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Expat Interior Designer Salary?

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Hey guys

Could anyone give me an idea for an expat interior design salary in thailand. I've searched loads but can only find thai salaries. What is the average for a farang? I just want an idea before i attend an interview.

thanks a lot guys


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Wouldn't an expat salary be similar to what one would receive from their own country, with housing/vehicle/relocation additions.

Yes, a good guide is what you would get at home plus, plus, depending on tax advantages also.

Yeap....home salary + 15-20% (this could also be compensated by reduced tax rate)....+ other bits and pieces you can get your hands on....housing/car etc

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It really depends on the job description.Are you going to be an in house designer part of a team (see what area you'll be covering) or you'll be "The Designer" for all projects of that company? Do you have to do your outsourcing for your projects? Have you a list of suppliers manufacturers?

I'm doing interior design and also full complete renovation work for all budgets, but never tried to get a job locally.

Wish you good luck.

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If the position is advertised in Thailand with the intention of employing a person that is already here, you could expect a basic of approx 40k plus maybe some commision. If it is advertised in Europe etc and you are relocating, then yes you could expect a lot more.

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my guy is charging 60k for the house and doing a mighty fine job and will attempt to upsell me on his custom in built furniture so that is somehow woven into the price

generally I am pleased.

Is that a salary of 60k a day? a month? or a year?

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