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Why? Thai quirks you always wanted to know


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I remember you mentioning species before Scamp, don't you mean different race?

  Surely we are all the same species. :D

Surely we are all from the same race Mr Madness? :D

We're all the same species, but not all the same race Mr Plachon :D

Funny that; me, the Mrs and the somtam lady down the soi are all members of the human race, trying our darnedest to avoid becoming part of the rat race. :D How's about you Mr Madness, from which race do you hail? :D

Maybe Khun Madness is from ??? :o

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I remember you mentioning species before Scamp, don't you mean different race?

  Surely we are all the same species. :D

Surely we are all from the same race Mr Madness? :D

We're all the same species, but not all the same race Mr Plachon :D

Funny that; me, the Mrs and the somtam lady down the soi are all members of the human race, trying our darnedest to avoid becoming part of the rat race. :D How's about you Mr Madness, from which race do you hail? :D

The rat race is inevitable at some point :D

I'm English so I suppose could say caucasian race, my girlfriend is Thai and part of the Asian race (Thai Race)?

following this definition:

1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.

Of course we are all part of the human race, but isn't that more of a species thing?

We are of course all the same species.

I feel confusion coming on :o, how do we define ourselves as different, it's by race right coz certainly not species? We do have our genetic differences.

Edited by bkkmadness
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There are perfectly reasonable explanations to all the points above. It might take time to explain why Thais do this or why Thais do that, but there's a reason anyway.

Toilet paper rolls are cheaper so people are just trying to cut costs. Buses are in public service and so they need to be as fast and efficient as possible. If they need to pick up or drop off people it's considered more important than whatever your little business in your private car is.

Ice in beer? Thais didn't invent beer. Thais didn't invent Octoberfests or any of the "beer culture". If they feel it tastes better with ice, why challenge it? They are not bound by traditions here.

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Why do farangs drink directly out of the beer bottle? Is it just a macho thing or are they concerned that the glasses may not be as clean as the top of the bottle? Anyway, it makes no sense to me to drink out of a 15 mm diameter orifice rather than a 65 mm diameter orifice.

With the smaller orifice there is a lower rate of alcohol evaporating out of your beer in between sips in comparison to drinking from the bigger orifice. Makes perfect sense :o

Beer is not sipped, it's swilled (as in 'beer swiller'). Whisky is sipped.

There will not be a significant amount of evaporation at 3 degC whatever the size of the orifice. Particularly in the humid climate of Thailand.

However, I'm not a scientist so I could be wrong.

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Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

That one is a definate poser. There are at least four roads in our area, where the yellow lines in the middle and the white lines either side of the road, go on right to the last inch of road even when the road ends. One such road finishes halfway up an incline, and driving toward it, to all intents and purposes, the road goes on. All you can see going up is the yellow line disappearing over the brow of a hill. Only when one gets to the end of the road does one find he has been duped, and there is a twenty foot drop awaiting. We narrowly avoided disaster, only because my wife, who was driving, slowed down to look at something and approached the trap with zero velocity. Ok, if a car goes over the top and everyone is killed, we reach the next point on the agenda. Mai pen rai

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I think the poster got alot of gears for simple questions; but maybe his questions were too simple. :D

I have some better ones, IMHO. :D

(1) Why do many think that Thais are so peaceful and mai pen rai when they generally seem to be more internally volatile and jealous than westerners. And they murder and rape each other at such high rates?

(2) How can Thais consider westerners, especially the women, ..decadent and sexually depraved, when such a high proportion of Thai ladies sell themselves for cash and gifts and such a high number of Thai men frequent whores or have a steady piece on the side?

(3) How can Thais insist that Thai culture is 'superior' to the west and so many claim to want to be rid western influence, when that would essentially leave them with no electricity, tall buildings, internet, computers, airplanes, etc? :D

(4) how can Thais or any other non-white group complain about racism when they are generally far more racist than whites and can take citizenship with all rights in our countries, but rarely ever offer citizenship or amny rights for us in theirs?


(5) When the young lad that my wife knows was in a motorcycle accident (hit and run) and nearly killed, why did one of the policeman on the scene grab a large piece of wood and attempt to finish him off?



