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My partner and i have a 4 year old persian female cat. She's incredibly spoilt and has never been particularly friendly with anyone other than us.

We were walking home and saw two incredibly cute Thai kittens in the road with their mother, who had been hit in a car accident....WHAT COULD I DO? lol

Well, the long and short of it is that i took them home. My persian HATES them. I've read some advice and seperated them in different rooms. Yet, my persian is walking around hissing and looking very disturbed. I dare not have them in the same room!! She dives for the door everytime i open it! The vet thinks the kittens are 4-5 weeks so it's ok for now, but i can't keep them apart forever!!

Has anyone else experienced this? have any warm tales of cat unification? any advice greatly appreciated!


First off bathe and dry them gently and thoroughly to get her scent off of them then let her have some time and don't force the issue. My male cat just did the same thing with a new kitten we brought home. He didn't just hate her he hated us for bringing her home and the first time ever he would spit and hiss even at us, it wasn't just hate it was also fear, but now they play all the time after a few days and they are best buds...

*edit* Also make sure to show your current cat that she is not forgotten and still the queen of the house this you might need to force a little as she may reject you initially..


Toss them all in the room together, they will soon sort it out, pecking order and all that.....its just part of the animal kingdom. Cats are normally more noise than action. Disclaimer: Please talk to soundman if you have any venetian blinds (it may be cheaper to empty to room out first) :)


Living with cats for over 40 years, I agree with both comments above. Eventually with some patience and a few scratches everything will be just fine... Also depends on your cats personality!

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