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Thaksin - Will Interpol Act?


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Another fact that you can see in the video above, is how he mentions that he will keep working after he's 60, right before he makes the 500 Baht comment. Why does he say that? Because Thais are entitled to their 500 Baht after they're 60 years old. It should make sense, even taken out of context, to anyone that knows how to do a 1+1. I'll try and find the full video online somewhere. I'm just sick of seeing it posted every time as proof of the 500 Baht myth.

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Did anyone hear Thaksin instruct the mob to burn down any buildings?

Yes, those who instructed the mob!

I did not see any clips in which Thaksin instructed the red shirt mob to burn any buildings. I did see however, see clips in which he instructed the mob to follow the instructions of the red shirt leadership and be prepared to "make sacrifices". The red shirt leadership DID in fact instruct the red mob to burn and burn and burn.

Edited by lannarebirth
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If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

How much were the aged, outside the social security system, getting under Thaksin's regime? My recollection is, nothing. Strike that. I do recall when he was hiding out in Roi Et from the press, those elderly willing to grovel or prostrate themselves before him would receive a nice crisp 1,000 baht note that he would peel off his pimp roll.

Actually, my wife (who speaks better Thai than I do), just watched the video and corrected me.

He's not talking about giving 500 Baht to elderly Thais. What he's saying exactly is:

I will keep working for you even after I'm 60 years old, and I won't stand in line for the 500 Baht (which he's entitled to receive since he's 60 years old).

Cheesy, I'll give you that, but it says nothing about giving 500 Baht to protesters.

Feel free to ask your girlfriend/wife/mia noi/ladyboy to confirm that translation.

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If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

How much were the aged, outside the social security system, getting under Thaksin's regime? My recollection is, nothing. Strike that. I do recall when he was hiding out in Roi Et from the press, those elderly willing to grovel or prostrate themselves before him would receive a nice crisp 1,000 baht note that he would peel off his pimp roll.

Actually, my wife (who speaks better Thai than I do), just watched the video and corrected me.

He's not talking about giving 500 Baht to elderly Thais. What he's saying exactly is:

I will keep working for you even after I'm 60 years old, and I won't stand in line for the 500 Baht (which he's entitled to receive since he's 60 years old).

Cheesy, I'll give you that, but it says nothing about giving 500 Baht to protesters.

Feel free to ask your girlfriend/wife/mia noi/ladyboy to confirm that translation.

I already know what he said, that's why my post is about money for the elderly. How much was Thaksins government sending to pensioners, that they didn't have to grovel for or sell their vote for?

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Right that's why the guy off screen tells him to retract it, and he boobbles a bit,

'You can't say that'. This is just a new spin on an old long standing slip up from Thaksin's mouth.

I don't hear anyone telling him to retract it. I've seen the entire speech and he's talking about the 500 Baht for the elderly Thais, nothing more. Why else would he say "you won't need to stand in line for your 500 Baht"? Because right now they need to stand in line every month to pick up their 500 Baht. Do a bit of research.

Abhisit has mentioned the 500 Baht program several times too, I guess someone could make a clip from him too and then use it the same way, saying the pink shirts are getting paid 500 Baht. Silly, isn't it?

Of course Thaksin was talking about the 500 Baht for the elderly program of the Abhisit government. but the ultra right wing extremist and yellow propaganda meisters cannot not stop to spin and twist the video over an over again and repeating their lies.


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If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

Make sure you check with your in house translater in future before claiming you heard it.

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Another fact that you can see in the video above, is how he mentions that he will keep working after he's 60, right before he makes the 500 Baht comment. Why does he say that? Because Thais are entitled to their 500 Baht after they're 60 years old. It should make sense, even taken out of context, to anyone that knows how to do a 1+1. I'll try and find the full video online somewhere. I'm just sick of seeing it posted every time as proof of the 500 Baht myth.

Amazing, I agree with you for once! He was talking about giving the elderly, 60 years old and above 500 Baht a month "pension." But as you say, it is just a clip...

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If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

A lot of us do speak Thai.

I haven't been impressed by a single one of your posts, you have a very arrogant "know it all" tone.

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If you understood Thai, you would know that he's talking about the PENSION PROGRAM of 500 Baht for old Thais. I often see this video mentioned as being proof of 500 Baht being paid to every protester. Well, I'm sorry to say but it's not. He's talking about the 500 Baht pension for elderly citizens.

