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Three More Dead In Fresh Bangkok Violence


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I seem to recall today is the day the red leaders "vowed" to turn themselves in.

What's that? Not this may 15.

That just came to my mind as well.


Did anyone expect these lying terrorist douches to ever keep their word or to ever speak a morsel of truth? :D

Maybe they meant May 15th next year!! :)

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If the Reds want political reform they should go through the correct channels.

Please remove these red shirts so people can get back to their normal lives.

"By any means necessary"

Yes the Army must Kill Everybody..... Leave No one alive...


.. :):D

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Peace how we can get Peace on tis mission. The soldiers only surrounding and leave nobody to escape. How this is possible. Give us Peace again and again. Let this beautiful country dont distroy itself. I bag you please !!

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They are not fighting for democracy as Thailand already has a democratically elected government. Look to the UK for what a coalition means.

They are fighting for the return of a PM who killed far more than have died here and who once famously said, "Democracy is not my aim".

Do you reemember that?

As for nazis, please look up Crystal Night and you'll see who the reds model themselves on. As for their leader, watch some of hitler's speeches and then tell me who the reds' fuhrer models himself on

If Thailand had anything approaching an education system and a 1% aware of the world population this would not happen. SAdl;y, being unable to think for themselves, and having no knowledge to refer to, Thais believe what they are told.

As always, the reds are being fed a load of lies.

Democracy? BS

Agree entirely! There is no such thing as democracy it ceases as soon as you turn away from the ballot box. Just look at the US and the Man Sized Tissue of Lies Obama force fed the American public in order to bankrupt and turn America into a Socialist State. I say offer the Red's all of Thaksin's ill gotten gains in the form of rural development grants and build nursing homes for the old, schools for the young and hospitals for the sick. But please PM keep up the momentum. Negotiating is a waste of time. Put away the pen and take out your sword and earn some respect in the eyes of the world. Leave democracy for another day when people will listen.

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"Typical idiotic hyperbole. It's a confined conflict in central Bangkok."

Exactly. Yesterday, "the leader of the red shirts" claimed that it "wasn't a civil war, but it's cruel". A day later, it's "full civil war" - oh, brother. It's obvious that most of the quoted in the newspaper, and posting on TV, have never been in a war zone. A dozen people die in a day - oh no, that's "war". Walking Rama 4 today, I saw the result of the "civil war", you know, "people demonstrating for democracy". I saw lots of burning tires, and several burnt telephone booths. That's not democracy in action, that's the work of thugs, plain and simple.

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I was living in Kiev during the Orange Revolution there. They had a big Tent City in the middle of the Main Road, the Kreshatik. It was peacful and you could walk that Road without any problems. You could still live there doing your daily stuff including shopping. I also was travelling all over Ukraine in that time, from the Border to Hungary to Kharkov (Russian Boarder). The movement there was supported by many people, having flag of the Orange Movement or the opposite side. Ukrainians can be agressiv, still they manged to finish that crisis mostly peacefull.

I do not see this support of the broad mass of people here. However the Protester here are very violent and destroy a lot of Stuff. Its a small agressiv Group, otherwise they would have stopped after the anouncement of the early elections. That would have been the right point to stop, go home and prepare for elections. The legitimate Goverment has to do stop this unrest, they waited long enough. Thailand has to get back to normal live, this is not possible without removing the violent Protesters. The Red are not just hurting the big Businesses, but much more the small ones of Thais struggeling to make a living.

If there is bloodsheed so be it. Its in the hand of the Red Shirts to stop it, pack up and go home.

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how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

How horrible! how uninformed!

Might also aply to some of your posting.

People riot for a reason and usually after severe prolonged suffering, in this case because they are sick of being downtrodden.

I have travelled throughout the north including all of Isaan and there is not one person starving there. People work the fields, the kids go to school, and life goes on as it has for hundreds of years. There is a cycle when it comes to education that must be included when one speaks on inequalities in the educational systems in Thailand or any other country. The children will turn out just like their parents if their parents don't care that much whether their child gets a high school education & eventually a college/univ education. Throughout Thailand there are scholarships for the best students in every school in northern Thailand just like central Thailand, Bkk and Southern Thailand. Education - breaking the cycle - begins and ends with the family, not from government handouts. People in Isaan are not enduring "prolonged suffering." They may be "downtrodden" to a certain extent but check closely and see what percentage of Thai men in Isaan drink and gamble away 50% or 75% of the family's income. It is an epidemic with the uneducated. It is that way all over Thailand - most everyone plays the lotto (their are government lottos & illegal lottos like my neighbors play using a bookie)

Every word Danielle said is true. Everyone wants to act like a victim to get attention - perhaps a handout , perhaps earning their money protesting to bring Thaksin back. Democracy?! You could not find one out of 100 of the Reds (other than their fiery leaders who are making big money)who could spell democracy much less give a definition. They are protesting to overthrow the government (that makes them terrorists) and bring the crooked, cowardly, fugitive and Pile of S--t ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra. Snipers should have taken him out long ago. The man is scum! TIME TO DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO GET THOSE NEANDERTHAL REDS OUT OF BANGKOK. They want war, give them war!

