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A Premeditated Plan To Burn Bangkok


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Not according to the Australian Embassy; they said he tends toward gross exaggeration.

Are you saying that the Thai government is feeding grossly exaggerated information

Why would the Thai government do that? I see no reason other that to tell the truth to the Thai people.

FYI, PRD is not ASTV or PTV.

oh please don't be so naive, governments the world over tell their citizens only what they want them to hear.

Just look back at some of the announcements coming out of the CRES from the DPM during the demo

The Red idiots burned the city down. Fact. No government exagerration.

Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

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Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, hard line government supporters will lie, lie and lie again to cover their position.

The current lie is that the violent reds were more then angry youths.

A stone lie.

True, true...I never get tired of watching this when I read posts like yours.

I don't see how any normal thinking individual can watch MULTIPLE videos of the red shirt leaders screaming for the torching of the country and think the army, or govt. somehow set the fires to make the reds look bad.

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The rich Thai Chinese have won this battle. But I suppose the war is not over. The poor Thai will stage a come back. Not sure when.

IF I put a red saying here, then I rather say this is a 'class conflict'.

perhaps elements are similar, but will be completely different consequences if it is between different ethics groups.

full stop, please !

Go to any country in the world

and you will find the rich and the poor

they re a fact of life so you have to live with it

In life a poor man can work hard and become rich

A rich man con loose his money and become poor

Rich people pay poor people to work

Poor people do not pay rich people to work, unless they are plumbers

Every one has the same rights, just some of us have to work harder to achieve them

I know many many people that have university degrees, and all our children of Issan

Fighting and destroying will not bring about a better Issan

But many education will, tomorrows Government Heads and business owners many will be from Issan

There are many who are saviours of Issan in there words

But what scares them most is an Issan people that are educated and can think for them selves

Without Issan pawns, Red shirt leaders have lost their power

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

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He quoted newspaper headings, so what's your problem? It seems you are only trying to provocate and annoy others.

Please give me the link to the newspaper heading that states, " Red idiots burn down Bangkok ", don't bother looking, you can't.

You guys should just relax a little, stop exaggerating, stop the hatred, and stop the abuse of anybody that isn't entirely brainwashed by the governments media outlets.

Eventually you show your colours.

It is not exaggerating to say that your red mates destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of Bangkok workers.

That is abuse.


It is your mates hatred fed by the paymaster Thaksin who lit the flames.

Mr Relax a Little.

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He quoted newspaper headings, so what's your problem? It seems you are only trying to provocate and annoy others.

Please give me the link to the newspaper heading that states, " Red idiots burn down Bangkok ", don't bother looking, you can't.

You guys should just relax a little, stop exaggerating, stop the hatred, and stop the abuse of anybody that isn't entirely brainwashed by the governments media outlets.

Eventually you show your colours.

It is not exaggerating to say that your red mates destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of Bangkok workers.

That is abuse.


It is your mates hatred fed by the paymaster Thaksin who lit the flames.

Mr Relax a Little.

while most of us believe it was the red shirts

I would love to know your thoughts




Owners of 7/11 who do not want the competition

school girls on a picnic

women and children for the protest who wanted to get warm

Sorry as I do not have the red shirts rule book. I do not have the list

1001 excuses why is was not us

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

One would need a serious set of blinkers on not to see that for quite a few years it has been obvious Mr T wants to become president of a Thai republic (go back to "Finland"). The way he is attempting to achieve this through violent protest seems to be hisonly response since the coup laid to rest his plans otherwise the president would have become fact in the very near future due to an upcoming event.

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

One would need a serious set of blinkers on not to see that for quite a few years it has been obvious Mr T wants to become president of a Thai republic (go back to "Finland"). The way he is attempting to achieve this through violent protest seems to be hisonly response since the coup laid to rest his plans otherwise the president would have become fact in the very near future due to an upcoming event.

If you are going to broach on subjects than could potentially get TV into serious trouble with the Thai authorities, you should at least make an effort to get your basic facts right.

