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Three More Dead In Fresh Bangkok Violence


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how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

How horrible! how uninformed!

Might also aply to some of your posting.

People riot for a reason and usually after severe prolonged suffering, in this case because they are sick of being downtrodden.

and by this you are justifying the red shirt's activities? how horrible! how many more are going to justify this behavior based on the bad behavior of another, meaning the yellow shirts? How can this be justified in any way? Severe prolonged suffering, WOW! like what? severe? in Thailand? mass executions? (oops that was the war against drugs) genocide? race wars? who'd a thunk it?

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reds are fighting for democracy. they ask for reelection. so the who support the gov are simply brainless nazi.

you are the brainless one here

following insane red leaders that sprout undemocratic violence.

the reds don't want democracy..they want a free ride.."give me money so I don't have to work"

Obviously, you have not been around Thailand very long. Who do you believe grows the local food and raw materials within Thailand? Who drives the taxis, buses, etc.? Who are the majority of the people in the military? Who are the majority of the people who work the low paid service industries in BKK and the tourist towns? They are rural people (non-BKK, Pattaya, Phuket) who, in general, side with the red shirts. Redshirts and their supporters are harder working people than most of the elites who sit in cozy desk chairs.

I have been traveling around LOS for the past 1 1/2 years shooting film footage of muay thai and wildlife/nature related activity. I have been all over the country and been in almost every province except a few in the deep south. I have had many different Thai film crew members on my staff during this time. Many speak English somewhat well. My Thai girlfriend travels with me approx. 70 % of the time. I talk with them and her and they relay information to me. I can tell you that the majority of Thais support the redshirts even though they might not support the long demonstrations in BKK. Many of these "reds" are extremely hard working people and without them Thai society would be in trouble. They are the producers in LOS. They are not pencil-pushing elites sitting in a cubicle in a highrise in BKK...not breaking a sweat. i

I suggest you travel throughout all of Thailand like I have and maybe you will learn something about LOS. I have been in LOS and the neighboring countries off and on for about nine years. It sounds like you are a newbie who hangs out in some tourist area or BKK. FYI...most Thais outside of BKK do not even consider BKK part of "Thailand". They consider it a corrupt, spoiled, foreign, non-Thai cultured enclave. If you are man enough I suggest you travel throughout LOS for a few years... into all the non-tourist towns and provinces and talk with the majority of the masses and enlighten yourself. Come to Cambodia with me. I will show you a thing or two.

Khun Boran Khmer

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


There is a guy dead on the footpath... there is nothing to say how he died and who killed him and what side he belongs to.

Any weapon he might have had could have been taken from the scene... You never know what he was doing when he got shot..

And yes there is a just reason for killing him, and that would be in the situation where he might have been trying to kill the other person... Kill or be killed... quite simple.

I'll tell you what i cant find a reason for... and that is mob of thugs roaming around breaking the law. I dont understand how some of you posters think its ok for those protestors to do what they are doing...

If they really only wanted peacefull protests, they would open up the area and protest on the footpaths... you cant break the law, especially this blatently, and expect everyone to be happy with what your doing...

And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

you probably think this guy was just pretending to be a volunteer medic!! he too had a bazooka and was about to offload it when he was taken down.


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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


There is a guy dead on the footpath... there is nothing to say how he died and who killed him and what side he belongs to.

Any weapon he might have had could have been taken from the scene... You never know what he was doing when he got shot..

And yes there is a just reason for killing him, and that would be in the situation where he might have been trying to kill the other person... Kill or be killed... quite simple.

I'll tell you what i cant find a reason for... and that is mob of thugs roaming around breaking the law. I dont understand how some of you posters think its ok for those protestors to do what they are doing...

If they really only wanted peacefull protests, they would open up the area and protest on the footpaths... you cant break the law, especially this blatently, and expect everyone to be happy with what your doing...

And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

Well said Sir. Those who are determined to go so radically against the wishes of the majority of the community, must also be prepared to accept the consequences. It is the simple law of survival of nearly every species on earth and we are certainly no exception.

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


There is a guy dead on the footpath... there is nothing to say how he died and who killed him and what side he belongs to.

Any weapon he might have had could have been taken from the scene... You never know what he was doing when he got shot..

And yes there is a just reason for killing him, and that would be in the situation where he might have been trying to kill the other person... Kill or be killed... quite simple.

I'll tell you what i cant find a reason for... and that is mob of thugs roaming around breaking the law. I dont understand how some of you posters think its ok for those protestors to do what they are doing...

