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Order Restored In Bangkok And Provinces: PM Abhisit

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Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Why doesn't that surprise me? Being a member of PAD I should imagine you are quite cut off from the rest of the world.

Every decent Thai I know thinks he is the leader of the most evil government Thailand has known for decades.

Don't think the rest of the world doesn't know what went on in Thailand in the last few days. All the manipulation of the Thai press and the take over of Thai Visa Forums will not suppress the truth indefinitely.

The people of Thailand will learn the truth over time.

However, I too hope for reconciliation and unity, but that won't come through people like you.

It is normal for the blind to think the others must be blind too. Look at the latest US statement and you will know how well the world is informed about who is really the problem. Look at the last statement from France and you will know who the world really supports. Time to take off your read eye band and look at reality.

EXACTLY. whenever the reds or their supporters mention the word 'democracy', i laugh. because it looks more like they're calling for 'anarchy' not 'democracy'.

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Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite

They are nowhere near.

However for right or for wrong he has now given the rural masses a sense of enfranchisement.

A leader who brings a country through a bloody crisis is going to make significant gains in popularity. Abhisit is in charge. Thaksin will be fighting terrorism charges ...

Did you see in another thread that Thaksin is denying any involvement in the latest events :)

Then it will be up to he courts to decide won't it.

Well done PM Abhisit!

You have earned a lot of respect with your patience and perseverance in dealing with this situation.

I second that comment

He did good to end the volatility of the redshirts camp as a focus situation, but too little, too late? hope not.

I stand by my original comment when this all started weeks ago.... You can go on forever about the details but in the end it's just two groups of corrupt self serving leaders trying to wrestle the money and power away from each other, neither are working for the good of the masses. Pretty much the same deal in every country, always has been and probably always will be.

I don't understand why more posters do not make statements like this. Very true in my opinion.

This whole my side vs. your side nonsense gets people no where.

I do believe that Abhisit is a very decent guy, probably more decent than the rest, but the outcome of all this has turned out horrific. Nobody won and everyone loss.

In my humble opinion Thailand has some serious issues with their history of fairness and democracy that every Thai must confront before anything can change.

The solution has to come from the individual up, not from any group that claims to represent the masses.

All credit to PM Abhisit,he has brought some semblance of peace to Thailand

His refusal to call elections and his decision to bring troops into central Bangkok to confront peaceful demonstrators caused the many needless deaths and pushed Thailand into a crisis, one from which it may never recover.

We cannot blame him alone though, we must look to his deputy Suthep for his part in this and to those shadowy characters manipulating events behind the scenes.

...many needless deaths...

The entire red movement has caused something over 50 deaths in the past two months. Needless? I don't know. Now if you think that this has pushed Thailand into a crisis from which it may never recover then I guess you are not yet very old, because if you were, you would know that countries with civil wars and thousands of deaths have recovered. Second I would ask you how you feel about 350 deaths within 7 days over Songkran holiday. I think those deaths (50 per DAY) are really needless. But for Thai society that is just the normal toll for having much fun for a week. And Thailand recovers from it every year within a day or two.

I stand by my original comment when this all started weeks ago.... You can go on forever about the details but in the end it's just two groups of corrupt self serving leaders trying to wrestle the money and power away from each other, neither are working for the good of the masses. Pretty much the same deal in every country, always has been and probably always will be.

I don't understand why more posters do not make statements like this. Very true in my opinion.

This whole my side vs. your side nonsense gets people no where.

I do believe that Abhisit is a very decent guy, probably more decent than the rest, but the outcome of all this has turned out horrific. Nobody won and everyone loss.

In my humble opinion Thailand has some serious issues with their history of fairness and democracy that every Thai must confront before anything can change.

The solution has to come from the individual up, not from any group that claims to represent the masses.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE. i applaud abhisit - who is pretty much the only good option thailand has at the moment.

Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite

They are nowhere near.

However for right or for wrong he has now given the rural masses a sense of enfranchisement.

But he had nothing to do with it..! He said so on his Twitter and through his excellent lawyer, therefore he must be telling the truth.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

Try to get to know more people.

I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!

I have never felt threatened by a Thai poor person before, in fact, I married one.

The only time I felt threatened by any Thai was two days ago when they tried to burn down our home.

Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite

They are nowhere near.

However for right or for wrong he has now given the rural masses a sense of enfranchisement.

But he had nothing to do with it..! He said so on his Twitter and through his excellent lawyer, therefore he must be telling the truth.

so you're basically saying that one can 'buy' the truth via twitter and expensive lawyer's mouth???

I love to try the drugs that Abhisit is on. It must be great stuff. The only thing Abhisit is capable of is reading prepared statements made by his boss Suthep. During the crisis we have not sen him one time on TV answering reporters questions. Too difficult, too dangerous. He and Suthep are Ernie and Bert of Sesame street.

Having him making speeches and appear on TV while the reds are going bersake about him is like pooring oil into the fire. Think about it.

I love to try the drugs that Abhisit is on. It must be great stuff. The only thing Abhisit is capable of is reading prepared statements made by his boss Suthep. During the crisis we have not sen him one time on TV answering reporters questions. Too difficult, too dangerous. He and Suthep are Ernie and Bert of Sesame street.

