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A Idle Moment Of Disparity


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Hello all.

It´s about 04.45 in LOS - 15.45 in Guatemala - and TV.com seems to be sleeping. Well, everyone except Boon Mee and Merlin.

And I of course, am slowly creeping on my way to Bedlam.

I realise this should be in the blogs, but mods, I hardly ever write much worthwhile, so allow this one, once, please.

This morning the sun beat off my dusty venetian blinds, radiating a lemon yellow (not lime :D ) glow over my bedroom.

I got up and went out to the lake.



I´m over looking the most beautiful lake in the world, above which clouds brew, preparing for the evening onslaught, which will start about an hour after I open the doors of the Maktub´ar

And so it was written. Que sera, sera. My mate in Kan is mothballing his bar for a few months, and taking his TW back to Blighty, soon. I imagine he´ll be looking forward to some proper ales and stouts.

I´ll be looking forward to entertaining a coach-load of young gap year kids from England, mostly female. They descended on the village earlier, and have promised to come and party at our bar later. Very colourful they are, in a white-skinned, slight Lobster Roast pink sort of manner.

kayoadripameazu0dd.th.jpg ]Kayo (tall one) and the gang[/url]


Thaipauly wrote of the Scamp, how he´s writing more on TV.com possibly becasuse it makes him feel at home.

I finally upgraded my Guest status to full member only after landing in Guatemala, last year.

I lived and loved a lot in Thailand. Resorts managed, School kids taught, TG´s adored, and copious fiesta´s. I spend a fair bit of time on TV.com, I have this entire past year. I does bring me back home. Lives Loved and Loves Lost.

"All these moments, lost in time - Like tears in Rain". My favorite movie quote from Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner.

I miss LOS, and I missed out on the opportunities to make a lot more friends through this site. I´d like to ramble on a bit more, but I must be off.

I wish you all the very best in your various endeavours and hope nothing but chok Dii for all.

Fare thee well my friends.

I´ve not been with an eenglish (or white) girl for a while. I´m off to open the bar before it starts raining.

Kayo :o


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your comments are most welcome here. However from the pictures it does not look like you have been dealt a bum hand. :D

looks like some kinda paradise :o

I for one like to hear from those that have moved on and what their experiences are living in another country.

Like Scamp you find it hard to tear yourself away from TV because when you are on your computer, trawling through the forums it makes you feel like you are still there (I would imagine) Thats probably why Scamp does it, and I am sure I speak for most of us when I say we are glad to hear from him.

Keep in touch and all the best

Thai Pauly.

PS Its never to late to make freinds on the forum, you have just made one here!

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Hi Thaipauly,

Thank you for your comments.

This place is certainly a little eden.

Aldous Huxley once wrote of the lake, "Lake Como (Northern Italy), it seems to me, touches on the limit of permissibly picturesque, but Lake Atitlan is Como with additional embellishments of several immense volcanoes. It really is too much of a good thing."

It´s a powerful place, that for the more hippiesque than myself is often considered to one one of the central energy vortexes of the world, along with Macchu Picchu and the like.

I´m enjoying everything about life here, and truth be told, many of my reasons are that it reminds me so of moments I´d lived in LOS.

Be it the street vendors, selling their wares, their foods. The kids running around barefoot playing various strange ball games, the street dogs, the local girls.

Small Kids here often resemble thai kids. As they get older they develop more and become more latino.

And I´m on the exact same latitude as where I was in LOS.

Thank you for you kind comments.


Don Tof.

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  • 1 month later...

Good evening/morning for thaibased readers,

Another evning break. I usually take a break betwen five and eight pm.

It gets tiring toward the nd of the wek, and although I love it dearly, sometimes a break is called for.

It's been an interesting week at tv.com. I've had a lot of fun.

