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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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there are more than a few people around who love to see the powers that be, 'send a message' to the lesser classes.


And the message, I hope, is respect the law, respect other people's property, respect that the government is elected and represents the majority of voters, don't use violence, don't listen to leaders who incite hatred and violence and don't burn down buildings, rampage through hospitals or loot shops.

A new movement that behaves properly might actually get somewhere in achieving something for the poor instead of making them look like a bunch of barbarians.

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is it expected that if the army clears the red shirts will things return to normal or will it erupt into a full scale war?

it just seems unlikely to me that they will just return to their homes and go about their business.

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I seem to recall your proud proclaiming along with others in this forum of proudly proclaiming support for the somewhat more radical and violent urban terrorist groups of the somewhat more left wing radically violent anti establishment elements of the Europe scenario around the late 60s through the 70s in your and their youth.

It would seem as if the Gallic stupidity of rallying to lost causes and giving up without a fight has not changed amongst its citizens who are not able nor willing to face reality and let down their allies and indeed their host country without a qualm.

Surely your great friend General Chavalit would not approve of your stance would he ?

War scenario civil or otherwise one indeed could rely on the Gallic contingent to ''Hunt with the hounds and run with the fox'' until such time as they saw which way the wind was blowing then sell their allies down the river as per usual.

You and your kind give people an umbrella when the sun shines but take it back when the rain comes .

The Road map ?

I do not recall seeing or hearing your unbridled support for that agenda in its various formats only constant criticism of the plans by a tired old redundant revolutionary who has lost his way.

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

veen_NT: RT @WizardofWindsor: Breaking. Khon Khaen. #redshirts are storming the City Hall (TPBS)

Wed May 19 2010 12:02:29 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Not a bad development. If a red mob does a bit of damage in KK and Chiang Mai, the locals will get to see their heroes in action. Nothing like the sight of a rampaging mob to evaporate support! It's one thing for support of noble ideals, it's quite a bit different to see a pack of @$$holes burning your town.

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The fact is

They have a site where they can protest

and are safe

If they go outside this site then they are asking for trouble

I do not think the PM has any problems negotiating with a legal protest group of Thai's

So those who attack, provoke and enter the no mans area are only asking for trouble

The red shirt leaders have brain washed the hard core for 2 months that the army will not take them on

They are a law unto them selves

They believe they haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."

Any deaths or injuries that a mob suffers must be the responibilities of the mob and their leaders

The Army are just upholding the law of the land

What do you mean? What site? The army are preparing an attack on the main gathering at Rachaprasong as far as I'm aware.

I disagree

clean up the thugs and contain them

once contained it will be easy to finish

To attack the core would see to many innocents and children die

Children are innocent the rest are guilty and should be treated as so. In particular the leaders. They should be charged with murder.

They unlike the ones who follow them know the Govrnment is legal. They also know it is the system that allows a legal government to take power with the popular vote against them that needs changing. There followers are prime examples of why Thailand needs a education system that works not one that says every one can go to school. The schools are not provided to carry that mandate out. That talk is just rhetoric.

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BUT I don't understand what these people think they're doing now. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH AN ELECTION IN NOVEMBER?

Wainting until November does not help Thaksin. He wants his money NOW, and he needs a violent and chaotic election immediately to have a chance of getting it and a pardon

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Live phone-in by (Thai) journalist some minutes ago, suddenly commotion and he reporter and soldiers start to run, protester with RPG spotted and everyone scurries to get out of the way.

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Breakfast in UK - BBC main channel in UK -now showing Bankok Tanks converging on main site - reporting at least 4 dead - BBC guy believes major confrontation soon Lets pray that red shirts will surrender. God help everyone now.

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Red-leader Jatuporn Promphan to Turn Himself In

UPDATE : 19 May 2010

Reports indicate that key leader of the red-shirt movement Jatuporn Promphan is expected to turn himself in at the National Police Office.

Key Pheu Thai Party MPs will act as witnesses to ensure the safety of the red-shirt leader.


You better do it, son. That's how many... 1 out of 6 or 7 current leaders???. I don't recall.


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you can send messages of support or advise by SMS to Abhisit at 4899006

Should have stayed at your birthplace where you belong with your aristocrats and all of this would have never happend. Thai for Thai

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This entire situation keeps on getting more and more chaotic as each hairbrained solution is attempted. The government is much like Heracles, but drunken on their own personal gain and fear of loss, or whatever. The government cannot kill an ideal. It can remove people, or shoot them in the head, but those people will be replaced by the many who stand behind them.

To the individuals who condone the actions against the people who subscribe to the red-shirt views, and to the individuals who take satisfaction with human beings suffering at the hands of the media and powerful, rich people who can get away with anything; to those individuals I turn my head away in disgust.

