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Red Shirt Stop Army Truck Kill Soldier Video


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Oh My god.

Some time ago I predicted Khmer Rouge style summary executions of those who don't support redshirts and here it is on video, disgusting.

Anyone who still believes this is a protest about democracy is an idiot. This kind of behaviour is unjustifiable and explains why soldiers have shot protestors with live rounds; they fear for their lives and have every reason to do so.

I just hope that the army is able to protect normal people from these savages. I have a lot of respect for the soldiers showing restraint here; in the same situation I think I would have opened fire at the animals who did this.

This video left me shaking in upset and anger.

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Oh My god.

Some time ago I predicted Khmer Rouge style summary executions of those who don't support redshirts and here it is on video, disgusting.

Anyone who still believes this is a protest about democracy is an idiot. This kind of behaviour is unjustifiable and explains why soldiers have shot protestors with live rounds; they fear for their lives and have every reason to do so.

I just hope that the army is able to protect normal people from these savages. I have a lot of respect for the soldiers showing restraint here; in the same situation I think I would have opened fire at the animals who did this.

This video left me shaking in upset and anger.

unbelievable right, western troops would have opened fire on the whole group...as they should have.. packs of red shirt killers wandering the streets... i guess this should be a warning to everyone: stop for red shirts :) at your own risk...

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terrible shame, poor guy died for nothing,, let see the red shirt guys justify this...

Anyone attempting to justify this would put the apologist in the same band of evil-doers as those who are out there now doing their best to provoke more violence.

The guy filming this was brave indeed to keep his camera running and get this out. At least the world can see what a bunch of barbarians we are dealing with. So much for "peaceful demonstrators" wanting "democracy" only armed with their "bare hands". What a bunch of pathetic, sick bastards.

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I think the soldiers in Thailand need re-training. They knew what they were getting into

but the Red Shirts are just following orders from Thai Mafia Thaksin.

Well some are. The rest do what they like.

Those who are on the video will be located and jailed for sure (death sentence).

Lucky there are media around the city taking pics & videos to show the lack of control & education.

Seh Daeng's Soldiers are the one's targeted by the Government soldiers not the citizens in plains clothes.

Government Soldiers are being taken advantage of because of the "don't shot people who are unarmed" rule.

What does it say on their banner? Protesters NOT Terrorists

what the?

Edited by LindsayBKK
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I think the soldiers in Thailand need re-training. They knew what they were getting into

but the Red Shirts are just following orders from Thai Mafia Thaksin.

Well some are. The rest do what they like.

Those who are on the video will be located and jailed for sure (death sentence).

Lucky there are media around the city taking pics & videos to show the lack of control & education.

Seh Daeng's Soldiers are the one's targeted by the Government soldiers not the citizens in plains clothes.

Government Soldiers are being taken advantage of because of the "don't shot people who are unarmed" rule.

What does it say on their banner? Protesters NOT Terrorists

what the?

the muts on stage call them peace keepers.

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The head thug Jatu said this morning in an interview with foreign journos that they have only used their bare hands and sticks so far , this guy is a real specimen.

Not a comment in the Bangkok Post or the Nation apart from being on a web board, somehow it seems to have become sexy to report what the Reds are doing.

These people , with a membership of 1.0ml according to their boss takkie two weeks ago , want to take over , can you imagine this clown running the place, welcome to Big Burma

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I see that normal in a country like thailand, where the criminality is so high that sounds normal in a such situation.

the world is up side down nowdays , thailande is not an exception, money and power made of our world a jungle.

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Some of the reds on the board would only say "ooops" regarding this brutal murder but would have SCREAMED had the driver just sped up and rammed his way through.

I certainly hope that they catch the killers. Oh wait ... all those that helped stop that truck have to be counted amongst the murderers!

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?

Conclusive? Well..........we do know this:

He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

He too was taken out of the truck, but I am not sure what happened to him.

I hope the govt. puts and end to this today.

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?

Conclusive? Well..........we do know this:

He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

He too was taken out of the truck, but I am not sure what happened to him.

I hope the govt. puts and end to this today.

Ok, fair enough, but where are you getting the information that he died from?

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?

Conclusive? Well..........we do know this:

He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

He too was taken out of the truck, but I am not sure what happened to him.

I hope the govt. puts and end to this today.

