suggested are alright with me, but these are all issues of the past and as a country I believe the U.S. has done quite well. Things happened the the citizens are not very proud of. On the flip side, look who is the President of the United States. Things progress don't they. Learn from past and keep looking forward. No worries!!! By the way, any suggestions? Lord knows they need it.

Edited by gorebs
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Perhaps all you "experts" on TVF from the USA and elsewhere need some education. Here goes:

America is not the USA. America is a continent.

America includes North America, Middle America, and South America.

The USA (or US) is located in North America. US citizens live in the USA. All people who live in the Americas are Americans (e.g. Canadians, Hondurans, Cubans, Brazilians, Chileans, etc.).

The embassies probably have good reason for closing. Anyway, have fun bashing the countries who close their embassies. Apparently you have nothing better to do.


Sorry MuyThai I disagree..

When I grew up in AMERICA in 1947-1965 (18 years) before Uncle Sam shipped me off to fight for the so-called freedom of America..

America is the USA...nothing more....

America includes North America,... BULLSHIT

Middle America, ... You mean "MIDDLE EARTH" ...MORE BS

and South America. I'M LAUGHING NOW!!

The USA (or US) is located in North America. US citizens live in the USA. WOW..GENIUS IS SPEAKING

All people who live in the Americas are Americans ...APPARENTLY THIS GUY HAS NEVER BEEN TO ANY OF THESE PLACES TO ASK THEM WHAT THEY THINK...I HAVE.. and have lived in all!!

(e.g. Canadians, Hondurans, Cubans, Brazilians, Chileans, etc.). NONE OF THESE PEOPLE EVER CALL THEMSELVES AMERICANS...are you crazy???

Apparently you have nothing better to do...

Apparently you have had nothing to do at all in what you are saying...your eaten today??

Jack, Technically MUYTAI is right on a few points, wrong on others and so are you: There is a difference between where you geographically live, and what country you are a citizen of. Yes, America is a continent split into North, Central (or Middle) and South. (Middle America differs slightly from Central America in that it includes Mexico, which is part of North America, as well as some northern countries of South America. If you say "Middle America" to someone from the states it means "people from a small town or suburb in the United States where people are predominantly middle class.") But that doesn't mean referring to yourself as American when from the USA is at all incorrect. It is, as we all know, the most commonly used term to describe someone from the United States. No one is going to think you are from Cuba when you say you are an American.

However, I have had discussions with Mexicans who find it odd that people from USA seem to think the term "American" only refers to them. For example, do you know what the Mexico City Football Club is called? "America".

The terms are not cut and dry. I had a friend from South Africa who was a US citizen. Do you think we called him an "African American?" No way. That term is reserved for black people only, even if it is technically correct.

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Concerned? I came here after being threatened by an FBI agent and friends who were very credibly reputed to be up to their necks in drug dealing and the murders of several people who had received the same basic threat. I know nothing of the drugs, which allegedly are imported by the CIA out of Miami, but 5 will get you 10 that the throat slashings of three local grandmothers were related to drug sales. Meanwhile, I do know for a fact that a drug distribution racket in town poses as a business front run out of Miami. The threat towards me came as a result of my catching them up on an insurance scam that led to the deaths of two children. Thanks for your concern, Uncle Scam, but that's only one page from my 50+ years in the US, and I'll take my chances in Thailand, if you don't mind.

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I said this before, and I can say it again. This is not the end of story.

Thailand needs a real change. In internal policies. The upper classes naturally want to retain control, but can not. The lower classes can not afford to continue putting up with social injustice. The gap between the tiny minority and vast majority is too big, too obvious and can not be masked by traditional methods used in the past.

Calls for Democracy are futile. This country is not ready for it.

Calls for hard line are futile. A lot of blood will be spilt. But this will not bring the change.

Calls for yet another military coup are futile. Thais had too many, with no change in sight.

I am neither 'red', nor 'yellow'.

I do not have the solution. It is up to Thais.

But I hope not to see another Revolution in any country. They are too costly. And everybody loses. Big way!

Does your list of failed revolutions include the American revolution?

Open your eyes. Or close them and think hard.

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Britain to shut Bangkok embassy amid protests

LONDON, May 13, 2010 (AFP) - The British embassy in Bangkok will close on Friday amid the violence in the Thai capital, a Foreign Office spokeswoman told AFP.

"The embassy will be closed tomorrow but we'll still have a hotline," the spokeswoman said.

"We'll be monitoring the situation in Bangkok on a day-by-day basis."

The United States closed its Bangkok embassy Thursday.

Thai "Red Shirt" protesters clashed with troops in the heart of the capital Thursday, leaving one dead and eight wounded.

The clashes came after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva shelved a plan for November elections and hopes faded for a resolution to a crippling two-month crisis that has sparked periodic violence, leaving 30 people dead and about 1,000 injured.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-14

Published with written approval from AFP.


Edited by thairet
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Britain to shut Bangkok embassy amid protests

LONDON, May 13, 2010 (AFP) - The British embassy in Bangkok will close on Friday amid the violence in the Thai capital, a Foreign Office spokeswoman told AFP.

"The embassy will be closed tomorrow but we'll still have a hotline," the spokeswoman said.

"We'll be monitoring the situation in Bangkok on a day-by-day basis."

The United States closed its Bangkok embassy Thursday.

Thai "Red Shirt" protesters clashed with troops in the heart of the capital Thursday, leaving one dead and eight wounded.

The clashes came after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva shelved a plan for November elections and hopes faded for a resolution to a crippling two-month crisis that has sparked periodic violence, leaving 30 people dead and about 1,000 injured.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-14

Published with written approval from AFP.


US, UK freakin' wimps. The captains of the ships bailing out leaving the passengers behind!


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Thank you Oh Great America. What would we do without your guidance? :)

Every time your ass is in the vise you come running and begging to us Yanks.

With out us you be speaking German right now :D

Without the Russian's you might have been speaking German to and it's not that long ago we (uk) finished paying the bill for lend lease which made the usa a very rich country

This forum is about the trouble in Bangkok not juvenile comments about the 2nd world war

We should all be very concerned about the problems in Bangkok and the Thai nation as whole and not be over sensitive about silly comments me inc

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I hope this will not end into a civil war

It sure looks that way

going to? already has!

In 2004 a brilliant Thia, my sister in laws neighbor, linguistics professor, told me Thailand will break up into 3 countries..

I have come to understand what he was talking about.

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