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If the Reds want political reform they should go through the correct channels.

Please remove these red shirts so people can get back to their normal lives.

"By any means necessary"

Have you heard the story about the black man sitting under the mango tree? Apparently not.

Just tell me, all of you blood thirsty western people; What would happen in your streets if your government removed all social benefits in your country. We all know. Greek would be a kindergarten in comparison. :)

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The reds might be claiming that they are fighting for democracy but they are doing it in the wrong way. Holding the city hostage for 2 months is just idiotic. Enough is enough. The Thai kids go back to school on Monday, but somehow I doubt this will all be resolved by then.

please educate yourself about the real motive-Takki money. They are not protesters but Takki employees who are brainwashed. They are out to destroy democracy for the sake of greed. without Takki dollars, there would be no riot in bangkok. maybe you should at least tell the truth for the sake of school children.


Good to know there are other people out there who know what is really going on. Takky should be voted "Coward of the Year" for paying thes uneducated people to attempt this chaos while he immediately ships his family out of the country. A truly disgusting piece of humanity.

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Am i reading what im reading, or is my eyes just full of tears. Is there actually some idiots on this forum who advice snipers to shoot people. I guess you are some of the 15 procent elite of this country. Shame shame. Everything should be done to save life in this situation.

I think the posters point was that perhaps snipering or otherwise taking out the miserable cowards hiding *behind* their human shields would have the effect of changing the minds of, and potentially saving the lives of those making up the human shield. Cut off the head and the body can't grow, I think was said.

The only sensible way to prevent *any* further loss of life now is for the red shirt leaders to hand themselves over to the authorities, the armed reds to surrender their weapons, and for the unarmed red shirts to dismantle their encampment, collect all the litter and crap they've left, wai all the locals they've upset or otherwise put out of business for the last few months and head home as quickly as possible - at their own expense! Not likely to happen, I'm afraid.

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The reds come to Bangkok. They occupy a large business district, destroying all normal activities.

Business and public institutions close, people are out of work.

They mix armed attackers with their own unarmed people, well knowing that it will cause death, victims of which then can be paraded for propaganda.

They throw bombs among peaceful protesters in Sala Daeng and soldiers who do not move. They block public traffic and raid a hospital.

Until now I saw nothing being done to stop them.

A date for elections was negotiated and offered. Not good enough. They keep their destructive presence.

Night after night I can hear the speakers, and roads I used to use are blocked. I can't even go home from work without explaining to soldiers that I live inside the closed area.

Originally I disagreed in the way Thaksin was removed, but what a man he was, in hard competition he was still the worst Thai PM in present time, both from a human rights and corruption point of view. He is now a convicted criminal.

I have been in Redland many times, at least 20. The people there are kind and nice but totally brainwashed from 24-hour one-sides speakers, and have no option to access information from elsewhere.

Enough is enough. Remove them as peacefully as possible, but remove them.

Excellent post!

Quite extraordinary that I have read Thaksin is now demanding human rights for the Red Shirts. For all those Thaksin sympathizers out there do you remember in October 2004 when 84 Muslim demonstrators were killed at Tak Bai in a genuine peaceful protest. The army rounded up the protestors who were stacked up in Army trucks like cattle and 84 people were asphxiated and crushed to death. If you see footage of this incident it is really sickening to see how these people were treated. Also lets not forget Thaksin killed over 2000 people in his clamp-down on drugs and many of them have now been found to be nothing to do with drugs. This megalomaniac is a very dangerous and evil person....he needs to be stopped as soon as possible

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are we to presume that these individuals were just shot by the authorities for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

might be this picture.


I count at least seven people in that picture -

Four along the kerbside, with one partly hidden behind the red and white scooter and apparently the source of the blood flow.

One sitting below the stripy awning between the bikes. One outside at the right hand side of it curled around the plant bowl, and the other to the right of them with what looks like a motorcycle taxi driver's vest on him. If unhurt, his "coma position" with leg crooked out to one side, could imply he's been there a while and had to make himself "comfortable" behind his cover.

The tall / long figure in shorts and red and white stripey helmet, immediately in front of the red and white scooter, looks like a farang, and their body position certainly implies they are just taking cover, not dead where they fell - note his head resting on crossed forearms - that's not a normal position for someone to fall down into after receiving a fatal shot.

Except for the one at the red and white scooter and blood trail, who cannot be seen clearly, the others seem unlikely to be dead (no additional blood spills evident) - just simply taking cover - note their alignments and positions, it looks like they are taking cover from shooting to the right of the picture.

There's no way I would view and accept that photo as empiric proof of displaying three dead bodies. One maybe, or just badly injured (using the blood trail as an indicator), but the others are inconclusive without closer views from alternate angles.

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"On Thursday night renegade general Khattiya Sawasdipol, a key Red Shirt supporter, was shot in the head near the rally site.

He was in a slightly improved condition Saturday but still in a critical state, said Chaiwan Charoenchokethavee, director of Vachira hospital."