Ok, fair enough, but where are you getting the information that he died from?

take a look at the video again ... if he aint dead he's a Sae Daeng

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?

Conclusive? Well..........we do know this:

He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

He too was taken out of the truck, but I am not sure what happened to him.

I hope the govt. puts and end to this today.

Ok, fair enough, but where are you getting the information that he died from?

You are right.....we do not know if he died.

It is not clear to me which soldier was shot.........the driver or the one in the back.

It does seem evident neither one of them was resisting the REDS.

I hope faces can be identified and the perpetrators prosecuted.

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If he is dead or not, regardless, he is seriously injured. This type of behaviour is abhorrent, inexcusable and animalistic as the soldier was peaceful in his actions and wanted no trouble whatsoever. He seemed prepared to step from his vehicle without restraint and I bet there is a fair chance that he is conscripted and he or his family are from the poor Isaan region of Thailand.

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?

<snip> Just look outside and see what these Red Shirt idiot doing. The fact they shoot anyone just to push for anarchy is a good reason for Army to take these idiots out.

Edited by soundman
Flame removed.
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There is no excuse for this behaviour......from either side

However why are the army so stupid to let a situation like this arise? send out convoys, not individual under protected vehicles!!

Once again under estimation by the government and armed forces of the actions that are available against them........they have sealed the nest but now there are warrior hornets attacking around it......did they not expect this reaction?

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Video doesn't seem conclusive in terms of the extent of the injury to the soldier, nor exactly how it was inflicted or by whom.

Do we have certain information that he died?


No, i'm not. I'm trying to ascertain the exact details of what happened. What is your problem with that?

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Thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):D

I hate the Redshirts and I hope the military will destroy them as soon as possible !!

They are like beasts , we dont need them.

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He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

These soldiers could have easily have shot a clip into the crowd and escaped as they had an automatic assault rifle. Why would the protesters shoot them after they surrendered without a struggle?

What has happened to "Thai love Thai"? :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D

I hate the Redshirts and I hope the military will destroy them as soon as possible !!

They are like beasts , we dont need them.

I think this has been felt by quite a few for a while now.


I hope this video stays up as it shows another side to whats going on.


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He was taken out of a truck by force.

He was unarmed.

He was cooperating.

Then they executed him in cold blood.

There was another solider in the back.

That solider appeared to have an AK47 (not sure).

If so, he was armed and decided not to fire on the REDS.

These soldiers could have easily have shot a clip into the crowd and escaped as they had an automatic assault rifle. Why would the protesters shoot them after they surrendered without a struggle?

What has happened to "Thai love Thai"? :)

Right.........the driver did not appear to be wearing a weapon or have one.

The other soldier they took off the back had an AK47..........it was pointed down.

He could have opened fire on the crowd..........he did not.

The soldiers may have thought the Reds just wanted the truck.

It was an execution.......or attempted execution (we do not know yet if the soldier died of his wound).

And we don't know what happened to the second soldier.

I hope somebody sends the clip to CNN, Al Jazeera, New York Times, etc.

It reminded me of Cambodia in the 70s.

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I think its about time the government and army grow so balls and dealt with the protests once and for all. As the softly softly approach has not work, the time for diplomacy is over and action needs to be taken.

How can a mob hold a country to ransom, the Reds have been given ample time to offered negations and a road map for pace which they turn now. I think the time has come to fight fire with fire. I dont understand why the army can not use tanks to clear the blockade and move in to clear the area. I would imagine that the rules or engagement allow troops to fire back if fired up on. If the reds had and sense that all the true protesters and one's who want peace would leave the protest site in safety. Only the die-hards and mercenaries would be left behind, and in my view the soon these guys are dead the better. and sooner the country can get back to normal

The reds should be set a deadline to clear up and move out, or action taken. But any threats should be carried out and they government not back down like they have done before. Could you imagine this happen in London or any western capital for 8 weeks its does not give Thailand a good light on the worlds stage.

I understand that the reds have a right to protests and make they voices heard. But they are ways and means of doing this holding a country to ransom is no the way to do this.

OK rant over lol

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Yes women and children do occupy and can be seen at the protest site. This is why i believe that a deadline should be set and time given for people to leave the site in safety. Or is it that the Reds and want to keep women and children at the site, to act as human shields so this kind of action can not be taken. If this was to be the case i think that it would say it all about the red shirts mentality.

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