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Order Restored In Bangkok And Provinces: PM Abhisit

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The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

And it has been since the Kingdom was established back in the 18th Century.

Where did you ever get the idea that everyone is supposed to be equal? Are you talking about equal before the law (a good thing) or everybody should have an equal amount of stuff (No rich or poor An unworkable premise that has led to the deaths of millions)?

Yeah, the group running the government is corrupt. But what is the point of replacing them with a different set of corrupt politicians?

You know that the real big shots have connections to both sides and are going to win no matter what.

Which group has ties to people involved with new Suvarnabhumi airport? Was that an example of the honesty that we are asking from the government?


Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

Alex, how can you possibly think such a thing? I can only assume you haven't been paying any attention to what's been happening. It would have been easy for the PM to kill the protesters if he had wanted to, can't you see that? Who got killed here, and by whom? I guess you think none of the protesters were shooting. I guess there will always be people who see only what they want to see, but it always amazes me how completely blind they can be. Man, what benefit do you think the government would have gotten from killing protesters? That is what the leadership of the redshits wanted, they wanted their own people to die so the government would look bad, and that's how much they cared about their own people. When the government didn't kill innocents, the leaders just lied about it. It seems you believe their lies. Better to look and believe your eyes. You do have eyes?

Not every single Thai I know supports the PM, but I bet a lot more do now than did before the reddies brought their lies and destruction. I can't believe those guys call themselves Thais, they're so un-Thai.

Totally true :)


I'm sorry to telll that the opinions here doesn't reflect reality. It's a part of the Farang and Thai but iwith a very special profile : time to spend on internet. I have around me many Business man Farang who support Thaksin as he makes them earn money. Then the Thai : Bangkokers. This country is now leaded by the Bangkok's middle class and Bangkok is not Thailand. Whoever has a heart will see manipulated pepple dying for their ideas and this desserve respect.

Neither Thaksin or all the solutions after him are reality : because there is not a public debate on what is going on really in this society : the mai pen rai politic.

Just remember and look how those events are going to be analzed in one year : all is forgotten for "mai sanook" and "sabai sabai" reason. Easier to put under the carpet. Too much face involved. I don't see any solution except a deep cultural change in the short term (cause it will happen sooner or later in the long term like verywhere). One can always dream.

But the question is : does one want it ?

For myself I left my country for political reason (France) : I didn't agree at all with the way things were going there. I came for the mai pen rai spirit here.

Paradoxal ?

Here is my conclusion : there are no answers (or truth), there are only choices. Make yours and don't involve people with you.

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Friday that order has been restored in Bangkok and the nation's provinces, after an offensive to shut down anti-government protests.

I certainly hope these words don't come back to bite him in the arse. Police in KK are still issuing warnings to certain businesses/entities in the area about received threats.

Nothing would make me happier to be proven wrong but I think it's a bit premature and possibly naive to think that certain elements have said " Right that's it we're done now."

This could go on sporadically for years. All you need is a few hools and a can of petrol.

Plus there's an election to get through at some point in the future. As we all know in Thai politics there isn't much interest in using your vote to oust the guys who formed the government.

I think it is over. The reds have shown their true colors. Yes, there may be a few cans of petrol but this will only add to the destruction of the reds. They are killing themselves with every additional act of violence. I hope they wil grow up and get a job so they will leave Thailand in peace.

This all remind me of a song (In Norway)

Think it's in English too......( here it goes)...................( Kids singing): Lala Little Lamb,do you have any wool.

(Lamb sing the Aswer) :Yeah yeah my dear little child,i have the body full. ..Sunday clothes for Ma and Sunday clothes to Pa...(lalala) Aaaand two pear of suckers ( Ouch , those in rubber to suck on :) ) ( ( (

( Ahaaa,,socks it was) ,to tiny miny bro. :D

There is an English one, The same (this is my version)

Baa Baa Red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

Two for me and one for the poor that live down the lane.

Agree with song, but want to change the words a little:-

Baa baa red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, A thousand bags full,

Nine hundred and ninety nine for my family,

And one to be shared by the poor families

@Snaggletooth, here is a new term for you,"Wannabe Elite" for all those who are not elite but wish they were. You know its kinda like a wish sandwich, two pieces of bread, mayo, and you wish you had a piece of meat. They are living the dream of wishful thinking sucking down the fumes of BMW exhaust getting high on a soap box to talk down to rice farmers.

Agreed. There are a lot of them in BKK. They live in a total decrepit shack and spend every dime they have on their monthly BMW car payment, which they've financed for seven years. I know the type and I agree with you.

