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Bangkok Gripped By Looting And Arson


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The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

LOL you have no clue about what is really going on do you. "Ended it earlier" it would have only started it sooner.

Yes, A should have ended it earlier. Quite reasonable, and many of us have been advocating that for weeks. The Reds barricading parts of Bkk was like an infection. If you deal with an infection in its earlier stages, it's a lot easier to eradicate, than if you wait weeks - until the infection becomes dangerously entrenched in the body.

And for anyone calling the protesters animals, please desist. Granted, we're all animals in a biological sense, but to group one type of animal, who consciencously despoil their environment to non-human animals is offensive to non-human animals. Also, no non-human animals go around systematically aggravating others of their kind.

Couldn't agree more. It should have been nipped in the bud rather than allowed to grow out of control.

( And if I may, it is that human animals consciously - or knowingly - despoil the environment that makes us detestable. If we were conscientious - or had a sense of right and wrong - we would be guardians and not despoilers of the environment.

Pardon the pedantic-ness; those are tough words to keep straight and spell correctly. :) )

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CRES: Arsonists/terrorists May Face Maximum Penalty of Capital Punishment

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. Screw them for messing up such a beautiful country. I am in the US for a few weeks and just catching up on events now...how sad...

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There was a twitter post on Nation a little while back saying that there were many seriously injured people in a temple (the one at the protest zone, can't remember the name) and that a cease fire was needed. This suggests a battle in process?

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What a shame....these animals didn't get a tenth of what they deserve.

How dare you call these people "animals". So what did they deserve?

Your type were burning wiches at the stake 800 years ago in the name of God.

You cannot accuse the entire body of protestors of arson just because a few bad eggs decided to start fires.

The army were using their directive to shoot on sight looters and arsonists as an excuse to kill innocent people. It is not a difficult task to clear 5,000 unarmed protestors with live amunition and tanks. This was no victory.

"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

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Reds taken over Lotus On Nut and are holding many employees hostage.

Just one question as you live in salaya Nakhom Pathom how do you know this?

It was just on a nation twitter post.

Not possible. Everyone is at home since 8pm due to curfew.

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Reds taken over Lotus On Nut and are holding many employees hostage.

Just one question as you live in salaya Nakhom Pathom how do you know this?

It was just on a nation twitter post.

Thanks a lot for the info, good luck I did my shopping there yesterday!

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The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

LOL you have no clue about what is really going on do you. "Ended it earlier" it would have only started it sooner.

Yes, A should have ended it earlier. Quite reasonable, and many of us have been advocating that for weeks. The Reds barricading parts of Bkk was like an infection. If you deal with an infection in its earlier stages, it's a lot easier to eradicate, than if you wait weeks - until the infection becomes dangerously entrenched in the body.

And for anyone calling the protesters animals, please desist. Granted, we're all animals in a biological sense, but to group one type of animal, who consciencously despoil their environment to non-human animals is offensive to non-human animals. Also, no non-human animals go around systematically aggravating others of their kind.

Couldn't agree more. It should have been nipped in the bud rather than allowed to grow out of control.

( And if I may, it is that human animals consciously - or knowingly - despoil the environment that makes us detestable. If we were conscientious - or had a sense of right and wrong - we would be guardians and not despoilers of the environment.

Pardon the pedantic-ness; those are tough words to keep straight and spell correctly. :) )

Being nipped in the bud wouldn't have solved the overall problem.

Letting the people see what they are really like may lose Abhisit some support on the anti-red side, but will get him more support from the fence sitters and even the the light red side. The brainwashed hard core reds were never going to change anyway.

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I'm surprised there have only been 2 or 3 reported deaths today.

Fire trucks should have accompanying troops with rifles ready. When the truck is impeded, trying to get to a blaze, the troops should shoot any punks who impede firefighters from doing their job. Ok, maybe be nice about it, and shoot the punks in the legs, though if the punk has a weapon (or bomb), he could fire back. While he's writhing in pain on the ground, put cuffs on him and haul him off to a hospital and then book him accordingly. If you need to put masking tape on his yelling mouth, then do it.

Also, let's see some troops shooting the guys torching the buildings. Call me bloodthirsty if you want, but I'm happy to draw the line: Get caught torching (or about to torch) a building in the big city, and get shot. Simple as that.

Ahh.. someone who shares the very same sentiments I was sharing with my wife this evening. They (the authorities) should have known that this torching routine was coming once the rats started jumping ship (they even announced their intentions to this effect weeks ago "we will make BKK burn"),.. so why not have patrols ready? I say if they're torching a major shopping complex in the heart of the seiged city area and are aware of the consequences that they should be warned once and if returning fire (shooting) then send a platoon of foot-soldiers in with m16 set to rock-n-roll and blow them to kingdom come! A few minutes and a few hundred rounds later and then the firemen could get on with their jobs.

Yeah,... go ahead and call me a bloodluster if you wish but I say send these armed insurgents a strong message which is "Screw with us and we WILL waste you!". Then see how many are willing to sign on for arson, rampage, and random shooting duty the next time a protest happens in BKK!

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Sure, the Reds have been armed with sticks and stones and some home made weapons, but it's hardly what people normally mean by "armed", when you're facing the military. If they were truly armed in the real sense of the word there would have been soldiers killed...or is this twisted thinking bud?

And please, if you care to reply, lay off the insults so we can keep this a civil debate.

Edited by tropo
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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

That's a good thing isn't it? You wouldn't think that if cops got in a gunfight with bank robbers that it would be more fair if a few cops got shot too would you? :)

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

Well reds have declared open season on reporters now and they are shooting at aid workers so I expect those deaths were down to them and the others are yet to be confirmed as innocent.

