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Guild Wars The No Fee Mmorpg Impressions


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I almost picked this up whilst I was in the UK for a 3 day visit, but it had just come out and no reviews were out.

Since then all the reviews have been nothing but excellent so I went to the MBK original game shop to get it. Cost 2600THB.

Installed it yesterday and played it non-stop into the wee hours of the morning

Put simply this game is great and is completely free to play online (they will be realeasing expansions periodically which if you choose you can purchase)

To me the best part of the game is the combat which is a lot more detailed than the usual click to attack. In guild wars you have to think about the battles, select the right attack and often change attack plans mid-way. It's a lot different to WOW & EQ

I'll keep my WOW for now but may cancel it to save $15/month as Guild Wars is just as good!

Plays VERY well from BKK and can even be played via dial-up from here too!

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