Tonight it is still. So very quite. Only a few posters are online, but Tots is presumably finishing his pubcrawl of a UK saturday night. Scamp is closer to thai morning time, grabbing gulps of inspiration for his next stories of a new experience in a new land; China. The girls and boys in BKK are undoubtebly mostly asleep, or wondering what happened at the party and counter clock is reading

Party time! Countdown to Thaivisa.com Members' Party tonight:

Days 0 Hours -1 Minutes -47Seconds-2831

It's fun out here...

, but it's been a hard week, coming down off a week long hard work and hard party, and still trying to pay the bills, check stock, and generally do all the standard, tedious but necessary aspects of running a big capacity cocktail garden bar.

The municipality is making problems for us, as we refuse to pay the outright bribes the mayor requests, and he refuses our invitation to come with friends and or family and or anyone else he may enjoy to bring and have a fun night on the house. The landlady of the house I'm with hates my new tenant is is trying to get me to kick a vary talented, reliable, hard working musician out of my house.

A young drunk rich-kid-from-the-capital who lives out here wants to kill me and actually broke a bottle of vodka very close to my head and threatened me with both that and a gun last night. Just because I was closing up and kicking everybody out. Can't handle his drink.

I think my three customer friends and two bar staff who grabbed him and pointed the gun at his own forehead threateningly took care of him nicely though. Everybody left, alive and ready for bed.

Not an easy week all, in all. I just heard a single gun shot as I'm typing this, and now some screaming. About a block down the spot I am sitting at.

Perhaps time to get out of the street for an hour or so.

Current online users:

Member Name /  Location Time 

simcity  Viewing Forum: Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:45 

AmeriThai  Viewing Forum: General topics Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:39 

born too late  Searching... Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:30 

kbaboom  Viewing Topic: Ufo's In Thailand Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:11 

SweatySock  Using Personal Messenger Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:00 

cycloia  Viewing Topic: Nightclub Clampdown Resumes Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:52 

richard10365  Viewing Topic: Compulsory To Know The Language To Get Wp Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:51 

abdulrahman  Viewing Topic: Ubc Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:27 


jayenram  Searching... Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:09 

frankafey  Viewing Forum: Chiangmai Forum Today, 2005-07-30 08:15:50 

Jai Dee  Viewing Topic: How Was It? Today, 2005-07-30 08:15:20 

There may be more, but this are last click/ers anyway. I'm not even on there.

Oh well! Suppose I'll grab an hours kip before a big friday night at the bar.

I think I'll have a Zacapa tonight.

Ciao guys and girls.

I'll be back tomorrow.


PS: I was hoping to put some IMG links from photoshack in like last time, but the page would not allow "dynamic urls" or something? :D:D

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Good evening/morning for thaibased readers,

Another evning break. I usually take a break betwen five and eight pm.

It gets tiring toward the nd of the wek, and although I love it dearly, sometimes a break is called for.

It's been an interesting week at tv.com. I've had a lot of fun.

Tonight it is still. So very quite. Only a few posters are online, but Tots is presumably finishing his pubcrawl of a UK saturday night. Scamp is closer to thai morning time, grabbing gulps of inspiration for his next stories of a new experience in a new land; China. The girls and boys in BKK are undoubtebly mostly asleep, or wondering what happened at the party and counter clock is reading

Party time! Countdown to Thaivisa.com Members' Party tonight:

Days 0 Hours -1 Minutes -47Seconds-2831

It's fun out here...

, but it's been a hard week, coming down off a week long hard work and hard party, and still trying to pay the bills, check stock, and generally do all the standard, tedious but necessary aspects of running a big capacity cocktail garden bar.

The municipality is making problems for us, as we refuse to pay the outright bribes the mayor requests, and he refuses our invitation to come with friends and or family and or anyone else he may enjoy to bring and have a fun night on the house. The landlady of the house I'm with hates my new tenant is is trying to get me to kick a vary talented, reliable, hard working musician out of my house.

A young drunk rich-kid-from-the-capital who lives out here wants to kill me and actually broke a bottle of vodka very close to my head and threatened me with both that and a gun last night. Just because I was closing up and kicking everybody out. Can't handle his drink.

