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Thaksin's Vendetta Is Wrecking The Country


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Thaksin's vendetta is wrecking the country

By Sopon Onkgara

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- After a few days of armed skirmishes between rioters, terrorists and government troops in areas around Rajprasong, an end to the trouble remains elusive, despite the deadline given for the red shirts to disperse by 3pm yesterday afternoon.

Some more military action could ensue now that the crowd in front of the stage is thinning out. Only a few thousand are left to serve as shields for the red-shirt ringleaders, who have vowed to fight to the end.

But that sounds like empty bravado. Several have already left the stage for safety, especially the key leader Veera Musigapong, who opted out as if knowing that further persistence would lead to an unpleasant end.

It has been proven beyond any doubt that the red shirts, who serve as the political wing for the campaign to oust the government by Thaksin Shinawatra, have comrades in arms in the true sense of the word. They periodically fire grenades at troops and other targets during the running battles.

The number of grenades at their disposal has been amazing. The M-79 grenade launchers have become a key weapon of the unidentified, hooded men who look mean and lethal. The troops have not been able to capture any of them, either dead or alive. Only video clips of their actions have been shown.

The red-shirt leaders have not denied that they are allies of those forces. Since the beginning of the rally, they have elevated their campaign from a claim of peaceful protest and ahimsa to harassment and terror for Bangkok residents.

Now, they have realised that the punishment they deserve for their crimes is too serious for them to surrender to the authorities. Their options remain the same - flee, go to jail, or be killed if they resist the final crackdown.

Thaksin Shinawatra no longer remains silent, though he does not show himself for public view. Through messages and tapes, he tries to drag international organisations, including the UN, into participating in truce talks despite his status as a fugitive criminal fleeing a two-year jail term.

His whereabouts and the condition of his health remain vague, despite reports that he has been battling prostate cancer. Always on the move to avoid being tracked by the Thai authorities, Thaksin has become an international fugitive and is always causing trouble to the Abhisit government through his cronies in and outside the House.

The riots at various spots in Bangkok have claimed more than 30 lives. They include thugs, rioters and innocent by-standers. Among the casualties are foreigners and a medic who were shot by unidentified gunmen.

It is not a civil war, but the government is trying to suppress rioting, store looting, armed attacks and terrorism. Sporadic gunfire and grenade explosions are heard around the battle zones. Bangkok is virtually at war with Thaksin, who is at the core of the crisis.

His vendetta, financed by billions of baht paid to red-shirt protesters and armed men, is taking a heavy toll on the country's political, economic and social structure.

No matter how the crisis ends, the country will not be the same. It will be ridden with deep-seated division and conflict, even with or without Thaksin being around.

After two months of tolerating illegal rallies and terror, the government only began to take real action in the past few days with the blockade of Rajprasong to deprive the crowd of sufficient food and support. Persuasion will cut down the size of the crowd to just a few thousand before a further crackdown, if the government decides that such action becomes inevitable.

A bold move was taken on Sunday when the government prevented financial transactions by 106 corporate entities and individuals with Thaksin connections. Starting right from Thaksin's ex-wife and his siblings, the list includes all sorts of business and political cronies, as well as classmates from his days in the pre-cadet school.

The big names will not be allowed to engage in financial activities, and the measures are designed to cut funding for the rallies and mobilisation of supporters from upcountry.

The final death toll and number of injuries will depend on what actions are taken to flush out red shirts from their rally sites. The ultimate cost will be high in financial terms as well as human tragedy.

By now, Thailand and the world knows that Thaksin has unlimited potential to destabilise his homeland, from which his family has amassed wealth through political power and corruption.

One man like Thaksin is more than enough in the long history of this country.


-- The Nation 2010-05-18


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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

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He was in Paris last Saturday, in a Louis Vioutton shop buying his daughter an expensive handbag while his followers were on the streets.

What about his boast 'to come back when the first bullet is fired'?post-55921-1274145786_thumb.jpg

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Thaksin is Thailand's antichrist. The man has no soul, and the lives and blood of many innocents are on his hands, in his relentless pursuit of power and money. The fact that the international media doesn't condemn him outright, shows you just how far his money is capable of reaching. May he rot in hel_l.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

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Thaksin is Thailand's antichrist. The man has no soul, and the lives and blood of many innocents are on his hands, in his relentless pursuit of power and money. The fact that the international media doesn't condemn him outright, shows you just how far his money is capable of reaching. May he rot in hel_l.

Massively hurting Ego, gigantic (imagined) loss of Face and well,

what obviously counts way more is the massive loss of money, he

still may assume that it belongs to him and was entirely "honestly" gotten

and yes, the fact that someone dared to step into his tracks of power....

and all of those are his enemies now - he is out for revenge, no matter what it may cost,

Thailand beware!

