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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Another employee of Mr Amsterdam's PR firm. Be very proud of yourself!

After Mr Amsterdam's bumbling debut performance on Al Jazeera yesterday, I don;t know if he will be employed much longer. The interviewer made mincemeat of the guy. He even said that the poor people who deserved justice and democaracy were "in the north"

I believe the word "shyster" applies nicely here.

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When you take into consideration the limited support Abhisit has had from the Police (about 20%) and the Army (about 50%) he has done a superb job. I'd like to see how some the leaders from the West would have performed in this environment. Couldn't see Obama bin Ladin from the US, or Mr Dud from Oz or whoever is in charge in the UK these days coping anywhere near as well as Abhisit has.

Edited by tharae
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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Absolute horse excrement troll. In nearly every other Country the protests would have ended weeks ago with far more loss of life. It is not Abhisit's fault that he inherited a completely dysfunctional police force and an army showing factional splits. But then you know this very well but you are a troll.

Utter garbage as usual.

Perhaps if you lived in China or Iran, yes but most responsible governeents would have negotiated a peaceful way out. Instead Abhisit took the easy way out by giving into the right wing hardliners.

Have you been inhaleing to much burning rubber ? In most other countries the body count would be much higher than it is here at the moment , negotiated a peaceful way out ? He tried and your red army constantly declined his offers with stupid unrealistic demands ! The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Another employee of Mr Amsterdam's PR firm. Be very proud of yourself!

After Mr Amsterdam's bumbling debut performance on Al Jazeera yesterday, I don;t know if he will be employed much longer. The interviewer made mincemeat of the guy. He even said that the poor people who deserved justice and democaracy were "in the north"

I believe the word "shyster" applies nicely here.

I wholeheartedly agree, he showed restraint and force when absolutely necessary. It was time! today is the day, lets hope he can finish what he started

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Just got back home from BKK so havent had time to read everything here but I do have some questions:

1/How do the red supporters justify the burning of buildings?

2/Is the burning of TV3 and threatning to burn the Bangkok Post the rede idea of freedom of the press?

3/How many woman and children were killed today by "a murderous Govt and Army that targets woman and children?"

4/How do you explain the paper circulated by the red leaders that showed soldiers killed by terrorists in the south in 2007 and labled as those shot by the Army for refusing to go against the reds?

5/ The fire brigade were shot at to prevent them putting out one of the fires, do you think this is a good thing?

There are quite a lot of other things that are puzzeling me but these will do for a start.

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Started to read this thread in the hope that it may shed some insight on what is going on in our capital.

Sadly within the first few posts it had already become yet another finger-pointing thread.

Can we please keep this to relevant on-going trouble spots?

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Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.


The Thai government let these people sit in the sun for 2 months and then dispersed them with tanks. Under the circumstances, it's not surprising that some of the more volatile of these people, not very rational at the best of times, have exploded in frustration and rage, and are trashing everything they can get their hands on.

If the authorities had mullered them in week 1, it would have been easier and with fewer casualties. But it wouldn't have been the Thai way, which is to let everything build up until an explosion is inevitable.

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Shame on you for setting fire to the family home, Thaksin.

SOME Red shirts exposed for what they are. They are not all bad people. There are also some who just want to see justice and democracy. I feel really sorry for them. Is there real justice and democracy in Thaland today? We all know the answer to that.

At this point I think people really need to calm down. We foreigners should do what we can not to inflame the situation. Despite what people say, we can help by encouraging loved ones to calm down too.

Take the middle path.


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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

And what would have been the outcome of no crackdown?

So you must think it's over now? A victory for Abhisit?

"No crackdown" would have been his best option. He's now started a civil war....just wait and see. What you saw today was nothing more than a strategic withdrawal.

So what would have the opposition done if the boot was on the other foot. Thrown flowers into the street?

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

And what would have been the outcome of no crackdown?

why would you blame the pm for trying to enforce the law? he didnt ship these people in nor did he order them to burn or bomb Bnagkok. But some how he is responsible? Sounds just like muslim extremist as they justify their murder of innocent people. while your at it blame his mom for bearing since obviously that is what got us here.. <snip>

Edited by Jai Dee
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The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

LOL you have no clue about what is really going on do you.

"Ended it earlier" it would have only started it sooner.

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After Mr Amsterdam's bumbling debut performance on Al Jazeera yesterday, I don;t know if he will be employed much longer. The interviewer made mincemeat of the guy. He even said that the poor people who deserved justice and democaracy were "in the north"

I believe the word "shyster" applies nicely here.

5555555 i am still laughing...i even emailed Al Jazeera to thank them!!...the blond chick made him look like the ambulance chaser he is !!...shame on the reds and shame on Thaksin!!!

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

How do you negotiate with people that simply don't want to negotiate?

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

Give me a break! You should join him!

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Peaceful protesters? Sure, there have been some. A few.

But now we see the real face, we see terrorists burning our beautiful Thailand. Burning. Shooting, Looting. Terrorists.

