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Thai Government Accuses Reds Over Huge Weapons Cache

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'Puea Thai party to grill PM and four ministers; will nominate Chalerm as premier' http://bit.ly/cjvdis

Not only does the PTP support these red terrorists now they want to intall a person totally devoid of morals and principles as the next PM of Thailand.

They have no shame.

They have no chance. The coalition is firmly behind the PM. Puea Thai is useless.

Let's just hope you're right! Unfortunately, it's not unusual (anywhere in the world) to remove able leaders and replace them with [....]

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I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Car bombs and the like require someone to set them off. Now think about it would "Somnuk" really give up his life for Takki?

Thai thugs kill from the back of a motorbike or from ambush do you think they have the "stones" to commit suicide with a bomb?? :)

It isn't hard to wire to set off with a cellphone

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Yes, I agree, conveniently found after the event ended.

And of course, if they did belong to the reds, why weren't they used? Why were the reds still using stones, slingshots and homemade rockets?

I'm am not a member of the "brain washed" public, so I see this as the government justifying their killing and use of live rounds to the world at large by telling all who are willing to believe, that the reds were an armed militia.

Fishy? No! Just dam_n rotten!


One interesting thing about this find is, what type of explosives were found? I doubt military grade C4 spread out in six cars is enough to blow up an area as big as Rajprasong.

Any experts here that might shed a light on this? Or maybe they just found Saddams lost WMD's? :)


Some people have very short memories.

They found businesses making components for M78 Grenade launchers.

So are you telling me those M79 are bb guns.

Not likely would you stand in front of these.

Not on your Nelly you will be blown to pieces.

These are only a few of there arsenal.

With there Ex Military Adviser.

Who knows what had been stolen over a period of time from Army Ammunition Bases.

These has been previously reported of weapon missing from the Army Depots.

So do not be fooled by some of these latest reports.

We all have to keep a open mind.

Hopefully Thailand will be the land of smiling faces soon.

The sooner the better.

so if this is "true" it appears the Redshirts pulled back form using full force - unlike the army?

how is this "conciliatory"?

Not sure I see the logic here. Please elaborate. Do you think torching many buildings, including their home of two months, is 'not force'?

Whatever the Government and Military come out with is GOSPEL.

Whoever questions any information being feed to us is a red shirt apologist terrorist..

I should be met with a jail sentence actually, burning tyres 7 years so I reckon questioning any official story should be 5 years... that is how we real democrats do thing...

Anybody else besides me find it sadly ironic that someone with the screename fire...is defending burning tyres?

'Puea Thai party to grill PM and four ministers; will nominate Chalerm as premier' http://bit.ly/cjvdis

Not only does the PTP support these red terrorists now they want to intall a person totally devoid of morals and principles as the next PM of Thailand.

They have no shame.

Yeah! What's wrong with the head of the mafia and his two murdering sons becoming the PM of Thailand, they could bring takki in as Minister For Justice and everything would be just "peachy"? :)

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Yes, there is a possibilitiy that the weapons were planted in order to give army and police the moral high ground.

Funny you'd say that. On of the red leaders said a few days ago "you'll see, when they move in they will 'plant and 'discover' weapons and bombs". Master of suggestion, insinuations and obfuscation these guys. It ensured there are lots of people and not only reds who wonder, wonder. Americans don't wonder, they know their government can't be trusted :-)

'Puea Thai party to grill PM and four ministers; will nominate Chalerm as premier' http://bit.ly/cjvdis

Not only does the PTP support these red terrorists now they want to intall a person totally devoid of morals and principles as the next PM of Thailand.

They have no shame.

They have no chance. The coalition is firmly behind the PM. Puea Thai is useless.

Some coalition members were elected by red supporters, it is very unlikely they will find themselves in that position ever again.


Do not be so quick to jump to conclusions, the Goverment was under pressure from outside countrys and the United Nations.

It needed to show the Reds in a bad light,to jusify the shooting of people with bamboo sticks by soldiers with assault rifles and shotguns.

if the Reds had all these weapons why did they not use them?

A little too convenient I think.

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Dont be so stupid !!!!! who said the guns were not used? God give me strength against idiots like you.

The useful idiots and human shields (the peasants) were mostly only armed with homemade weapons, but the military wing (former soldiers) were armed to the teeth with automatic rifles and grenade launchers and there is plenty of evidence of this on film. It seems that the poor were used as cannon fodder by their leaders. :)


A tactic as old as time itself.

And never loses it disgustingness.

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Please read my post above. The article quoted was from an independent Asean online newspaper and which quotes former members of Thaksin's regime. I would believe them rather than some farang who has just come out of the woodwork.