.... no further comment!

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Its offensive to see photos of him and his family living the luxury life and buying brand name overpriced bags whilst Bangkok is on the brink of civil war, knowing that he is the one behind the red shirt movement. Too many lives have been lost because of this man and all he wants to do is shop.

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He was in Paris last Saturday, in a Louis Vioutton shop buying his daughter an expensive handbag while his followers were on the streets.

What about his boast 'to come back when the first bullet is fired'?post-55921-1274145786_thumb.jpg

Hey, maybe he needs luggage for the flight back. :)

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again.

Exactly, and same as I've posted earlier. Money is their God. That's what prompted the protests to get started - the announcement was right before the money verdict in March, which by then everyone knew would go against T.

And money is what pumped up and keeps the protest going. Cut off the money, pooofffff, protest winds down faster than a punctured tire. Then compel the perpetrators and paymasters to pay for damages - to private and municipal entities, and then you'll really hear a howl from the Chinese-Thai backers of the mayhem. Do it!

I'd like to see captured militant protesters, handcuffed in daisy chains, strolling down the roads picking up garbage with their feet and tossing it in bins. Most are adept tapek sakraw players, so should not be difficult.

Edited by brahmburgers
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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

Not such a long time to draft by competant lawyers. However with this country's absolute corrupt ssytem and individuals, a bit of money is easily delaying that process. From the lowest to the highest they have no morals whatsoever. Thaksin could have orderd the killing of 2500 or 25 million, those at the top will still prevaracate and delay. Now if Thailand realy wanted to put an end to it they would adopt China's policy on corrupt officials - and they make them pay for the bullet.

Problem of course it would deciminate the country. With the billions being skimmed and transfered abroad both by private individuals, military and other influencial people it makes Nigeria appear honest !!

However it is not just stopping Thaksin. It appears to be convienantly overlooked that he is only a goon with contacts. The real brains behind the family wealth and corruption success is his ex wife - how strange she comes and goes as she pleases. Obviouly she is the paymaster for the inept Generals and politicians.

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

there will not be peace,Taksins objective is to have thai fight thais until the whole country is embroiled in civil

war. then when that is done ,cambodia will invade thailand! thais will be so busy fighting each other that it will be a piece of cake. guess who will ride into thailand on a tank? claiming thailand as his own and himself

as supreme ruler ?

Who wants to dispose the monarchy? and the ultimate aim of the udd supports this. even they don't

about the up coming war with thaitland and cambodia.

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again.

Exactly, and same as I've posted earlier. Money is their God. That's what prompted the protests to get started - the announcement was right before the money verdict in March, which by then everyone knew would go against T.

And money is what pumped up and keeps the protest going. Cut off the money, pooofffff, protest winds down faster than a punctured tire. Then compel the perpetrators and paymasters to pay for damages - to private and municipal entities, and then you'll really hear a howl from the Chinese-Thai backers of the mayhem. Do it!

I'd like to see captured militant protesters, handcuffed in daisy chains, strolling down the roads picking up garbage with their feet and tossing it in bins. Most are adept tapek sakraw players, so should not be difficult.

Funnily enough, Brahm, I remember reading an opinion piece by none other that ML Sukhumbhand back in the early 90s (pre-Suchinda coup) who basically said the same thing about Thai politicians then. i.e. the first rule of Thai politics is that there shall be no other god than money. He never realised back then that he would become Bangkok governor or how prophetic his words would be in 2010, with nothing changing over 20 years. That is one reason why the New Politics of PAD inherently recognised that for Thai democracy to grow, the power of money in politics needs to be reduced. Money politics is literally killing Thailand, as can be graphically seen on the streets of Bangkok today.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

social fabric of this society!

They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

to avoid massive bloodshed!

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The money trail should have been looked at a long time ago, Thailand reactive not proactive.

The problem for the majority of the people who outside of Bangkok is that the Government needs to sort out Bangkok,

using other budgets to sort it out, therefore again the people out of Bangkok will suffer, but will they

blame their own (Reds) or the Government.

Why not start showing more of Thaksin living the high life to those who are sitting downtown on the floor at Rajaprasong

with nothing. But most of them have been promised more money if they stay to the end, which they probably will do.

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The Nation reported this morning that 1 red leader has over 100 mill recently put into his acc, plus that he has recently purchased 2 mansions and a few high worth vehicles. Surely the gov can use this to their advantage. Circulating on mass this information to the reds who would never see or dream of this amount surely would put his integrity into question. More importantly question his true motive.