I think my three customer friends and two bar staff who grabbed him and pointed the gun at his own forehead threateningly took care of him nicely though. Everybody left, alive and ready for bed.

Not an easy week all, in all. I just heard a single gun shot as I'm typing this, and now some screaming. About a block down the spot I am sitting at.

Perhaps time to get out of the street for an hour or so.

Current online users:

Member Name /  Location Time  

simcity  Viewing Forum: Jobs, economy, banking, business, investment in Thailand Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:45 

AmeriThai  Viewing Forum: General topics Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:39 

born too late  Searching... Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:30 

kbaboom  Viewing Topic: Ufo's In Thailand Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:11 

SweatySock  Using Personal Messenger Today, 2005-07-30 08:17:00 

cycloia  Viewing Topic: Nightclub Clampdown Resumes Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:52 

richard10365  Viewing Topic: Compulsory To Know The Language To Get Wp Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:51 

abdulrahman  Viewing Topic: Ubc Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:27 


jayenram  Searching... Today, 2005-07-30 08:16:09 

frankafey  Viewing Forum: Chiangmai Forum Today, 2005-07-30 08:15:50 

Jai Dee  Viewing Topic: How Was It? Today, 2005-07-30 08:15:20 

There may be more, but this are last click/ers anyway. I'm not even on there.

Oh well! Suppose I'll grab an hours kip before a big friday night at the bar.

I think I'll have a Zacapa tonight.

Ciao guys and girls.

I'll be back tomorrow.


PS: I was hoping to put some IMG links from photoshack in like last time, but the page would not allow "dynamic urls" or something? :D:D



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sorry I'm  win :D  :D

khall64au vs   kayo  51 %


doctor_m  vs  kayo  93 % 

WHO IS DOCTOR_M??.... Is that you Bambina???? :D How did u arrive at the khall64au vs kayo statistic? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????

Well..... what do YOU know about VOLCANOES anyway??? :D:D:D

sorry baby i just know about blind spot created by the Sun

even its blind , but obviously its hotter than Volcano (or 100000000 volcanoes)


Bambi :o


Edited by BambinA
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sorry I'm  win :D  :D

khall64au vs   kayo  51 %


doctor_m  vs  kayo  93 % 

WHO IS DOCTOR_M??.... Is that you Bambina???? :D How did u arrive at the khall64au vs kayo statistic? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????

Well..... what do YOU know about VOLCANOES anyway??? :D:D:D

sorry baby i just know about blind spot created by the Sun

even its blind , but obviously its hotter than Volcano (or 100000000 volcanoes)


Bambi :o


KAYO... KAYO.. Where are you? I need I help here!... Bambi's going for the throat... KAYO !!! Kayo??? :D

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doctor_m  vs  kayo  93 % 


Ummm... Who's doctor_m then...? :o

totster :D

she is Money penny



You know Doctor_M is Bambi  :D  She's just causing trouble  :D  :D  :D

:D  :D  I think!  :D

lol Doc M dead already :D


Confused now darling! Is Dr M dead or is Kayo married?????

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Alright Folks...

Sorry to say I´ve been away for a wee while.. (like 24 hours!)

Firstly, Ladies... CALM DOWN!

Secondly... I am never, and never have been married. Bambi, you naughty girl... Go Hok Mai?

Mayhap one day with a pleasant lady from au... -phuket, :o

Thirdly... In the love statistics mentioned, it is, we shall note, DocM&Kayo, NOT Bambi&kayo, and since DocM is dead already, the test is moot...(calm down the moog, I said MOOT). Plus, I feel that all this love test stuff should be kept in the love test thread. Stop SPAMMING my thread! edit: or I will TM it (new way of saying "request thread closed" :D

Lastly, Bleedin Heck, I go away for a few hours and there´s all this.... :D

Khall, Love you darling. :D

Bambi, BeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaveeee.... :D


Tot´s Any input? :D

Edited by kayo
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