Make sure you check with your in house translater in future before claiming you heard it.

Huh? YOU are the one that claimed it was proof of the 500 Baht bribe myth. You're funny, I'll give you that.

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Without getting into a specious argument, I recall contemporaneous discussions with those of varying political opinions were unsure if he was simply referring to the pension, or if his intent was to say something somewhat different, e.g. 'come to the party'. Interestingly and remembering that the atmosphere was less febrile, some who were broadly supportive of Khun Thaksin took the second viewpoint at that time. As was noted then, Thai can be a language of subtly, some even would say subterfuge, but it isn't for me to pass judgement upon those who view the clip [or for that matter the entire 'video in'] differently.


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@mazeltov: You really don't have a clue do you, or alternatively you do but the crib sheet says otherwise. Let;s put it this way, in the analogue I'm aware of a number of significant commercial projects which went from possible to impossible once TRT was in place. I'm also aware of noticeable changes in direction by ministries relating to externalities. You may choose to believe this or not, since for obvious reasons I can't go into commercially sensitive information here but that was the reality.

Please note this has nothing to do with commissions or other extraneous issues, it had a great deal to do with an inherent focus of the government, and the TRT one was not the limit of my exposure here. I'll also be fair and comment that there were exceptions to this, notably Chinese and Japanese operations, though very much in that order.


PS I'm sure you'll want to make some spurious rejoinder as to why that makes me 'anti-Thaksin' or pro-yellow as you are wont to do, but it is interesting to note how that alomost xenophobic response has become further ingrained irrespective of ministerial and party change.

I'm aware of a number of significant commercial projects ... believe this or not, since for obvious reasons I can't go into commercially sensitive information here but that was the reality.

Thanks for the hint at your abilities special awareness skills. Amazing, i am impressed.

i can fully understand that you cannot share the sensitive information you gather with your extrasensory powers. 55555

and chinese and and japanese operation benefited from TRT government too, i am sure some members will be able to twist that into some asian conspiracy against the white man or as the part of the NWO, some members could not hesitate to point out that Thaksin new lawyer is not only a international lawyer but also a Jew (OMG), so for sure that must be something really evil.

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Only read the last page but is this thread about if Interpol will arrest Thaksin or not? It doesn't seem so. Could people go rehash their pro or anti Thaksin rants in the threads that were created for that? This thread is about Interpol not your personal feelings of politics. Hopefully a mod will come around and clean the garbage posts out and get people back on topic soon.

I read the entire thread. At several points, I was just going to go do something else, which I did. It took me until page 9 to type a word, just because I sometimes don't to bother to or want jump in the middle of a rather mindless discussion... But I'd didn't see anything in your post on the topic. At least most of us did. And it is about what your personal idea is: Will Interpol Act? The topic of this thread...

So it is only a yes or no question. answer is NO.

Interpol will not act.

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Foreign Governments and courts will decide if Thaksin is handed over to Thai Courts, But you only have to look at the countries he clings to ,Montenegro, Cambodia etc. not exactly bastians of upholding the law. Interpol are insignificant in this.

Edited by KKvampire
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Whatever interpol does will this solve thailands problem.I dont think so. Thai culture is there main problem . Nothing is questioned. have to be good and if you got scammed or screwed ,cheated ,etc from a Thai must be quiet and accept it .

thai to thai are doing it on a daily bases

this is my experience after 3 years in Thailand .

Hopefully all parties involved start to negotiate with one and another . shooting and fighting never solved any problem ...


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Thai can fix Thai problem. We do not need Interpol.

Farang should not mess with Thai problems, else please go home.

You are welcome to be a guest, but please keep your mouth shut, else you end up like the Brit or the Australian in jail.

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Thailand has come the laughing stock of the western world. Charging him as a terrorist become he made speeches to the Red Shirts against the government is not terrorisms.

Making speeches is not the reason for charging him, it's the contents of those speeches.

All he said ( on stage ) was about reconciling, peace, democracy, forgiveness, prosperity etc.

So far his crime are 2 things: twitter and video call.

Terrorist charges will do more harm than good to this Gov.

To Thaksin, this charge will only PR him even more.