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again.

Exactly, and same as I've posted earlier. Money is their God. That's what prompted the protests to get started - the announcement was right before the money verdict in March, which by then everyone knew would go against T.

And money is what pumped up and keeps the protest going. Cut off the money, pooofffff, protest winds down faster than a punctured tire. Then compel the perpetrators and paymasters to pay for damages - to private and municipal entities, and then you'll really hear a howl from the Chinese-Thai backers of the mayhem. Do it!

I'd like to see captured militant protesters, handcuffed in daisy chains, strolling down the roads picking up garbage with their feet and tossing it in bins. Most are adept tapek sakraw players, so should not be difficult.

Totally agree

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again.

Exactly, and same as I've posted earlier. Money is their God. That's what prompted the protests to get started - the announcement was right before the money verdict in March, which by then everyone knew would go against T.

And money is what pumped up and keeps the protest going. Cut off the money, pooofffff, protest winds down faster than a punctured tire. Then compel the perpetrators and paymasters to pay for damages - to private and municipal entities, and then you'll really hear a howl from the Chinese-Thai backers of the mayhem. Do it!

I'd like to see captured militant protesters, handcuffed in daisy chains, strolling down the roads picking up garbage with their feet and tossing it in bins. Most are adept tapek sakraw players, so should not be difficult.

Funnily enough, Brahm, I remember reading an opinion piece by none other that ML Sukhumbhand back in the early 90s (pre-Suchinda coup) who basically said the same thing about Thai politicians then. i.e. the first rule of Thai politics is that there shall be no other god than money. He never realised back then that he would become Bangkok governor or how prophetic his words would be in 2010, with nothing changing over 20 years. That is one reason why the New Politics of PAD inherently recognised that for Thai democracy to grow, the power of money in politics needs to be reduced. Money politics is literally killing Thailand, as can be graphically seen on the streets of Bangkok today.

With the various discussions that have tried to compare the British political system and it's now coalition with Thailand, the contrast couldn't be more different even though the systems are essentially the same.

In the UK however, a politician tries to avoid irrevocable damage to his career and the party. In Thailand a politician actively seeks irrevocable benefit to his bank balance.

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As they say follow the Money. Take the money away the problem will be solved. I am surprised it took them so long to stop the transfer of money. Also I think the Government should allow everyone who has suffered financial losses because of these people who fund these terrorist and their disruptions to sue for all the damages. It will take care of the money these people have so they are not able to destroy this country ever again

there will not be peace,Taksins objective is to have thai fight thais until the whole country is embroiled in civil

war. then when that is done ,cambodia will invade thailand! thais will be so busy fighting each other that it will be a piece of cake. guess who will ride into thailand on a tank? claiming thailand as his own and himself

as supreme ruler ?

Who wants to dispose the monarchy? and the ultimate aim of the udd supports this. even they don't

about the up coming war with thaitland and cambodia.

The United States will not allow Cambodia to invade Thailand and you can take that to the bank. Taksin's soft coup failed when the money spigot was turned off. What I am concerned about, among many other things, is this distraction is allowing the current govt. officials to steal while no one's watching. The press is distracted as are the NGOs and the courts will be busy for years with all the claims. Forget about prosecuting the Yellows, the Reds have passed them and left them in the dust. The reds have set the country, and by extension, the country folk back a decade and caused social rifts that will last generations.

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The money trail should have been looked at a long time ago, Thailand reactive not proactive.

The problem for the majority of the people who outside of Bangkok is that the Government needs to sort out Bangkok,

using other budgets to sort it out, therefore again the people out of Bangkok will suffer, but will they

blame their own (Reds) or the Government.

Why not start showing more of Thaksin living the high life to those who are sitting downtown on the floor at Rajaprasong

with nothing. But most of them have been promised more money if they stay to the end, which they probably will do.

Wait 'till they find out the money is frozen.

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I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

It is nice to see someone actually using his brains on TV. Let's see what kind of replies he gets..

(I don't have a sound theory for that, but would give my two satangs worth later on)

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He was in Paris last Saturday, in a Louis Vioutton shop buying his daughter an expensive handbag while his followers were on the streets.

What about his boast 'to come back when the first bullet is fired'?post-55921-1274145786_thumb.jpg

Where was the international business mafia to shoot a bullet instead of this photo?

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I have been seeing this coming a LONG time.

It was never

'will Thaksin go for revenge big time?'

but was always

'WHEN will Thaksin go for broke with revenge or a power grab big time.'

Ever since his badly done attempt to keep his Temp PM chair in mid 2006,

with a ginned up S.O.E. or Martial Law stemming from that very badly done

'attempted assassination' I realized the guy has no limits or scruples.

