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Tot Insanely Poor Today


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Just wondering if anyone else on TOT is having terrible connection today. I actually wrote this post a few hours ago, but there is the crux of the matter.

I did a speedtest and it was 1.2 down and 0.01 up....Tried again and it froze halfway through the test.

I'm just checking if anyone else has had major problems today (yesterday was crap as well, but the day before was fine), if not then I'll have to look at it being something else affecting it (rain, BKK problems, a slight westerly breeze, an ant sneezing etc...)

EDIT - after 1am it's suddenly turned OK again - must have been throttling due to the curfew/me being on a cheap ass package. 3BB cannot get installed quicker!

Edited by FlatOut
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Ahh, I've just noticed these replies. Thanks for easing my mind, that it wasn't just that I moved office into the bedroom and bedroom into the office. I thought I'd screwed something up.

It has been horrendous for about 8-9 days now. Very tempted to go back to carrier pigeons, as they would be faster for send e-mails ( or p-mails I suppose).

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