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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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:) The government and yellow shirts can do no wrong they have not made a singlr error of judgement throughout this whole ordeal. The ten year old was on the most wanted list in Thailand and had to be taken out.

It's very sad that posters like yourself can treat what is currently happening as something to joke about. This is an extremely serious situation and the repercussions could affect all of us here adversely, Thai and farang alike. Please try to think about that before posting nonsense :D

I do not treat it as a joke it is a very serious situation. I sit on the fence and see the yellow shirts saying how much they are the good guys and done no ill whilst it is always the red shirts killing people and the yellow have clean hands. This is nonsense both sides are doing the same. The yellow are just as guilty as the red. This is not a football game but life in reality. Both sides are destoying Thailand and both are equaly responsible.

http://twitter.com/terryfrd :

Red MC Somchai at red stage says reds at Din Daeng caught soldier who can only speak Cambodian. That's where Suthep and Newin are recruiting

Twitter such a credible source ... a step or two above the Red Shirt Stage

and where does Nation and Bangkok post falls in that ladder...

I haven't seen any lies from either of these news sources. I do see some incorrect stuff coming from their people on Twitter but that is usually corrected as they get more info.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Attached is about 10 year old boy with bamboo stick and stone, arguing with a soldier, before all hel_l broke loose in Rajaprarop.

I have a video (but got to shrink it down from 180 MB to something postable) of mother telling her ~5 year old daugther what to yell against the soldiers moments earlier.

Obviously I am not saying that it couldn't be a speeding car passing and getting shot at. But the stupidity of people involving the kids into all of this is unbelievable. And I don't think there's any excuse for the parents to bring the kids into warzone and making them provocate soldiers.

Youtube the video.

http://twitter.com/terryfrd :

Red MC Somchai at red stage says reds at Din Daeng caught soldier who can only speak Cambodian. That's where Suthep and Newin are recruiting

Sounds like he might be a Thai from the border... nothing unusual about that. I've met many a person from Bkk that cannot understand an eastern Issan accent. It's really very different.

All Abhisit has to do to stop this is to call an election, how many more people must die before he does what he inevitably will have to end up doing?

Duuuuh, he did call an election. In mid-April, he offered to call it 13 months early. A week ago, he offered 15 months earlier (than is required by the Constitution). So even though he was bending to being dictated to by a violent mob, and even though the mob leaders agreed to it several times, the top mob boss nixed the idea - and so we're left with lethal violence on the streets.

Sorry, but you have the idiotic argument here. There have been 17 civilians killed and 0 soldiers killed.

First off, the people tossing grenades and firing combat weapons from the Red side can't be classified as 'civilians.' Secondly, just because no security troops have been killed yet, doesn't mean much except the troops are doing a better job of protecting themselves - even though they're using lesser weapons (they're not allowed to use grenades, as the Reds are doing). Any real civilians who are still mingling with the Reds are profoundly stupid or have a death wish, and any who still have kids in the mix should be publicly pilloried for child endangerment.

No excuse for shooting live bullets at unarmed civilians to kill them


If they have sling shot or throwing stones as they do then you use

tear gas , water cannon , rubber bullet at most .

No excuse here .

What may happen is that now some black or others

new players like police may start shooting at army .

Well if Abhisit wants civil war he will get it

Now you show your true face.

The red rage face.

Civilians I don't think so.

Thaksin's army for sure.

:Dthe latest is thai people who come to the red shirt rallies ,will be paid 200,000 bhat to come and

die! this information was provided by wife who is thai.

so i guess the red shirts should advertise " get paid to die in t's war with thailand!"


lol... thts just funny.. rate just raised by 400 times .. 500 baht to 200000 .... lol

just calculate the total amount if 1000 agreed to come...who's got tht much spare money to spend... :D

In Kampaeng Phet offer has been 500 per day to attend. 200,000 for dying. Since most recent 'crackdown' 20,000 to turn up by own transport and negotiable commission for those you can bring with you. Must hand over ID cards. Tempting but mai ow khrup all the same.