If they really only wanted peacefull protests, they would open up the area and protest on the footpaths... you cant break the law, especially this blatently, and expect everyone to be happy with what your doing...

And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

And how on earth do 'you' know what he was doing if anything ?

Mindreader ? Soothsayer ? Prophet ?

Thats my whole point... NO ONE knows what he was doing and how he got killed....

Im saying its not fair to jump to the conclusion that...

"the army are just shooting unarmed people!"
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how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

How horrible! how uninformed!

Might also aply to some of your posting.

People riot for a reason and usually after severe prolonged suffering, in this case because they are sick of being downtrodden.

Severe prolonged suffering, downtrodden... straight from the populist lingo. I'm not saying they're not holding the short end of the stick, as do a large part of the population of just about any country you care to mention. There's (no, actually: was...) a roadmap in place, which spelled a lot of good for the "sufferers". But some "leaders" act like spoiled children in a candy shop: I want that whole rack over there too...

BTW, chapeau, Ms. gr8fldanielle :D

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

No need to excuse yourself at all.

Most of the ant-farang rants come from expat red apologists wishing to paint a 'we are the locals picture'.

Now the ideological junk food being pushed is that the reds are unarmed peaceful protesters.

The T-shirt revolutionaries sometimes with plugged-in grammatical errors for a little colourful flavour..

Edited by yoshiwara
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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I doubt they'd just popped out to buy a packet of cigs!

Nevertheless the picture we see on this thread is shocking.

All this nonsense could and should have been stopped by now. All they had to do is secure the area.

Sheer incompetence.

Yes, that's 'all'. How might you suggest they secure the area without and violence erupting? These damned reds came to Bangkok looking for one thing - a bloody fight and, very unfortunately, that is exactly what they have got on their hands. They had a deal, they should have taken it and gone home, taking those poor innocent people with them. Any ensuing violence is 100% of their will and their making.

Well you can't now, as the cat is well and truly out the bag.

In a hostage situation, the decision to storm is made when all else has failed, and you have to then reason that there really is only one course of action for the greater good, how many lives you will save as opposed to how many might be lost.

The tanks should have rolled through the barricades ages ago. No doubt there would have been some loss of life, but the chances are most would flee for their life ( I speak from experience I legged it away from Pratunam yesterday at the sound of gunfire). But you coud drop down hundreds of canisters of tear gas, shower the area with noise and water or simply send troops in en mass.

I'd assume once the main area is secured and hopefully the thousands of relatively peaceful demonstrators dispersed, the gloves could come off in dealing with the hardcore.

I'm not supporting this action by the way, you just asked me how it's done, to summarise, the same way every other half competent force does it.

(believe it or not I am broadly behind the red cause up to a point).

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


this picture does seem little odd to me, there is only blood under the bike, and looks like the bodies been placed there, as they lay in perfect position.

I somehow agree with you...I have never seen a pic of people lying like that all in the same direction etc etc...

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Holding the city hostage for 2 months is just idiotic.

You're right.

But well, what should they do to make things change?

Having elections does not seem to work.

Or maybe things should not change in Thailand.

And I'm all for the status quo, good for business.

Like in any democratic society, they should wait until the

current ruling party calls for an election, then use their brains

to select a candidate they like and vote for her/him

If they were to stop selling ther votes and choose a candidate

that wold help them in the long run instead of just thinking

about who pays them now, they would be better off in the long run

By the way, what is wrong with a country having poor people, middle

class people and then rich people. This is the way most countries are.

It is not something that will ever change, not here, not anywhere


... And all DEVELOPED COUNTRIES have gone through that "developing stage" where there is a bigger gap between the "city folks" and "rural folks". As the country becomes more properous, the rural communities also raise their standard of living. Is there a developed country that hasn't gone through that economic stage? (Except Kuwait or Saudi, and look how they turned out.)

Edited by toenail
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I don't understand your reporting. Are you reporting facts or are you just an outlet for propaganda? First you report that the demonstrators are firing grenades at the security forces, "Numerous M-79 grenades were fired at security forces..." then go on, in the same piece, to suggest the poor out-gunned demonstrators are fighting back with just stones and slingshots, "...demonstrators who fought back with stones, slingshots and fireworks...".

It is clear the demonstrators have weapons and are using them. It has already been reported they stole a truck load of guns from the army on April 10 and only returned some of them. It has also been reported they fired grenades on several occasions so why now report they are unarmed just because their leader said they are.

Give us a break! We want to know what's actually going on. We don't want or need propaganda, from either side.