Rogera, you are spot on with your story.... it logically explains this whole mess... greed and corruption being used so well by the old Maoists and current communist leaders... although not so underground now... Thank you for that above post..!

Suthep is a liar same as George Bush :)

Maybe the reds had mass destruction weapons too...

I knew it wouldn't be long before some deranged liberal dragged George Bush back into this. To correct the record there were weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq they were just not widely reported on in the Main Street Liberal Media. You guys are all the same. Cut from the same cloth. Parroting the same half truths, innuendo and mis information. Sorry to go off topic here but then bringing up George Bush was a ltttle off topic.

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

Car bombs and the like require someone to set them off. Now think about it would "Somnuk" really give up his life for Takki?

Thai thugs kill from the back of a motorbike or from ambush do you think they have the "stones" to commit suicide with a bomb?? :)

Mechanical clocks can set off bombs, well like clockwork...


I don't care if the reds had them guns or not. But why can't the government raise it's credibility a little and call all the bloody journalists to come and see the guns in situ?

Perhaps they thought it more important, to locate and disarm the car-bombs first, before risking the lives of the journalists ? :)

he following are two excerpts form an article in the AsiaTimesonlone.com

Sorry, "asiatimesonlone.com" does not exist or could not be found

some thing are on loan, some online

Whatever the Government and Military come out with is GOSPEL.

Whoever questions any information being feed to us is a red shirt apologist terrorist..

I should be met with a jail sentence actually, burning tyres 7 years so I reckon questioning any official story should be 5 years... that is how we real democrats do thing...

Anybody else besides me find it sadly ironic that someone with the screename fire...is defending burning tyres?

Look at my join date.

What is ironic is that your comment perfectly illustrates attempts to discredit with completely useless (and false, I am not defending burning tyres) information. Very on topic.

Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

Couple things.

I am still puzzled where these weapons came from. I know they have the money to purchase these weapons. But were they stolen from Thai army or which country they came from?

I think if European Union come and see what the Red Shirt did they will retract their concern about the miss treatments. I have heard and believe these people are treated much better than the victims they have created by destroying the work place of thousands and thousands of people

"Terrorists have used these weapons to attack officials and innocent people," said Suthep Thaugsuban, deputy prime minister in charge of security affairs, at an army barracks on the northern outskirts of the capital.

AFP journalists reporting at the protest zone for the past two months have seen only a handful of firearms in the hands of protesters, who were mostly armed only with crude weapons like rockets and Molotov cocktails.

So who do you believe?

Oh come on now. Give us a hard question.

This stuff was so hard to find it took them 3 days to get it out on the TV and the news? There have been hundreds of reporters around and around the site.

I don't care if the reds had them guns or not. But why can't the government raise it's credibility a little and call all the bloody journalists to come and see the guns in situ?

Perhaps because the guns were found in situ that was huge? Ok, let's do the dog-and-pony show, dragging hundreds of reporters along - at their own risk. Dr Pornthip stated that there were four (or was it six?) car bombs found. It doesn't make for good press if all the press are killed by simultaneous car bombs ... although...who would know? (sorry...)

TNN news last night showed a clip of a grunt turning everything over with a stick, looking for weapons. He would have been SOL if one of those cloths they showed had been rigged to blow up at his feet. And so would the photog, unless he had been using a rather long lens.

Besides, all these items had to be numbered and photographed for the investigations that are to come. It all takes time. There are simply not enough army photogs trained in this kind of forensic work.

Just guessing, of course...

Just guessing? Or day dreaming? You think this government would miss the chance of showing this huge cache of arms in situ if it existed? You think they wouldn't make the area safe before letting the journos in?

So you make excuses for them - they are either incompetent and missed the chance, or they are so caring for the lives of journalists that they forego the opportunity of showing the world this cache in situ and merely hope their spokesman will be believed.

Are you guys that gullible?

Farangs lapping up the government line. Keep it up - it makes for good reading. :)


How does it go again? The first casualty of war.

If gambling wasn't illegal in the Kingdom I would be willing to have five bob each way on this.

Suthep is a liar same as George Bush :)

Maybe the reds had mass destruction weapons too...

Why does some Cretin always have to mention George Bush?

This is Thailand we're discussing.

Exactly. These loosers come to the LOS and try to use the local forums to espouse their USA political nonsense.