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Human League (ish)

She dreams of 2009

Before the red shirts came

The life was cheap on sex and wine

And nana open meant more game

She is awakened by the screams

Of rockets flying from nearby

And scared she clings onto her dreams

To beat the fear that she might die

And who will have won

When the red shirts have gone

From soi and thanon

Bangkok's soi and thanon

Before he leaves the camp he stops

He scans the world outside

And where there used to be some shops

Is where the snipers sometimes hide

He left his home the week before

He thought he'd be a peaceful protestor

But now he finds he is at war

"Weren't we supposed to keep the peace"

And who will have won

When the red shirts have gone

From soi and thanon

Bangkok's soi and thanon

From soi and thanon

Bangkok's soi and thanon

I must be dreaming

It can't be true

I must be dreaming

It can't be true

And who will have won

When the red shirts have gone?

From soi and thanon

Bangkok's soi and thanon

From soi and thanon

Bangkok's soi and thanon

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Shame on you for setting fire to the family home, Thaksin.

SOME Red shirts exposed for what they are. They are not all bad people. There are also some who just want to see justice and democracy. I feel really sorry for them. Is there real justice and democracy in Thaland today? We all know the answer to that.

At this point I think people really need to calm down. We foreigners should do what we can not to inflame the situation. Despite what people say, we can help by encouraging loved ones to calm down too.

Take the middle path.

Hands down, best post I have read today.

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

Well reds have declared open season on reporters now and they are shooting at aid workers so I expect those deaths were down to them and the others are yet to be confirmed as innocent.

There are few reporters in thailand. as we see in this country is only fascile gov propagande.

see tonight all tv have prog about thai smile. all presenters must have CRES gun to head to produce such crap.

TAN and Nation certainly have no reporters and as most of others owned by army, it must be them they after. Gov only say all reporters because not like CNN show truth and say this try to scare real jornos from outside thailand.

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CRES: Arsonists/terrorists May Face Maximum Penalty of Capital Punishment

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. Screw them for messing up such a beautiful country. I am in the US for a few weeks and just catching up on events now...how sad...

You guys in the US certainly do appreciate capital punishment. Please bare in mind that most civilized countries have abolished the death penatly. When we hear from people like you we realise you've got a long way to go in the US.

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i was at pra kanong earlier when they started burnin a bkk bank and throwing ping pong bombs at the phone boxes.

plenty of sporadic gunfire.

quite breath-taking.


and just so u know, if i was treated how the darker locals are, i'd be more inclined to join up and grab some loot.

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"an excuse to kill innocent people",... you've got some twisted thinking going on there bud. "unarmed" "protesters"???,... where've you been since April 10?

An honest witness tells the truth brother,... call a spade a spade,... yes there were many innocents and well intentioned unwitting victim "protesters" in this event who I do sympathize with and feel sorry for,.. but the majority were armed insurgents he_ll bent on bloodlust, vengeance and power plays that saw zero restraint.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

I think you need to drink some coffee and wake up before you post. There have been many reports of innocent people being shot, including reporters and aid workers.

All the deaths this week were civilian.

Where have you been?

Well reds have declared open season on reporters now and they are shooting at aid workers so I expect those deaths were down to them and the others are yet to be confirmed as innocent.

There are few reporters in thailand. as we see in this country is only fascile gov propagande.

see tonight all tv have prog about thai smile. all presenters must have CRES gun to head to produce such crap.

TAN and Nation certainly have no reporters and as most of others owned by army, it must be them they after. Gov only say all reporters because not like CNN show truth and say this try to scare real jornos from outside thailand.

I take it you are one of the democratic, peaceful, barehanded reds that think the only truth is red truth and all other voices must be silent.

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This is who I place a lot of of blame on behind the red shirt protestors/leaders, of course. The police who not only did not enforce the arrest warrents but stand and watch as crimes are being committed and do nothing.I have seen similar videos on TV with some of their pictures. They should immediately be fired and lose all of their benefits not a transfer to an inactive post. I wanted to take a picture but once the light turned green and the road was open, the taxi hauled out of the area too fast to get a picture. Shame on the police-they should be fired.

I agree with you entirely. The police in this country have been an absolute disgrace for years and have proven themselves over the last few weeks to be a complete and utterly rotten shambles. Grinning idiots watching while a hospital was invaded, while crimes were comitted and now while Bangkok burns. When the smoke settles, the government should make it a priority to sack EVERY member of the police force and get them to re-apply if they want to join a new force, made up on completely new lines with a total eradication of the stinking, corrupt system they have had up to now. Start by getting those thieving cops of the streets stealing money in broad daylight off innocent motorists and kick them out right to the very top.

Hear! Hear! Well said!

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought. And the trail all leads back to Thaksin. He could have stopped this 6 weeks ago but chose to put a quick stop on the offer of November elections.

Edited by thaigold
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Reds taken over Lotus On Nut and are holding many employees hostage.

Thanks for the reply, strange place to take over unless you really needed to do some shopping.

Hang on, isn't that breaking the curfew? they'll get in to trouble.

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Dear Thaksin,

There is no pit in hel_l low enough for you. Your role in the suffering of Thailand will be a permanent stain on Thai history. A human travesty.

I guess the red shirt leaders (and their cheerleaders here) are happy with what they have brought. And the trail all leads back to Thaksin. He could have stopped this 6 weeks ago but chose to put a quick stop on the offer of November elections.

Some people told me he was getting ready to go back to Britain. Is there any truth to this?

Can't be he is banned from entering the UK.

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