PS. :o

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I think the poster got alot of gears for simple questions; but maybe his questions were too simple.  :D

I have some better ones, IMHO.  :D

(1) Why do many think that Thais are so peaceful and mai pen rai when they generally seem to be more internally volatile and jealous than westerners. And they murder and rape each other at such high rates?

(2) How can Thais consider westerners, especially the women, ..decadent and sexually depraved, when such a high proportion of Thai ladies sell themselves for cash and gifts and such a high number of Thai men frequent whores or have a steady piece on the side?

(3) How can Thais insist that Thai culture is 'superior' to the west and so many claim to want to be rid western influence, when that would essentially leave them with no electricity, tall buildings, internet, computers, airplanes, etc?  :D

(4) how can Thais or any other non-white group complain about racism when they are generally far more racist than whites and can take citizenship with all rights in our countries, but rarely ever offer citizenship or amny rights for us in theirs?


(5) When the young lad that my wife knows was in a motorcycle accident (hit and run) and nearly killed, why did one of the policeman on the scene grab a large piece of wood and attempt to finish him off?



PS.  :o

that word 'hypocracy'

used world wide my friend

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I think the poster got alot of gears for simple questions; but maybe his questions were too simple.  :D

I have some better ones, IMHO.  :D

(1) Why do many think that Thais are so peaceful and mai pen rai when they generally seem to be more internally volatile and jealous than westerners. And they murder and rape each other at such high rates?

(2) How can Thais consider westerners, especially the women, ..decadent and sexually depraved, when such a high proportion of Thai ladies sell themselves for cash and gifts and such a high number of Thai men frequent whores or have a steady piece on the side?

(3) How can Thais insist that Thai culture is 'superior' to the west and so many claim to want to be rid western influence, when that would essentially leave them with no electricity, tall buildings, internet, computers, airplanes, etc?  :D

(4) how can Thais or any other non-white group complain about racism when they are generally far more racist than whites and can take citizenship with all rights in our countries, but rarely ever offer citizenship or amny rights for us in theirs?


(5) When the young lad that my wife knows was in a motorcycle accident (hit and run) and nearly killed, why did one of the policeman on the scene grab a large piece of wood and attempt to finish him off?



PS.  :o

I'm sort of new to Thailand and was hoping this subject would get going in the manner it was intended so I could learn more about the local ways. So thanks for posting this, I'll be watching for the answers. Hopefully they won't all be empty headed and flippant.


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I have a theory on the use of toilet paper in Thailand. Whenever the first foreign trader (probably a farang, or French trader) brought the first roll of TP to Siam, there was no reason for anybody to think it was for wiping their rear end. It was obviously a handy, cheap source of cleaning tissue.

Isaan Alex, I've grown to appreciate your point of view. :o

In some parts of Thailand, many drivers stay in the proper lane most of the time. Except to turn left, most car/lorry drivers stay out of the motorcycle lane. When you guys brought your Thai wives back home to the USA, UK or Singapore, did they think we were incredibly and stupidly enslaved to countless unimportant rules and regulations?

Living here these two short years has taught me that an awful lot of things I thought were just obviously, innately, inherently essential - were totally optional. It doesn't matter. It really, actually doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot whether it's 10:02 or 9:51.

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... When you guys brought your Thai wives back home to the USA, UK or Singapore, did they think we were incredibly and stupidly enslaved to countless unimportant rules and regulations?

Living here these two short years has taught me that an awful lot of things I thought were just obviously, innately, inherently essential - were totally optional.  It doesn't matter.  It really, actually doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot whether it's 10:02 or 9:51.

Absolutely bang on Ms Blondie! I'm here in this admittedly alien (and charming) culture precicely because I am tired of the plethora of petty rules in the West (OK, England, which is probably the worst in Europe). And yes, before anyone says that all countries have daft rules, It's only in the West that there are whole armies of enforcers, who actually seem to care that such rules are enforced, for no reason beyond that fact that they are rules.

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"(4) how can Thais or any other non-white group complain about racism when they are generally far more racist than whites and can take citizenship with all rights in our countries, but rarely ever offer citizenship or amny rights for us in theirs?"