I'm sorry to telll that the opinions here doesn't reflect reality. It's a part of the Farang and Thai but iwith a very special profile : time to spend on internet. I have around me many Business man Farang who support Thaksin as he makes them earn money. Then the Thai : Bangkokers. This country is now leaded by the Bangkok's middle class and Bangkok is not Thailand. Whoever has a heart will see manipulated pepple dying for their ideas and this desserve respect.

Neither Thaksin or all the solutions after him are reality : because there is not a public debate on what is going on really in this society : the mai pen rai politic.

Just remember and look how those events are going to be analzed in one year : all is forgotten for "mai sanook" and "sabai sabai" reason. Easier to put under the carpet. Too much face involved. I don't see any solution except a deep cultural change in the short term (cause it will happen sooner or later in the long term like verywhere). One can always dream.

But the question is : does one want it ?

For myself I left my country for political reason (France) : I didn't agree at all with the way things were going there. I came for the mai pen rai spirit here.

Paradoxal ?

Here is my conclusion : there are no answers (or truth), there are only choices. Make yours and don't involve people with you.

Which Farangs support Taksin and how does he make them money?

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.

You believe the reds wanted equality? Then obviously you have not followed the events here during the last two months. Their want for equality and democracy for that matter, is the same as Hannibal's in Animal Farm: We are all equal. But some of us are more equal than others.


I just hope Abhisit has not spoken too soon. Too many Thais I know seem to be in a hurry to declare things as `normal' and get back to life as it was. Perfectly understandable, but always good to keep eyes and ears open and have a healthy degree of paranoia. Before April 10, there were more than a dozen grenade attacks but everyone in my office kept saying things would work our peacefully. There was a flurry of emails just as the red-shirt leaders surrendered saying it was all over, despite all the indications in their speeches that they had planned chaos. I just hope that what we are seeing now is not more premature euphoria. The indications are ominous- 5 car bombs found in Bangkok over the last 2 days, perhaps one more today at Chaengwattana, continuing army operations during curfew hours which we may not hear much about, and Thaksin's statement about waging a guerilla war. I hope I am wrong, but compared to many places I have lived (Mumbai, Jakarta, Manila etc) Bangkok is a soft target- people are unused to terror, the police is largely corrupt or inept. I hope and pray I am proved wrong.


Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

"Every decent Thai I know..." doesn't that kind of imply that you are "..quite cut off from the rest of the world..." or did you just lose a grip on reality? I know Thai people from both "sides", and I enjoy talking to them and hearing their opinions. What makes a "decent" Thai for me is one that can have an argument without resorting to violence.

I have been reading messages like yours all through the conflict, people calling for Abhisit to resign, calling for reelection and so on. Could you please explain what was taken over by the govt here on TV?

I have a feeling common sense and objectivity is what most people here have lost, thinking all people need to (or have) taken sides, that everything is black or white. It may be hard to imagine, but there are many people here who didn't want to see the red shirts get what they wanted and in the same time are not supporters of the current government or any other political movement like the PAD. I for one am such a person, I live in Thailand and I wish my "house" to be peaceful and unbiased, regardless of who is actually leading this country.

Give peace a chance :)

Plus there's an election to get through at some point in the future. As we all know in Thai politics there isn't much interest in using your vote to oust the guys who formed the government. PUZZLED


That is a key point mca. People keep spouting that the PTP will win in a landslide in the next election. I think they are dreaming. They only took about .3 percent more votes then the Dems in the 2007 election. With their hand in hand approach to the Red terrorists, they will not "Gain" support - they will undoubtedly lose some. You guys always seem to forget about THailand's most serious power broker Newin. His party will certainly pick up more seats (Say 50 total) and he and the Dems are firmly in each others corners (although more from circumstances than from choice), and they will see themselves back in power for another term.

Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

Plus there's an election to get through at some point in the future. As we all know in Thai politics there isn't much interest in using your vote to oust the guys who formed the government. PUZZLED


That is a key point mca. People keep spouting that the PTP will win in a landslide in the next election. I think they are dreaming. They only took about .3 percent more votes then the Dems in the 2007 election. With their hand in hand approach to the Red terrorists, they will not "Gain" support - they will undoubtedly lose some. You guys always seem to forget about THailand's most serious power broker Newin. His party will certainly pick up more seats (Say 50 total) and he and the Dems are firmly in each others corners (although more from circumstances than from choice), and they will see themselves back in power for another term.

Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

Not sure what your post says democrat, care for a rewrite.

