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Think Thailand Will Rise From The Ashes


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What's your 'estimated' forecast as to when Thailand will return to what we'd consider normal...

With all this crap going on in BKK i've give anything to have a cab driver try to rip me off, or have street hawkers in my face selling me crap i don't need telling them NO for the 100th time.

*The good'ol days seem far off*

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With all this crap going on in BKK i've give anything to have a cab driver try to rip me off, or have street hawkers in my face selling me crap i don't need telling them NO for the 100th time.

I don't know where you've been living, dude. Taxis have meters and hawkers don't bother you unless you peek at their wares.



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With all this crap going on in BKK i've give anything to have a cab driver try to rip me off, or have street hawkers in my face selling me crap i don't need telling them NO for the 100th time.

I don't know where you've been living, dude. Taxis have meters and hawkers don't bother you unless you peek at their wares.



"Dude", how about we take a poll and find out if anyone has ever had a cab driver try to rip'em off. Your comment can't be serious cause i'm sitting here more amazed at the thought you actually posted it, that it now rivals the images of CW1 and Zen Burning.

What part are you living in....?

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