This man is dead already. Army coverup.

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"On Thursday night renegade general Khattiya Sawasdipol, a key Red Shirt supporter, was shot in the head near the rally site.

He was in a slightly improved condition Saturday but still in a critical state, said Chaiwan Charoenchokethavee, director of Vachira hospital."

This man is dead already. Army coverup.

May I ask what would be the point of this "cover up"?

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The reds might be claiming that they are fighting for democracy but they are doing it in the wrong way. Holding the city hostage for 2 months is just idiotic. Enough is enough. The Thai kids go back to school on Monday, but somehow I doubt this will all be resolved by then.

please educate yourself about the real motive-Takki money. They are not protesters but Takki employees who are brainwashed. They are out to destroy democracy for the sake of greed. without Takki dollars, there would be no riot in bangkok. maybe you should at least tell the truth for the sake of school children.



What is the expression? You get what you sow? The Thai government hasn't done enough to keep education a top priotity in the rural area ( most of the students in the North and Isaan only go to school until they're 15, then go to the big cities to work for minimum wage-- which is lousy); they're also not taught critical thinking skills (so they believe anyone); and (of course) no civics class to teach them how democracy works and their civic duty NOT to take bribes. Whoever ends up winning in the next election, I hope drastic measures are taken to improve the gap so "thugs" like Thaksin can no longer convince these simple minded people that he's "god".

The Thaksin/PPP government had 6 years to start improving education in the poorer areas. He wasn't interested in that. The uneducated are easier to brainwash.

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if you look closely behind the bike you will see a leg extend out and to the right.

Hehe - when i looked, i thought I was seeing three homeless people having a kip on the street and some drunk thai that had just crashed his new scooter into the lamppost and cracked his head open. hel_l, that's considered a normal sight in some parts of bangkok. Shooting? What shooting!? :)

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It would be good if CRES set-up some kind of checkpoint or processing center where "red shirts" can surrender themselves and peacefully leave the area. Whether or not they are criminally charged for one thing or another might be a different story for the justice system to sort out. In my humble opinion, if they choose to leave the area they should be offered some kind of leniency.

Perhaps the army should broadcast some kind of counter-propaganda? Letting the people inside the red zone know that there is a way out of this. Allow them to disarm themselves (rocks, sticks, incendiary devices, whatever might be perceived as a weapon), then simply walk out of the zone to a place where they can be processed and sent back home (or wherever it is they deserve to go).

Somehow this current stranglehold strategy is only hardening the resolve of the mob. A way out for them might help diffuse things.

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In a true democracy, angry mobs do not get to say when an election should be held. Nor are they in any position to dictate any conditions with the Government. They are dealt with in a severe, harsh and swift manner. These inconsiderate fools are reaping what they have sown. And believe me, they would be getting much worse treatment if they were trying to do such things in the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, China, etc... So conversely Mr. Kumsamut, you in fact are the brainless one if you don't realize this fact.

Wich country has a true democracy?

In the so called cicilised countries the army did not should at harmeless people, in China they will.

The yellow shirts got what they want by closing down the airports. The army did support them.

The red shirt are trying the same, and they are dictating the government?

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There seem to be a lot of peoplel in this forum who are anti-red shirts.I wonder how many of those ppl have business interests in

Bangkok that are suffering because of the demonstrations.Hmmmm....

I say Abhisit should resign immediately and a new election called.

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if you look closely behind the bike you will see a leg extend out and to the right.

Hehe - when i looked, i thought I was seeing three homeless people having a kip on the street and some drunk thai that had just crashed his new scooter into the lamppost and cracked his head open. hel_l, that's considered a normal sight in some parts of bangkok. Shooting? What shooting!? :)

People like you are more to be pitied than despised.

You are shiver looking for a spine to run up.

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i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


Look carefully at that photo, particularly the blood marks - that body has been moved at least three times.

Note too the helmet in the gutter, and the iron bar lying diagonally at the left side of the plants to the right-middle of the footpath, plus the bag of something and the chunk of paving slab next to it at the left end of the footpath. Possibly "situation normal" but notice the large patch of broken pavement to the left of the body - how many reports have we all read about red shirts preparing "ammo" points from ripping up and smashing paving slabs?

Connect the dots or put the jigsaw pieces together - what does it say the dead person was likely doing when they were shot (if they were shot rather than being clubbed) - there seems to be an exceedingly high number of fatalities due to head shots since all this started - it reeks of execution style killings rather than chaos of conflict "lucky" shots. The head shot fatalities ratio just seems way too high.

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Well they view the Govt. as unelected, and also have a poorer lot in life, 2 very big factors.

I'm not justifying anything, calm down, go and do a bit of yoga or something, maybe chew on a carrot, or crush a grape.

So just because they don't understand the democratic system, they want to bring down a government.

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Just tell me, all of you blood thirsty western people; What would happen in your streets if your government removed all social benefits in your country.

Easy, the scroungers would find they have to look for or create themselves jobs and discover the many joys of *earning* a living. It's about time they stopped expecting the rest of us to prop them up.

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