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Thai Government Accuses Foreigners In Bangkok Arson


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That explains things then. Its all the Fault of that Idoit Brit. Surely there was Cambodians involved too. :) Everythings good.

and when abhisit rightly has to face the music we will hear how he was born in the uk and educated there and is therefore not a thai, those pesky foreigners.

If anyone actually doubts the stupidity of this government and eagerness to point the finger and blame anyone but themselves they keep giving you clues.

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whatever the man's implication, it suddenly dawned on someone in the Thaï govt that with Thaksin supposedly in London, it could be of use to have some leverage on the UK embassy.

Now we'll see how far Brit brotherhood extends, ie whether he'll get any support from his consulate ; I'm off to the UK press to see the reactions there , might be worth a read .

LOL. Yeah, the UK government will go out of it's way to get that POS back, I'm sure.

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So it appears Thai Visa has now become a place to push political agendas...

How long would a thread naming and shaming those in Pattaya go go's last? After all, prostitution is illegal. In fact, maybe we should report those posters who mention visiting such places, just in case they break the law?

Illegal? what is illegal? shhhhh dont say that in walking street...and remember the lady are only for escort you....why you said that? want talk no good about thailand? take care we make a video of you talking about!!!!! :)

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The guy made a very stupid comment. He's obviously very confused if he thinks he's part of their protest. I can only imagine these remarks where made in an effort to be taken seriously by his (perceived) Red Shirt comrades.

IF these assertions are based on the youtube video surely the Thai intelligence services (assuming they have them) would dismiss this moron from their inquiries immediately.

Saying he is to blame for what happened is ridiculous. Unless they have more evidence than just the video.

Please dispense with all the "lock him in jail and throw away the key" comments every time a foreigner is suspected of anything. Its really boring to have to keep scrolling through.

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That explains things then. Its all the Fault of that Idoit Brit. Surely there was Cambodians involved too. :) Everythings good.

Soon they will annonce that all reds were in fact brits disguised in Thai and control by cambodians.This government is pathetic.

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He better watch out or they'll lock him up in Satahip on the beach......



headline: "Thailand tightens detention of protest leaders"

an exerpt....

"Most of the Red Shirt leaders have surrendered to authorities, but their treatment in custody has generated widespread criticism of the police after photos circulated on the Internet of the men looking relaxed and smiling for group shots in a spacious seaside house on a police base south of Bangkok that was used for their detention.

The men also had been allowed to keep their mobile phones and had been sending texts for days after being detained."

LOS is really tough on terrorists!!!

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Well if u announce on Youtube ur gonna kills some one, and a few days later that person gets murdered, it kinda puts u in the doo doo

Given the number of TV members who have advocated lynching, torture, beheading, public execution etc of Jeff Savage, let's hope nothing happens to him. If it does will they be held responsible for predicting what will happen and therefore either inciting it or obviously being involved themselves?

And the follow on from that is that TV, by allowing death threats or threats of harm to be made publicly against an individual, who has not be charged with any offence, are also equally to blame.

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"after talking to a reporter before burning happened, the brit called the times in London and explained, that he wasn't serious and he wasn't anywhere the Central on 19th"

Did you bother reading or even understand what you wrote?

The guy called a reporter before it burned, to say he wasn't even there on a specific date in the future.

Not a very good alibi.

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bye bye Jeff. I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion.

Wow so you think it was actually his idea and him who burned it down and looted it ?

Even though this was announced on the main demo stage many times you think it was his idea ?

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W're living a Numeric Era,

Sophisticated Softwares, tweeter, fbk, etc.... Pictures... Movies .... internet... fascinating speed!

Lets take care .. look slowly, take time .and be carefull of every information.

Not easy indeed. :)

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This is the kind of "proof" that will never stand up in any court, not even in Burma, but in Thailand it does, because the judges are sitting on any given chair. A youtube video? What a joke, it could have been cut fifteen times and taken out of context.

I could make a Youtube video in which it appears that Suthep or Abhisit told the people to set fire to it. It is just a matter of cutting and pasting.

Besides if I tell the yellow shirts to occupy the airports and they do it, am I to blame?

Say what??? Are you in anyway related

to this lunatic? Or are you the lawyer the embassy has sent? I guess you better start making the video

and show it! Put your money where your mouth is brother!

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His excuse was that he was on steroids and had a stressful day !

Why does this country attract so many "low-life" westerns, I have never meet so many idiot western people as I have in this country.

The only people that have tried to cheat me in this country - is people from my own hemisphere.

No wonder that some Thais think like they do of us "Farangs"

Edited by klaus303
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But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

Most of us Farangs will be happy to see this loser end up in Bang Kwang.

I am hearing via my Thai connections that there are a lot more than this and the Thai Govt knows it very well. We are not being told the whole story.

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This is the kind of "proof" that will never stand up in any court, not even in Burma, but in Thailand it does, because the judges are sitting on any given chair. A youtube video? What a joke, it could have been cut fifteen times and taken out of context.

I could make a Youtube video in which it appears that Suthep or Abhisit told the people to set fire to it. It is just a matter of cutting and pasting.

Besides if I tell the yellow shirts to occupy the airports and they do it, am I to blame?