I scratch my head on this one every time I hear a complaint about racism in the US. I think the distinguishing factor is that in the US we (most people at least) realize that racism has existed and still exists in the US, and therefore something needs to be done to address the issue. When action is taken – either voluntarily or forced by the legal system – many times it gets national and some times international press coverage. However in Thailand they basically refuse to acknowledge that racism exists and therefore no action is taken to correct the problems.

I have hard the argument in regard to “cultural protection” a number of times to validate racism in Asia. Same defense was used decades ago to justify lynching in the US – get a clue.

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Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

I think it's become a habit. Before fridges were commonplace, cold beer was not available everywhere but ice seemed to be. Therefore the ice was added to warm beer to cool it down. Now, even though cold beer is more readily available, ice is still added. And yes, it does effectively reduce the alcohol content.

Why do farangs drink directly out of the beer bottle? Is it just a macho thing or are they concerned that the glasses may not be as clean as the top of the bottle? Anyway, it makes no sense to me to drink out of a 15 mm diameter orifice rather than a 65 mm diameter orifice.

but then why do we need straws?

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but then why do we need straws?

Yes, when funnels are so much more practical :o

The OP was stating the quirkiness of LoS. He was not, from what I read, saying it was wrong, stupid or illogical - just quirky from our, the Western, point of view. I think he suffered a lot of undeserved flak for it.

I think it is a valid subject - somethings do/did seem very strange to us (especially as newbies). There are usually logical reasons for them - cultural or geographical (the weather for example) - but they still seem strange to us at first. OK, quirkiness has a shelf-life. Like strange smells, we get used to them and they seem to disapear, but new people on the scene quickly whiff the smell.

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alas donny, looking at your avatar, you're a kiwi i guess :D

guess what, i'll better not start about the kiwi's quirks of which i know many off :D

just accept things the way they are and you feel much better for it, i did, and far as ice in beer goes, its the best thing the thai's ever invented, my heineken without surely taste like sh1t :o

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PeaceBlondie wrote:

Isaan Alex, I've grown to appreciate your point of view.
You're a bright guy; it was inevitable. :D

wolf5370 wrote:

I think it is a valid subject - somethings do/did seem very strange to us (especially as newbies). There are usually logical reasons for them - cultural or geographical (the weather for example) - but they still seem strange to us at first. 

I agree.

And often it is a matter of perspective, and, just as often,... bias.

I have 3 examples, (2 of which are personal).



When I first started visiting Thailand came across a scene in my wifes village where a very large group of Thai men were sitting around in a circle and doing 'shots'. One to the next, a man would take a large swill of beer and chase it with 'water'.

"What a bunch of fookin pussies", was my first thought. Like many in the west I 'knew' that generic Asian couldn't handle their booze; so I thought it very amusing to see a bunch of men drinking beer and having to chase it with water.

[ :o ]

In fact I was wrong. It's true that they were chasing one drink with another. But I got both substance and order mixed up.

They weren't chasing beer with water, but in fact were chasing 'lao cow' ('rice whiskey')...with beer. :D



I've read frequently that The Huns were so savage and uncivilised that they didn't even eat cooked meat. They would simply put raw meat between their thighs or in between themselves and their horse to 'cook' it (through friction) as they rode.

I never gave it much though until I read a scathing retort by a Hungarian fellow, (many of whom rightly or wrongly consider the Huns their forefathers...)

He stated that they (The Huns) were not in fact trying to 'cook' their meat whatsoever. But the placing of raw meat (primarily) in between themselves and their horses was actually a means to prevent/minimise 'saddle sores' to their animals.

Along with a practical means of transport, I can accept this as being reasonable...

Lastly, :D



While I lived in Korea I got a pretty good taste of why Koreans are frequently despised by many foreigners who live there for any period; in truth, far too many are unethical, liars, etc. And despite a popular perception by many in the west, they are nothing like the Japanese when it comes to cleanliness...

It was for this reason that I wasn't much surprised when I often saw (the very sociable) Koreans sitting around after a meal and dropping their cigarrette ashes into their 'condiments' (Kimchi, etc).

"Just another example of the uncouth Koreans", is what I initially thought.

But then I came to understand that it's not unheard of for restauranteurs to 'recycle' leftover condiments and re-serve them to new guests.

Very unsanitary, and not what you would hope for.