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As another poster has brought to our attention

There is to be a big change in Thailand if Thaskin gets his way

Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand

has a certain ring to it doesn't it

Now I would like a list of all those who want to be part of the new republic

who are members of TV

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

One would need a serious set of blinkers on not to see that for quite a few years it has been obvious Mr T wants to become president of a Thai republic (go back to "Finland"). The way he is attempting to achieve this through violent protest seems to be hisonly response since the coup laid to rest his plans otherwise the president would have become fact in the very near future due to an upcoming event.

the dreaded double post.

Edited by Siam Simon
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Thong Song Hong police chief demoted

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Chief of the Thung Song Hong police station in northern Bangkok was demoted yesterday following allegations of corruption and malfeasance, including the alteration of arrest documents in favour of red-shirt protesters.

Pol Colonel Phong Sangmurin's post was swapped with that of Pol Colonel Siwaroj Sukkakkanont, the commander of a subdivision. Phong will hold this post for four months while an investigation into his misconduct is underway.

In addition to Phong's "regular misconduct", interrogators under his command were also slow in completing investigation of red-shirt protesters arrested for possessing weapons while travelling to Bangkok before and during the protest.

Allegations against Phong say he also allowed protesters to bring in a large number of used tyres, which were later burned on the city streets, and was also instrumental in altering arms-possession charges against some demonstrators to offences with lighter penalties.

The road checkpoints set up by the Thung Song Hong police station was the frontline to stop the red shirts' route into Bangkok via the Vibhavadi Rangsit highway. The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation was aware of the arrests and reminded the police station to speed up the cases.

Phong has been under close watch for misconduct among his men, including extortion and illegal debt collection, and his failure to suppress money-chit deals involving police officers and their wives. The money-chit deals resulted in losses worth more than Bt10 million and lawsuits being filed against the victims.

The Nation newspaper: 2010-05-27

If even a small % of the alleged charges against that man hold water, then he should be subject to a lot harsher discipline than just demoted.

Plus, it appears upper brass are going to allow him to maintain his post for four months, even before the demotion. The pussy soft discipline doesn't look good for Thai cops who are already suffering major tarnishes to whatever decent reputation they may have ever had.

That guy Phong has been actively assisting terrorists who tried to burn downtown Bangkok to ashes, and the most he gets is a 4-month delayed demotion. That's like sentencing someone who raped your daughters - to washing your car.

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.

Are you insinuating we're not professional propagandists like the Red Shirt leaders?

Seriously though, you view the post by Publicus in a 180 degree different perspective than I.

I think the guy is right on (though perhaps he could lighten up on the Maoist stuff).

You get my vote, Publicus, even though we may just be enthusiastic amateurs (whatever that is).

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Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

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Calm down! Please try to make a difference between the rural poor who have been abused for centuries and the last few decades by local elite, officials and the like. Only some of the UDD leaders seem sincere, others just lackeys of either Thaksin or other local elite. It's the poor who have to be educated and made to understand that hand-outs is a thing of the past. Follow up education with help to be self-sufficient. Arrange lessons for the rich to remind them of their obligations. Let the government listen (they also need additional education). Make the police force a law-enforcement arm to be proud off. AND don't expect results within six months.



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Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Here is a link to the video of the TV interview with Thaksin last night on Australian TV:


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Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Here is a link to the video of the TV interview with Thaksin last night on Australian TV:


Thanks - but I have heard him butcher enough English for one lifetime. Next words I want to hear from him are "I'm Sorry".

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The rich Thai Chinese have won this battle. But I suppose the war is not over. The poor Thai will stage a come back. Not sure when.

Another one who has been here long enough to be able to order beer in Thai and say Kap khun kaa...

The parents of the poor Thais you talk about taught their children that it is bad even to criticize since before they could walk, they don't start wars or take any action even unless they are lead to it.