If I am not mistaken, some government guys (or state media) claimed the Youtube video of Thaksin in Montenegro was also fake, because he was actually dying in cancer or something. Suddenly he is more alive than ever. :)

You can't eat the doughnut and keep the hole.

The point is "it is very easy to make a fake video" Especially as low quality as this one. While I'm not saying this one is fake. Its not difficult.

In this case though I think this person has already apologized so must have admitted it.

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"accusiation" is not a charge by law.

he might be even arrested, but if there is no proof (very unlikely there is one), he should be released shortly.

after talking to a reporter before burning happened, the brit called the times in London and explained, that he wasn't serious and he wasn't anywhere the Central on 19th.

his excuse at police might be that he have been drunk and defence can claim his mental state (throwing a stick on the road in the direction of the camera).

arresting a foreigner (or two) on some phoney charges sets a precedent to be used against them at anytime in the future, whatever the context might be - car accident, bar brawl, pickpocketing, credit card fraud etc

If he's a mental case then they won't renew his visa as he must be completely and absolutely sane to live here, even though insanity is the only way many of us can manage to get by here.

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It doesn't matter if he actually participated in the burning. The video clearly shows he is a foreigner who encouraged and act of terrorism on Thailand. . Off to the Thai jails he should go for the rest of his sorry days.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

agree, ive seen the video and the guy was off his head on drugs! He didn't look capable of fighting his way out of a paper bag, never mind orchestrating a mass arson! This govt is braindead and just want to make a scapegoat! BTW i bet the bloke is absolutely cacking himself!! no more yaa baa for him!

Who cares if he was on drugs, once again there are so many reasons not to be responsible for our actions. I want any of you to go back to your home country and behave this way-join a protest and angerly threaten to burn down a building that actually gets burned down and see what happens. People want freedoms but do not want to be responsible while exercising them.

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You go with your mates , sit in the vehicle and they rob a bank. Guess what you robbed it to. You get to go to jail with them.

Sorry i understand that...so what they do next? put in jail the 70% of thai people, because all them was in the same car till 4 days ago...or i wrong?

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The guy made a very stupid comment. He's obviously very confused if he thinks he's part of their protest. I can only imagine these remarks where made in an effort to be taken seriously by his (perceived) Red Shirt comrades.

IF these assertions are based on the youtube video surely the Thai intelligence services (assuming they have them) would dismiss this moron from their inquiries immediately.

Saying he is to blame for what happened is ridiculous. Unless they have more evidence than just the video.

Please dispense with all the "lock him in jail and throw away the key" comments every time a foreigner is suspected of anything. Its really boring to have to keep scrolling through.

Don't scroll then, don't follow the topic. I for one enjoy reading some of the nonsense being posted, better than any cartoon show. :)

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The Thai Government is not claiming this two Foreigner's are responsible for it, they just say they did partake.

There is already a Thread going on about the Mr. Savage, there two Forum Members claimed he went to the Police in Pattaya and was sent back home. However non of them had prove of it (one of them could unfortunately not work out how to put a link on here) hmmmm....

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"accusiation" is not a charge by law.

he might be even arrested, but if there is no proof (very unlikely there is one), he should be released shortly.

after talking to a reporter before burning happened, the brit called the times in London and explained, that he wasn't serious and he wasn't anywhere the Central on 19th.

his excuse at police might be that he have been drunk and defence can claim his mental state (throwing a stick on the road in the direction of the camera).

arresting a foreigner (or two) on some phoney charges sets a precedent to be used against them at anytime in the future, whatever the context might be - car accident, bar brawl, pickpocketing, credit card fraud etc

The falang was clearly inciting terrorism which is against the law. Maybe he didn't actually set fire to any building but he sure as hel_l will go to jail for this and deservedly so. They should give him another 5 years for stupidity!

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On one hand, that git deserves to spend some time locked up. On the other hand, the Thai government seems to be exaggerating things quite a bit.

Probably so,but the lesson here is:Never get involved in Thai Politics.

As most on TV predicted.

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"accusiation" is not a charge by law.

he might be even arrested, but if there is no proof (very unlikely there is one), he should be released shortly.

after talking to a reporter before burning happened, the brit called the times in London and explained, that he wasn't serious and he wasn't anywhere the Central on 19th.

his excuse at police might be that he have been drunk and defence can claim his mental state (throwing a stick on the road in the direction of the camera).

arresting a foreigner (or two) on some phoney charges sets a precedent to be used against them at anytime in the future, whatever the context might be - car accident, bar brawl, pickpocketing, credit card fraud etc

The falang was clearly inciting terrorism which is against the law. Maybe he didn't actually set fire to any building but he sure as hel_l will go to jail for this and deservedly so. They should give him another 5 years for stupidity!

Yesssssssssssssssssssssss 5 yrs jail to all stupid in this world......and othr 5 when they finish the first 5!!!!!!!!!

Only smart can stay free, lets do it.!!!

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Every village has one...

This one clearly incited something to happen which then happened, probably would of happened anyway but he was a total dipstick and should not have got involved.

As a Brit he could hardly spout about fairness in politics...

Edited by Basil B
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