Good job there is no ideology behind it then, just overweight, self-proclaimed "leaders", a paid mercenary army and a corrupt politician on the run.

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The reds had the chance to get an agreement for elections in a reasonable timespan. I think, 6 month is the minimum to prepare elections, doing all the paperwork and autumn is always a good time. I did not understand why they didn´t take this chance. Maybe I cannot follow their arguments.

On the other hand, 6 weeks is enough to occupy a vital business district. Either you know what you want to get and take it or leave. They can occupy a parliament building for years, this does´t matter because no critical work is done there.

From the beginning the red had my full moral support. The behaviour of the yellow two years ago made me very angry and the two time dissolution of the government with readymade laws (like it is illegal to take part in a tv-cooking show for money) made the oligocraty of Bangkok the leaders of a banana republic.

Now the red from bangkok are just a headless group of youtube warriors, who fear police and prison, when they come of their camp.

Because Thaksin wants his money now!!!! Waahhhh.... waaahhhh.... baby need feeding.

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CRES also made it clear that any protesters with the intent of going home can do so by walking to the Pratumwan intersection, on to the National Stadium where transportation has been prepared.

Having ditched their slingshots, molotoves, 'Berretta' gun t-shirts and decided they've had enough, I can only hope that the 'home' being referred to here is a State institution for a minimum of 2 years as promised. Otherwise, Rajaprasong will be only a temporary victory, as the part-time no-goods start causing trouble elsewhere as soon as they are out of sight.


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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

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you can send messages of support or advise by SMS to Abhisit at 4899006

Should have stayed at your birthplace where you belong with your aristocrats and all of this would have never happend. Thai for Thai

Good job, Prime Minister. You gave MORE than enough warning.

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you can send messages of support or advise by SMS to Abhisit at 4899006

Should have stayed at your birthplace where you belong with your aristocrats and all of this would have never happend. Thai for Thai

He is Thai or are you mentally deficient? He just happened to have been born in England.

Great job Mr.P.M.

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Everyone should love this. CNN read off a tweet they got saying "Thaksin will be proved innocent." The persons name:

Robert Amsterdam

They put it in the context of some random viewer that sent it. I'm not sure what to type. That just shocked me. I think they need a new research team. How irresponsible for a "international news agency"

That said if I ever get in trouble overseas, I'm calling him. Just Wow!!


Funny thing the guy used his real name. Mr. T might want to find another lawyer.

Edited by daboyz1
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The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

It's a local problem in a small country that produces little and has no effect on the local region - and certainly not on the US. Why should it get more coverage in the US? US has enough things to worry about like housing prices, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, etc. Bangkok and Thailand don't make the list and they is no reason why they should make the list. That's just being realistic.

I disagree. US media should cover international events better in general, not only US war zones.
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The remaining UDD leaders on stage, Nutthuwut and Kwanchai, are encouraging protesters to create unrest elsewhere in the country.

Yes, if they can win one way, they'll try another.

They want the whole shooting match and civil war is one way to get it.

Desperate chacters do desperate things.

Unfortunately clearing BKK of the hard liners will not solve the core problem for the UDD or the hard liners that have created mayhem, it will drive them (Hardliners) back to the provinces where more protests and more mayhem will occur, i am in Chiang ma at the moment and am already seeing it on the news, BKK style barricades are already being set up.

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Live phone-in by (Thai) journalist some minutes ago, suddenly commotion and he reporter and soldiers start to run, protester with RPG spotted and everyone scurries to get out of the way.

Are we talking about those poor, unarmed protesters ??

CNN dong a better job now since even Dan Rivers can't say anymore that those are poor unarmed protesters - 2 minutes ago he had to say a battle was raging with the exchange of automatic gunfire and a very large explosion - well since the army is not using any RPG's or grenades, may be it was this "unarmed protester" ?

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Live phone-in by (Thai) journalist some minutes ago, suddenly commotion and he reporter and soldiers start to run, protester with RPG spotted and everyone scurries to get out of the way.

well let's hope a BBC reporter is out there on the street seeing this.

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I have to correct myself, Thaksin has just claimed that he is not involved at all - so I guess those 800 Million cash his family here took out was really mend for amulets and lottery tickets


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'Black smoke at asok fire....police inactive

A perfect two-word characterisation of Bangkok's so-called police force ever since I can remember. Never mind constitutional or political reform in the wake of all this, the most important thing this country needs (has needed IMO ever since I first came here in 1995) is the professionalisation of the police force.

They should take lessons from how the London Met' were professionalised in the 1970s and onwards after large scale public outrage at their not dissimilar practices to the Thai police.

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There is now talk that the north and north east may start to push for a seperate state.

This thing has only just begun!!

Give me a break :)

Let em split it up between Kampuchea and Lao. Then Thaksin can fight his buddy Hun Sen over it.

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