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Am i reading what im reading, or is my eyes just full of tears. Is there actually some idiots on this forum who advice snipers to shoot people. I guess you are some of the 15 procent elite of this country. Shame shame. Everything should be done to save life in this situation.

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It seems the Armed Forces (or someone) are serious. Every death that has been reported the last couple of days has died from a shot to their head, execution style...

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Didn't your Father and Mother ever teach you, don't assume anything. It's how gossip and lies get started.

hi, mam and dad ,

just to lt you know , i,m off to thailand ,tomorrow.

dont worry about me ,,

i just hope i,m not in the wrong place ,, at the wrong time ...

why is the baht not crashing ,???

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how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

How horrible! how uninformed!

Might also aply to some of your posting.

People riot for a reason and usually after severe prolonged suffering, in this case because they are sick of being downtrodden.

and by this you are justifying the red shirt's activities? how horrible! how many more are going to justify this behavior based on the bad behavior of another, meaning the yellow shirts? How can this be justified in any way? Severe prolonged suffering, WOW! like what? severe? in Thailand? mass executions? (oops that was the war against drugs) genocide? race wars? who'd a thunk it?

Well they view the Govt. as unelected, and also have a poorer lot in life, 2 very big factors.

I'm not justifying anything, calm down, go and do a bit of yoga or something, maybe chew on a carrot, or crush a grape.

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Holding the city hostage for 2 months is just idiotic.

You're right.

But well, what should they do to make things change?

Having elections does not seem to work.

Or maybe things should not change in Thailand.

And I'm all for the status quo, good for business.

Like in any democratic society, they should wait until the

current ruling party calls for an election, then use their brains

to select a candidate they like and vote for her/him

If they were to stop selling ther votes and choose a candidate

that wold help them in the long run instead of just thinking

about who pays them now, they would be better off in the long run

By the way, what is wrong with a country having poor people, middle

class people and then rich people. This is the way most countries are.

It is not something that will ever change, not here, not anywhere

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maybe the focus should be at removing the red shirt leaders. take away the leadership that is fueling this fire. I guess they are not going to turn themselves in like they said. I certainly hope the charges that are racking up are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including denying bail for fear of being a flight risk. enough is enough. Condolences to the families of those that needlessly have taken part of this cowardly fueled farce.

Indeed a post that is right on target.

Hard and callous and inhumane as it may be the authorities should target the stage where the (mis ) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade appear surrounded by a mass of human shields.

A good team of snipers would take the (mis) leaders out in one hit as has already been done with the mad Major General.

Messy and indeed frightening for the spectators but indeed a salutatory lesson as to what happens for inciting violence and revolution.

Dramatic violent ?

Indeed, yes.

But how much more senseless loss of lives on all sides would be averted by such an action ?

At the end of the day there has to be some movement to force hands and get people round the table, no moving the goalposts as has been done by the current Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leadership.

Exorcise the cancer cells that are leading this protest which has been hi-jacked to further a very different cause from the original one and the main body will grow.

The current situation visibly demonstrates that the medicine is killing the patient.

This is now the time to demonstrate that firm decisive actions speak louder than words.

It's time the rank and file asked their (mis) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade to place themselves on the front line along with the gullible innocents they keep exhorting them to make the ''ultimate sacrifice'' for the cause whilst safe in five star hotels and steel containers or Montenegro as is currently the case with the (mis ) leaders of the Red Shirt Brigade.

Spot on siampolee!

These hypocritical, crazy, cowardly, so-called "leaders" -in reality, rabble rousers highly paid by Thaky and given promises of great future power when Thaky gets what he wants - should have been properly dealt with ages ago.

Terrorist scumbags doing nothing but screaming hate-filled tirades from the perceived 'security' of the Red stage in order to fire up the "cannon fodder" while being themselves scared s***less to stand anywhere near the front lines!

Even one take-out might well suffice. We saw how these cowards were poo-pooing their panties after the looney ex-army mad-dog was whacked on Thursday! The remaining cowards would soon be running for the hills (or the arid wastes of Isaan!)

Far better one or two of these "Little Hitlers" be presented with a "Big Sleep" than dozens dead (some of them innocent) on the street.

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??

if the person was in the war zone doing something they shouldn't be doing, sorry to say, but they asked for it. Everyone has been warned to stay away. I think killing innocent people is wrong, but the red-shirt leaders really asked for this. They are using terrorist tactics, therefore their people are terrorists...terrorists deserve what they get.