I'm not Thai but working on it..

http://twitter.com/terryfrd :

Red MC Somchai at red stage says reds at Din Daeng caught soldier who can only speak Cambodian. That's where Suthep and Newin are recruiting

Twitter such a credible source ... a step or two above the Red Shirt Stage

and where does Nation and Bangkok post falls in that ladder...

I haven't seen any lies from either of these news sources. I do see some incorrect stuff coming from their people on Twitter but that is usually corrected as they get more info.

hmmm.. ok

Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

I do not put anybody on "ignore" because it is my concept of Democracy: opponents are useful for mitigating your judgment. Obviously, you have another concept....

Can someone explain how the Nation has at 5:53 pm a chronology of events of 15 May that goes up to 6:40 pm???


I attach also a screenshot

I think you will find that thechronology is that of yesterday. It was posted this morning very early.

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Where is the evidence for this?

Are these the women that were making the petrol bombs? What did they think they were for? A peaceful protest?

They are in a war zone. They should gtfo. Then nobody will shoot them.

Why do you even respond to this? You know it is not true. There is a reason there is an Ignore feature.

ThaivisaNews: Urgent: All journalist associations agree to order all journalists to pull out from all fighting areas at dusk. /via @chavarong @veen_NT

Over on another thread.

Would appear that tonight is going to be not particularly well covered.

It is not going to be covered. We will not know who is winning until tomorrow when we see who is standing where.

Note, the leaders on the Red stage in Rachaprasong have admitted that they have lost contact with those outside of the Red zone. They never were in control of the Red guards anyway. So, there are two factions of Reds, those inside who are mostly peaceful, and those outside that are fighting a guerrilla war with the soldiers.

Instead of constantly criticising my posts, cheering flamers, and making cringe worthy sleazy come-ons to the female members of this forum, why don't you post something intelligent for a change ?

:D So rich coming from you. If you actually read what is being written here rusty, virtually everyone is critising your posts, you are truely a very troubled man person.

Priceless that you are asking me to post something intelligent :D:)

Good Response Neverdie,

Amazing Russ replies to very few comments made toward him, guess he is not intelligent enough to actually respond to a comment that calls out the truth about things.


China: Chinese Foreign Ministr Ma Zhaoxu says "As a friendly neighbour of Thailand, we r deeply concerned & worried over the situation" /AFP

-give me a break, has foreign minister Ma Zhaouxu forgotten about Tiaman Square? Maybe the Chinese are worried about not being able to dump some of their reject or pirated products into Thailand.

Now you show your true face.

The red rage face.

Civilians I don't think so.

Thaksin's army for sure.

I did not say i wished for it .

I said thats what they may get

That's the same thing Arab terrorists always say. They'll mix with a group of civilians, and fire away madly at the enemy. Then, when there's return fire, and Arabs fall in the dust, all the remaining Arabs will scream 'we were all civilians!"

Get over this 'unarmed civilian' thing Pornsasi/Redparrot (methinks you're the same person, am I wrong?). If they're civilians, they should stay far away from combat zones.

You can rant your hate speech , till hel_l freezes over .

No one in his right mind is comparing the reds to Hezbollah

He didn't.

How is your reading-ability?

Try the ignore feature on some of these losers that can't even admit the facts and are just on here to be ridiculous.

Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

I do not put anybody on "ignore" because it is my concept of Democracy: opponents are useful for mitigating your judgment. Obviously, you have another concept....

Jerry , what is to be done with fanatics ?

Its an honor to be ignored by them

No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Is English your first language?


Thanks for qualification Mick. I'm a Newcastle boy from Oz previously married to one of the journo's who busted him. I'll go ya on the bet though skippy. What odds?? She'll be right anyway cobber.

You take the bust for 'off topic'

You'd still lose. Took a swing at me and got sat on his arse, back when he was still a (off-duty) copper. And my last name is not Tyson! If you get down to Lamai, Samui, I'll tell you over a beer.

You win.

No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Is English your first language?


Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

I do not put anybody on "ignore" because it is my concept of Democracy: opponents are useful for mitigating your judgment. Obviously, you have another concept....

I would agree jerry when they have something of substance to contribute but when their posts reach the point of being absurd what's the point?