Although he doesnt fly & stay in any country for a long period lof time,

he surely manages to travel to LOTs of country surrounding Thailand.

If anyone think he just fly there to make some news, you are totally wrong.

Every country that he had visited knew he was coming.

And his visit was a clear message to Thai Gov.

Next 2 years, if Thaksin happens to survive and his party win a major election.

well... let's see.

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Foreign Governments and courts will decide if Thaksin is handed over to Thai Courts, But you only have to look at the countries he clings to ,Montenegro, Cambodia etc. not exactly bastians of upholding the law. Interpol are insignificant in this.

What is wrong with Montenegro?

Thaksin was recently spotted also in France, Sweden, Russia, UAE and reported to travel to the UK.

Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

And the charges brought up against him after last years military 'clean up' of the red shirts protest on songkran didn't made Interpol to move on or any any foreign country to extradite him.

Do you expect that the 'foreign opinion' will change after the death of so many red shirt protesters in the last two month?

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Thailand has come the laughing stock of the western world. Charging him as a terrorist because he made speeches to the Red Shirts against the government is not terrorisms.

You are wrong, it is. It all depends what he said. Thaksin well qualifies for the label terrorist. And so do the other leaders of the redshirts.

Quote definition: terrorism (usually uncountable; plural terrorisms)

1. The deliberate commission of an act of violence to create an emotional response through the suffering of the victims in the furtherance of a political or social agenda.

2. Violence against civilians to achieve military or political objectives.

3. A psychological strategy of war for gaining political or religious ends by deliberately creating a climate of fear among the population of a state.

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I guess if the government would have let the Red Shirt stayed in Bangkok and helped with the Cleanup everything would be OK???????????

You never know, it might have made all the difference in the eyes of the innocent people who were hurt by the violence. :)

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Foreign Governments and courts will decide if Thaksin is handed over to Thai Courts, But you only have to look at the countries he clings to ,Montenegro, Cambodia etc. not exactly bastians of upholding the law. Interpol are insignificant in this.

What is wrong with Montenegro?

Thaksin was recently spotted also in France, Sweden, Russia, UAE and reported to travel to the UK.

Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

And the charges brought up against him after last years military 'clean up' of the red shirts protest on songkran didn't made Interpol to move on or any any foreign country to extradite him.

Do you expect that the 'foreign opinion' will change after the death of so many red shirt protesters in the last two month?

Did they? I thought it was your man Thaksin's reaction not Interpol's. Maybe you have access to better media than we have.

It doesnt matter whether Interpol will help extradite Thaksin or not, what matters that he's put on a leash now. Every future involvement with the Reds will be internationally monitored! He's basically put out of his own game! No land deal corruption charges this time, terrorism is on his CV now. Have a great life in Uganda or te Fuiji Islands with your lovely daughters, son and wife! One day he will pay the price, or he just might have!

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Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

No, *Thaksin* said it was politically motivated (surprise!) because he's trying to reduce the risk of extradition proceedings. Interpol hasn't said anything yet.

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To Thailand's current government:

be careful of what you wish for, you may get it.

At least someone's on the right tracks, thank God.

Most thaksin haters' assumptions frankly question their intelligence: The Thai police/courts actually wanted Thaksin in jail, but let him go to see the olympics first ha? How altruistic.

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Foreign Governments and courts will decide if Thaksin is handed over to Thai Courts, But you only have to look at the countries he clings to ,Montenegro, Cambodia etc. not exactly bastians of upholding the law. Interpol are insignificant in this.

What is wrong with Montenegro?

Thaksin was recently spotted also in France, Sweden, Russia, UAE and reported to travel to the UK.

Meanwhile Interpol called Thaksins conviction in the conflict of interest case "politically motivated".

And the charges brought up against him after last years military 'clean up' of the red shirts protest on songkran didn't made Interpol to move on or any any foreign country to extradite him.

Do you expect that the 'foreign opinion' will change after the death of so many red shirt protesters in the last two month?

Yes. Westerners are anesthetized to body count, they read that every day, but the attempted destruction of major cities will get their attention. Something most people have never seen, except maybe the World Trade Center disaster, the New York one I mean, not the Thai one. Still it's not a shoe in but the equation has changed.

Edited by rabo
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