Don't let them take over Thailand, please!

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The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

LOL you have no clue about what is really going on do you.

"Ended it earlier" it would have only started it sooner.

I'm trying to stick with you here and follow the logic. So to end it later would only have ended it later? Will Paul come as superman?

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I`m just wondering how Abhisit is going to look after this,as his handling of all this has been pretty inept if indeed he was in control, He has something in common with Thaksin as they are both on amnesty internationals human rights list.

Come on, Abhisit was never in control - even less the police - the army was always in complete control of the government if not the protesters. Abhisit wasn't even an advisor - just a figurehead.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

And what would have been the outcome of no crackdown?

So you must think it's over now? A victory for Abhisit?

"No crackdown" would have been his best option. He's now started a civil war....just wait and see. What you saw today was nothing more than a strategic withdrawal.

So what would have the opposition done if the boot was on the other foot. Thrown flowers into the street?

Throwing flowers in the street would have been a better option. It's seems you pro-government supporters think this is the final victory.

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I`m just wondering how Abhisit is going to look after this,as his handling of all this has been pretty inept if indeed he was in control, He has something in common with Thaksin as they are both on amnesty internationals human rights list.

I dunno, what could he have done better. It was either bow down to the protester's demand or kick them in the arse. How would you have played it?

Abhisit sure isn't going to look extremely good after this, but there's a precedent for improving one's image by launching a war on terror from the ashes of CentralWorld.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

How do you negotiate with people that simply don't want to negotiate?

Make them a fair offer. Key word being FAIR.

Abhisit was never genuine about being fair, he was thinking too much about advantage.

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Peaceful protesters? Sure, there have been some. A few.

But now we see the real face, we see terrorists burning our beautiful Thailand. Burning. Shooting, Looting. Terrorists.

Don't let them take over Thailand, please!

As peaceful as can be :) The troop intervention to clear this scum is timely. They have had requests, concilliation offers, tolerance and eventually demands. Now time is up. Leaders are in 'care' albeit not as any normal criminal or terrorist would be, and now the mob, angry at surrender, is rioting.

Time to use riot control measures. Rubber bullets and batons did not work against heavily armed snipers and M79 grenades, now it is at the level that was requested. And the coward behind it all is shopping ... and now that their bank accounts, companies and assets and supply line have been frozen - the mob is doubly angry cos the promise of payment ain't never going to happen. And the crim running the show knew the downside. Bad luck you poor individuals, brainwashed and sucked in by politics. Now unfortunately you will pay a price.

Edited by asiawatcher
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Peaceful protesters? Sure, there have been some. A few.

But now we see the real face, we see terrorists burning our beautiful Thailand. Burning. Shooting, Looting. Terrorists.

Don't let them take over Thailand, please!

I never did go along with the general opinion amongst expats that Thailand is or was a safe country to live in for a whole host of reasons, but this latest episode makes it plain to see.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

I guess you must be a red shirt supporter, probably living somewhere in Esan listening to all the crap regurgitated by PTV. Was the government to do nothing? They gave the red shirts plenty of warnings and enough rope to hang themselves with. Thaksin has a hel_l of a lot to answer for. I hope that the government issue an Interpol arrest warrant on treason charges and bring him back to face a firing squad, but start shooting him in the ankles first and then all the way up to his squarehead. Total meglomaniac and probably insane. Doesn't give a dam_n about anyone else but himself. Absolute prick.

Whats even more worrying is comments like you.The country is in a mess now without stupid farang comments like yours.Maybe in years to come it will be the yellow and red farangs,so you have decided how you will kill the reds.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

Let the law of Karma do its job!

one of the most famed thai fortune tellers says thaksin will pass in july, by his own doing (not other people doing anything to him). will be interesting to see if that plays out. maybe cancer is eating him inside out. som mun na

Believing in Thai fortune tellers is about as thick as believing in God and Karma.

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Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

Harsh crackdown , it could of been alot worse ! What is / was he supposed to do sit there and watch Bangkok be held hostage by these thugs ? Let them continuously attack the army with bricks, sticks , petrolbombs , and believe it or not GUNS ? Was he supposed to just sit there and let this happen?

Of course not. Abhisit should have worked harder to negotiate. Instead he took the lazy and stupid way out, by bringing in the troops. Actually he knew very well what would happen if he did that - and, he most certainally got it. Abhisit belongs behind bars.

Should have worked harder to negotiate? and how do you negotiate with liers? Look they even lied again today as I know we have heard them say before that they would never surrender and here they turn themselves in. When they get some of these cowards to talk and rat each other out they should find enough to show the rest of the world that Abhisit did the best he could and if not for his restraint there would be more deaths. Troll away your side lost!

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How do you negotiate with people that simply don't want to negotiate?

Make them a fair offer. Key word being FAIR.

Abhisit was never genuine about being fair, he was thinking too much about advantage.

What was unfair about it?

I suppose what you mean by "fair" is to give the reds exactly what they asked for?

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