After watching the afteraffects of the red terrorists occupation of bangkok. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDZ9-OHfC8

I have been reading messages like yours all through the conflict, people calling for Abhisit to resign, calling for reelection and so on. Could you please explain what was taken over by the govt here on TV?

Give peace a chance :)

jbhh I have to agree with most of what you have said. But, in answer to your question "Human rights" and "the right to life" Freedom of Speech, was taken over/away. For this reason alone PM Abhisit should resign, as should his deputy Thugs. I thought Thugs was in jail or on bail anyway.


Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

Not sure what your post says democrat, care for a rewrite.

After watching the afteraffects of the red terrorists occupation of bangkok. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDZ9-OHfC8

Many people in the posts are saying no innocent people were killed in this protest and further riots. According to Erawan I think 85 people were killed. That's 85 innocent people. I suspect that it is a lot more than that. Correct me if I am wrong. Is there not a current politician who maintains he did not order the killing of students, at the previous uprising, and there was only 2 deaths? While there was over 200 deaths. You would think they would learn. So the point with the camera was the Army thought the photographers camera was a nuclear bomb, they were not innocent, and that is why they killed them. But the PM and his assistant need to resign. anyone with integrity would resign. HaHa that's right Mr Thugs resigned so he could not be charged but kept his post as Deputy PM. But he maintains he is innocent. Avoid the Trial like someone else. 2 men that would make good bedfellows...


Mr Newin is losing a lot of support in his electorate at the moment. My friend from his electorate said they (BP/Govt)have asked from his village 100k about 100 people. the village up the road about 300 people they have asked for the same 100k. A lot of people are starting to get peeved. Also a lot are peeved Thai soldiers shooting thai people and innocent people. But as I pointed out to my friend they were not innocent one man had a camera loaded with a nuclear bomb.

Not sure what your post says democrat, care for a rewrite.

After watching the afteraffects of the red terrorists occupation of bangkok. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDZ9-OHfC8

Many people in the posts are saying no innocent people were killed in this protest and further riots. According to Erawan I think 85 people were killed. That's 85 innocent people. I suspect that it is a lot more than that. Correct me if I am wrong. Is there not a current politician who maintains he did not order the killing of students, at the previous uprising, and there was only 2 deaths? While there was over 200 deaths. You would think they would learn. So the point with the camera was the Army thought the photographers camera was a nuclear bomb, they were not innocent, and that is why they killed them. But the PM and his assistant need to resign. anyone with integrity would resign. HaHa that's right Mr Thugs resigned so he could not be charged but kept his post as Deputy PM. But he maintains he is innocent. Avoid the Trial like someone else. 2 men that would make good bedfellows...

'I think', 'I suspect'.

Smoke and mirrors.

Since you think that your terrorist mates were 'innocent'

And just there for a stroll in the park.

You try to blame others for your actions.

As the Thaksin forces have always done, regular as clockwork.

Burning down people's livelihoods.

That's all you had.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Yes, only the Thais that YOU associate with.

85 death is acceptable. Mark will come out stronger.

No deaths are acceptable, they they are understandable. People cry for the "Victims" of the army crackdown. They had a choice. They chose to break the law. They chose to use war weapons against the military and innocent residents and tourists. Their death is tragic, but certainly not "innocent". Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

Break the law? Whose law? Don't do the crime if you....watching too many old reruns of Baretta...yes the deaths are on the backs of the not so innocent gov't.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

Alex, how can you possibly think such a thing? I can only assume you haven't been paying any attention to what's been happening. It would have been easy for the PM to kill the protesters if he had wanted to, can't you see that? Who got killed here, and by whom? I guess you think none of the protesters were shooting. I guess there will always be people who see only what they want to see, but it always amazes me how completely blind they can be. Man, what benefit do you think the government would have gotten from killing protesters? That is what the leadership of the redshits wanted, they wanted their own people to die so the government would look bad, and that's how much they cared about their own people. When the government didn't kill innocents, the leaders just lied about it. It seems you believe their lies. Better to look and believe your eyes. You do have eyes?

Not every single Thai I know supports the PM, but I bet a lot more do now than did before the reddies brought their lies and destruction. I can't believe those guys call themselves Thais, they're so un-Thai.

Totally true :)

Most untrue


I'm a guest in this country and am very respectful of both sides.

My wife is from the northeast, from a family of farmers tilling land they don't even own, she grew up dirt poor and under educated. Her family was divided between the "yellows" and the "reds", but after what has happened in Bangkok they have laid down ideological "color" differences between themselves and are all hoping that Thailand can pick itself up.