So, to ensure that this didn't happen, after a meal a good many Koreans would drop ashes into their now used condiments...so they couldn't then be 'recycled' onto the next unwitting patron...

A perfect example in my mind of something which at first appears very uncouth and ignorant, but which in fact is an act of regard for others...(and oneself, if all patrons do likewise)...

In short, there are many differences that we just don't understand, and I make it a hobby to try to.

But, on the other hand, what I don't understand is why so many foreigners will, due to positive bias vehemently defend small cultural differences (that really need no defending) but willfully (or 'negligently') overlook real, glaring, important and/or... indefensible differences ; most often with respect to human rights abuses, blatant racism, alcoholism, corruption, sexual abuse, etc, etc.


PS. The cop wanted the young lad dead as he was the only witness to the vehicle that hit him and subsequently fled the scene. No description of the vehicle=no leads=case closed. Worth a life in some parts of the world... :D

Edited by IsaanAlex
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Two months ago I went to Guanxi Provence in China for a holiday. It was a completely new experience for me but I adapted to their customs quite well, using the "Chinese" toilet was an experience, especially when on the 3rd day I developed diahorea. But I talked to a chinese women, she said many westerners in China expect the western style toilets, often demanding them. All i say is learn to adapt to the asian way, surely it is part of the fun!

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but then why do we need straws?

Yes, when funnels are so much more practical :o

The OP was stating the quirkiness of LoS. He was not, from what I read, saying it was wrong, stupid or illogical - just quirky from our, the Western, point of view. I think he suffered a lot of undeserved flak for it.

I think it is a valid subject - somethings do/did seem very strange to us (especially as newbies). There are usually logical reasons for them - cultural or geographical (the weather for example) - but they still seem strange to us at first.

I agree. For me the original intent of this discussion was not about 'us' against 'them' it's about trying to understand why thais are the way they are, and why they do certain things.

For those of you who have lived here a long time, good for you, I'm glad you have assimilated so well that this subject bores you. But for those of us who are new, everything is a mystery and we of course are curious, perhaps like you once were? We are not anti thai like some are posting, we just want to understand.

OK, quirkiness has a shelf-life. Like strange smells, we get used to them and they seem to disapear, but new people on the scene quickly whiff the smell.

Very well put :D


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but then why do we need straws?

Yes, when funnels are so much more practical :o

The OP was stating the quirkiness of LoS. He was not, from what I read, saying it was wrong, stupid or illogical - just quirky from our, the Western, point of view. I think he suffered a lot of undeserved flak for it.

I think it is a valid subject - somethings do/did seem very strange to us (especially as newbies). There are usually logical reasons for them - cultural or geographical (the weather for example) - but they still seem strange to us at first. OK, quirkiness has a shelf-life. Like strange smells, we get used to them and they seem to disapear, but new people on the scene quickly whiff the smell.

thats exactly right, thank you. And btw had ice in my beer a couple of times now, and its not as quirky anymore, in fact quite normal!! :D

dont care about the flak, as an asian born in a country dominated by caucasian people, i was probably thought of by most quirky or different but i took that in my stride and didnt lash out just because they didnt understand my cultural mannerisms etc.

I just wanted to know why etc so I could understand more about Thailand and the people.

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alas donny, looking at your avatar, you're a kiwi i guess :D

guess what, i'll better not start about the kiwi's quirks of which i know many off :o

Am dam proud to be one too :D

dont think this forums the correct place to post kiwi quirks but be my guest. DGS :D

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Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

I think it's become a habit. Before fridges were commonplace, cold beer was not available everywhere but ice seemed to be. Therefore the ice was added to warm beer to cool it down. Now, even though cold beer is more readily available, ice is still added. And yes, it does effectively reduce the alcohol content.

So where did they keep the ice then?

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Its Thailand n not a Farang Land...

Dont misbehave :D

Live like a thai and u will live happily eva after....


not so sure about that? Dont misbehave? AND Live like a thai man? contradiction there!...... my g/f and many other thai girls might have to disagree due to the womanising ways of a thai men, gambling and drinking habits. Im sure most will say its a western thing but it seems like the norm here, or im i creating another storm in a tea cup here?

before the other posters get offended, this is what my g/f and most of her friends have said of thai men NOT me. :D

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