Having him making speeches and appear on TV while the reds are going bersake about him is like pooring oil into the fire. Think about it.

also for security reasons, i'm sure a lot of those red snipers were running around to shoot him.

Yes the salient point being that Toxin and his ilk are indeed at the top echelons of said wealthy elite

They are nowhere near.

However for right or for wrong he has now given the rural masses a sense of enfranchisement.

But he had nothing to do with it..! He said so on his Twitter and through his excellent lawyer, therefore he must be telling the truth.

so you're basically saying that one can 'buy' the truth via twitter and expensive lawyer's mouth???

Look up "sarcasm" and "irony" in the dictionary.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.

Every Thai I know hate this man. He can not do anything, becouse he is a marionette of persons, who order to kill Thai protesters.

Alex, how can you possibly think such a thing? I can only assume you haven't been paying any attention to what's been happening. It would have been easy for the PM to kill the protesters if he had wanted to, can't you see that? Who got killed here, and by whom? I guess you think none of the protesters were shooting. I guess there will always be people who see only what they want to see, but it always amazes me how completely blind they can be. Man, what benefit do you think the government would have gotten from killing protesters? That is what the leadership of the redshits wanted, they wanted their own people to die so the government would look bad, and that's how much they cared about their own people. When the government didn't kill innocents, the leaders just lied about it. It seems you believe their lies. Better to look and believe your eyes. You do have eyes?

Not every single Thai I know supports the PM, but I bet a lot more do now than did before the reddies brought their lies and destruction. I can't believe those guys call themselves Thais, they're so un-Thai.

The guy is a darn liar, which sais "we don't use live ammunition" and then a dozen people die. He comes from a party that serves the interest of the small Bangkok elite as they call themselves which never cared about the rest of the 95% of the population. Also his party must be dissolved because of the 236m Baht they took from some petrochemical company. The reds were the best that could ever happen to the man & party. If this drama did not happen he would not be ruling Thailand anymore.

The two faction paradigm, left vs. right, yellow vs. red is the small man's smokescreen and all he knows. But that he dies for his beloved leader, either Mr. T (the biggest thief) or Mr. A (the biggest liar), is sad; and the reactions of those two show how much they disregard human life and are ignorant about the demands of the public.

Wow, somebody can make business as usual now, but the blood that has been spilled will ask for revenge. Now they have terrorists, real terrorists, they groomed themselves some... Applause!

your forum name says it all. In medecine it's called paranoia


there's obviously a lot of idiotic armchair red shirt farangs in this forum writing hate letters from farangland about abhisit and the way he ended this very unpeaceful protest (was the blood spilling peacful? or the many grenade attacks?).

fact is the reds lost a lot of supporters, at least here in my town in the middle of the northeast. hardline reds that no longer support them after they burned BKK and many other towns. you will see the truth in the next election.

not that it will make any difference. this country is too ignorant to enjoy true democracy. fact proven.

I stand by my original comment when this all started weeks ago.... You can go on forever about the details but in the end it's just two groups of corrupt self serving leaders trying to wrestle the money and power away from each other, neither are working for the good of the masses. Pretty much the same deal in every country, always has been and probably always will be.

I don't understand why more posters do not make statements like this. Very true in my opinion.

This whole my side vs. your side nonsense gets people no where.

I do believe that Abhisit is a very decent guy, probably more decent than the rest, but the outcome of all this has turned out horrific. Nobody won and everyone loss.

In my humble opinion Thailand has some serious issues with their history of fairness and democracy that every Thai must confront before anything can change.

The solution has to come from the individual up, not from any group that claims to represent the masses.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE. i applaud abhisit - who is pretty much the only good option thailand has at the moment.

Absolutely easier said than done, as is everything in life. But even Abhisit recognizes the need for reconciliation and to end the us vs. them attitude. I agree that he is pretty much the only good option for Thailand at the moment, but it doesn't mean to ignore the fundamental issues at heart and I hope Thailand can move forward in terms of fairness and transparency.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be strong. I have not met 1 Thai who supports this man, I have been to Udon, Korat, Khon Kaen and Non Kai in the last 12 months and have not met this SINGLE Thai you talk about. I can say I've met hundreds and not met a supporter of the present government. Maybe this 1 you met was hiding. :)

Well, probably not every single Thai, but the big silent majority. Wait for elections, and if the reds don't buy to many votes we will know the real truth.

The Reds had a point: Thailand is a very unequal society, with a handful of key families controlling so much of its commercial life - & pocketing the proceeds.

Of course they were used by the odious Thaksin - who must never be allowed to influence Thai polity again.

And they contained their fair share of violent nutters.

But their key point remains valid: Thailand is precipitously unequal.

Unless that is rectified, the Reds will rise again.

That might be the end of the present elite, even the end of civil peace.

Better to make a deal now, to bring about fairness.