No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Is English your first language?

How important is that?

ThaivisaNews: Urgent: All journalist associations agree to order all journalists to pull out from all fighting areas at dusk. /via @chavarong @veen_NT

Over on another thread.

Would appear that tonight is going to be not particularly well covered.

It is not going to be covered. We will not know who is winning until tomorrow when we see who is standing where.

Note, the leaders on the Red stage in Rachaprasong have admitted that they have lost contact with those outside of the Red zone. They never were in control of the Red guards anyway. So, there are two factions of Reds, those inside who are mostly peaceful, and those outside that are fighting a guerrilla war with the soldiers.

Well considering that the video coverage from the Thai press has been almost non-existant, if the International press go home tonight, there is likely to be a free for all in town tonight. The free lancers will have to be very careful.

Inevitably, the army will prevail, but there will also be a lot of lives lost, with almost no record of account of how or how many. I find it absolutely incredible that there are any people left at the protest site. They have seen what happens when the Thai army comes to clean house, and yet they appear to be staying. It all has a rather Branch Dividians feeling to it.

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


A very sober reminder about good parenting skills. Good parents do not drive drunk with their kids in the vehicle. A good and respectable parent would never take a child into a war zone, then attempt to break through a check point knowing dam_n good and well troops have the authority to open fire under a SOE. Thanks for the reminder about being a parent. I truly hope the father receives life imprisonment for selfishly doing this to his child. I hope this kid makes a full recovery and is placed into a proper home with real loving parents who honestly care about his well-being.

I see you don't like to jump to conclusions very quickly do you, you know nothing of the story but have already convicted the parents, were they even reshirts where were they trying to go and for what. Do you even care?

I see where you are coming from. You are in essence saying it is okay to be a drunken idiot on the road with a child in the vehicle. God forbid, I hope you have no children of your own. It really doesn't matter if they are redshirts or not, the fact remains a drunk with a child in the van, illegally ran thorough a check point, refused to stop, and subsequently they were fired at. If you honestly feel that the driver, who by some reports are stating it was the father, has every legitimate reason to do this to the young lad, I really feel sorry for you. Pathetic!

Do you know where the car came from?

What would you do if you have your family in the car suddenly came into the middle of a shooting scene? Stop and holding up your drivers license or trying to flee and get out as fast as possible?

So far we don't know exactly what happen, there are also reports that the wounded kid was a bystander. The peace mission of Abhisit soldiers turned a civilian area into a war zone.

Some farangs here at TVF are truly pathetic. I hope they are not teachers and i wish that karma exist and is coming back at them.

There is no excuse that the army fired live rounds at anyone and bring the life of innocent at risk.


CRES: Live weapons were fired at Army officials and police, also at public who were passing by. Neccesary to step up security measures.

CRES indicates some deaths and injuries were not caused by govt troops' shooting.

DSI Tharit: 17 people arrested today with a 1 year jail sentence. The penalty is reduced to 1/2 a year as they cooperated with authorities.

It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?


....hmmmm.... :) the old 'gun-in-the-camera trick'.....

Good thinking 99. Would you believe...?

Think It's time for the 'cone of silence'

Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

put you on ignore too . thanks

chill out pornsasi aka red parrot ,for new members u sure had a few posts .people are dying while ur having ur fun trolling and people biting .just think when this things over, this is going to be a whole new ball game for us farang, who live here all of us any fool can be big on the internet

Do you know where the car came from?

What would you do if you have your family in the car suddenly came into the middle of a shooting scene? Stop and holding up your drivers license or trying to flee and get out as fast as possible?

So far we don't know exactly what happen, there are also reports that the wounded kid was a bystander. The peace mission of Abhisit soldiers turned a civilian area into a war zone.

Some farangs here at TVF are truly pathetic. I hope they are not teachers and i wish that karma exist and is coming back at them.

There is no excuse that the army fired live rounds at anyone and bring the life of innocent at risk.

Substitute police for army Thaksin for Abhisit and you have a mirror image concerning a young child murdered by Thaksins thugs in the war on drugs otherwise known as how to eliminate the opposition drug dealers.

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