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Website Closure By Thai Government


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Well it appears that Thai Commercial Logic has struck again!!

I've been reading how the Authorities want to try and repair the International damage that the Kingdom's Hospitality & Tourism sectors have suffered and I welcome it as I run a small Guesthouse & Bar in Pattaya and have a website that is used to promote the business and enable bookings to be made by email.

For some reason for nearly a week I can not access my own site and neither can others. I get a large red message in Thai that I understand says that "the Govt has blocked this site and to enter it is illegal and subject to imprisonment" [i think I have attached a copy of the message in case you can read Thaipost-39282-1274935811_thumb.jpg]

Anybody have the same or similar problem?

I have approached CAT Telecom who have said that it is only temporary and should be fixed by the Govt "soon" but they haver no idea how long "soon" will be.

It's bad enough that a lot of foreign Travel Agents are refusing to sell airline tickets to the Kingdom but to have this additional restriction is ridiculous.

Any clues as to who in the Govt I can contact to sort out?

Would appreciate any sensible comment &/or assistance


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It depends on where your website is Hosted, i think its in the same block of IP that Thaksin website was on, however the Reds CLOKED their IP and used random IP to mask theirs, looks like you were one of the ones the REDS got to use . it will take some time, i suggst you move the hosting first.

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If your site is on shared web hosting it may be that the government has banned some other site on the same machine based on its IP adress, thereby killing all sites on that server including yours. Happened to me once.

CContact your web hosting company. They should be able to confirm and move your site to another IP. Don't waste ur timetrying to fight it.

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I tried to open www.elephantbar.net and I got:

Safari can’t find the server.

Safari can’t open the page “http://www.elephantbar.net/” because Safari can’t find the server “www.elephantbar.net”. Seems as though your sever is off line. I also found your bar on Google, got the same message.

Good luck!

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Rabbi, your domain expired on 23 May!


Reseller..............: Planet Ozi Pty Ltd

Created on............: 23 May 2008 12:23:32 EST

Expires on............: 23 May 2010 12:23:32 EST

Record last updated on: 6 Oct 2008 17:01:03 EST

Status................: ON HOLD

That is why nobody can reach your site, nothing to do with a block. Although admittedly CAT should not give you that message!

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It's the same message when you try to open the www.myp2p.eu website. Does that mean this website is off limits? The message in Thai is relating the non-access to the state of emergency in effect at the moment. Not in my province :)

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Readers may find this info useful: "How to UNblock your Website in Thailand": facthai.wordpress.com/2010/02/25/fact-blocked-update-how-to-unblock-your-website-in-thailand/

You should first be hassling your own ISP, at least daily. Make sure your hosting is paid-up. When you're sure you're honest, start shaking up MICT. Be polite and persistent. In your case, I would also recommend you file a complaint with TAT and the govt's PR Dept.

Govt claims to be blocking 50,000 websites. We think it's more like 65,000+. In any case, at least 20,000 of these have been added during the 90-day state of emergency.

The decree is up for renewal on June 7. All website blocking which occurred without a court order (required under the Computer Crimes Act) will become illegal once the emergency is lifted. That means, theoretically, all these websites should be unblocked.

Don't like this? Sign FACT's petition: facthai.wordpress.com/sign

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