You are right, the poor Thais, as you call them, will be lead to action again one day. But how can we understand each other? We don't even have the same meaning for "poor". You use the word poor to describe them as having little materialistic wealth, I use the word poor to describe that I feel sorry for them; they had parents who deliberately suppressed self confidence, creativity and initiative in them without thinking, to make the children easy to handle and to protect them from dangers, they taught them that it is bad to question, that it is bad to criticize…

Personally I also hope that they will be lead one day; to educate their children to think for themselves, to question, to action, so that they don't have to be lead by power hungry politicians

I know that what I hope for will unfortunately not happen next generation either because this generation of the poor still acts the same way and they still teach their children the same way

Edited by MikeyIdea
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Personally I also hope that they will be lead one day; to educate their children to think for themselves, to question, to action, so that they don’t have to be lead by power hungry politicians

yeah, that's gonna' happen soon...

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Personally I also hope that they will be lead one day; to educate their children to think for themselves, to question, to action, so that they don't have to be lead by power hungry politicians

yeah, that's gonna' happen soon...

No, as I also wrote but you chose not to quote, it is not going to happen the next generation either

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.


You're consistently amusing.

At least your posts :)  are brief and direct which saves you from the ignore button.  

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Premeditated by who - my money is on Thaksin

seconded, call him ..

..."The Coach"..

Or the "Puppet Master"

Or considering the pseudo-Godhead cult of personality surrounding Thaksin,

maybe better called :

"Muppet Pasteur"

Oh lord Thaksin, verily we strive to live in your heaven sent image of riches and indolence.

We bring Burnt Offerings; The wages of your enemies sins for not believing in your magnificence

Let your manna from heavenly patronage, rain down on our reddened consciousness.

yada yada yada.

I said it before; The read movment is noting but a cult.

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Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, hard line government supporters will lie, lie and lie again to cover their position.

The current lie is that the violent reds were more then angry youths.

A stone lie.

True, true...I never get tired of watching this when I read posts like yours.

I don't see how any normal thinking individual can watch MULTIPLE videos of the red shirt leaders screaming for the torching of the country and think the army, or govt. somehow set the fires to make the reds look bad.

It's a pychological fact: Anticipated perception. If you are addicted to a drug, an ideology, a "charismatic" leader you lose one part of the perception of reality. A heavy smoker after a long travel in a bus looks for a place to smoke or to buy cigarettes - his perception of the reality around him is limited. If an ideology, a "leader" give you the material to see the reality in their way, you are satisfied - and you can bear the "other" reality by repressing (Sigmund Freud).

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Thaskin said on Australia TV

Red shirts are dumb and have no idea how to burn down a big building

They are not proffesional

Have no idea of what they are doing

He also said if he give them money

how can they buy weapons , where can you buy in Thailand

a friend in Issan is a proffessional sugar cane worker

and he is upset that he is told he can not do the job

Burning a large farm of sugar cane takes planning so the fire is controlled and does the job intended and not get out of control

Not buy a weapon in Thailand, Thaskin you need to get in the streets more

you have no idea what you can buy if you have money

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Thaksin did it.

Thaksin is behind the arson attack.

He even phone the terrorists and give them instruction how to light a match.

Behind your brittle humour

We know you are 100% indifferent to the Bangkok livelihoods wrecked by your red mates.

Rosa Kleb as your alter ego comes to mind.

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Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Thaksin keeps forgetting to take his smart pills each morning. Can't we get one of the orderlies in the white uniforms to tend to that?

Up on the east wing of Block C, in the room with two windows, sits a sad little man who rocks back and forth on the edge of his bunk - and keeps saying; "I am the only one who can save Thailand. Every Thai knows this, and they all should beg me to come back and be Premier. Where's my lovely money? They took all my money, but they don't have sense to know how to spend it. I could at least stuff this mattress with it, and make my life more comfortable."

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Thaksin did it.

Thaksin is behind the arson attack.

He even phone the terrorists and give them instruction how to light a match.

Behind your brittle humour

We know you are 100% indifferent to the Bangkok livelihoods wrecked by your red mates.

Rosa Kleb as your alter ego comes to mind.

I had to look up Rosa Klebb (with 2 b's), and found she was a key character in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel "From Russia With Love." Interesting, all the odd things that bubble up from the collective quirkiness of T.Visa members.

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