I wasn't surprised he was removed from the scene, and only a little at the soft reaction to it,

but that always brought the worry about how and when he would seek to avenge his lost face.

When people post it's not about Thaksin, I can only surmise:

a ) they are on his payroll, spreading the PR message.

b ) they really don't understand the situation well.

c ) they are so lost in their ideological world that LOGIC and observation

are swamped out by philosophical desire.

He did build a huge patronage network in the old school style over 20 years or so,

and then used it for more modern style rapacious greed. But also developed the

untapped potential of Issan, by using a modern business organizational model

coupled with old school Communist cadre indoctrination techniques.

Machiavelli would be proud; well actually Ceaser Borgia, whom Machiavelli was commenting on.

Thaksin took policy corruption to levels never seen, even in Thailand.

And then a step too far with Temasek.

Money = Power = Face and this all feeds a severely damaged ego.

His whole life was nouveau-riche striving for Hi So acceptance. Power

with money was the sole route there... problem was he completely forgot

that "having class" is more important than being accepted in first class.

He married up, way up, and was always pushed to fit into a world that

he was not prepared to enter, and that rejected him no matter how much cash he had.

After his return from self imposed exile, but before the 2nd self imposed exile,

he went to Anupong's mother's funeral, uninvited, and faced off with Prem and Anupong.

The pictures made clear they though he was in exceedingly poor taste to go there.

and made no efforts to hide this, a very un-thai action, but Thaksin did a very un-thai act

to try and reinstall himself at 'Prems level' at Anupong's time of mourning.

To this day Prem has pictures of the incident on his website... quite tellingly.

So rather than the public forgiveness he sought Thaksin got dissed big time.

Som nom na. Except this fed kerosene onto Thaksin's inflamed damaged ego.

Most people deal with others as if they are typically rational, not sometimes or often

slightly ting tong. Mental stability is not solely judged whether you are incoherent when speaking.

This guy is damaged goods, and shows instability under stress, letting him regain control

of the country through proxies is a non-starter, no matter what it takes to get that dirty job done.

Edited by animatic
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I posted this in another thread however I thought perhaps it was worth airing here too.

UN urges negotiated solution, saying there is high risk that situation could spiral out of control:

Sad to say the Red Shirt Brigade (mis) leaders do not want peace, their puppet master forbids peace talks. Thaksins aim is to destroy Thailand as his insatiable lust for revenge shows us all.

How many plans have been put on the table only to be vetoed by Thaksin ?

How many more lives to be sacrificed to please Thaksin so that he and his clan of blood and money sucking leeches can feed and gorge themselves on the carcass of Thailand and its people ?

Yet there are still people (supposedly educated) in this forum who cannot or will not accept the truth concerning Thaksin and his hi-jacking of a grass roots movement for a more equal society to further his own ends.

Looking at the past pedigree a number of the Red Shirt Brigade proponents have proudly published in various threads in T.V. we see support for people like Daniel Cohn-Bendit, the Red Brigade, Baader Meinhof etc: hardly models of democratic protest by any stretch of the imagination.

Democracy is a strange beast and it evolves according to the way the people want it to, slowly change will come, violence by terrorism is however not the answer.

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hey TV's "Toxic little dirty water" supporters

where are you now?

you are all acting like cowards.... like your big daddy hero.... shopping for purses now

you all make me want to puke :)

i dont know who is lower really him or you?

why dont u go join him and leave Thailand

your acting like bullies and cowards the lot of you

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Absolutely disgusting. How is he still being allowed to travel in Europe as the leader of a political party with a terrorist wing? This is a completely detestable act by a Western nation. France is probably so desperate for money since the Greece bailout that I wouldn't be shocked if they hosted Bin Laden's 80th birthday bash after seeing this photo.


Edited by dttk0009
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Absolutely disgusting. How is he still being allowed to travel in Europe as the leader of a political party with a terrorist wing? This is a completely detestable act by a Western nation. France is probably so desperate for money since the Greece bailout that I wouldn't be shocked if they hosted Bin Laden's 80th birthday bash after seeing this photo.


Then I suggest that Kasit get off his backside, fly to Europe and make his case instead of spouting that, 'they just don't understand". It is amazing how receptive the Western world is to stopping terrorism if you can make your case.

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He was in Paris last Saturday, in a Louis Vioutton shop buying his daughter an expensive handbag while his followers were on the streets.

What about his boast 'to come back when the first bullet is fired'?post-55921-1274145786_thumb.jpg

How do we know this photo is for real and taken in Paris?

More rumours and crap being passed around the Internet, perhaps?

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