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so much shit flying around, Jai yen, this is thailand and after so many years here all i have learned is notiung is as it seems. No one has any proof who shot who. No one can forsee the outcome but Please . For your fellow man think ... all those out there be they yellow red or army or Police have mothers/fathers/sisters/brothers and family.

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The reds come to Bangkok. They occupy a large business district, destroying all normal activities.

Business and public institutions close, people are out of work.

They mix armed attackers with their own unarmed people, well knowing that it will cause death, victims of which then can be paraded for propaganda.

They throw bombs among peaceful protesters in Sala Daeng and soldiers who do not move. They block public traffic and raid a hospital.

Until now I saw nothing being done to stop them.

A date for elections was negotiated and offered. Not good enough. They keep their destructive presence.

Night after night I can hear the speakers, and roads I used to use are blocked. I can't even go home from work without explaining to soldiers that I live inside the closed area.

Originally I disagreed in the way Thaksin was removed, but what a man he was, in hard competition he was still the worst Thai PM in present time, both from a human rights and corruption point of view. He is now a convicted criminal.

I have been in Redland many times, at least 20. The people there are kind and nice but totally brainwashed from 24-hour one-sides speakers, and have no option to access information from elsewhere.

Enough is enough. Remove them as peacefully as possible, but remove them.

Excellent post!

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It's time for crackdown Red shirts as soon as possible for avoid long days of urban guerilla and lot of civilian victims :D

But why Thaksin don't ask Red shirts to leave now for save lives ? :D

Get back his money and his power is more important than poor isaan people lives.

Thaksin, shame on you :)

Well Said , where is this gobshite whilst all this is going on ....coward..

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I don't understand your reporting. Are you reporting facts or are you just an outlet for propaganda? First you report that the demonstrators are firing grenades at the security forces, "Numerous M-79 grenades were fired at security forces..." then go on, in the same piece, to suggest the poor out-gunned demonstrators are fighting back with just stones and slingshots, "...demonstrators who fought back with stones, slingshots and fireworks...".

It is clear the demonstrators have weapons and are using them. It has already been reported they stole a truck load of guns from the army on April 10 and only returned some of them. It has also been reported they fired grenades on several occasions so why now report they are unarmed just because their leader said they are.

Give us a break! We want to know what's actually going on. We don't want or need propaganda, from either side.

Excellent post!

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


this picture does seem little odd to me, there is only blood under the bike, and looks like the bodies been placed there, as they lay in perfect position.

i believe the body is crouched over the bike (white tshirt, red and white helmet), the others are lying down hiding from bullets?

if you look closely behind the bike you will see a leg extend out and to the right.

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reds are fighting for democracy. they ask for reelection. so the who support the gov are simply brainless nazi.

you are the brainless one here

following insane red leaders that sprout undemocratic violence.

the reds don't want democracy..they want a free ride.."give me money so I don't have to work"

Obviously, you have not been around Thailand very long. Who do you believe grows the local food and raw materials within Thailand? Who drives the taxis, buses, etc.? Who are the majority of the people in the military? Who are the majority of the people who work the low paid service industries in BKK and the tourist towns? They are rural people (non-BKK, Pattaya, Phuket) who, in general, side with the red shirts. Redshirts and their supporters are harder working people than most of the elites who sit in cozy desk chairs.

I have been traveling around LOS for the past 1 1/2 years shooting film footage of muay thai and wildlife/nature related activity. I have been all over the country and been in almost every province except a few in the deep south. I have had many different Thai film crew members on my staff during this time. Many speak English somewhat well. My Thai girlfriend travels with me approx. 70 % of the time. I talk with them and her and they relay information to me. I can tell you that the majority of Thais support the redshirts even though they might not support the long demonstrations in BKK. Many of these "reds" are extremely hard working people and without them Thai society would be in trouble. They are the producers in LOS. They are not pencil-pushing elites sitting in a cubicle in a highrise in BKK...not breaking a sweat. i

I suggest you travel throughout all of Thailand like I have and maybe you will learn something about LOS. I have been in LOS and the neighboring countries off and on for about nine years. It sounds like you are a newbie who hangs out in some tourist area or BKK. FYI...most Thais outside of BKK do not even consider BKK part of "Thailand". They consider it a corrupt, spoiled, foreign, non-Thai cultured enclave. If you are man enough I suggest you travel throughout LOS for a few years... into all the non-tourist towns and provinces and talk with the majority of the masses and enlighten yourself. Come to Cambodia with me. I will show you a thing or two.

Khun Boran Khmer

You must have travelled around a different one that I did :) I see so many social problems thru the lack of the things you describe that it's no wonder the countrys at war with itself

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