Why is it not possible that the reds had all those guns? Not only was there a 6,000 gun shipment stolen from the south 2 days before their arrival last month, but on the day (april 14th I beleive) there was an artical stating that one of the red shirt leaders said "we have support umong the military, 6,000 troups that we like to call the "watermelon army" because they wear green but have red hearts"

There is no proof of course that the red shirts stole the guns from the military base, but it is quite a strange occurance that the excact number of wepons stolen from a military base is the same number of supposed military supporters the red shirts had.

If you look at Somtumtigers picture you will see among other things.

Some guns yes, and among other things a generator, a pink wheelycase, a gas bottle, a green plastic bowl, and in rather bad taste, some fire extinguishers. I wouldn't know if that is all of it, but when you are wheeling out ropes and cargo pants as evidence of a "HUGE WEAPONS CACHE", one would presume they would do a slightly better job of it. But then clowns like Suthep are used to simply speaking and having the world around them nod in agreement and hang on their every word.

Integrity and Trust. Hardly something associated with but a few Thai politicians. It is not my job to make the case for the reds being terrorists, it is his. So far, I am waiting to be convinced. It is entirely up to you if you feel the evidence is sufficient simply because the pooyai says it is so.


Can't seem to load the image so that it can be expanded. Please see Somtumtigers image early in the thread.

Why is it not possible that the reds had all those guns? Not only was there a 6,000 gun shipment stolen from the south 2 days before their arrival last month, but on the day (april 14th I beleive) there was an artical stating that one of the red shirt leaders said "we have support umong the military, 6,000 troups that we like to call the "watermelon army" because they wear green but have red hearts"

There is no proof of course that the red shirts stole the guns from the military base, but it is quite a strange occurance that the excact number of wepons stolen from a military base is the same number of supposed military supporters the red shirts had.

If you look at Somtumtigers picture you will see among other things.

Some guns yes, and among other things a generator, a pink wheelycase, a gas bottle, a green plastic bowl, and in rather bad taste, some fire extinguishers. I wouldn't know if that is all of it, but when you are wheeling out ropes and cargo pants as evidence of a "HUGE WEAPONS CACHE", one would presume they would do a slightly better job of it. But then clowns like Suthep are used to simply speaking and having the world around them nod in agreement and hang on their every word.

Integrity and Trust. Hardly something associated with but a few Thai politicians. It is not my job to make the case for the reds being terrorists, it is his. So far, I am waiting to be convinced. It is entirely up to you if you feel the evidence is sufficient simply because the pooyai says it is so.


If the burned, gutted Central World doesn't convince you, then you are lost cause.

Do not be so quick to jump to conclusions, the Goverment was under pressure from outside countrys and the United Nations.

It needed to show the Reds in a bad light,to jusify the shooting of people with bamboo sticks by soldiers with assault rifles and shotguns.

if the Reds had all these weapons why did they not use them?

A little too convenient I think.

If you had been that lady who was using the BTS Saladaeng and killed by an M79 fired grenate fired from the Lumpini corner where Seh Daeng's militants where, you would probably still asking 'what happened'

I find it convenient that all these weapons of mass destruction were found.

Has anyone wondered why they were not used?

Smells a bit fishy.

They were not weapons of mass destruction, they were small arms with, of course, the exception of the car bombs.

That doesn't make it right but mass destruction is an unnecessary exaggeration.


I wonder what Americans would have thought if their republican forces had not fought with deadly weapons and then lost, or the yankees in their civil war.

And the English in their civil war,

And the Chinese in theirs,

And the French with their Revolution,

And then the Irish, Latin Amnericans, Vietnamese etc, etc.

All wars, rebellions and revolutions involve armed struggle with real weapons, real deaths and atrocities of some kind. I think the Reds and the people they represent have had a long and historical just cause and are at last trying to do something about it. OK maybe not in the Thai way, but then the Thai way just didn't work. The mistake they have made in many people's eyes is having Thaksin as one of their backers (not the only one), as he has hijacked their sentiments. But who else can they call on for support and maybe finance? How else can they achieve their aims, by taking part in elections? Well, that's all they've been asking for for several years so you can't really blame them for being impatient to have one quickly when they just don't trust the government to deliver one in the short term.

Unarmed Reds, Amnesty International decrying the treatment of the poor innocents - BS, pure BS. Armed militants who should be treated as enemy combatants, if shown to have participated in a violent way.

Amnesty International are a total disgrace.

Trashing their reputation.

The last two years (and we are not just talking about Thailand here) have been an embarrassment.

Don't be stupid! Over 60 civilians are dead shot by an amy of over 3000 highly armed military professionals trained to kill. 1000 injured and many hospitalised. Thank god you don't work for amnesty international and take your blinkers off!

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