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Why Thai Girls Don't Shave There Legs?


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We don't have much hair on or legs.

However do like to remove hair under our armpits and private area.

It is not polite to have hair in those places.

Sorry, but I don't agree with you. It has been my experience that Thai women don't remove hair in their private area unless they are dancers or involved in the night life industry.

I have surveyed a very large number of women from all over Thailand in many different economic situations. If you don't mind me asking where do you get your information as I find it contradictory.

I also find Thai women have very hairy legs. Chinese less so and Vietnamese even less. Where do you find all these Thai women with no hair on their legs?

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However do like to remove hair under our armpits and private area.

It is not polite to have hair in those places.

Yes, I saw a girl with hairy pits today and I thought, "how rude!" :)

I think you will find many older men who grew up looking at pictures of women with hairy armpits in old men's magazines. Hence they might find it erotic. Especially older French postcards and those kinds of things.

Google images, hairy women and you will discover it is quite an industry.

I think you will find men who would reject a women based on hair are the new wave airy fairy types. Real men look deeper into the nature of a woman rather than get hung up on superficial issues like hair.

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You know whats funny, too! Many many Thai Girls like to whitening there faces with those Baby Powder.

Then when you take a picture with them you can clearly see the white powder all over there face. :)

Happens many time. I do have dozens of pictures in my stock.

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I find it really weird that Thai women don't! Even for me as a women it looks ugly. What also wonders me, is that many Thai women use a lot of time to dress up nice and put their hair. But then, they don't use any makeup? For me, it's like something wasn't finished.
We don't have much hair on or legs.

However do like to remove hair under our armpits and private area.

It is not polite to have hair in those places.

Sorry, but I don't agree with you. It has been my experience that Thai women don't remove hair in their private area unless they are dancers or involved in the night life industry.

I have surveyed a very large number of women from all over Thailand in many different economic situations. If you don't mind me asking where do you get your information as I find it contradictory.

I also find Thai women have very hairy legs. Chinese less so and Vietnamese even less. Where do you find all these Thai women with no hair on their legs?

Sorry guys you are wrong if you compare Thai and other oriental women

and men you will see that they have very minimal body hair. (I do have

reasonable experience with Asian ladies bodies)

European and Arabic people tend to be hairy. Not a good thing really, feel

more sorry for the women.

I do not know where these hairy Thai people are that some posters are

mentioning. Jealous female posters by any chance?

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Is the OP kidding? I've been with countless Thai women and none of them needed to shave their legs. The hair there is so short and fine it's near impossible to see without the right lighting ... and it's impossible to pull with my fingers. My Thai girlfriend is 26 and has never shaved her legs because she does not need to ... and her legs feel very smooth. She does pluck the hair under her arms. The only thing she shaves is her kitten.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Is the OP kidding? I've been with countless Thai women and none of them needed to shave their legs. The hair there is so short and fine it's near impossible to see without the right lighting ... and it's impossible to pull with my fingers. My Thai girlfriend is 26 and has never shaved her legs because she does not need to ... and her legs feel very smooth. She does pluck the hair under her arms. The only thing she shaves is her kitten.

My wife is now 52 She has never shaved her legs and they could put a babies bum to shame. The armpits have very little hair which she plucks.

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One of my (female) staff members legs would put Ryan Giggs to shame re: hairiness.

I changed her desktop screen saver once and out a Philips Ladyshave on there. She asked "What is this?" Bless her.

The resultant conversation ended up with the fact that she would be cold in the air con in our office if she shaved her legs.

The other girls agreed.

I gave up. :)

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Frankly what a Thai woman or any woman wants to do with her body hair is her business.

If you are dating a lady and you prefer her to shave, just politely tell her that you like the feel of her skin without hair. If she doesnt want to shave, then either live with it or move on if you find it so distasteful. As for women in general, its her choice, and none of your business.

Some of you are downright offensive, even to go so far as to go into someones computer to put a screensaver of a ladyshave.

I think this thread has (over)ran its course.


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