Isn't this exactly what he's trying to do ? Besides not to many countries have fairness ..... :D

Agreed, communism too was a fabulously 'fair' & 'equal' idea...in principle! I don't see many western countries without their share of poverty? Or demonstrating either fairness and equality to all? On the whole I'd say the Thais are reasonably well off, you don't see many without TV's, scooters, mobile phones etc? They may be struggling with the repayments now, but only because Thaksin CAUSED this whole debt trap in the first place by making it so easy for folk to borrow at ridiculous interest rates in the 1st place! Without any of the checks & balances in place to prevent over-extending, a recipe for disaster if ever there was one!! Another mess Abhisit is having to clear up for him, installing those very checks to limit borrowing while also clamping down on the many illegal money lenders and their extortionate interest rates.

Thaksin simply built on this 'I want it now' culture he'd created by appealing to the greedy & corrupt with empty promises never even intended to be fulfilled. You'd be a fool to believe otherwise, and many now realising they've been duped with the obviously waning support for the cause. I'm sure you think he would have been 'fair' too given his track record had he succeeded? Had the populace had any REAL cause for complaint I'm certain we would be witnessing a totally different outcome, with support increasing at an exponential rate & nationwide riots, not the sigh & whimper currently displayed. "The Reds will rise again", yes, of course they will, keep taking the pills! :)

Of course things could be better here, but name me anywhere in the world they couldn't? Now take off the rose tinted spectacles and cries about inequality, there's hardly an abundance folk starving here as in many other countries with true despots at the helm. Didn't your mama used to say "Life isn't fair" when your bottom lip came out? Grow up man! Fancy using such an unfortunately inappropriate demand given the Reds own actions recently? Oh yes, they've been very 'fair' to all haven't they?

Plenty of patience & tolerance will be necessary, and that's why they've the right man at the helm, he's displayed both in abundance. Obviously not a 'yellow puppet', clearly demonstrated by his leadership abilities and strength of character throughout. I for one found the negotiations enthralling. 'Make a deal now to..'?? You're implying he's under threat when it is in fact vanishing like the morning mist!

I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

Bullshit, in fact the Thais DO know how to forgive and forget! :D You really should study up on the culture, just a little, before commencing with such moronic generalizations. :)

Truth be told Thais are some of the most generous and forgiving peoples on earth. :D

Order may be restored but there are still criminals roaming around taking advantage of the fact that there are few people on the streets, making it ideal for muggings, rip offs etc in all those side sois, a very good reason to keep the curfew on for the time being. Some of the sois around din dang are not completely safe so beware.

Using that model, the cities where all of us farangs came from should be under a state of constant curfew. I wouldn't be hanging around the side Sois of Din Daeng anyway.

I don't think there can be reconciliation or peace unless Abhisit and Suthep resign from there current positions.

Too much blood has been spilled, Thais do not forgive and forget.

At lease I hope some more Thais realized the future democratic they confront if they continue vote for money. Just take their money but do not elelect for those who buy voices. I think Thaksin's effort is to come eat noodle soup in thailand instead MAMA MOO-SAAP in his private jet.

Every single Thai I know supports this man - I hope in the weeks and months ahead, he shows everyone a path towards peace, reconciliation and unity.
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be strong. I have not met 1 Thai who supports this man, I have been to Udon, Korat, Khon Kaen and Non Kai in the last 12 months and have not met this SINGLE Thai you talk about. I can say I've met hundreds and not met a supporter of the present government. Maybe this 1 you met was hiding. :)

Red apologist, your poll is outdated now...go ask again!

I think all the forums on here have been taken over by PAD farangs who are so threatened by the Thai poor people. White, male, hairy, big belly and no brains springs to mind!
Well, I'm still working on getting the belly down, but I'm fairly intelligent. I came to Thailand 45 years ago, worked with the people in the poor Northeast back then, in 2005 I helped with tsunami reconstruction, and I don't feel threatened by poor Thais or rich Thais. I love Thailand and am extremely attached to the Thai people. I don't like the PAD. But much worse than the PAD is the UDD, because they make threats of violence and carry through with them. And they use rightful causes of the poor and disadvantaged to use for their own advantage. And the only way movements like the UDD survive is by preying on people who have difficulty thinking for themselves. My advice to you, gatecrasher, is to go out and beg, borrow, or steal some brains yourself, and figure out how to use them, because you're obviously one of the folks they're looking for. Watch out boy, she'll chew you up!
Interesting he used the phrase "We belong to the same house", reflects Khun Pongpat's speech at the awards the other day. Just for once a good piece of positioning advice. Not sure terrorism charges against K. Thaksin are wise, since many countries are loath to extradite for a capital case, might be better to go for a lesser charge [penalty] of conspiracy.


They should through the book at him. He is a dishonest and manipulative person and he will never stop medaling in Thai politics. He will use anyone or anything to get what he wants.

So yes bring all the possible charges that can be proven and it is many I am sure. Make him a poor person, money and credibility wise.

He does not deserve to can himself a THAI

A leader who brings a country through a bloody crisis is going to make significant gains in popularity. Abhisit is in charge. Thaksin will be fighting terrorism charges ...

Did you see in another thread that Thaksin is denying any involvement in the latest events :)

He would, wouldn’t he …

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