They are still throwing blame around and are very bitter about what has been happening, but as there is more and more information coming to light, they all regret what has happened.

What can I do? I guess keep them calm as best as I can and support their efforts to build things up again.

I am only a guest here. As a visitor I try to be considerate of my host and try not to be a burden as they work out their problems.

I'm a guest in this country and am very respectful of both sides.

My wife is from the northeast, from a family of farmers tilling land they don't even own, she grew up dirt poor and under educated. Her family was divided between the "yellows" and the "reds", but after what has happened in Bangkok they have laid down ideological "color" differences between themselves and are all hoping that Thailand can pick itself up.

They are still throwing blame around and are very bitter about what has been happening, but as there is more and more information coming to light, they all regret what has happened.

What can I do? I guess keep them calm as best as I can and support their efforts to build things up again.

I am only a guest here. As a visitor I try to be considerate of my host and try not to be a burden as they work out their problems.

I like your style Moebius

I'm a guest in this country and am very respectful of both sides.

I am only a guest here. As a visitor I try to be considerate of my host and try not to be a burden as they work out their problems.

I get bored reading that we foreigners are "guests" in Thailand.

A guest is an invited visitor - we are not.

We are aliens who are allowed to remain in this country under strict terms laid down by the government.

Nevertheless, consideration for the host nation and respect for the authority and tradition of Thailand is no bad thing.

I doubt very much that we can influence ANYTHING that will happen in this country.

Keeping the Thais calm and supporting their rebuilding efforts smacks of Western ideology that does not transfer well into Thai culture/activity.

A discussion with an Isaan loved one, say, about democracy would be intellectually beyond them. The fact that Thailand already has a democracy (but doesn't quite know how to handle the mechanics of it, without resorting to corruption) is not likely to feature as a debate over dinner in your average Isaan home.

Talk of the upcoming lottery results, the fact that 40 degree has gone up 5 baht or a neighbour finding a new Falang son-in-law who is going to build an eight bedroomed house on the edge of the village are all far more likely discussion topics.

The point of this:-

1. We are tolerated visitors, not guests.

2. Our vote and opinions count for nothing.

3. Telling a Thai that they are doing something wrong will not encourage them to learn.

4. Darwin understood more about the human ability to learn/develop/evolve than we do.

5. Most rural Thais are not passionate activists - they largely don't give a toss and certainly became bored and embarrassed about events in Bangkok.

6. Most will not like Abhisit and will not vote for him because he is not Thaksin.

7. Most will probably still vote for the candidate that pays the biggest inducement.

What has he been doing since he seized power?

Seized power? Yet another that needs to engage the grey matter before engaging fingers.

“Yet another that needs to engage the grey matter before engaging fingers.” Who are you? What a pompous asinine thing to say. Yes, seized power. Now why don’t you answer the original question bucko. What has he done since he’s seized power? Don't obfuscate the issue. This government came to power after the military coup that overthrew the legimitely elected prime minister of Thailand. They, the military and the courts gerrymandered the subsequent elections by making TRT illegal and prohibiting anyone who was previously from TRT to run for office. What a sweet deal. So the Thai’s have what they have now. Not exactly a democratically elected government but one that was seized by hook and by crook as they say in America.

Absolute rubbish Thaksin was not legitimately elected he bought his victory,

For the answer to your question I believe it was answered very well by another poster that's why I ignored it.

Sir You make pronouncements and statements and don't support them in anyway. Because you say Thaksin bought his victory doesn't make it true. He won overwhelmingly in every Province except Patini. He was a truly great prime minister, of the people, by the people, for the people. Not some Eaton educated aristocrat like you have now. When you drive through the countryside in Thailand and you still see OTOP signs think of Thaksin it was one of his great ideas that truly begin to give the "people" the farmers, economic independence. Thaksin did more in one week to help the people of Thailand that this government has done since it's been here. (The original question I asked, What has the current PM done for Thailand since he seized power? still stands.) It has not been answered by you or anyone else. I can only assume you ignore it because you’re not able to adequately answer it. Ok how about this. Let's compare and contrast Thaksin's social economic accomplishments with the current government. I'll tell you what I see here is that this government has spent most of its time just trying to hold onto power by waging a massive propaganda campaign against Thaksin and its own people, the poor unwashed Issan farmers who this government and many on this board don’t believe deserve the right to vote.


Just happened 12 hours ago

There is NO peace or safety.

My friend tried to go back to his apartment near Victory.

Tonight: went back to my apartment for the first time (Victory) in almost a week to retrieve a few things. 3/4 of the way, traffic stopped. Police began circulating and tried to convince everyone to back up. Like that'll happen in BKK... Anyway, my visibly nervous taxi driver obviously knew something was up. Cars in front of us began jumping the center divide to make a U-turn and get out of there. You know me, I thought <deleted> this, paid the driver and decided to walk the rest of the way. That was a really, really stupid idea. After about 100 meters I noticed I was the only civilian on the street. Some soldiers started frantically squawking on the radio then suddenly scattered and ducked behind a wall. Under such circumstances I've got a rather steep learning curve so I ducked too; boom! A <deleted>' grenade went off! Looked up to see an old woman squatting next to me with a wide toothless grin probably thinking "dumbass foreigner." Cut down some side streets and made it home. Neighborhood is burned out and smoldering, but my place was spared. Eerily quiet, armed soldiers everywhere. First thing I did was turn on BBC News only to hear the Thai Prime Minister say, "We have restored order in the capital of BKK." Collected some stuff, made it back out safe and sound and that's my combat story...

More later,

Just happened 12 hours ago

There is NO peace or safety.

My friend tried to go back to his apartment near Victory.

Tonight: went back to my apartment for the first time (Victory) in almost a week to retrieve a few things. 3/4 of the way, traffic stopped. Police began circulating and tried to convince everyone to back up. Like that'll happen in BKK... Anyway, my visibly nervous taxi driver obviously knew something was up. Cars in front of us began jumping the center divide to make a U-turn and get out of there. You know me, I thought <deleted> this, paid the driver and decided to walk the rest of the way. That was a really, really stupid idea. After about 100 meters I noticed I was the only civilian on the street. Some soldiers started frantically squawking on the radio then suddenly scattered and ducked behind a wall. Under such circumstances I've got a rather steep learning curve so I ducked too; boom! A <deleted>' grenade went off! Looked up to see an old woman squatting next to me with a wide toothless grin probably thinking "dumbass foreigner." Cut down some side streets and made it home. Neighborhood is burned out and smoldering, but my place was spared. Eerily quiet, armed soldiers everywhere. First thing I did was turn on BBC News only to hear the Thai Prime Minister say, "We have restored order in the capital of BKK." Collected some stuff, made it back out safe and sound and that's my combat story...

More later,

What you think why there is still emergency law and curfew?

Order restored does not mean that any kind of criminal activity is wiped out for ever.

It means Bangkok is not burning anymore shops banks, buses, skytrain and subway prepare to open again.

This all remind me of a song (In Norway)

Think it's in English too......( here it goes)...................( Kids singing): Lala Little Lamb,do you have any wool.

(Lamb sing the Aswer) :Yeah yeah my dear little child,i have the body full. ..Sunday clothes for Ma and Sunday clothes to Pa...(lalala) Aaaand two pear of suckers ( Ouch , those in rubber to suck on :) ) ( ( (

( Ahaaa,,socks it was) ,to tiny miny bro. :D

There is an English one, The same (this is my version)

Baa Baa Red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

Two for me and one for the poor that live down the lane.

Agree with song, but want to change the words a little:-

Baa baa red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, A thousand bags full,

Nine hundred and ninety nine for my family,

And one to be shared by the poor families

same same I think

This all remind me of a song (In Norway)

Think it's in English too......( here it goes)...................( Kids singing): Lala Little Lamb,do you have any wool.

(Lamb sing the Aswer) :Yeah yeah my dear little child,i have the body full. ..Sunday clothes for Ma and Sunday clothes to Pa...(lalala) Aaaand two pear of suckers ( Ouch , those in rubber to suck on :) ) ( ( (

( Ahaaa,,socks it was) ,to tiny miny bro. :D

There is an English one, The same (this is my version)

Baa Baa Red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full.

Two for me and one for the poor that live down the lane.

Agree with song, but want to change the words a little:-

Baa baa red shirt leader have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, A thousand bags full,

Nine hundred and ninety nine for my family,

And one to be shared by the poor families

same same I think

Same same if 1/1000 is the same same as 1/3!

The point is that people such as the red shirts leader rip of the people they are supposedly 'helping' by much more then 67%, more like 99.9%

So, the message is the same same, but the theft amount is different different

Same same if 1/1000 is the same same as 1/3!

The point is that people such as the red shirts leader rip of the people they are supposedly 'helping' by much more then 67%, more like 99.9%

So, the message is the same same, but the theft amount is different different

True but the point I was making was the theft, Whatever amount it is still theft from the poor whether it be a third or three quarters.

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